Anonymous Abbreviation List [9,707 entries] |
A (1390 abbreviations) |
3AB | 3-aminobenzamide. |
A&B | apnea and bradycardia. |
A&BC | air and bone conduction. |
A&I | allergy and immunology. |
A&P | anterior and posterior. |
A&P | auscultation and palpation. |
A&P | auscultation and percussion. |
A&W | alive and well. |
A | adenine. |
A | alanine. |
A | arteriole. |
A | asymptomatic, no symptoms (e.g. in Hodgkin lymphoma). |
a | autopsy. |
A/B | acid-base ratio. |
A/G | albumin/globulin ratio. |
A/O | alert and orientated. |
A/V | ampere/volt. |
A/V | arteriovenous. |
A>B | air greater than bone (conduction). |
A1 | aortic first sound. |
A1AT | alpha-1-antitrypsin. |
A2 | aortic second sound. |
A2U | alpha 2u-globulin. |
A-a 02 | alveolo-arterial oxygen tension. |
aa seq | amino acid sequence. |
aa | (Greek: Ana) of each. |
AA | arachidonic acid. |
aa | arteries. |
AA | reactive (secondary) amyloidosis. |
AAA | abdominal aortic aneurysm. |
AAA | adenine-adenine-adenine codon for lysine. |
AAA | diagnostic arthroscopy, operative arthroscopy, and possible operative arthrotomy. |
AAAASF | American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. |
AAAP | activity of antiactivator in plasma. |
AABB | American Association of Blood Banks. |
AAC | adenine-adenine-cytosine codon for asparagine. |
AACPDM | American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
AACR | American Association for Cancer Research. |
Aad | aminoadipic acid. |
AADC | amino acid decarboxylase. |
AAE | American Association of Endodontists. |
AAETS | American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. |
AAF | 2-acetylaminofluorene. |
AAF | anterior auditory field. |
AAF | astrocytoma with atypical/anaplastic foci. |
AAF/OL | anaplastic astrocytomas /oligodendrogliomas. |
AAFP | American Academy of Family Physicians. |
AAG | adenine-adenine-guanine codon for lysine. |
AAHKS | American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
AAHS | American Association for Hand Surgery (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
AAL | anterior axillary line. |
AAMC | Association of American Medical Colleges. |
AAMI | Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. |
AAMT | American Association for Medical Transcriptionists. |
AAN | American Academy of Neurology. |
AANA | Arthroscopy Association of North America (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
AANOS | The American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons. |
AANS | American Association of Neurological Surgeons. |
AAO | American Academy of Ophthalmology. |
AAo | ascending aorta. |
AAOC | antacid of choice. |
AAofA | Ambulance Association of America. |
AAOFAS | American Association of Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeons. |
AAOHN | American Association of Occupational Health Nurses. |
AAOM | American Academy of Oral Medicine. |
AAOO | American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. |
AAOP | American Academy of Oral Pathology. |
AAOP | American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. |
AAOPP | American Association of Osteopathic Postgraduate Physicians. |
AAOS | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. |
AAOT | Asociacion Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatologia (Argentinian Orthopaedic Association). |
AAOx3 | awake, alert and oriented x 3 (to person, place and time). |
AAP | air at atmospheric pressure. |
AAP | American Academy of Pediatrics. |
AAP | American Academy of Pedodontics. |
AAP | American Academy of Periodontology. |
AAP | American Academy of Psychoanalysis. |
AAP | American Academy of Psychotherapists. |
AAP | American Association of Pathologists. |
AAP | aminoantipyrine. |
AAP | Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis. |
AAP | Association of Academic Physiatrists. |
AAP | Association of American Physicians. |
AaP02 | (A-a) P02, alveolo-arterial oxygen tension difference. |
AAPA | American Academy of Physician Assistants. |
AAPA | American Association of Pathologist Assistants. |
AAPB | American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists. |
AAPC | antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis. |
AAPCC | adjusted annual per capita cost. |
AAPCC | adjusted average per capita cost. |
AAPCC | American Association of Poison Control Centers. |
AaPco2 | (A-a)Pc02 alveolo-arterial carbon dioxide tension difference. |
AAPF | anti-arteriosclerosis polysaccharide factor. |
AAPH | 2,2'-azobis-(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride. |
AAPHD | American Association of Public Health Dentists. |
AAPHP | American Association of Public Health Physicians. |
AAPL | American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. |
AAPM&R | American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. |
AAPM | American Association of Physicists in Medicine. |
AAPMC | antibiotic-associated pseudo-membranous colitis. |
AAPMR | American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. |
AAPOS | American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. |
AAPP | American Academy on Physician and Patient. |
AAPPO | American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations. |
AAPS | American Association of Plastic Surgeons. |
AAPS | Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale. |
AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. |
AAPSM | American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine. |
AAR | active avoidance reaction. |
AAR | acute articular rheumatism. |
aar | against all risks. |
AAR | antigen-antiglobulin reaction. |
AARC | American Association for Respiratory Care. |
AARDA | American Autoimune Related Diseases Association. |
AARE | automobile accident, rear end. |
AAROM | active assertive range of motion. |
AAROM | active assisted range of motion. |
AARP | American Association of Retired Persons. |
AAS | Aarskog-Scott (syndrome). |
AAS | acid aspiration syndrome. |
AAS | alcoholic abstinence syndrome. |
AAS | American Academy of Sanitarians. |
AAS | American Analgesia Society. |
AAS | aneurysm of atrial septum. |
AAS | anthrax anti serum. |
AAS | aortic arch syndrome. |
AAS | atomic absorption spectrophotometry. |
AASD | American Academy of Stress Disorders. |
AASH | adrenal androgen stimulating hormone. |
AASH | American Association for the Study of Headache. |
AASK | African American Study of Kidney Diseases and Hypertension Pilot Study. |
AASP | acute atrophic spinal paralysis. |
AASP | American Association of Senior Physicians. |
AASP | ascending aorta synchronized pulsation. |
AASS | American Association for Social Security. |
AAST | American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. |
AAT | Aachen Aphasia Test. |
AAT | academic aptitude test. |
AAT | alanine aminotransferase. |
AAT | alkylating agent therapy. |
AAT | alpha-1-antitrypsin. |
AAT | atrial triggered (pacemaker). |
AAT | auditory apperception test. |
AAT | automatic atrial tachycardia. |
AATS | American Association for Thoracic Surgery. |
AAU | acute anterior uveitis. |
AAU | adenine-adenine-uracil codon for asparagine. |
AAV | adeno-associated virus. |
AAVMC | Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges. |
AAVP | American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists. |
AAVPT | American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. |
AAW | anterior aortic wall. |
AAWD | American Association of Women Dentists. |
AAWM | American Academy of Wound Management. |
AB, Ab | abortion. |
AB | abdominal. |
AB | abnormal. |
ab | abortion. |
AB | Ace bandage. |
AB | active bilaterally. |
AB | aid to the blind. |
AB | alcian blue. |
AB | alertness behavior. |
AB | antibiotic. |
Ab | antibiotic. |
ab | antibody. |
Ab | antibody. |
AB | antibody. |
AB | antigen binding. |
AB | apex beat. |
AB | asbestos body. |
AB | asthmatic bronchitis. |
AB | axiobuccal. |
aB | azure B. |
AB | Bachelor of Arts (Lat.Artium Baccalaureus). |
AB | blood group AB. |
ABA | abscissic acid. |
ABA | allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. |
ABA | American Board of Anesthesiologists. |
ABA | antibacterial activity. |
ABA | arrest before arrival. |
ABA | Arthroscopie Belge - Belgian Arthroscopy Association. |
ABAT | American Board of Applied Toxicology. |
Abb | abbreviations. |
ABB | Albright-Butler-Bloomberg syndrome. |
ABB | American Board of Bioanalysis. |
ABB | Asea Brown Boveri. |
ABBQ | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Beliefs and Behavior Questionnaire. |
abbr | abbreviation, abbreviated. |
ABC | absolute basophil count. |
ABC | absolute bone conduction. |
ABC | acalculous biliary colic. |
ABC | acid balance control. |
ABC | aconite-belladonna-chloroform. |
ABC | advanced breast cancer. |
ABC | airway, breathing, and circulation. |
ABC | alignment, blue, calcium (synovial fluid pearls in gout and pseudogout). |
ABC | alternative birth center. |
ABC | alum, blood, and charcoal (purification and deodorizing method). |
ABC | alum, blood, and clay (sludge deodorizing method). |
ABC | American Blood Commission. |
ABC | aneurysmal bone cyst. |
ABC | antigen-binding capacity. |
ABC | apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis. |
ABC | aspiration biopsy cytology. |
ABC | aspiration needle biopsy. |
ABC | assessment of basic competency. |
ABC | atomic, biological, and chemical (warfare). |
Abc | autoantibodies to collagen. |
ABC | avidin-biotin complex. |
ABC | axiobuccocervical. |
ABCC | Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. |
ABCD | airway, breathing, circulation, differential diagnosis (or defibrillate) - in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. |
ABCD | asymmetry, borders irregular, color variegated, diameter > 6 mm (assessment of melanoma). |
ABCDE | airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure/environmental control - trauma protocol. |
ABCDE | botulism toxin pentavalent. |
ABCDEFGH | air ways, bones, cardiac shadow, diaphragm, effusions, fields (pulmonary), gastric, hardware (chest X-ray reading mnemonic). |
ABCDES | abnormal alignment, bones-periarticular osteoporosis, cartilage joint space loss, deformities, marginal erosions, soft tissue swelling (x-ray features in rheumatoid arthritis). |
ABCDES | adjust medication, bacterial prophylaxis, cervical spine disease, deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, evaluate extent and activity of disease, stress-dose steroid coverage. |
Abd | (abdere) abdomen. |
Abd | abdominal. |
Abd | abduction. |
ABE | acetone-butanol-ethanol. |
ABE | acid-base equilibrium. |
ABE | activity before exercise. |
ABE | actual base excess. |
ABE | acute bacterial endocarditis. |
ABE | acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. |
ABE | Adult Basic Education Programs. |
ABE | American Board of Endodontics. |
ABE | aminobenzoate. |
ABE | anode-break excitation. |
ABE | antisheep beta-endorphin. |
ABE | atypical bronchial epithelium. |
Abe | autoantibodies to elastin. |
ABE | average bioequivalence. |
ABe | Averrhoa bilimbi. |
ABE | estradiol bound to albumin. |
ABE | trivalent botulinic antitoxin. |
ABE-1 | a strain of the psychrophilic marine bacterium Vibrio ABE-1. |
ABE-I | anion-binding exosite I. |
ABE-II | anion-binding exosite II. |
Abeta | beta-amyloid (component of Alzheimer's disease plaques). |
ABF | alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases. |
ABG | arterial blood gases. |
ABG | autogenous bone graft. |
ABI | ankle to brachial index. |
ABJS | Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons (AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ABMA | anti-basement membrane antibody disease (Goodpasture's syndrome). |
ABMS | American Board of Medical Specialties. |
ABMT | autologous bone marrow transplant. |
ABN | abducens nucleus. |
AbN | ablation nephropathy. |
ABN, Abn | abnormal. |
abn | abnormality of a chromosome (e.g.abn 12p). |
ABN | active bulimia nervosa (BN). |
ABN | acute bacterial nephritis. |
ABN | acute brachial neuropathy/neuritis. |
ABN | advance beneficiary notices. |
ABN | alkali-treated bound niacin. |
ABN | anterior BNST lesions (BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis). |
AbN | antibody nitrogen. |
AbN | antibody to the N terminus (of a protein or peptide). |
ABN | arched-back nursing (about laboratory rats). |
ABN | artificial background noise. |
ABN | aseptic (avascular) bone/bone marrow necrosis. |
ABN | Association of British Neurologists. |
ABN | endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinase. |
ABN | The Brazilian Academy of Neurology. |
Abn-cbd | abnormal cannabidiol. |
ABO | blood grouping system. |
ABOS | American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. |
ABP | American Board of Pathology. |
ABP | American Board of Pediatrics. |
ABP | androgen binding protein. |
ABPA | allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. |
ABPB | abductor pollicis brevis (also APB). |
ABPL | abductor pollicis longus (also APL). |
ABR | auditory brainstem response audiometry. |
ABS | American Back Society. |
ABS | arterial blood pressure. |
ABTA | American Brain Tumor Association. |
ABVD | adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (regimen used to treat Hodgkin's disease). |
ABW | actual body weight. |
AC | acromioclavicular joint. |
AC | air conduction. |
AC | alternating current. |
ac | ante cenam, before meal/s. |
AC/SIUG | ambulatory care special-interest user group. |
ACA | adenine-cytosine-adenine codon for threonine. |
ACA | American Chiropractic Association. |
ACA | Amputee Coalition of America (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
AcAAP | N-acetylaminoantipyrine. |
ACC | adenine-cytosine-cytosine codon for serine. |
ACC | adenine-cytosine-cytosine codon for threonine. |
ACC | American College of Cardiology. |
ACC | anodal closure contraction. |
ACCME | Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. |
Accom. | accommodation. |
ACCP | American College Of Chest Physicians. |
ACCx | anterior cingulate cortex. |
ACD | absorbent cover dressing. |
ACD | acid-citrate-dextrose. |
ACD | allergic contact dermatitis. |
