The computer science major usually requires a minimum of three years to complete and comprises 7 required courses and 5 elective courses for a total of 12 courses. A grade of C or better is required in each course and must be satisfied to go on to the next level of coursework.
If you are an advanced student who would like to explore research , it is recommended that you take as many CS classes as early as possible so that you can take advanced electives or graduate-level courses.
For students that have NEVER taken a CS course:
Fall | Spring | ||
Freshmen Semester 1 |
CSCI-UA 2, Introduction to Computer Programming MATH-UA 9, Algebra and Calculus |
Freshmen Semester 2 |
CSCI-UA 101, Introduction to Computer Science MATH-UA 121, Calculus I |
Sophomore Semester 3 |
CSCI-UA 102, Data Structures MATH-UA 120, Discrete Math |
Sophomore Semester 4 |
CSCI-UA 201, Computer Systems Organization CSCI-UA 310, Basic Algorithms |
Junior Semester 5 |
CSCI-UA 202, Operating Systems CSCI-UA 400, Elective |
Junior Semester 6 |
CSCI-UA 400, Elective CSCI-UA 400, Elective |
Senior Semester 7 |
CSCI-UA 400, Elective | Senior Semester 8 |
CSCI-UA 400, Elective |
For students that have only 5 SEMESTERS to satisfy the CS Major:
Fall | Spring | ||
Semester 1 | CSCI-UA 2, Introduction to Computer Programming MATH-UA 9, Algebra and Calculus |
Semester 2 | CSCI-UA 101, Introduction to Computer Science MATH-UA 121, Calculus I |
Semester 3 | CSCI-UA 102, Data Structures MATH-UA 120, Discrete Math MATH-UA 140, Linear Algebra |
Semester 4 | CSCI-UA 201, Computer Systems Organization CSCI-UA 310, Basic Algorithms MATH-UA 122, Calculus II |
Semester 5 | CSCI-UA 202, Operating Systems CSCI-UA 400, Elective CSCI-UA 400, Elective CSCI-UA 400, Elective |
* Please note that we do not advise taking more than 2 CS courses at one time, but this sequence is possible for students with limited time at NYU.
For students that have AP CREDIT FOR CS 101, CALCULUS I & II on their NYU Transcript:
Fall | Spring | ||
Freshmen Semester 1 |
CSCI-UA 102, Data Structures MATH-UA 120, Discrete Math MATH-UA 140, Linear Algebra |
Freshmen Semester 2 |
CSCI-UA 201, Computer Systems Organization CSCI-UA 310, Basic Algorithms |
Sophomore Semester 3 |
CSCI-UA 202, Operating Systems CSCI-UA 400, Elective CSCI-UA 400, Elective CSCI-UA 400, Elective |
* This track is for students interested in the following:
* Please note that we do not advise taking more than 2 CS courses at one time.
If you intend to pursue graduate school after graduation, it is not enough to just take classes. You need to gain research experience . If you intend to go directly into the work force upon graduation, then you should consider the 400-level courses oriented towards advanced industrial technology, such as Applied Internet Technologies, Object Oriented Programming, Database Systems, Computer Graphics, Unix Tools, Introduction to Multimedia and Software Engineering.
Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates
A limited number of graduate courses are open to undergraduate students who have maintained a GPA of 3.5 or better in computer science, subject to permission of the director of undergraduate studies. These may be substituted for undergraduate elective credit, or reserved for graduate credit if the student is pursuing the accelerated master's program. Consult your advisor for further details.
The joint major in Computer Science and Math requires a minimum of 18 courses / 72 credits.
The CS portion of the CSMA major requires 8 courses/32 credits:
1. CSCI-UA 101
2. CSCI-UA 102
3. CSCI-UA 201
4. CSCI-UA 202
5. CSCI-UA 310
6. CSCI-UA 421
7. CS 400 Level Elective
8. CS 400 Level Elective
Please consider the following course sequence for the CS portion of the joint major in Computer Science and Math:
Freshmen Fall: MATH-UA 9 & CSCI-UA 2
Freshmen Spring: MATH-UA 121 & CSCI-UA 101
Sophomore Fall: MATH-UA 120 & CSCI-UA 102
Sophomore Spring: CSCI-UA 201 & CSCI-UA 310
Junior Fall: CSCI-UA 202 & CSCI-UA 421
Junior Spring: Two (2) CS 400 Level Electives
The major in Economics & Computer Science requires a minimum of 22 courses / 88 credits.
The CS & Math portion of the CS & ECON major requires 13 courses/52 credits:
1. MATH-UA 120
2. MATH-UA 131
3. MATH-UA 132
4. MATH-UA 133
5. CSCI-UA 101
6. CSCI-UA 102
7. CSCI-UA 201
8. CSCI-UA 202
9. CSCI-UA 310
10. CS 400 Level Elective
11. CS 400 Level Elective
12. CS 400 Level Elective
13. CS 400 Level Elective
Please consider the following course sequence for the CS and Math portion of the joint major in Economics and Computer Science:
Freshmen Fall: MATH-UA 9 & CSCI-UA 2
Freshmen Spring: MATH-UA 131 & CSCI-UA 101
Sophomore Fall: MATH-UA 120, MATH-UA 132 & CSCI-UA 102
Sophomore Spring: MATH-UA 133 & CSCI-UA 201
Junior Fall: CSCI-UA 202 & CSCI-UA 310
Junior Spring: Two (2) CS 400 Level Electives
Senior Fall: Two (2) CS 400 Level Electives
The joint major in Computer and Data Science requires a minimum of 18 courses / 72 credits.
The CS & Math portion of the C & DS major requires 13 courses/52 credits:
1. MATH-UA 121
2. MATH-UA 120
3. MATH-UA 122
4. MATH-UA 140
5. MATH-UA 235
6. CSCI-UA 101
7. CSCI-UA 102
8. CSCI-UA 201
9. CSCI-UA 310
10. CSCI-UA 473
11. CSCI-UA 479
12. One Big Data Elective: CSCI-UA 475 or CSCI-UA 476
13. CS 400 Level Elective
Please consider the following course sequence for the CS & Math portion of the joint major in Computer and Data Science:
Freshmen Fall: MATH-UA 9 & CSCI-UA 2
Freshmen Spring: MATH-UA 121 & CSCI-UA 101
Sophomore Fall: MATH-UA 120, MATH-UA 122 & CSCI-UA 102
Sophomore Spring: MATH-UA 140 & CSCI-UA 201
Junior Fall: MATH-UA 235 & CSCI-UA 310
Junior Spring: CSCI-UA 473 & One Big Data Elective: CSCI-UA 475 or CSCI-UA 476
Senior Fall: CSCI-UA 479 & a CS 400 level elective
For a custom course sequence for a major in our department, please email and include the following:
1. NYU Student ID# (it begins with the letter "N")
2. Proposed Major
3. Expected Graduation Date