1 - 4 Points. Undergraduate-level. This course is graded Pass/Fail only
Prerequisites: Restricted to declared computer science majors. Internship credit does not count toward major requirements, but does apply toward completion of the CAS degree.
An internship in computer science is an excellent complement to formal course work. We strongly recommend that students have some practical training along with their classroom experience, so they can explore different career options and gain hands-on experience. An internship is for majors only, and students must have maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 and a computer science GPA of 3.5. The internship will be graded as Pass/Fail.
1 - 4 Points. Undergraduate-level. This course is graded Pass/Fail only
Prerequisites: Restricted to declared computer science majors. Internship credit does not count toward major requirements, but does apply toward completion of the CAS degree.
An internship in computer science is an excellent complement to formal course work. We strongly recommend that students have some practical training along with their classroom experience, so they can explore different career options and gain hands-on experience. An internship is for majors only, and students must have maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 and a computer science GPA of 3.5. The internship will be graded as Pass/Fail.
1 - 4 Points. Undergraduate-level. This course is graded Pass/Fail only
Prerequisites: Restricted to declared computer science majors. Internship credit does not count toward major requirements, but does apply toward completion of the CAS degree.
An internship in computer science is an excellent complement to formal course work. We strongly recommend that students have some practical training along with their classroom experience, so they can explore different career options and gain hands-on experience. An internship is for majors only, and students must have maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 and a computer science GPA of 3.5. The internship will be graded as Pass/Fail.
Internships are an excellent complement to classroom learning, and can be a valuable part of a student's education, especially with all of the exciting opportunities offered through our department and the Wasserman Center for Career Development .
An internship in Computer Science will not count towards the CS Major or Minor. The internship credit will count towards a student's overall degree.
The College of Arts and Sciences will allow students to take a total of 12 credits between Internships and Independent Studies, but no more than 8 points may be taken in any one department.
Note: Not all internships/employers require students to earn academic credit.
Requirements for Internship in Computer Science:
To register, please fill out the CSCI-UA 897/898 Internship Enrollment Request Form.
Registration for CSCI-UA 897/8 must be completed one week before the semester begins. Course registration will be completed by your advisor after your advisor receives the information listed above and approves your internship.
For F1 International Students: When your request for internship credit is approved by the department, you will be notified by your advisor. At that time, you will be given instruction to submit your CPT request form via the OGS website. Please do not submit your CPT request before getting approval for your internship from the department.
Evaluation is a two-step process: 1, Supervisor Evaluation, and 2, Student Evaluation.
The supervisor must complete an evaluation of the student. Supervisors can either complete the departmental evaluation form they are given or they can submit their own evaluation form. The department will contact the supervisor directly to provide the evaluation tool and further instructions.
Students who are requesting internship credit should note that they will still need to create a report that is approved by the supervisor. The supervisor must also submit an evaluation on your performance, even if you are already being evaluated as a full-time employee.
All students are required to submit a report at the end of their internship, which must end by the last day of classes. The report must be at least 4 pages in length (not including the cover page). The report should be written in your own words. One should treat the report as a professional, scholarly document. This means proper citations must be given if text is taken from a company website, trade brochures, or any other public sources. The report will count towards 20% of the internship grade. All reports must be approved by the student’s supervisor. Students can either have the supervisor sign off on a hard copy version of the report or can forward an e-mail to their advisor from the supervisor stating that the report has been read and approved. The report must be submitted to the student's advisor by the last day of classes for the semester. Failure to submit the report on time could affect the approval of a future internship. The internship cannot continue beyond the last day of the semester.
The report should follow the following format:
Cover Page
The following information must be provided on the first page. It should be centered in the middle of the page:
Disclaimer: This report is submitted to NYU’s Computer Science Department for the sole purpose of assigning an internship grade. The information remains confidential and proprietary to the company.
An abstract is not an introduction, it is a brief (50-70 words) summary of your report.
Explain which company you interned with, where the facility was located, what the business of the company is, the area you worked in and the main emphasis of your internship.
Discussion of Projects
Discuss in detail the areas of responsibility you had to deal with during your internship. Although this is an overview of your internship experience, include technical details about the projects you worked on. How many lines of code? What technologies, languages, tools, systems were used? Discuss the significance of your efforts relative to the company’s operations.
Summary and Conclusions
Summarize your work and learning experience. Explain how the internship either reinforced or changed your career goals. Discuss any new perspectives you obtained because of this experience. Elaborate on the benefits you realized from the internship. Did you face any challenges or difficulties in your assignments? How did you solve these issues? In what ways did you apply what you have learned in your graduate courses to the internship? What NYU courses have been helpful? What useful skills could NYU have provided for you? What curriculum additions or changes would you suggest as a result of your experiences?
A student will not receive a grade in the course until all required internship materials are submitted.
United States Citizens: must be declared as a Computer Science Major or Minor, to pursue an Internship.
International Students: must be declared as a Computer Science Major. International students pursuing a minor in the Computer Science Department are not eligible for internship credit. For more information on policies and procedures, please reach out to the Office of Global Services or email ogs@nyu.edu . Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Internship credits MUST be completed within the 128 required credits needed to graduate. If a student is already over 128 credits, the CPT request will NOT be approved.
If you are interested in receiving announcements about job, research and educational opportunities in Computer Science and Information Systems, we encourage you to subscribe to the opportunities@cs.nyu.edu mailing list. Please note that all announcements sent to this mailing list are moderated by the Department of Computer Science. Instructions for subscribing can be found here . Please remember to use your '@nyu.edu' e-mail address when subscribing to this list.
Keep in mind that you can always visit the Wasserman Center for Career Development to learn more about job opportunities both on and off campus.
International Students: Please reach out to the Office of Global Services (OGS) if you are interested in attending a workshop to learn more about CPT and OPT. Students must apply 3.5 months in advance for OPT.
Scheduling conflicts with internships are not an acceptable excuse for failing to meet your academic obligations including, but not limited to, attending class, arriving to class on time, taking scheduled examinations, completing homework assignments, fulfilling group work obligations, and addressing registration issues.