ACD | anemia of chronic disease. |
ACD | anterior cervical discectomy. |
ACD | asymmetrical cortical degeneration syndromes. |
ACD | Available Chemical Directory. |
ACDF | adult children from dysfunctional family. |
ACDF | anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. |
ACDM | Association for Clinical Data Management |
ACE | angiotensin converting enzyme. |
ACEI | angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. |
ACF | anterior cervical fusion. |
ACFAS | American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. |
ACG | adenine-cytosine-guanine codon for threonine. |
ACG | angiocardiography |
ACh | acetylcholine. |
AChR | acetylcholine receptor. |
ACI | acute coronary insufficiency. |
ACILS | American Center for International Labor Solidarity. |
ACIP | Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. |
ACJ | acromioclavicular joint (also AC joint). |
ACJT | acromioclavicular joint. |
ACL | Achievement Check List. |
ACL | acromegaloid features, cutis verticis gyrata, corneal leukoma (syndrome). |
ACL | anterior clavicular line. |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament. |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament. |
ACL | anticardiolipin (antibody). |
ACl | aspiryl chloride. |
ACLA | American Clinical Laboratory Association |
ACLC | Assessment of Children's Language Comprehension. |
ACLD | Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. |
ACLF | adult congregate living facility. |
ACLI | American Council on Life Insurance. |
aCLL | atypical chronic lymphocytic leukemia. |
ACLM | American College of Legal Medicine. |
ACLPS | Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists. |
ACLR | anterior capsulolabral reconstruction. |
ACLS | advanced cardiac life support. |
AcLV | avian acute leukemia virus. |
ACM | acetaminophen. |
ACM | acute cerebrospinal meningitis. |
ACM | Adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate. |
ACM | albumin-calcium-magnesium. |
ACM | alveolar capillary membrane. |
ACM | anticardiac myosin. |
ACM | Arnold-Chiari malformation. |
ACMA | American Occupational Medical Association. |
ACMC | Association of Canadian Medical Colleges. |
ACMD | associate chief medical director. |
ACME | Advisory Council on Medical Education. |
ACME | Automated Classification of Medical Entities. |
ACMF | arachnoid cyst of the middle fossa. |
ACMI | American College of Medical Informatics. |
ACML | atypical chronic myeloid leukemia. |
ACMP | alveolar-capillary membrane permeability. |
ACMR | Advisory Committee on Medical Research. |
ACMS | American Chinese Medical Society. |
ACMSF | Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (UK). |
ACMT | artificial circus movement tachycardia. |
ACMV | assist-controlled mechanical ventilation. |
ACN | acute conditioned neurosis ventilation. |
ACN | Ambulatory Care Network ventilation. |
ACN | American College of Neuropsychiatrists ventilation. |
ACN | American College of Nutrition. |
ACNM | American College of Nuclear Medicine Nutrition. |
ACNM | American College of Nurse-Midwives. |
ACNP | acute care nurse practitioner Midwives. |
ACNP | American College of Nuclear Physicians. |
ACO | acute coronary occlusion. |
ACO | alert, cooperative, oriented. |
ACO | anodal closure odor. |
ACOA | adult children of alcoholics. |
ACoA | anterior communicating artery. |
ACOAs | collegiate adult children of alcoholics. |
ACOEM | American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. |
ACOEP | American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians. |
ACOG | American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. |
ACOHA | American College of Osteopathic Hospital Administrators. |
ACO-HNS | American Council of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. |
ACOI | American College of Osteopathic Internists. |
ACOM | American College of Occupational Medicine. |
ACOM | anterior communicating (artery). |
AComA | anterior communicating artery. |
ACOMS | American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. |
ACOOG | American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists. |
ACOP | American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians. |
ACOP | approved code of practice. |
ACORDE | A Corsortium on Restorative Dentistry Education. |
ACOS | American College of Osteopathic Surgeons |
ACOS | American College of Osteopathic Surgeons. |
ACOS | associate chief of staff. |
ACOS/AC | associate chief of staff for ambulatory care. |
Acous | acoustics, acoustic. |
ACP | accessory conduction pathway. |
ACP | acetone powder. |
ACP | acid phosphatase. |
AcP | acid phosphatase. |
ACP | acyl carrier protein. |
ACP | American College of Pathologists. |
ACP | American College of Pharmacists. |
ACP | American College of Physicians. |
ACP | American College of Prosthodontists. |
ACP | American College of Psychiatrists. |
ACPA | American Cleft Palate Association. |
ACPC | aminocyclopentane carboxylic (acid). |
ACPE | American College of Physician Executives. |
AC-PH | ac phos acid phosphatase. |
ACPM | American College of Preventive Medicine. |
ACPOC | Association of Children's Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics (AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ACPP | adrenocortical polypeptide. |
ACPP | prostate-specific acid phosphatase. |
ACPS | acrocephalopolysyndactyly. |
ACR | abnormally contracting region. |
ACR | absolute catabolic rate. |
ACR | acriflavine. |
Acr | acrylic. |
ACR | adenomatosis of colon and rectum. |
ACR | adjusted community rate. |
ACR | ambulance call report. |
ACR | American College of Radiology. |
ACR | American College of Rheumatology. |
ACR | anticonstipation regimen. |
ACR | axillary count rate. |
ACRF | ambulatory care research facility. |
ACRI | Africa Crisis Response Initiative. |
ACRM | American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine. |
ACRPI | Association of Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical Industry. |
ACS | acute cervical strain; acute cervical sprain. |
ACS | acrocallosal syndrome. |
ACS | acrocephalosyndactyly. |
ACS | acute chest syndrome. |
ACS | acute confusional state. |
ACS | Alcon Closure System. |
ACS | American Cancer Society. |
ACS | American Chemical Society. |
ACS | American College of Surgeons. |
ACS | anodal closure sound. |
ACS | antireticular cytotoxic serum. |
ACS | aperture current setting. |
ACS | Association of Clinical Scientists |
ACSA | adenylate cyclase-stimulating activity. |
ACSE | association control service element. |
ACSF | artificial cerebrospinal fluid. |
ACSM | American College of Sports Medicine. |
ACSP | adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein. |
ACSP | Australian College of Sports Physicians. |
ACSV | aortocoronary saphenous vein. |
ACSVBG | aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass graft. |
AcT | acceleration time. |
ACT | achievement through counseling and treatment. |
ACT | actin. |
ACT | actinomycin. |
act | actinomycin. |
ACT | activated clotting time. |
ACT | active motion. |
act | activity, active. |
ACT | advanced coronary treatment. |
ACT | anterocolic transposition. |
ACT | antichymotrypsin. |
ACT | anticoagulant therapy. |
ACT | anxiety control training. |
ACT | asthma care training. |
ACT | atropine coma therapy. |
ACTA | American Cardiology Technologists Association. |
ACTA | automatic computerized transverse axial (scanning). |
Act-C | actinomycin C. |
Act-D | actinomycin D. |
ACTe | anodal closure tetanus. |
ACTG | AIDS Clinical Trial Group. |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone, secreted by pituitary gland, which strongly stimulates the release of cortisol from adrenal cortex. |
ACTH-LI | adrenocorticotropin-like immunoreactivity. |
ACTHR | adrenocorticotropic hormone receptor. |
ACTS | acute cervical trauma syndrome. |
ACTZ | acetazolamide. |
ACU | adenine-cytosine-uracil codon for threonine. |
ACVB | aortocoronary venous bypass. |
ACVD | acute cardiovascular disease. |
ACVD | arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. |
ad lib | at liberty, as desired. |
AD | Action for Democracy. |
AD | admission and discharge. |
AD | admitting diagnosis. |
AD | adult disease. |
AD | alternating days. |
AD | Alzheimer's disease. |
AD | atopic dermatitis. |
AD | auris dextra (right ear). |
ADA | American Dental Association. |
ADA | American Diabetes Association. |
ADA | anterior descending artery. |
ADADS | Alcohol and Drug Abuse Data System. |
ADAS-Cog | Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale. |
ADASP | Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology. |
ADC | AIDS dementia complex. |
ADCC | antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. |
ADD | addiction. |
ADD | adduct; adduction. |
ADD | attention deficit disorder. |
ADD | average daily dose. |
ADEA | American Dental Education Association. |
ADEA | Association for the Development of Education in Africa. |
ADEM | acute disseminated encephalomyelitis/encephalopathy. |
adeno-Ca | adenocarcinoma. |
ADF | acid detergent fiber. |
ADF | actin depolymerizing factor. |
ADG | average daily gain. |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone, called also vasopressin. |
ADH | atypical ductal hyperplasia. |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. |
ADI | acceptable daily intake. |
ADJ | adjacent. |
ADJ | adjoining. |
ADJ | adjunct. |
ADJ | adjust. |
ADJ | adjuvant chemotherapy. |
ADL | activities of daily living. |
ADM scale | Acceptance of Disability Scale Modified. |
ADM | abductor digiti minimi. |
ADM | Academy of Dental Materials. |
ADM | acellular dermal matrix. |
ADM | acetone dry mass. |
ADM | acetone-dissolution method. |
ADM | acquired dermal melanocytosis. |
ADM | action description resolution. |
ADM | adamantane. |
ADM | adaptive decision making. |
ADM | adenomyomatosis. |
ADM | adhesion molecules. |
adm | administered. |
ADM | administration. |
ADM | administrative medicine. |
ADM | admission/admitted. |
ADM | adrenal medulla. |
ADM | adrenodemedullated. |
ADM | adrenomedullin. |
ADM | adriamycin. |
ADM | adult onset diabetes mellitus. |
ADM | advancement of the mandible. |
ADM | Aide au Diagnostic Medical (database). |
adm | air dry mass. |
ADM | Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health (grant of US Department of Health and Human Services). |
ADM | alcohol, drug, and mental disorders. |
ADM | allogeneic dermal matrix. |
ADM | aminopyrine-N-demethylase. |
ADM | amyopathic dermatomyositis. |
ADM | angular dependence model |
ADM | anisodamine. |
ADM | anterior deep masseter. |
ADM | antroduodenal manometry. |
ADM | aperture-defined microvolume. |
ADM | appraisal-disruption model. |
ADM | arginine-deficient medium. |
ADM | armadillo-derived mycobacteria. |
ADM | aspergillus differential medium. |
ADM | atypical diabetes mellitus. |
ADM | auditory dominance model. |
ADM | average distance map. |
ADP | abductor pollicis. |
ADP | adenosine diphosphate. |
ADP | Agricultural Development Program. |
ADR | adverse drug reaction. |
Adria | Adriamycin, trade name for doxorubicin. |
ADS | anterior dynamized system (produced by: Abbott Labs). |
ADT | admission-discharge-transfer. |
ADV | advised. |
ADV | arterial deep venous. |
ADV | Aujeszky's Disease Virus. |
AE | above the elbow. |
AE | active and equal. |
AE | adverse event. |
AEA | Asociación Española de Artroscopia (Spanish Arthroscopy Association - only Spanish). |
AEA | auricular electroacupuncture. |
AEB | as evidenced by. |
AEC | 5-amino 9 ethyl carbazol. |
AED | antiepileptic drug. |
AED | automated external defibrillator. |
AEEC | attaching and effacing Escherichia coli. |
AEH | atypical endometrial hyperplasia. |
AEI | acetyleethyleneimine. |
AER | auditory evoked response. |
AER | average evoked response. |
AERC | African Economic Research Consortium. |
AET | 2-aminoethylisothiouronium bromide hydrobromide. |
AF | adult female. |
AF | amniotic fluid. |
AF | aortic flow. |
AF | atrial fibrillation. |
AF | atrial flutter. |
AFB | acid fast bacillus. |
AFB1 | aflatoxin B1. |
AFB2a | aflatoxin B2a. |
AFC | amniotic fluid cortisol. |
AFC/MSC | ratio of amniotic fluid cortisol and maternal serum cortisol. |
aFGF | acidic fibroblast growth factor. |
Afib | atrial fibrillation. |
AFIP | Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. |
AFL | aflatoxicol. |
AFL | artificial limb. |
AFL | atrial flutter. |
AFLM1 | aflatoxicol M1. |
AFLP | acute fatty liver of pregnancy. |
AFM | atomic force microscope. |
AFNOR | French Standardisation Institut. |
AFO | ankle-foot orthoses. |
AFP | acute flaccid paralysis. |
AFP | alpha-fetoprotein (expressed by germ cell tumors and other cancers). |
AFSI | Africa Food Security Initiative . |
AFTR | atrophy, fasciculation, tremor, rigidity. |
AFX | atypical fibroxanthoma. |
AG | anion gap. |
AGA | adenine-guanine-adenine codon for arginine. |
AGA | appropriate-for-gestational age. |
AGCT | adult granulosa cell tumour. |
AGF | angle of greatest flexion. |
AGG | aggravation. |
AGG | adenine-guanine-guanine codon for arginine. |
AGI | Academy for Guided Imagery. |
AGL | acute granulocytic leukemia. |
AGN | acute glomerulonephritis. |
AGTT | abnormal glucose tolerance test. |
AGU | adenine-guanine-uracil codon for serine. |
AGUS | atypical glands of unknown significance. |
AH | abdominal hysterectomy. |
AH | arterial hypertension. |
AHA | American Heart Association. |
AHA | American Hospital Association. |
AHB | alpha-hydroxybutyric acid. |
AHC | academic health care. |
AHC | academic health center. |
AHC | acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. |
AHC | acute hemorrhagic cystitis. |
AHC | amygdalohippocampal complexes. |
AHC | antihemophilic factor C. |
AHCA | Agency for Health Care Administration. |
AHCA | American Health Care Association. |
AHCD | acquired hepatocellular degeneration. |
AHCPR | Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. |
AHCy | adenosyl homocysteine. |
AHD | acquired hepatocerebral degeneration. |
AHD | acute heart disease. |
AHD | antihyaluronidase. |
AHD | antihypertensive drug. |
AHD | arterio-hepatic dysplasia. |
AHD | atherosclerotic heart disease. |
