What is the difference between a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science at the College of Arts and Sciences compared to a Bachelor of Science at the Tandon School of Engineering?
What class can I register for if I have AP credit?
What class can I register for if I am self-taught, but no formal courses or AP credit?
If I take and pass a placement exam, do I earn academic credit towards that requirement?
What class can I register for if I have IB Credit?
May I take courses at Tandon or Tisch for my CS Major?
I am a transfer student, how many credits do I need to complete my major in CS?
I am not a College of Arts and Sciences student, may I pursue a second major in Computer Science or a minor?
Where can I study abroad?
Does an Independent Study or Internship count towards the CS Major?
How many courses can I double/triple count towards my degree requirements?
How many courses have to be completed in the Computer Science Department here at the College of Arts and Sciences to satisfy the Major?
How many courses have to be completed in the Computer Science Department here at the College of Arts and Sciences to satisfy the Minor?
How many credits are needed to complete the Major in Computer Science?
How many credits are needed to complete the Joint Major in Computer and Data Science?
How many credits are needed to complete the Joint Major in Computer and Mathematics?
How many online credits can I count toward my degree?
College Board AP Credits, A Levels, International Baccalaureate HL Exam Scores, internal NYU Study Abroad courses are equivalent to our courses, however, they do not satisfy the residency requirement for the College of Arts & Sciences at the New York City, Washington Square campus. |
New York University’s College of Arts and Science (NYU CAS) offers robust study abroad programs, enabling students to immerse themselves in global cultures and gain diverse academic perspectives. However, CAS students must meet a 50% residency requirement for their majors, which means at least half of the courses required for their declared major must be completed at NYU CAS. This policy ensures that students benefit from the college's unique academic resources and maintain a strong connection to the NYU faculty and curriculum while pursuing their degree. |