The Computer Science department offers minors in Computer Science and Web Programming and Applications, and a joint minor in Computer Science/Mathematics . A Computer Science Education minor is also available in collaboration with NYU Steinhardt.
Please note the following restrictions on the minors in our department:
We teach both computer science and technology so that students can develop the skills they need to pursue their careers and interests. Our interdisciplinary approach allows for students from all backgrounds and fields to find our courses both fun and practical. We can accommodate all levels so no prior background is required. If you do have prior computer experience, we would welcome you into our advanced classes.
All College of Arts Science students are eligible to pursue any of these programs. Non-CAS students will need written authorization from their home school. Students with transfer credits are required to complete half of their minor requirements at the Computer Science department.
Students must complete one CSCI-UA course with a grade of C or better before they may declare any major or minor in this department.
A grade of C or better is necessary in all courses to fulfill the minor requirements.
For more information about minor requirements, please see the College of Arts & Science degree requirements page.
Note : Students may be eligible to place out of CSCI-UA.101 or CSCI-UA.0004. If you place out, you must replace the course with another approved Computer Science course. Please contact the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Computer Science Minors Programs at to see if you're eligible to take a placement exam.
Note : Students may be eligible to place out of CSCI-UA.0002 or CSCI-UA.0004. If you place out, you must replace the course with another approved Computer Science course. Please contact the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Computer Science Minors Programs at to see if you're eligible to take a placement exam.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be observed:
Students must complete one CSCI-UA course with a recorded grade of C or better before they can declare this joint minor (this policy applies to all NYU students, not just to those matriculated in CAS).
At most one mathematics course in the joint minor may be transfer credit; the other must be taken at CAS with the MATH-UA designation.
At most one computer science course in the joint minor may be transfer credit; the other must be taken at CAS with the CSCI-UA designation.
Students who wish to double-count courses for the minor and another requirement may count at most two such courses toward the minor. At most one mathematics course in the joint minor may be transfer credit, the other must be taken at CAS. Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the minor. A grade of C or better is required in all courses to count toward the minor.
Computer science is a rapidly growing field, and skilled teachers are in demand. Become one of them. In this 18-credit minor, you will take computer science classes at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Tandon School of Engineering, and computer science education courses and education electives through NYU Steinhardt's Department of Teaching and Learning. You'll be prepared to teach computer science and programming to children and adolescents, working in schools, museums, community centers, and other educational settings. This minor is open to all NYU students. More information is available here.
For more information please review the Course Descriptions or contact the Program Administrator, in CIWW 323 or 306.