AHD | autoimmune hemolytic disease. |
AHDMS | automated hospital data management system. |
AHDP | azacycloheptane diphosphonate. |
AHDS | Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome. |
AHE | acute hazardous events (database). |
AHE | acute hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis. |
AHEA | area health education activity. |
AHEC | area health education center. |
AHES | artificial heart energy system. |
AHF | acute heart failure. |
AHF | American Health Foundation. |
AHF | American Hepatic Foundation. |
AHF | American Hospital Formulary. |
AHF | antihemophilic factor. |
AHF | Argentinian hemorrhagic fever. |
AHF | Associated Health Foundation. |
AHFS | American Hospital Formulary Service. |
AHG | aggregated human globulin. |
AHG | antihemophilic globulin factor. |
AHG | antihemophilic globulin. |
AHG | antihuman globulin. |
AHGG | aggregated human gammaglobulin. |
AHGG | antihuman gammaglobulin. |
AHGS | acute herpetic gingival stomatitis. |
AHH | alpha-hydrazine analog of histidine. |
AHH | anosmia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (syndrome). |
AHH | arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase. |
AHH | Association for Holistic Health. |
AHI | active hostility index. |
AHI | Animal Health Institute. |
AHI | apnea-plus-hypopnea index. |
AHIMA | American Health Information Management Association. |
AHIMA | American Health Information Management Association. |
AHIP | assisted health insurance plan. |
AHIS | automated hospital information system. |
AHJ | artificial hip joint. |
AHL | acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa. |
AHL | acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. |
AHL | apparent half-life. |
AHLE | acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. |
AHLG | antihuman lymphocyte globulin. |
AHLS | antihuman lymphocyte serum. |
AHM | Allied health manpower. |
AHM | ambulatory Holter monitor. |
AHMA | American Holistic Medicine Association. |
AHMA | antiheart muscle autoantibody. |
AHMC | Association of Hospital Management Committees. |
AHN | Army Head Nurse. |
AHN | assistant head nurse. |
AHNMD | associated clonal hematopoietic non-mast cell lineage disorder. |
AHO | Albright hereditary osteodystrophy. |
AHP | accountable health plan or partnership. |
AHP | acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. |
AHP | after hyperpolarization. |
AHP | air at high pressure. |
AHP | analytic hierarchy process. |
AHP | approved health plan. |
AHP | Assistant House Physician. |
AHPA | American Health Planning Association. |
AHPO | anterior hypothalamic preoptic (area). |
AHR | antihyaluronidase reaction. |
AHR | Association for Health Records. |
AHR | atrial heart rate. |
AHRA | American Hospital Radiology Administration. |
AHRF | acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. |
AHRF | American Hearing Research Foundation. |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. |
AHS | Academy of Health Sciences. |
AHS | African horse sickness. |
AHS | alveolar hypoventilation syndrome. |
AHS | American Hearing Society. |
AHS | American Hospital Society. |
AHS | area health service. |
AHS | assistant house surgeon. |
AHSA | American Health Security Act. |
AHSCT | autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. |
AHSDF | area health service development fund. |
AHSG | alpha-2HS-glycoprotein. |
AHSN | Assembly of Hospital Schools of Nursing. |
AHSP | AIDS Health Services Program (of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). |
AHSR | Association for Health Services Research. |
AHT | aggregation half time. |
AHT | antihyaluronidase titer. |
AHT | arterial hypertension. |
AHT | augmented histamine test. |
AHT | autogenous hamster tumor. |
AHTG | antihuman thymocyte globulin. |
AHTP | antihuman thymocyte plasma. |
AHTS | antihuman thymus serum. |
AHU | acute hemolytic uremic (syndrome). |
AHU | arginine, hypoxanthine, and uracil. |
AHuG | aggregated human IgG. |
AHV | avian herpes virus. |
AI | accidental injury. |
AI | accidentally incurred. |
aI | active ingredient. |
AI | adiposity index. |
AI | aggregation index. |
AI | allergy and immunology. |
AI | amylogenesis imperfecta. |
AI | anaphylatoxin inactivator. |
AI | angiogenesis inhibitor. |
AI | angiotensin I. |
AI | anxiety index. |
AI | aortic incompetence. |
AI | aortic insufficiency. |
AI | apical impulse. |
AI | articulation index. |
AI | artificial insemination. |
AI | artificial intelligence. |
AI | atherogenic index. |
AI | atrial insufficiency. |
AI | autoimmune, autoimmunity. |
AI | axio-incisal. |
AI | first meiotic anaphase.. |
AI/COAG | artificial intelligence hemostasis consultant system. |
AIA | allylisopropylacetamide. |
AIA | amylase inhibitor activity. |
AIA | anti-immunoglobulin antibody. |
AIA | anti-insulin antibody. |
AIA | aspirin-induced asthma. |
AIA | automated image analysis. |
AIB | aminoisobutyrate. |
AIB | avian infectious bronchitis. |
AIBA | aminoisobutyric acid. |
AIBS | American Institute of Biological Sciences. |
AIC | Akaike's information criterion (a goodness-of-fit measure). |
AIC | aminoimidazole carboxamide. |
AIC | Association des Infirmières Canadiennes. |
A-IC | average integrated concentration. |
AICA | anterior inferior cerebellar artery. |
AICA | anterior inferior communicating artery. |
AI-CAH | autoimmune-type chronic active hepatitis. |
AICAR | aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide. |
AICD | automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator. |
AICE | angiotensin I converting enzyme. |
AICF | autoimmune complement fixation. |
AID | acquired immunodeficiency disease. |
AID | acute infectious disease. |
AID | acute ionization detector. |
AID | Agency for International Development. |
AID | argon ionization detector. |
AID | artificial insemination by donor. |
AID | autoimmune deficiency. |
AID | autoimmune disease. |
AID | automatic implantable defibrillator. |
AID | average interocular difference. |
AIDP | acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. |
AIDSDRUGS | clinical trials of acquired immunodeficiency drugs. |
AIDS-KS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome with Kaposi's sarcoma. |
AIDSLINE | on-line information on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. |
AIDS-OI | AIDS with opportunistic infections. |
AIDSTRIALS | clinical trials of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome drugs. |
AIIS | anterior inferior iliac spine. |
AIL | angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy. |
AIMBE | American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. |
AIN | anterior interosseous nerve. |
Aind | indicative dosage. |
AIOD | Association Internationale pour l'Ostéosynthèse Dynamique. |
AIOM | Italian Association for Medical Oncology. |
AION | anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. |
AIOSM | American Institute of Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine. |
AIP | acute interstitial pneumonia (Hamman-Rich disease). |
AIRO | Associazione Italiana di Radioterapia Oncologica. |
AIS | adenocarcinoma in situ. |
AIS | adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. |
AIT | acute intensive treatment. |
AJ | ankle jerk. |
AJAO | American Juvenile Arthritis Organization. |
AJCC | American Joint Committee on Cancer. |
AJKS | American Journal of Knee Surgery. |
AJNR | American Journal of Neuroradiology. |
AJO | American Journal of Orthopaedics. |
AJR | abdominojugular reflux maneuver. |
AJR | accelerated junctional rhythm. |
AJR | albumin-deficient and jaundiced strain of rats. |
AK | above knee. |
AK | above the knee (amputation). |
AKA | above knee amputation. |
AKA | also known as. |
AKS | American Knee Society. |
AL | idiopathic (primary) amyloidosis. |
AL | left ear. |
Al | porous alumni. |
Ala | alanine. |
ALAT | alanine aminotransferase / alanine transaminase. |
ALB | albendazole. |
ALC | anaplastic large cell. |
ALC | approximate lethal concentration. |
ALD | alcoholic liver disease. |
ALIP | atypical localization of immature precursors. |
alk phos | alkaline phosphatase. |
ALK | anaplastic lymphoma kinase. |
ALK | automated lamellar keratoplasty. |
ALL | acute lymphoblastic leukemia. |
ALL | allergy. |
AlloSCT | allogeneic stem-cell transplantation. |
ALMI | anterior lateral myocardial infarction. |
ALP | alkaline phosphatase. |
alpha 2,6-ST | alpha 2,6 sialyltransferase. |
alpha-MPT | alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine. |
alpha-T7 | transgenic line of mice. |
ALRI | antero-lateral rotatory instability. |
ALS | acute lumbar strain. |
ALS | advanced life support. |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. |
ALS | anterolateral sclerosis. |
alt hor | alternate hours/every other hour. |
ALT | alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT). |
ALT | alternate. |
ALT | altitude. |
Alt | aluminum tartrate. |
ALT | argon laser trabeculoplasty. |
ALT | autolymphocyte therapy. |
ALT | avian laryngotracheitis |
ALTB | acute laryngotracheobronchitis. |
ALTE | acute life-threatening event. |
ALTEE | acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester. |
ALTS | acute lumbar trauma syndrome. |
ALVF | acute left ventricular failure. |
AM | adult male. |
AM | aerospace medicine. |
AM | alveolar macrophages. |
AM | anteromedial. |
AM | before noon. |
AMA | against medical advice. |
AMA | American Medical Association. |
AMAN | acute motor axonal neuropathy. |
AMB | ambulate; ambulatory. |
AMD | acid maltase deficiency. |
AMD | acromandibular dysplasia. |
AMD | actinomycyn d. |
AMD | adrenomyelodystrophy. |
AMD | age-related macular degeneration. |
AMD | air monitoring device. |
AMD | aleutian mink disease. |
AMD | alpha-methyldopa. |
AMD | amantadine. |
AMD | Association for Macular Diseases. |
AMD | axiomesiodistal. |
AMD | s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase. |
AMDF | American Macular Degeneration Foundation. |
AMG | acceleromyography. |
AMG | ?2-macroglobulin. |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction. |
AMIA | American Medical Informatics Association. |
AML | acute myeloblastic leukemia. |
AMM&M | agnogenic myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis. |
AMM | agnogenic myeloid metaplasia. |
amp | ampere. |
AMP | amphetamine. |
AMP | amputation. |
AMS | American Medical Systems Inc.. |
AMS | Amsterdam. |
AMS | aseptic meningitis syndrome. |
AMSAN | acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy. |
AMSSM | American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. |
amt | amount. |
AMV | alfalfa mosaic virus. |
AMV | anterior medullary velum. |
AMV | apical membrane vesicles (about lung). |
AMV-RT | avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase. |
AMY2 | alpha-amylase 2. |
AN69-S | Biospal. |
ANA | anesthesia. |
ANA | antinuclear antibody test (see also FANA). |
ANAL | analgesic. |
ANC | absolute neutrophil count. |
ANCA | antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies. |
AND | algoneurodystrophy. |
AND | anterior nasal discharge. |
ANED | alive no evidence of disease. |
ANES | anesthesia. |
ANG | angle. |
ANHE | acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalopathy. |
ANI | acute nerve irritation. |
ANLL | acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. |
ANO | amiodarone neuropathy of the optic nerve. |
ANOVA | analysis of variance. |
ANP | atrial natriuretic peptide. |
ANPs | advanced nurse practitioners'. |
ANRF | Arthritis National Research Foundation. |
ANRI | acute nerve root irritation. |
ANS | autonomic nervous system. |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute. |
ANT | anterior. |
anti-OJ | anti-isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. |
ANX | anxiety. |
AO ASIF | AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen) Association of the Study of Internal Fixation. |
AO | angle of. |
AO | aorta. |
AO | Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen. |
AO | inbred strains of rats [AO(RT1u/AgB2)]. |
AOA | American Orthopaedic Association (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
AOA | American Osteopathic Association. |
AOA | Asian Orthopaedic Association. |
AOA | Australian Orthopaedic Association. |
AOAC | Association of Official Analytical Chemist. |
AOB | Abteilung für Orthopädische Biomechanik (Orthopaedic Biomechanics Division). |
AOB | alcohol on breath. |
AOD | arteriosclerotic occlusive disease. |
AODA | alcohol and other drugs of abuse. |
AODM | adult onset diabetes mellitus. |
AOFAS | American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
AOI | AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen) International. |
AOLF | Association des Orthopédistes de Langue Française. |
AOM | acute otitis media. |
AOPA | American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association. |
AOQ | l'Association d'Orthopédie du Québec. |
AORFA | American Orthopaedic Rugby Football Association. |
AORN | Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses. |
AOS | Academic Orthopaedic Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
AOS | Alaska Orthopaedic Society. |
AOS | Arizona Orthopaedic Society. |
AOSSM | American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (Journal) (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
AOx4 | alert and oriented in 4 questions asked in evaluation of metal status. |
AP & L | anteroposterior and lateral. |
AP | (Lat. ante partum) before delivery. |
AP | access permit. |
AP | accessory pathway. |
AP | accounts payable. |
AP | acid phosphatase. |
AP | acinar parenchyma. |
AP | action potential. |
AP | active pepsin. |
AP | acute pancreatitis. |
Ap | acute phase. |
AP | acute pneumonia. |
AP | acute proliferative. |
AP | adenomatous polyposis. |
AP | adolescent psychiatry. |
AP | aerosol pentamidine. |
AP | after parturition. |
AP | alkaline phosphatase. |
AP | alum precipitated. |
AP | aminopeptidase. |
Ap | aminopurine. |
AP | amyloid p-component. |
AP | angina pectoris. |
AP | anterior pituitary. |
AP | anteroposterior (view in X-rays). |
AP | antidromic potential. |
Ap | antipyrine. |
AP | antral peristalsis. |
AP | aortic pressure. |
AP | aortopulmonary. |
Ap | apex. |
AP | apical pulse. |
AP | apothecary. |
AP | appendectomy. |
AP | appendicitis; appendix. |
AP | apurinic acid. |
AP | area postrema. |
AP | arithmetic progression. |
AP | arterial pressure. |
AP | artificial pneumothorax. |
AP | aspiration pneumonia. |
Ap | assessment and plans. |
AP | association period. |
AP | atherosclerotic plaque. |
AP | atrial pacing. |
AP | atrioventricular pathway. |
ap | attachment point. |
AP | Australian pharmacist. |
AP | axiopulpal. |
ap | before dinner. |
AP | BNP, brain natriuretic peptide. |
APA | Abrus precatorius agglutinin. |
APA | American Paralysis Association. |
APA | American Psychiatric Association. |
APAAP | alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase. |
APACHE | acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma of childhood. |
APAP | acetaminophen (paracetamol). |
APB | abductor pollicis brevis (also ABPB). |
APB | atrial premature beat. |
APC | activated protein C. |
APC | allophycocyanin. |
APC | Ambulatory Patient Classification. |
APC | anterior polar cataract. |
APC | antero-posterior compression. |
APC | antigen presenting cells. |
APC | Argon Plasma Coagulation. |
APC | aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine. |
APCI | atmosphere pressure chemical ionization. |
APF | assigned protection factor. |
APH | anterior pituitary hormone. |
APH | aphasia. |
APHIS | USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. |
API | Association for Pathology Informatics. |
APL | abductor pollicis longus (also ABPL). |
APLAR | Asian Pacific League of Association for Rheumatology. |
APLS | advanced pediatric life support. |
APM | apomorphine. |
APMA | American Podiatric Medical Association. |
ApMV | apple mosaic virus. |
APP | Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein. |
APP | appears. |
APP | appendix. |
APP | appointment. |
APP | approximate. |
ApPC | anthrylvinyl-labeled phosphatidylcholine. |
APPC | aorto-pericardial pouch conduit. |
APPC | apalcillin. |
APPC | apoptotic cells. |
APPc | cytoplasmic tail of the amyloid precursor protein. |
APPC | knee arthroplasty with polyethylene patellar components. |
APPC | p-aminophenylphosphorylcholine. |
APTA | American Physical Therapy Association. |
APTT | automated partial thromboplastin time. |
APUD | amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation. |
APVOD | arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular occlusive disease. |
APX | ascorbate peroxidase. |
AQ, aq. | water. |
AQL | acceptance quality level. |
AR | active resistance. |
AR | admitting room. |
AR | apical rate. |
AR | artificial respiration. |
AR | assessment report. |
AR | assisted respiration. |
AR | at risk. |
ARA-C | cytarabine. |
ARC | AIDS related complex. |
ARD | acute respiratory disease. |
ARD | atheroembolic renal disease. |
ARDS | acute/adult respiratory distress syndrome. |
ARE | active-resistance exercise. |
ARF | acute renal failure. |
ARF | acute respiratory failure. |
ARF | acute rheumatic fever. |
Arg | arginine. |
ARI | anxiety reaction, intense. |
ARIC | Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities. |
ARM | anxiety reaction, mild. |
ARNP | Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner. |
AROM | active range of motion. |
AROM | artificial rupture of membranes. |
ARP | American Registry of Pathology. |
ARP | American Registry of Pathology. |
ARRT | American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. |
ART | absolute retention time (chromatography). |
ART | Achilles' tendon reflex test. |
ART | artery. |
ART | articulation. |
ART | artificial. |
ARTH | arthritic. |
ARVD | arrythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. |
AS | ankylosing spondylitis. |
as to | as tolerated. |
AS | alpha-synuclein. |
AS | anal sphincter. |
AS | aortic stenosis. |
AS | arteriosclerosis. |
AS | auris sinistra (left ear). |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). |
ASA | American Society of Anesthesiologists. |
ASAMI | Association for the Study and Application of the Ilizarov Method. |
ASAP | as soon as possible. |
ASB | American Society of Biomechanics. |
ASBME | Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering. |
ASBMR | Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research (EFFO Member Society). |
ASC | arteriosclerosis. |
ASC | ascending. |
ASCAD | arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease. |
ASCO | American Society of Clinical Oncology. |
ASCUS | atypical squamous cells of unknown significance. |
ASCVD | arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. |
ASD | atrial septal defect. |
ASD | autosensitization spongiotic dermatitis. |
ASDP | American Society of Dermatopathology. |
ASES | American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ASF | African Swine Fever. |
ASF | anterior spinal fusion. |
ASH | American Society of Hematology. |
ASH | asymmetrical septal hypertrophy. |
ASHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease. |
ASHD | atherosclerotic heart disease. |
ASHNR | American Society of Head and Neck Radiology. |
ASI | specific immunotherapy. |
ASIA | American Spinal Injury Association (AAOS Related Organizations). |
ASIC | application specific integrated circuit. |
ASIS | anterior superior iliac spine. |
ASM | aggressive systemic mastocytosis. |
ASM | American Society for Microbiology. |
ASMI | American Sports Medicine Institute. |
Asn | asparagine. |
ASNR | American Society of Neuroradiology. |
ASO | Amplatzer septal occluder. |
ASO | antisense oligonucleotides. |
ASO | antistreptolysin-O. |
ASO | arteriosclerosis obliterans. |
ASOPA | American Society of Orthopaedic Physician's Assistants (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ASOS | Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons. |
Asp | aspartic acid. |
ASPC | aspoxicillin. |
ASPNR | American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology. |
ASPRS | American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. |
ASPVD | arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease |
ASR | age standardized rate (incidence). |
ASRT | American Society of Radiologic Technologists. |
Aß | amyloid beta-peptides. |
ASS | anterior superior spine. |
ASSH | American Society for Surgery of the Hand (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
assist. | assistive. |
ASSR | American Society of Spine Radiology. |
ASSV | apple scar skin viroid. |
AST | all subjects treated. |
AST | alternate-site-testing. |
AST | antimicrobial susceptibility testing. |
AST | aspartate aminotransferase (formerly SGOT). |
AST | Association of Surgical Technologists. |
AST | astigmatism. |
Astigm. | astigmatism. |
ASTM | american standard test method. |
ASTRO | American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. |
ASU | ambulatory surgery unit. |
at bed time | hs. |
AT | achilles tendon. |
AT | anterior tibial. |
AT | athletic trainer. |
AT | atlas. |
at | vol atomic volume. |
at | wt atomic weight. |
AT/NC | atraumatic, normocephalic. |
ATF | amino-terminal fragment. |
ATL | adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. |
ATLL | adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. |
ATLS | advanced trauma life support (training course). |
ATN | acute tubular necrosis |
ATP | attending physician. |
ATP | autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. |
ATPS | ambient temperature and pressure, saturated. |
Atr fib | atrial fibrillation. |
ATR | Achilles tendon reflex. |
ATR | alpha-thalassemia-mental retardation (syndrome). |
ATR | atracurium. |
ATR | atrazine. |
atr | atrophy. |
ATR | atrophy. |
ATRA | all-trans-retinoic acid (regimen used to treat acute promyelocytic leukemia). |
ATRIP | Africa Trade and Investment Program. |
ATRX, ATR-X | X-linked alpha-thalassemia mental retardation (syndrome). |
ATS | Achard-Thiers syndrome. |
ATS | acid test solution. |
ATS | alpha-D-tocopherol acid succinate. |
ATS | American Thoracic Society. |
ATS | American Trauma Society. |
ATS | American Trudeau Society. |
ATS | antirat thymocyte serum. |
ATS | antitetanus serum. |
ATS | antithymocyte serum. |
ATS | anxiety tension state. |
ATS | arteriosclerosis. |
ATSDR | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. |
ATT | arginine tolerance test. |
ATT | aspirin tolerance time. |
att | attending. |
ATV | Abelson virus transformed. |
ATV | avian tumor virus. |
ATx | adult thymectomy. |
atyp | atypical. |
ATZ | atypical transformation zone. |
Au Ag | Australia antigen. |
AU | (auris unitas) both ears. |
AU | according to custom (Lat.ad usum). |
AU | allergenic unit. |
AU | Angstrom unit. |
AU | antitoxin unit. |
AU | arbitrary unit. |
Au | Australia (antigen). |
AU | Australia antigen. |
Au | authorization. |
AU | azauridine. |
Au | gold (Lat.Aurum). |
AUA | adenine-uracil-adenine codon for isoleucine. |
AUA | American Urological Association. |
AUA | asymptomatic urinary abnormalities. |
AUB | abnormal uterine bleeding. |
AUC | adenine-uracil-cytosine codon for isoleucine. |
AUC | area under the curve. |
AUD | arthritis of unknown diagnosis. |
aud | auditory. |
AUDIT | alcohol use disorders identification test. |
aud-vis | audiovisual. |
AUG | acute ulcerative gingivitis. |
AUG | adenine-uracil-guanine codon for methionine. |
AUGH | acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. |
AuHAA | Australia hepatitis-associated antigen. |
AUI | Alcohol Use Inventory. |
AUL | acute undifferentiated leukemia. |
AUMC | area under the "moment" curve. |
AUO | amyloid of unknown origin. |
AuP | Australian antigen protein. |
AUPHA | Association of University Programs in Health Administration. |
aur | auric, auricle, auricular. |
AUS | acute urethral syndrome. |
AUs | alcohol users. |
aus, ausc | auscultation. |
AuS | Australia serum hepatitis. |
Ausc. | auscultation. |
AuSH | Australia serum hepatitis. |
Auto-PEEP | self-controlled positive end-expiratory pressure. |
AUU | adenine-uracil-uracil codon for isoleucine. |
AUV | anterior urethral valve. |
AUVIB | autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood. |
aux | auxiliary. |
aV | abvolt. |
AV | Adriamycin and vincristine. |
AV | air velocity. |
av | air velocity. |
AV | allergic vasculitis. |
AV | anteroventral. |
AV | anteversion. |
AV | anticipatory vomiting. |
AV | antivirin. |
AV | aortic valve. |
AV | arteriovenous. |
A-V | arteriovenous. |
AV | artificial ventilation. |
AV | assisted ventilation. |
AV | atrioventricular. |
A-V | atrioventricular. |
AV | audio-visual. |
AV | augmented vector. |
AV | average. |
av | average. |
Av | average. |
AV | aviation medicine. |
AV | avoirdupois. |
Av | avoirdupois. |
av | avulsion. |
AV | avulsion. |
AV/AF | anteverted, anteflexed. |
Av3V | anteroventral third ventricle. |
AVA | activity vector analysis. |
AVA | antiviral antibody. |
AVA | aortic valve area. |
AVA | aortic valve atresia. |
AVA | arteriovenous anastomosis. |
AVB | atrioventricular block. |
AVC | aberrant ventricular conduction. |
AVC | Academy of Veterinary Cardiology. |
AVC | aortic valve closure. |
AVC | Association of Vitamin Chemists. |
AVC | associative visual cortex. |
AVC | associative visual cortex. |
AVC | atrioventricular canal. |
AVC | automatic volume control. |
AVCN | anteroventral cochlear nucleus. |
AVCS | atrioventricular conduction system. |
AVCx | atrioventricular circumflex branch. |
AVD | aortic valvular disease. |
AVD | apparent volume of distribution. |
AVD | Army Veterinary Department. |
AVD | atrioventricular dissociation. |
AVDO2 | arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference. |
AVDO2B | arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference, basal. |
AVDP | average diastolic pressure. |
avdp | avoirdupois. |
AVE | aortic valve echocardiogram. |
ave, aver | average. |
AVF | antiviral factor. |
AVF | arteriovenous fistula. |
aVF | automated volt foot. |
aVF | unipolar limb lead on the left leg in electrocardiography. |
AVG | ambulatory visit group. |
avg | average. |
AVG | average. |
AVH | acute viral hepatitis. |
AVHD | acquired valvular heart disease. |
AVHS | acquired valvular heart syndrome. |
AVI | air velocity index. |
AVI | Association of Veterinary Inspectors. |
AVJ | atrioventricular junction. |
AVJR | atrioventricular junction rhythm. |
AVJRe | atrioventricular junctional reentrant. |
aVL | automated volt left. |
aVL | unipolar limb lead on the left arm in electrocardiography. |
AVLINE | Audiovisuals On-Line (database). |
AVM | arteriovenous malformations. |
AVM | atrio-ventricular malformations. |
AVM | aviation medicine. |
AVMA | American Veterinary Medical Association. |
AVN | acute vasomotor nephropathy. |
AVN | atrioventricular nodal (conduction). |
AVN | atrioventricular node. |
AVN | avascular necrosis (MRI evaluation). |
AVND | atrioventricular node dysfunction. |
AVNFH | avascular necrosis of the femoral head. |
AVNFRP | atrioventricular node functional refractory period. |
AVNR | atrioventricular nodal reentry. |
AVNRT | atrioventricular node reentry tachycardia. |
AVO | aortic valve opening. |
AVO | aortic valve orifice. |
AVO | atrioventricular opening. |
AVO2 | arteriovenous oxygen ratio. |
AVP | abnormal vasopressin. |
AVP | actinomycin-vincristine-Platinol. |
AVP | ambulatory venous pressure. |
AVP | antiviral protein. |
AVP | aqueous vasopressin. |
AVP | arginine-vasopressin. |
AVP | arteriovenous passage time. |
AVP | vasopressin. |
AVPU | alert, verbal, painful, unresponsive (neurologic test). |
AVR | accelerated ventricular rhythm. |
AVR | antiviral regulator. |
AVR | aortic valve replacement. |
aVR | automated volt right. |
aVR | unipolar limb lead on the right arm in electrocardiography. |
AVRI | acute viral respiratory infection. |
AVRP | atrioventricular refractory period. |
AVRR | antiviral repressor regulator. |
AVRT | atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia. |
AVS | aortic valve stenosis. |
AVS | arteriovenous shunt. |
AVS | auditory vocal sequencing. |
AVSD | atrioventricular septal defect. |
AVSV | aortic valve stroke volume. |
AVT | Allen vision test. |
AVT | arginine vasotocin. |
AVT | Aviation Medicine Technician. |
AVZ | avascular zone. |
AW | able to work. |
AW | above waist. |
AW | abrupt withdrawal. |
aw | airway. |
AW | alcohol withdrawal. |
AW | alive and well. |
AW | alveolar wall. |
AW | anterior wall. |
AW | atomic warfare. |
AW | atomic weight. |
aw | water activity. |
AWA | animal waste ashes. |
AWA | as well as. |
AWAR | anterior wall of aortic root. |
AWBM | alveolar wall basement membrane. |
AW-GC | apatite and wollastonite containing glass-ceramic. |
AX | axial: axillary. |
AZT | azidothymidine (zidovudine). |
AZUR | 6-azauridine. |
B (620 abbreviations) |
B&C | biopsy and curettage. |
B | B-cells. |
B | black. |
B | born. |
B | fever, sweats, or weight loss ("B" symptoms in Hodgkin lymphoma). |
b/c | benefit/cost (ratio). |
B19-PRCA | pure red cell aplasia caused by parvovirus B19. |
Ba, BA | barium. |
BA | blood alcohol. |
BA | bone age. |
BA | brachial artery. |
BA | bronchial asthma. |
BAB | Babinski's sign |
BAC | blood alcohol concentration |
BACR | British Association for Cancer Research. |
Bact. | bacteriologist; bacteriology |
BaE | barium enema |
BAER | brain stem auditory evoked response. |
BAIJP | Bovie-assisted uvulopalatoplasty. |
BAL | bronchoalveolar lavage. |
BALF | broncho-alveolar lavage fluid. |
B-ALL | B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. |
bals | balsam. |
BALT | bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue. |
BAM | bamifylline. |
BaM | barium meal. |
BAM | basilar artery migraine. |
BAM | bilateral augmentation mammoplasty. |
BAM | brachial artery mean (pressure). |
BAME | benzoylarginine methyl ester. |
BamHI | restriction enzyme from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H. |
BAN | British Approved Name. |
BAN | British Association of Neurologists. |
BANS | Back, posterior upper Arm, posterior Neck, Scalp; prognostically high-risk sites for malignant melanoma. |
BAO | basal acid output. |
BAO | brachial artery output. |
BAO-MAO | basal acid output to maximal acid output (ratio). |
BAP | bacterial alkaline phosphatase. |
BAP | Behavior Activity Profile. |
BAP | beta-amyloid peptide. |
BAP | blood-agar plate. |
BAP | bovine albumin in phosphate buffer. |
BAP | brachial artery pressure. |
BAPhysMed | British Association Physical Medicine. |
BAPI | barley alkaline protease inhibitor. |
BAPN | beta-aminoproprionitrile fumarate. |
BAPO | Belgian Association of Pediatric Orthopaedics. |
BAPP | beta amyloid precursor protein. |
BAPS | biomechanical ankle platform system. |
BAPS | bovine albumin phosphate saline. |
BAPS | British Association of Paediatric Surgeons. |
BAPS | British Association of Plastic Surgeons. |
BAPT | British Association of Physical Training. |
BAPTA | l,2-bis (aminophenoxy) ethane- N,N,N,N'-tetraacetic acid. |
BAPV | bovine alimentary papilloma virus. |
BAQ | brain-age quotient. |
BAR | bariatrics; barometer, barometric. |
bar | barometric. |
BAR | beta-adrenergic receptor. |
BAR | biofragmentable anastomosis ring. |
BARB | barbiturates. |
Barb, | barb barbiturate, barbituric. |
BARK | beta-adrenergic receptor kinase. |
Barn | benzamide. |
BARN | bilateral acute retinal necrosis. |
BARS | behaviorally anchored rating scale. |
BART | blood-activated recalcification time. |
BAS | balloon atrial septostomy |
BaS | barium swallow. |
bas | basilar. |
bas | basophil, basophilic. |
Bas | basophils. |
BAS | benzyl anti-serotonin. |
BAS | beta-adrenergic stimulation. |
BAS | boric acid solution. |
Bas. | basal |
BASA | Boston Assessment of Severe Aphasia. |
BASE | B27-arthritis-sacroiliitis-extra-articular features (syndrome). |
BASH | body acceleration synchronous with heart rate. |
BASI | barley alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor. |
BASIC | Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Introduction Code. |
baso | basophil. |
BASO | British Association of Surgical Oncologists. |
basos | basophils (leukocytes). |
BASPCAN | British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. |
BAT | basic aid training. |
BAT | best available technology. |
BAT | blunt abdominal trauma. |
BAT | brown adipose tissue. |
BAUS | British Association of Urological Surgeons. |
BAV | bicuspid aortic valve. |
BAVCP | bilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis. |
BAVFO | bradycardia after arteriovenous fistula occlusion. |
BAW | bronchoalveolar washing. |
BB | bad breath. |
BB | bed bath. |
BB | bed board. |
BB | beta blockade, beta blocker. |
BB | BioBreeding (rat). |
BB | blanket bath. |
BB | blood bank. |
BB | blood buffer. |
BB | blow bottle. |
BB | blue bloaters (emphysema). |
bb | Bolton point. |
BB | borderline. |
bb | both bones. |
BB | both bones. |
BB | breakthrough bleeding. |
BB | breast biopsy. |
BB | brush border. |
BB | buffer base. |
BB | bundle branch. |
BB | isoenzyme of creatine kinase containing two B subunits. |
BB/FS | breast biopsy/frozen section |
BBA | born before arrival. |
BBB | blood buffer base. |
BBB | blood-brain barrier. |
BBB | bundle branch block. |
BBBB | bilateral bundle-branch block. |
BBBD | blood brain barrier disruption. |
BBC | Belgian Bone Club (EFFO Member Society). |
BBC | bromobenzycyanide. |
BBD | benign breast disease. |
BBE | Bacteroides bile esculin (agar). |
BBEP | brush border endopeptidase. |
BBF | bronchial blood flow. |
BBI | Biomedical Business International. |
BBI | Bowman-Birk soybean inhibitor. |
BBIW | BioBreeding/Worcester (rat). |
BBM | brush border membrane. |
BBMV | brush border membrane vesicle. |
BBN | broad band noise. |
BBRS | Burks' Behavior Rating Scale. |
BBS | Barolet-Biedl syndrome. |
BBS | bashful bladder syndrome. |
BBS | benign breast syndrome. |
BBS | bilateral breath sounds. |
BBS | bombesin. |
BBS | borate-buffered saline. |
BBS | brown bowel syndrome. |
BBT | basal body temperature |
BC | Bachelor of Surgery (Lat.Baccalaureus Chirurgiae). |
BC | back care. |
BC | bactericidal concentration. |
BC | basal cell. |
BC | basket cell. |
BC | battle casualty. |
BC | bicarbonate. |
BC | biliary colic. |
BC | bipolar cell. |
BC | birth control. |
BC | blastic crisis. |
BC | blood count. |
BC | blood culture. |
BC | Blue Cross (plan). |
BC | board certified. |
BC | bone conduction. |
BC | brachiocephalic. |
BC | breast cancer. |
BC | bronchial carcinoma. |
BC | buccal cartilage. |
BC | buccocervical. |
BC | buffy coat. |
BC/BS | Blue cross/Blue shield. |
BCA | balloon catheter angioplasty. |
BCA | bicinchoninic acid. |
BCA | blood color analyzer. |
BCA | Blue Cross Association. |
BCA | branchial cleft anomaly. |
BCA | breast cancer antigen. |
BCAA | branched chain amino acid. |
BCAg | basal-cell antigen. |
BCAT | brachiocephalic arterial trunk. |
BCB | blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. |
BCB | brilliant cresyl blue. |
BCBR | bilateral carotid body resection. |
BCBSA | Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. |
BCC | basal cell carcinoma. |
BCC | benign cellular changes (pap smear). |
BCC | biliary cholesterol concentration. |
BCC | birth control clinic. |
bcc | body-centered-cubic. |
BCCG | British Cooperative Clinical Group. |
BCCP | biotin carboxyl carrier protein. |
BCD | binary-coded decimal. |
BCD | bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, dactinomycin. |
BCDDP | Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project. |
BCDF | B-cell differentiation factor. |
BCDL | Brachmann-Cornelia de Lange (syndrome). |
BCDRS | brief Carroll depression rating scale. |
BCDS | bulimia cognitive distortions scale. |
BCDSP | Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program. |
BCE | basal cell epithelioma. |
BCE | benign childhood epilepsy. |
BCE | bubble chamber equipment. |
BCEI | breast cancer estrogen-inducible. |
BCF | basophil chemotactic factor. |
BCF | bioconcentration factor. |
BCF | breast cyst fluid. |
BCFP | breast cyst fluid protein. |
BCG | bacille Calmette-Guérin (vaccine). |
BCG | ballistocardiography, ballistocardiogram. |
BCG | bicolor guaiac test. |
BCG | bromcresol green. |
BCGF | B-cell growth factor. |
BCh | Bachelor of Surgery (Lat.Baccalaureus Chirurgiae). |
BCH | basal cell hyperplasia. |
BChD | Bachelor of Dental Surgery. |
BCHE | butyrylcholinesterase. |
BChir | Bachelor of Surgery (Lat.Baccalaureus Chirurgiae). |
Bchl, | bChl bacterial chlorophyll. |
BCHS | Bureau of Community Health Services. |
BCHT | bicaval heart transplantation. |
BCI | behavioral cues index. |
BCI | brain-computer interface. |
BCIA | Biomedical Clinical Instrumentation Association. |
BCIP | 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-inodolyl phosphate. |
BCKA | branched-chain keto acid. |
BCKD | branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase. |
BCL | basic cycle length. |
BCL | B-cell leukemia/lymphoma. |
bcl-2 | (B-cell lymphoma-2) a gene that inhibits apoptosis; overexpression may cause follicular lymphomas. |
BCLPD | B-cell chronic lymphoprolipherative disorders. |
BCNU | carmustine. |
BCP | birth control pills. |
bcr | breakpoint cluster region. |
BCS | breast conservation surgery. |
BD | (Lat: bis die) twice a day. |
BD | band. |
BD | barbital-dependent. |
BD | barbiturate dependence. |
BD | base deficit. |
BD | base of prism down. |
BD | basophilic degeneration. |
BD | Batten disease. |
BD | behavioral disorder. |
BD | Behcet disease. |
BD | belladonna. |
BD | bicarbonate dialysis. |
BD | bile duct. |
BD | binocular deprivation. |
BD | biotinylated dextran. |
BD | birth date. |
BD | black death. |
BD | block design (test). |
BD | blood donor. |
BD | blue diaper (syndrome). |
BD | board. |
BD | border disease. |
BD | borderline dull. |
BD | bound. |
BD | Bowen disease. |
BD | brain damage. |
BD | brain dead, brain death. |
BD | Briquet disorder. |
BD | bronchodilation, bronchodilator. |
BD | buccodistal. |
BD | bundle. |
BD | buoyant density. |
BD | Byler disease. |
BDG | bidirectional Glenn shunt. |
BDI | blunt duodenal injury. |
BDI-1 | monoclonal antibody against human bladder carcinoma. |
BDI-PC | Beck Depression Inventory for Primary Care. |
BE | barium enema. |
BE | below the elbow. |
BE | benzoylecgonine (cocaine). |
BE | brisk and equal. |
BEA | 2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide. |
BEC2 | an anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody that mimics the ganglioside GD3. |
BELI | beta-Endorphin-like immunoreactivity. |
BEMS | Bioelectromagnetics Society. |
BERG | balloon-assisted endoscopic retroperitoneal gasless (BERG lumbar interbody fusion). |
beta-2M | beta-2 microglobulin level. |
BF | biofiltration. |
BF | blood flow. |
BF | bone fragment. |
bFGF | basic fibroblast frowth factor. |
BG | bone graft. |
BGB | bisglucuronosyl bilirubin. |
BGS | balance, gate, station |
BGTT | borderline glucose tolerance test. |
BH cells | baby hamster kidney cells. |
BHA | butylated hydroxyanisole. |
BHG | Belgian Hand Group. |
BHIA | British Healthcare Internet Association. |
BHP | benign hypertrophic prostate. |
BHS | beta hemolytic streptococcus. |
BHT | blunt head trauma. |
BHT | butylated hydroxytoluene. |
BHV-1 | Bovine Herpesvirus-1. |
BI | background interval. |
BI | bacterial or bactericidal index. |
BI | base-in (prism). |
BI | basilar impression. |
BI | Billroth I (operation). |
BI | biological indicator. |
BI | biotechnology informatics. |
BI | bodily injury. |
BI | bone impaction. |
BI | bone injury. |
BI | brain injury. |
BI | burn index |
Bi | prefix meaning both sides (e.g. bilateral); two components (e.g. biphasic). |
Bic. | biceps. |
BID | brought in dead. |
BID/BD | twice a day (bis in die). |
BIJC | The British Isles Joint TNM Classification. |
BIL | bilateral |
bilat. | bilateral. |
BILI | bilirubin. |
BIN | bin, twice a night. |
BIP | bronchiolitis obliterans with interstitial pneumonia. |
BIR | baculovirus IAP repeat. |
BIR | British Institute of Radiology. |
BIRP | B1-independent rotation phase-cycled. |
BIRP | BIR-containing proteins. |
Bis-GMA | bisphenol-a-glycidyl methacrylate. |
BiVAS | biventricular assist system. |
biw | twice a week. |
BJ | Bence Jones (proteinuria). |
BJ | biceps jerk. |
BJ | bone and joint. |
BJE | bones, joints, extremities |
BJM | bones, joints, muscles. |
BK | back. |
BK | below the knee. |
BKA | below knee amputation. |
BKP | back pain. |
BL | bilateral lower lung fields. |
BL | blood loss. |
Blad. | bladder. |
BLE | both lower extremities. |
BLEED | bleeding (ongoing), low systolic blood pressure, elevated prothrombin time, erratic mental status, disease (unstable comorbid disease) (mnemonic for gastro-intestinal hemorrhage). |
BLP | beta-lipotropin. |
BLPD | B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder. |
BLQ | both lower quadrants. |
BLS | basic life support. |
BLS-D | basic life support and defibrillation. |
BM | basal metabolism. |
BM | blood monitoring. |
BM | body mass. |
BM | bone marrow. |
BM | bowel movement. |
BMA | British Medical Association. |
BMA | butyl methacrylate. |
BMD | 3-(s)-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)methyl]. |
BMD | Becker muscular dystrophies. |
BMD | Best's macular dystrophy. |
BMD | bone mineral density. |
BMES | Biomedical Engineering Society. |
BMG | benign monoclonal gammopathy. |
BMI | body mass index. |
BMJ | British Medical Journal. |
BMMEC | bone marrow microvascular endothelial cells. |
BMN | bone marrow necrosis. |
BMP | bone morphogenetic protein. |
BMR | basal metabolic rate. |
BMT | bone marrow transplant (see HDC and HDC/BMT). |
BMZ | basement membrane zone. |
BN | bound niacin. |
BN | bulimia nervosa. |
BND | barely noticeable difference. |
BNLI | British National Lymphoma Investigation. |
BNO | bladder neck obstruction. |
BNST | bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. |
BOA | born on arrival. |
BOA | British Oncology Association. |
BOA | British Orthopaedic Association. |
BODMA | British Oncology Data Managers Association (UK). |
BOE | bilateral otitis externa. |
BOLD | blood oxygenation level-dependent. |
BOM | bilateral otitis media. |
BOO | bladder outlet obstruction. |
BOOP | bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia. |
BOP | blood, ova, parasites. |
BOS | Bombay Orthopaedic Association. |
BOTA | Belgian Orthopaedic Trauma Association. |
BOW | bag of waters. |
BP | B/P, blood pressure. |
BP | bipolar. |
BP | body part. |
BP | bullous pemphigoid. |
BPC | blood pressure cuff. |
BPC | bronchoprovocation challenge. |
BPD | biparietal diameter. |
BPD | borderline personality disorder. |
BPD | bronchopulmonary dysplasia. |
BPD | Transmission Chain Burnup Reactor Computer Code. |
BPH | benign prostatic hypertrophy. |
BPI | bactericidal permeability increasing protein. |
BPI | Brief Pain Inventory. |
BPL | Bauchinia purpurea alba. |
bpm | beats per minute. |
BPP | blood pressure and pulse. |
BPPV | benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. |
BPR | brief psychiatric rating (scale). |
BPS | Belgian Pain Society. |
BPTB | bone-patellar tendon-bone. |
BR | bacteriorhodopsin. |
BR | bathroom. |
BR | bedrest. |
BRAT | a fusion protein between the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and the catalytic subunit of aspartyl transcarbamylase from Escherichia coli. |
BRAT | Baylor Rapid Autologous Transfusion system. |
BRAT | Behaviour Research and Therapy. |
brat | brain tumor gene. |
BRB | bright red blood. |
BRBPR | bright red blood per rectum. |
BRCA1 & BRCA2 | (pronounced bra,ka one ...) genes, prone to multiple mutations, that are involved in a percentage of the breast cancers. |
BRD(C) | bovine respiratory disease (complex). |
BRFSS | Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance system. |
BRM | biological response modifier. |
BRP | bathroom privileges. |
BRW | breast meat weight. |
BRY | breast meat yield. |
BS | blood sugar. |
BS | bowel sounds. |
BS | breath sounds. |
BS | bronchial secretion. |
BSA | body surface area. |
BSA | bovine serum albumin. |
BSA | bowel signs active. |
BSAEP | brain stem auditory evoked potentials. |
BSC | bedside commode. |
BSE | bovine spongiform encephalopathy. |
BSE | breast self examination. |
BSER | brainstem evoked response audiometry. |
BSI | bloodstream infections. |
BSL | baseline. |
BSN | bowel sounds normal. |
BSO | bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. |
BSP | bromsulphalein (dye). |
BSPh | bachelor of science in pharmacy. |
BSQ | behavior style questionnaire. |
BSR | basal skin resistance. |
BSR | blood sedimentation rate. |
BSR | bowel sounds regular. |
BSR | brain stimulation reinforcement. |
BSR | Buschke selective reminding (test). |
BSS | Bachelor of Sanitary Science. |
BSS | balanced salt solution. |
BSS | Bernard-Soulier syndrome. |
BSS | black silk suture. |
BSS | British Scoliosis Society. |
BSS | buffered salt solution. |
BSS | buffered single substrate. |
BSSE | bile salt-stimulated esterase. |
BSSG | sitogluside. |
BSSH | British Society for Surgery of the Hand. |
BSSL | bile salt-stimulated lipase. |
BST | bacteriuria screening test. |
BST | blood serologic test. |
BST | brief stimulus therapy. |
BSTFA | bis-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide. |
BSU | Bartholin, Skene, urethral (glands). |
BSU | basic structural unit. |
BSU | British standard unit. |
BSV | binocular single vision. |
BT | base of tongue. |
BT | bedtime. |
BT | bitemporal. |
BT | bitrochanteric. |
BT | bladder tumor. |
BT | Blalock-Taussig (shunt). |
BT | bleeding time. |
BT | blood type, blood typing. |
BT | blue tetrazolium. |
BT | blue tongue. |
BT | body temperature. |
BT | borderline tuberculoid. |
BT | botulinum toxin. |
BT | bovine turbinate (cells). |
BT | brain tumor. |
BT | breast tumor. |
Bt2cAMP | N6,O2c- dibutyryladenosine 3c:5c-cyclic monophosphate, a dibutyryl derivative of cAMP. |
BTA | Blood Transfusion Association. |
BTB | breakthrough bleeding. |
BTB | bromthymol blue. |
BTBL | bromothymol blue lactose. |
BTC | basal temperature chart. |
BTC | biliary tract complication. |
BTC | body temperature chart. |
BTCG | Brain Tumor Cooperative Group. |
BTD | biliary tract disease. |
BTDS | benzoylthiamine disulfide. |
BTE | behind the ear (hearing aid). |
BTE | bovine thymus extract. |
BTFS | breast tumor frozen section. |
BTG | beta-thromboglobulin. |
BTg | bovine trypsinogen. |
BthU | British thermal unit. |
BTL | bilateral tubal ligation. |
BTLS | basic trauma life support. |
BTM | benign tertian malaria. |
BTM | blood temperature monitor. |
BTMSA | bis-trimethylsilacetylene. |
BTP | biliary tract pain. |
BTP | biological treatment planning. |
BTPABA | N-benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid. |
BTPS | at body temperature and ambient pressure, and saturated with water vapor (gas). |
BTR | Bezold-type reflex. |
BTR | biceps tendon reflex. |
BTR | biceps tendon reflex. |
BTr | bovine trypsin. |
BTS | blood transfusion service. |
BTS | blue toe syndrome. |
BTS | bradycardia-tachycaxdia syndrome. |
BTSG | Brain Tumor Study Group. |
bTSH | bovine thyroid-stimulating hormone. |
BTU | British thermal unit. |
BTV | blue tongue virus. |
BTW | back to work. |
BTW | by the way. |
BTx | blood transfusion. |
BTX | botulinum toxin. |
BTX | brevetoxin. |
BTZ | benzothiazepine. |
BU | base of prism up. |
BU | Bethesda unit. |
BU | blood urea. |
BU | Bodansky unit. |
BU | bromouracil. |
BU | burn unit. |
BU | Buruli ulcer. |
Bu | bushel. |
Bu | butyl. |
BUA | blood uric acid. |
BUA | broadband ultrasonic attenuation. |
BUAS | Boston University Accutane Survey. |
Buc | Bucc, buccal. |
BUDR | bromodeoxyuridine. |
BUDS | bilateral upper dorsal sympathectomy. |
BUE | both upper extremities. |
BUF | buffalo (rat). |
BUG | buccal ganglion. |
BUI | brain uptake index. |
BULIT | bulimia test. |
BuMed | Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. |
BUMP | behavioral regression or upset in hospitalized medical patients (scale). |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen. |
BUN/CR | blood urea nitrogen/creatine ratio. |
BUO | bleeding of undetermined origin, bruising of undetermined origin. |
BUQ | both upper quadrants. |
BUR | bilateral ureteral occlusion. |
BUS | Bartholin, urethral, and Skene glands. |
BUS | busulfan. |
But | but, butyrate, butyric. |
BV | bacitracin V. |
BV | bacterial vaginosis. |
BV | biological value. |
BV | blood vessel. |
BV | blood volume. |
BV | bronchovesicular. |
BVA | Blind Veterans Association. |
BVA | British Veterinary Association. |
BVAD | biventricular assist device. |
BVAS | Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score (prognostic scoring systems). |
BVC | British Veterinary Codex. |
BVD | bovine viral diarrhea. |
BVD-MD | bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease. |
BVDT | brief vestibular disorientation test. |
BVDU | bromovinyldeoxyuridine. |
BVDV | bovine virus diarrhea virus. |
BVE | binocular visual efficiency. |
BVE | blood vessel endothelium. |
BVE | blood volume expander. |
BVGHV | Belgian Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot. |
BVH | biventricular hypertrophy. |
BVI | blood vessel invasion. |
BVL | bilateral vas ligation. |
BVM | bag-valve-mask. |
BVM | bronchovascular markings. |
BVM | Bureau of Veterinary Medicine. |
BVMGT | Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test. |
BVMOT | Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test. |
BVMS | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Science. |
BVO | branch vein occlusion. |
BVOT | Belgische Vereniging voor Orthopedie en Traumatologie. |
BVP | blood vessel prosthesis. |
BVP | blood volume pulse. |
BVP | burst of ventricular pacing. |
BVR | baboon virus replication. |
BVR | bureau of vocational rehabilitation. |
BVS | blanked ventricular sense. |
BVSc | Bachelor of Veterinary Science. |
BVU | bromoisovalerylurea. |
BVV | bovine vaginitis virus. |
BW | bacteriological warfare. |
BW | bed wetting. |
BW | below waist. |
BW | biological warfare. |
BW | biological weapon. |
BW | birth weight. |
BW | black woman. |
BW | bladder washout. |
BW | blood Wasserman (reaction). |
BW | body water. |
BW | body weight. |
BWD | bacillary white diarrhea. |
BWFI | bacteriostatic water for injection. |
BWI | birth weight. |
BWS | battered woman (or wife) syndrome. |
BWS | Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. |
BWST | black widow spider toxin. |
BWSV | black widow spider venom. |
Bwt | body weight. |
BWYV | beet western yellow virus. |
BX | bx, bacitracin X. |
BX | Bx, biop., biopsy. |
BXO | balanitis xerotica obliterans. |
ByCPR | bystander cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. |
BYDV | barley yellow dwarf virus. |
BYE | Barila-Yaguchi-Eveland (medium). |
BZ | benzodiazepine. |
Bz | Bzl, benzoyl. |
BZD | benzodiazepine. |
BZQ | benzquinamide. |
BZRP | benzodiazepine receptor peripheral (type). |
BZS | Bannayan-Zonana syndrome. |
C (1160 abbreviations) |
C sect | C-section, cesarean section. |
C&C | cold and clammy. |
C&M | cocaine and morphine. |
C&S | calvarium and scalp. |
C&S | conjunctiva and sclera. |
C&S | culture and sensitivity. |
c(with line over it) | with. |
C | Celsius, centigrade, complement |
C | certainty factor. |
c | clinical. |
C | clonidine. |
C | cortex. |
C | cysteine. |
C | cytosine. |
C | List. |
C | standard clearance. |
C | static respiratory compliance. |
C/C | chief complaint. |
C/M | counts per minute. |
C/O | care of; complains of. |
C/S | cesarean section. |
C/S | cycles per second. |
c/w | compatible with. |
C/W | continue with. |
C02 | carbon dioxide. |
C1 - C7 | Cervical vertebrae. |
C4S | chondroitin-4-sulfate. |
Ca | calcium. |
CA | cancer. |
CA | carbonic anhydrase. |
CA | carcinoma. |
CA | cardiac arrest. |
CA | catchment area. |
CA | Caucasian adult. |
CA | chromosomal aberration. |
CA | chronological age. |
CA | controlled atmospheres. |
CA | cornu Ammonis (Ammon's horn). |
CA | corpus allatum. |
CA | cytoxan plus adriamycin (treatment regimen). |
CAA | cerebral amyloid angiopathy. |
CAA | cytosine-adenine-adenine codon for glutamine. |
CAB | coronary artery bypass. |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft. |
CAC | cytosine-adenine-cytosine codon for histidine. |
CACO3 | calcium carbonate. |
CAD | coronary artery disease. |
CAE | carotid artery endarterectomy. |
CAF | caffeine. |
CAF | Caucasian adult female |
CAF | cell adhesion factor. |
CAF | chloramphenicol. |
CAF | chronic atrial fibrillation. |
CAF | citric acid fermentation. |
CAF | cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, and 5-fluorouracil. |
CAG | cytosine-adenine-guanine codon for glutamine. |
CAH | chronic active hepatitis. |
CAI | carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. |
CALGB | Cancer and Leukemia Group B (USA). |
cALL | common ALL. |
CALLA | common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen. |
CAM | Caucasian adult male. |
CAM | Complementary and Alternative Medicine. |
CAMIS | Computer Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (Cleveland Clinic Foundation). |
c-ANCA | cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies. |
CAO | chronic airflow obstruction. |
CAOS | Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Systems (Hull University). |
CAP | College of American Pathologists. |
CAPD | continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. |
CAPMR | Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. |
caps | capsules. |
Car | carbapenem. |
CAREMIS | Current Agricultural Management Information System. |
CAS | computer aided surgery (Journal). |
CaSac | calcium saccharin. |
CASIB | computer-assisted frameless stereotactic interstitial brachytherapy. |
CAST-6 | Children of Alcoholics Screening Test, 6-Item Version. |
CASTLE | carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation. |
CAT | cataract. |
CAT | chloramphenicol avetyltransferase. |
CAT | coital alignment technique. |
CAT | computed axial tomography. |
CATCH | critically attained threshold of cerebral hypoperfusion. |
Cath | catheter. |
CAU | cytosine-adenine-uracil codon for histidine. |
CAV | cytoxan, adriamycin, and vincristine. |
CAVB | chronic AV block. |
CAVH | continuous arterio-venous haemofiltration. |
CAVHD | continuous arterio-venous haemodialysis. |
CB | chest-back. |
CB | chronic bronchitis |
CB | current complaint. |
CB/CC | centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma. |
CB3S | Coxsackie B3 virus susceptibility. |
CBC | combinatorial chemistry. |
CBC | complete blood count. |
CBD | common bile duct. |
CBD | corticobasal degeneration. |
CBDS | corticobasal degeneration syndrome. |
CBF | cerebral blood flow. |
CBF | core binding factor (16q22). |
CBF | coronary blood flow. |
CBG | cortisol binding globulin. |
CBGD | cortical-basal ganglionic degeneration. |
CBI | continuous bladder irrigation. |
CBP | colon anastomosis bursting pressure. |
CBPP | contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. |
CBQ | California Behavior Questionnaire. |
CBQ | cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase. |
CBQ | Childbearing Questionnaire. |
CBQ | Children's Behavior Questionnaire. |
CBQ | Conflict Behavior Questionnaire. |
CBR | complete bed rest. |
CBS | cervicobrachial syndrome |
CBS | chronic brain syndrome. |
CBS | clinical behavioral science. |
CBS | conjugated bile salts. |
CBS | culture-bound syndrome. |
CBS | cystathionine beta-synthase. |
CBT | carotid body tumor. |
CBT | cognitive behavioral treatment/therapy. |
CBT | computed body tomography. |
CBV | capillary blood cell velocity. |
CBV | catheter balloon valvuloplasty. |
CBV | central blood volume. |
CBV | cerebral blood volume. |
CBV | circulating blood volume. |
CBV | corrected blood volume. |
CBV | cortical blood volume. |
CBV | Coxsackie B virus. |
CBVD | cerebrovascular disease. |
CBW | chemical and biological warfare. |
CBX | computer-based examination. |
CBZ | carbamazepine. |
CC&C | colony count and culture. |
CC | Caucasian child. |
CC | cc, cubic centimeter. |
CC | chief complaint. |
cc | clean catch. |
CC | closed cup. |
CC | closing capacity. |
CC | collagenous colitis. |
CC | colony count. |
CC | colorectal cancer. |
CC | columnar cells. |
CC | commission certified. |
CC | common cold. |
CC | complicating condition. |
CC | compound cathartic. |
CC | computer calculated. |
cc | concave. |
Cc | concave. |
CC | concordance. |
CC | congenital cardiopathy. |
CC | congenital cataract. |
CC | consumptive coagulopathy. |
CC | contrast cystogram. |
CC | conversion complete. |
C-C | convexo-concavc. |
CC | coracoclavicular. |
CC | cord compression. |
CC | corpora cardiaca. |
CC | corpus callosum. |
cc | corrected. |
CC | costochondral. |
CC | Coulter counter. |
CC | craniocaudal. |
CC | craniocervical. |
CC | creatinine clearance. |
CC | critical care. |
CC | critical condition. |
CC | Crohn colitis. |
CC | Cronkhite-Canada (syndrome). |
CC | crus cerebri. |
cc | cubic centimeter. |
CC | Current Contents. |
CCA | cephalin cholesterol antigen. |
CCA | chick cell agglutination. |
CCA | chimpanzee coryza agent. |
CCA | choriocarcinoma. |
CCA | circulating cathodic antigen. |
CCA | circumflex coronary artery. |
CCA | common carotid artery. |
CCA | congenital contractural arachnodactyly. |
CCA | constitutional chromosome abnormality. |
CCA | Consultative Committee on Agriculture . |
CCA | cytosine-cytosine-adenine codon for proline. |
CCAT | chick cell agglutination test. |
CCAT | conglutinating complement absorption test. |
CCB | calcium channel blocker. |
CCBV | central circulating blood volume. |
CCC | care-cure coordination. |
CCC | cathodal closure contraction. |
CCC | chronic calculous cholecystitis. |
CCC | chronic catarrhal colitis. |
CCC | comprehensive care clinic. |
CCC | concurrent care concern. |
CCC | consecutive case conference. |
CCC | council on clinical classification. |
CCC | critical care complex. |
CCC | cylindrical confronting cistemae. |
CCC | cytosine-cytosine-cytosine codon for proline. |
CCCAD | The Canadian Consensus Conference on the Assessment of Dementia. |
CCCC | centrifugal countercurrent chromatography |
cccDNA | covalently closed circular deoxyribonucleic acid. |
CCCE | cross-cultural cognitive examination. |
CCCI | cathodal closure clonus. |
CCCP | carbonyl cyanide m-chloro-phenyl-hydrazone. |
CCCR | closed chest cardiac resuscitation. |
CCCS | Canadian Committee on Cancer Staging. |
CCCS | condom catheter collecting system. |
CCCT | closed craniocerebral trauma. |
CCCU | comprehensive cardiac care unit. |
CCD | calibration curve data |
CCD | central core disease. |
CCD | charge-coupled device. |
CCD | childhood celiac disease. |
CCD | cleidocranial dysplasia. |
CCD | clinical cardiovascular disease. |
CCD | countercurrent distribution. |
CCD | cumulative cardiotoxic dose. |
CCDC | Canadian Communicable Disease Center. |
CCDN | Central Council for District Nursing. |
CcDNA | closed circle deoxyribonucleic acid. |
CCE | carboline carboxylic acid ester. |
CCE | chamois contagious ecthyma. |
CCE | clear-cell endothelioma. |
CCE | countercurrent electrophoresis. |
CCE | cyanosis, clubbing or edema. |
CCEHRP | Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs. |
CCEI | Crown-Crisp Experimental Index. |
CCF | cancer coagulation factor. |
CCF | cardiolipin complement fixation. |
CCF | carotid-cavernous fistula. |
CCF | centrifuged culture fluid. |
CCF | cephalin-cholesterol flocculation. |
CCF | compound comminuted fracture. |
CCF | congestive cardiac failure. |
CCF | crystal-induced chemotactic factor.. |
CCFA | cefotoxin-cycloserine fructose agar. |
CCFAS | compact colony-forming active substance. |
CCFE | cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, fluorouracil, and extramustine. |
CCFMG | Cooperating Committee on Foreign Medical Graduates. |
CCFPC | Certificant member, College of Family Physicians of Canada. |
CCG | Children's Cancer Group (USA). |
CCG | cholecystogram, cholecystography. |
CCG | clinically coherent group. |
CCG | cytosine-cytosine-guanine codon for proline. |
CCGC | capillary column gas chromotography. |
CCH | C-cell hyperplasia. |
CCh | cholinergic agonist carbachol. |
CCH | chronic chloride hemagglutination. |
CCH | chronic cholestatic hepatitis. |
CCH | circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas. |
CCHA | Canadian Council on Hospital Accreditation. |
CCHD | Chester County Health Department. |
CCHD | cyanotic congenital heart disease. |
CCHE | Central Council for Health Education. |
CCHFA | Canadian Council on Health Facilities Accreditation. |
CCHMS | Central Committee for Hospital Medical Services. |
CCHP | Consumer Choice Health Plan. |
CCHS | congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. |
CCI | Cardiovascular Credentialing International. |
CCI | cholesterol crystallization inhibitor. |
CCI | chronic coronary insufficiency. |
CCI | common client interface. |
CCI | corrected count increment. |
CCID50 | cell culture infectious dose 50 %. |
CCK | cholecystokinin. |
CCK-8 | cholecystokinin octapeptide. |
CCKLI | cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity |
CCK-OP | cholecystokinin octapeptide. |
CCK-PZ | cholecystokinin-pancreozymin. |
CCKRB | cholecystokinin receptor B. |
CCL | carcinoma cell line. |
CCL | certified cell line. |
CCL | Charcot-Leyden crystal. |
CCL | continuing care level. |
CCL | critical carbohydrate level. |
CCLI | composite clinical and laboratory index. |
CCM | cerebrocostomandibular (syndrome). |
CCM | chemical cleavage of mismatch. |
CCM | congestive cardiomyopathy. |
CCM | contextual choice model. |
CCM | craniocervical malformation. |
CCM | critical care medicine. |
CCMC | Committee on the Costs of Medical Care. |
CCME | Coordinating Council on Medical Education. |
CCMS | cerebrocostomandjbular syndrome. |
CCMS | clean catch midstream (urine). |
CCMS | clinical care management system. |
CCMSU | clean catch midstream urine. |
CCMT | catechol methyltransferase. |
CCMU | critical care medical unit. |
CCN | caudal central nucleus. |
CCN | community care network. |
CCN | coronary care nursing. |
CCN | critical care nursing. |
CCNHP | community college nursing home project. |
CCNU | N-(2-chloroethyl)-N'-cyclo-hexyl-N-nitrosourea. |
CCO | cytochrome C oxidase. |
CCOT | cervical compression overloading test. |
CCPD | continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis. |
CCR | continuous complete remission. |
CCRG | Children's Cancer Research Group (Oxford, UK). |
CCS | Canadian Cancer Society. |
CCS | serum corticosterone. |
CCSC | Canadian Cardiovascular Society Classification. |
CCU | coronary/cardiac care unit. |
CCU | cytosine-cytosine-uracil codon for proline. |
CD | cadaver donor. |
CD | Cadmium (Cd). |
CD | candela (cd). |
CD | canine distemper. |
CD | canine dose. |
CD | carbohydrate dehydratase. |
CD | carbon dioxide. |
CD | cardiac disease. |
CD | cardiac dullness. |
CD | cardiac dysrhythmia. |
CD | cardiovascular disease. |
CD | Carrel-Dakin (fluid). |
CD | Castleman disease. |
CD | caudad, caudal. |
CD | caudal (cd or cd). |
CD | cause of death. |
CD | celiac disease. |
CD | cell dissociation. |
CD | cervico dorsal. |
CD | cesarean delivery. |
CD | chemical dependancy. |
CD | circular dichroism. |
CD | cluster of differentiation (eg. CD4, CD8) - full list of CDs. |
CD | coccygeal (cd). |
CD | color doppler. |
CD | combination drug. |
CD | common (bile) duct. |
CD | communicable disease. |
CD | compact disk. |
CD | completely denaturated. |
CD | conceptual design. |
CD | conduct disorder. |
CD | conduction disorder. |
CD | condylion (cd). |
CD | conjugata diagonalis. |
CD | consanguineous donor. |
CD | consent decree. |
CD | contact dermatitis. |
CD | contagious disease. |
CD | control diet. |
CD | controlled drug. |
CD | conventional dialysis. |
CD | convulsive disorder. |
CD | convulsive dose. |
CD | corneal dystrophy. |
CD | Cotrel-Dubousset (rod). |
CD | Crohn disease. |
CD | crossed diagonal. |
CD | curative dose. |
CD | cutdown. |
CD | cystic duct |
CD138 | plasma cell membrane receptor. |
CD138/B-B4 | immunoperoxidase stain using an antibody against CD 138. |
CDA | congenital dyserythropoietic anemia. |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control. |
CDG | Congenital disorders of glycosylation. |
CDGS | carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome. |
CDH | congenital dislocation of the hip. |
CDH | congenital dysplasia of hip. |
CDI | clean, dry, intact. |
Cdiff | C-diff, Clostridium difficile. |
CDMS | clinically definite multiple sclerosis. |
cDNA | complementary DNA (a synthetic DNA copied from mRNA). |
CDO | congenital duodenal obstruction. |
CDR | Clinical Dementia Rating. |
CDR | complementarity-determining regions. |
CDS | cervico-dorsal syndrome. |
CDT | carbohydrate-deficient transferrin. |
CE angle | (radiograph) center-edge angle. |
CE | carboxylesterases. |
CE | chloracetate esterase. |
CE | european conformity. |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen. |
CEC | chloroethylclonidine. |
CEF | cytoxan plus epirubicin plus 5. |
Ceff | effective compliance; bedside method of monitoring the effectiveness of PEEP; equal with VT(tidal volume)/peak air pressure, should be greater than 50 cm3/cmH2O. |
CENELEC | European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. |
CERAD | Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease. |
Cervical dil. | cervical dilation. |
CEZ | cefazolin. |
CF | Clofibrate. |
CF | compare, refer to. |
CF | complement fixation. |
CF | cystic fibrosis. |
CFAE | ceftiofur free acid equivalent. |
CFC | colony-forming cells. |
CFCOT | College Francais des Chirurgiens Orthopedistes et Traumatologues. |
CFDI | colour-flow duplex imaging. |
CFIDS | Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome. |
CFM | continuous electronic fetal monitoring. |
CFNS | chills, fever, night sweats. |
CFP | call for papers. |
CFPC | College of Family Physicians of Canada. |
CFS | Chronic Fatigue (and Immune Dysfunction) Syndrome. |
CFS/ME | chronic fatigue syndrome (often called myalgic encephalomyelitis, especially in the UK). |
CFTR | cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator. |
CFU | colony forming units. |
CFUc | colony-forming unit cells. |
CFU-GEMM | colony-forming units generating granulocytes, erythroblasts, macrophages, and megakaryiocytes. |
CFU-S | spleen colony-forming units. |
cg | centigram. |
CG | chorionic gonadotropin. |
CgA | chromogranin A. |
CGA | compressed gas association. |
CGA | Contact Guard Assist (physical therapy). |
CGA | cytosine-guanine-adenine codon for arginine. |
CGC | cytosine-guanine-cytosine codon for arginine. |
CGCGGATC | Oct motif. |
CGD | chronic granulomatous disease. |
CGG | cytosine-guanine-guanine codon for arginine. |
CGH | comparative genomic hybridization - cytogenetics method. |
CGL | chronic granulocytic leukemia (previous name for CML). |
CGN | crescentic glomerulonephritis. |
CGRP | calcitonin gene-related peptide. |
CGU | cytosine-guanine-uracil codon for arginine. |
cGy | centi Gray (unit of radiation). |
CH | characteristic. |
CH | chest. |
CH | chief. |
CH | chronic. |
CH | crown-heel. |
ch. br. syn. | chronic brain syndrome. |
CH50 | total functional hemolytic complement. |
CHA | calcium hydroxyapatite. |
CHA | congenital hypoplastic anemia. |
cHA | coralline hydroxyapatite. |
CHD | congenital dislocation of the hip. |
CHD | congenital heart disease |
CHD | coronary heart disease. |
ChE | cholinesterases. |
chemo | chemotherapy. |
CHF | congestive heart failure. |
CHG | change. |
CHI | closed head injury. |
CHILD syndrome | congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythrodermal and limb defects. |
CHL | classical Hodgkin lymphoma. |
ChlVPP | chlorambucil, vinblastine, procarbazine, and prednisone. |
CHOL | serum cholesterol. |
CHR | chronic. |
CHR | chronological. |
CHS | calvarial hyperostotic syndrome. |
CHS | Chediak-Higashi syndrome. |
CHS | customized headholder system. |
CHS1 | Chediak Higashi syndrome gene, located on chromosome 1 (1q42-44). |
CHT | classical heart transplantation. |
CI | cardiac index (cardiac output divided by the patient's body surface area); normal 2.8-4.2 L/min/m2. |
CI | cardiac insufficiency. |
CI | cerebral infarction. |
CI | confidence interval. |
CIA | collagen-induced arthritis. |
CIBIC-Plus | Clinician's Interview Based Impression of Change Plus Caregiver Input. |
CIC | circulating immune complexes. |
CIC | crisis intervention clinic. |
CICU | cardiac intensive care unit. |
CID | carpal instability, dissociative. |
CID | collision-induced dissociation. |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency. |
CIDP | chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. |
CIG | cigarette consumption. |
cig | cigarette. |
CIG | cold insoluble globulin. |
CIG | cryosurgical iceball gauge. |
cIg | cytoplasmic immunoglobulin. |
cIgM | cytoplasmic immunoglobulin M. |
CIK | cytokine induced-killer cells. |
CIMF | chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis. |
CIMMYT | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. |
CIN | cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (grades I, II, III). |
CIND | carpal instability non-dissociative. |
CIP | clinical investigation plan. |
CIP | International Foot and Ankle Society. |
CIRC | circulation. |
CIRC | circumference. |
CIS | carcinoma in situ. |
cis-DDP | cis-diamminedichloroplatinum. |
CISH | chromosomal in situ hybridization. |
CJD | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. |
CJF | carotid-jugular fistula. |
CK 18 | cytokeratin found in hepatocyte, renal tubular cell, ductular epithelia, mesothelia, and respiratory epithelia. |
CK 1-8 | neutral to basic cytokeratin. |
CK 9-20 | acidic cytokeratin. |
CK | check. |
CK | creatine kinase. |
CK | cytokeratin. |
CKD | result checked. |
CKI | casein kinase I. |
CKMB | creatine kinase muscle band. |
CKS | classic Kaposi sarcoma. |
CL VOID | clean voided specimen (urine). |
CL(P) | cleft lip without cleft palate. |
CL | capillary lumen. |
CL | cardiolipin. |
CL | cell line. |
cl | centiliter. |
CL | centralis lateralis. |
CL | chemiluminescence. |
CL | chest and left arm (lead in electrocardiography). |
Cl | chloride. |
Cl | chlorine. |
CL | cholelithiasis. |
CL | cholesterol-lecithin. |
CL | chronic leukemia. |
CL | cirrhosis of liver. |
cl | clarified. |
Cl | clavicle. |
CL | clavicle. |
cl | clean. |
CL | clean. |
CL | clear liquid. |
cl | clear. |
Cl | clear. |
CL | clearance. |
CL | cleft lip. |
cl | cleft. |
cl | clinic, clinical. |
Cl | clinic. |
CL | clinical laboratory. |
CL | clomipramine. |
cl | clonus. |
CL | closed. |
Cl | Clostridium. |
Cl | closure. |
cl | clotting. |
cl | cloudy. |
Cl | colistin. |
CL | complex loading. |
CL | confidence limit or level. |
CL | constant domain of L chain. |
C-L | consultation-liaison (setting). |
CL | contact lens. |
CL | corpus luteum. |
CL | corrected (echo long axis) length. |
CL | cricoid lamina. |
CL | criterion level. |
CL | critical list. |
CL | cycle length. |
CL | cytotoxic lymphocyte. |
CL | lung compliance. |
CL/CP | cleft lip/cleft palate. |
CL/CP | cleft lip/cleft palate. |
CL/P | cleft lip with or without cleft palate. |
CLA | cerebellar ataxia. |
CLA | Certified Laboratory Assistant. |
CLA | cervicolinguoaxial. |
CLA | contralateral local anesthesia. |
CLA | cutaneous lymphocyte antigen. |
CLA | cyclic lysine anhydride. |
CL-ABE | chemiluminescence avidin-biotin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. |
ClAc | chloroacetyl. |
CLAH | congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia. |
Clam | cervical laminectomy. |
CLAS | congenital localized absence of skin. |
class | classif, classification. |
clav | clavicle. |
CLB | chlorambucil. |
CLB | curvilinear body. |
CLBBB | complete left bundle branch block. |
CLBP | chronic low back pain. |
CLC | Charcot-Leyden crystal. |
CLC | Clerc-Levy-Critesco (syndrome). |
CLCD | cleidocranial dysostosis. |
CLCN | chloride channel. |
CLCP | chymotrypsin-like cationic protein. |
CLCS | colchicine sensitivity. |
CLD | chloride diarrhea. |
CLD | chronic liver disease. |
CLD | chronic lung disease. |
CLD | congenital limb deficiency. |
CLD | crystal ligand field. |
CLDH | choline dehydrogenase. |
CLDP | Commercial Law Development Program. |
Cldy | cloudy. |
CLE | centrilobular emphysema. |
CLE | continuous lumbar epidural (anesthesia). |
CLED | cystine-lactose-electrolyte-deficient (agar). |
CLF | calcification of ligamentum flavum. |
CLF | cardiolipin fluorescent (antibody). |
CLF | ceroid lipofuscinosis. |
CLF | cholesterol-lecithin flocculation. |
CLH | chronic lobular hepatitis. |
CLH | cleft limb-heart (syndrome). |
CLH | corpus luteum hormone. |
CLH | cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia. |
CLI | complement lysis inhibitor. |
CLI | corpus luteum insufficiency. |
CLIA | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act. |
CLIF | cloning inhibitory factor. |
CLIF | Crithidia luciliae immunofluorescence. |
clin | clinic, clinical. |
CLINPROT | Clinical Cancer Protocols. |
CLIP | capitolunate instability pattern. |
CLIP | corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide. |
CL-IVR | cycle length of the idioventricular rhythm. |
CLL | cholesterol-lowering lipid. |
CLL | chronic lymphocytic leukemia. |
CLL | cow lung lavage. |
CLL/SLL | chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. |
CLMA | Clinical Laboratory Management Association. |
CLMF | cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor. |
CLML | Current List of Medical Literature. |
CLMV | cauliflower mosaic virus. |
clo | "clothing"-a unit of thermal insulation. |
CLO | cod liver oil. |
CLOF | clofibrate. |
CLON | clonidine. |
Clon | Clonorchis. |
Clostr | Clostridium. |
CLP | chymotrypsin-like protein. |
CLP | cleft lip with cleft palate. |
ClP | clinical pathology. |
CLP | paced cycle length. |
CLS | café-au-lait spot. |
CLS | Clinical Laboratory Scientist. |
CLS | Coffin-Lowry syndrome. |
CLS | Cornelia de Lange syndrome. |
CLSE | calf lung surfactant extract. |
CLSH | corpus luteum stimulating hormone. |
CLSL | chronic lymphosarcoma (cell) leukemia. |
CLSM | confocal laser scanning microscopy. |
CLT(NCA) | Laboratory Technician Certified by the National Certification Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel. |
CLT | Certified Laboratory Technician. |
CLT | chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. |
CLT | Clinical Laboratory Technician. |
CLT | clot lysis time. |
CLT | clotting time. |
CLT | lung-thorax compliance. |
CLTB | total body clearance. |
CLU | clusterin. |
CLV | cassava latent virus. |
CLV | constant linear velocity. |
CLZ | clozapine. |
CM | California mastitis (test). |
CM | calmodulin |
CM | capreomycin |
CM | CarboMedics (heart valves). |
CM | carboxymethyl |
CM | cardiac murmur |
CM | cardiac muscle |
CM | cardiomyopathy |
CM | carpometacarpal |
CM | castrated male |
CM | Caucasian male |
CM | cause of death (form Latin causa mortis) |
CM | cavernous malformation |
CM | cell membrane |
CM | center of mass |
cM | centi -morgan. |
cm | centimeter - 0.01 meters. |
CM | centrum medianum. |
CM | cerebral malaria |
CM | cerebral mantle |
CM | cervical mucosa or mucus |
CM | Chick-Martin (coefficient) |
CM | chloroquinemepacrine |
CM | chondromalacia |
CM | chopped meat (medium) |
CM | circular muscle |
CM | circulating monocyte |
CM | circumferential measurement |
CM | clindamycin |
CM | clinical medicine |
CM | clinical modification |
CM | coccidioidal meningitis |
CM | cochlear microphonic |
CM | codling moth. |
CM | combined modality |
CM | common migraine |
CM | complete medium |
CM | complications |
CM | condition median |
CM | conditioned medium |
CM | congenital malformation |
CM | congestive myocardiopathy |
CM | continuous murmur |
CM | contrast medium |
CM | copulatory mechanism |
CM | costal margin |
CM | cow's milk |
Cm | curium. |
CM | cytometry |
CM | cytoplasmic membrane |
CM | Master of Surgery (from Latin Chirurgiae Magister) |
Cm | maximum clearance. |
Cm | minimal concentration. |
CM | narrow-diameter endosseous screw implant (form French crete manche). |
cm2 | square centimeter. |
cm3 | cubic centimeter. |
CMA | Canadian Medical Association. |
CMA | Certified Medical Assistant. |
CMA | chronic metabolic acidosis. |
CMA | cow's milk allergy. |
CMA | cultured macrophages. |
CMAP | compound muscle (or motor) action potential. |
CMAR | cell matrix adhesion regulator. |
Cmax | Cmax, maximum concentration. |
CMB | carbolic methylene blue. |
CMB | Central Midwives' Board. |
CMB | chloromercuribenzoate. |
CMBES | Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society. |
CMC | carboxymethylcellulose. |
CMC | care management continuity. |
CMC | carpometacarpal. |
CMC | cell-mediated cytolysis or cytotoxicity. |
CMC | chloramphenicol. |
CMC | chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. |
CMC | critical micellar concentration. |
CMCC | chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. |
CMCJ | carpometacarpal joint. |
CMCt | care management continuity across settings. |
CMD | campomelic dysplasia. |
CMD | camptomelic dwarfism. |
CMD | cartilage matrix deficiency. |
CMD | chief medical director. |
CMD | childhood muscular dystrophy. |
CMD | chronic myeloproliferative disease. |
CMD | comparative mean dose. |
CMD | congenital muscular dystrophy. |
CMD | count median diameter. |
cmDNA | cytoplasmic membrane-associated deoxyribonucleic acid. |
CME | continuing medical education (American Medical Association On-Line CME Locator). |
CMET | central mucoepidermoid tumor of the jaws. |
CMF | cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil. |
CMF | cytoxan, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil. |
CMF/VP | cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, and prednisone. |
CMH | Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test. |
CMHC | community mental health centers. |
CMI | combined mechanical injury. |
CML | chronic myelogenous leukemia. |
CMML | chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. |
CMO | centric relation occlusion. |
CMO | Chief Medical Officer (UK). |
CMP | cardiomyopathy. |
CMQ | Collège des médecins du Québec. |
CMR | clinical materials requisition. |
CMS | circulation, motion, sensation. |
CMT | Charcot-Marie-Tooth (International). |
CMT | combined modality therapy. |
CMT1A | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. |
CMV | cisplatin-methotrexate-vinblastine. |
CMV | control medical ventilation. |
CMV | cytomegalovirus. |
CMVIG | cytomegalo virus immune globulin. |
CN (2-12) | cranial nerves (2 to 12). |
CN | cranial nerve. |
CNB | cannabinoids. |
CNL | chronic neutrophilic leukemia. |
CNL | constant neutral loss (scanning). |
CNPA | chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis. |
CNR | contrast-to-noise ratio. |
CNS | central nervous system. |
CNTF | ciliary neurotrophic factor. |
cNTS | caudal region of nucleus tractus solitarius. |
CNU-TNM | Comite Nacional Uruguayo TNM. |
CNV | cranial nerve number 5. |
CNX | cranial nerve number 10. |
CO | carbon monoxide. |
CO | cardiac output. |
CO | check out. |
CO | childhood-onset. |
Co | cobalt. |
COA | California Orthopaedic Association. |
COA | Canadian Orthopaedic Association (Canadian Medical Association Affiliates). |
COA | condition on admission. |
COAD | chronic obstructive airways disease. |
COAG | coagulation. |
COD | cause of death. |
COD | condition on discharge. |
CO-GHD | childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency. |
COGME | Council on Graduate Medical Education. |
COLD | chronic obstructive lung disease. |
COMP | compound. |
COMSS | Council of Musculoskeletal Specialty Societies (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
COMT | catechol-O-methyltransferase. |
Con A | concavalin A. |
Cong. fail. | congestive failure. |
CONs | normal controls. |
Cons. | consultant. |
COOMR | Center for Orthopaedic Oncology and Musculoskeletal Research. |
COP | center of pressure. |
COPA | Certified Orthotic and Prosthetic Advocates. |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. |
COPE | Calendar of Premenstrual Experiences (scale). |
COPE | chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema. |
COR | Center for Orthopaedic Research. |
CORF | Carolina Orthopaedic Research Foundation. |
CORR | Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (Journal). |
COS | Canadian Oncology Society. |
COS | Clinical Orthopaedic Society (AAOS Related Organizations). |
COS | Colorado Orthopaedic Society. |
COSTA test | compost stabilization test. |
COVD | College of Optometrists in Vision Development. |
COVD | College of Optometrists in Vision Development. |
COX | cytochrome c oxidase. |
COX-II | cyclooxygenase-II. |
CP | capsid protein. |
CP | cerebral palsy. |
CP | chest pain. |
CP | coat protein. |
CP2D-A | citrate-phosphate-double-dextrose adenine. |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure. |
CPB | cardiopulmonary bypass. |
CPB | competitive protein binding. |
CPC | clinicopathological correlation. |
CPD | cephalopelvic disproportion. |
CPD | chronic peritoneal dialysis. |
CPD | citrate-phosphate-dextrose. |
CPE | chronic pulmonary emphysema. |
CPE | complete physical examination. |
CPE | cytopathic effect. |
CPHL | Central Public Health Laboratory. |
CPK | creatine phosphokinase. |
CPM | central pontine myelinolysis. |
CPM | clinical project manager. |
CPM | continuous passive motion machine (center for orthopaedics and sports medicine). |
CPM | counts per minute. |
CPM | cyclophosphamide. |
CPMA | California Podiatric Medical Association. |
CPMS | chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. |
CPPD | calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate. |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation. |
CPR | checks with previous results. |
CPR | Contraceptive Prevalence Rate. |
CPR | C-reactive protein. |
CPS | Children's Protective Services. |
CPT | Current Procedural Terminology. |
CPV-2 | parvovirus-2. |
CPX | complete physical examination. |
CPZ | cefoperazone. |
CPZ | Chlorpromazine (Thorazine). |
CR (1,2 | and 3), leukocyte complement receptors. |
CR&C | closed reduction and cast. |
CR | chest radiogram. |
CR | clinical records. |
CR | closed reduction. |
CR | complete remission/complete response. |
CR | conditioned reflex. |
CR | crown-rump. |
CRA | Clinical Research Associate. |
Crani | cranial (toward the head or proximal). |
Crani | cranial (with reference to the cranium). |
CRC | Cancer Research Campaign (UK). |
CRC | colorectal carcinoma. |
CreA | (the transcriptional repressor mediating) carbon catabolite repression in Aspergillus nidulans. |
Crea | creatinine. |
CREST | calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasis. |
CRF | case report form. |
CRF | case report forms. |
CRF | chronic renal failure. |
CRF | corticotropin-releasing factor or hormone. |
CRI | chronic renal insufficiency. |
CRIS | controlled-release infusion system. |
CRIT | critical hematocrit. |
CRLs | cervical root lesions. |
CRNA | certified registered nurse anesthetist. |
CRO | cathode ray oscilloscope. |
CRO | clinical research organizations. |
CRO | Contract Research Organization. |
CROM | cervical range of motion. |
CROM | cervical range of motion. |
CROME | congenital cataracts-epileptic fits-mental retardation (syndrome). |
CROS | contralateral routing of signals (hearing aid). |
CRP | chronic relapsing pancreatitis. |
CRP | corneal-retinal potential. |
CRP | coronary rehabilitation program. |
CRP | C-reactive protein. |
CrP | creatine phosphate. |
CRP | cross-reacting protein. |
CRP | cyclic AMP receptor protein. |
CRPA | C-reactive protein antiserum. |
CRPD | chronic restrictive pulmonary disease. |
CRPF | chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. |
CRPF | closed reduction and percutaneous fixation. |
CRPF | contralateral renal plasma flow. |
CRPS | complex regional pain syndrome (type I and II). |
CRRN | certified rehabilitation registered nurse. |
CrRT | cranial radiotherapy. |
CRS | Carroll rating scale for depression. |
CRS | catheter-related sepsis. |
CRS | caudal regression syndrome. |
CRS | cervical spine radiography. |
CRS | Chinese restaurant syndrome. |
CRS | colon and rectum surgery. |
CRS | compliance of the respiratory system. |
CRS | congenital rubella syndrome. |
CRS | craniosynostosis. |
CRS | cryptidin-related sequence. |
CRSM | cherry red spot myoclonus. |
CRSP | comprehensive renal scintillation procedure. |
CRST | calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia (syndrome). |
CRT | cadaveric renal transplant. |
CRT | capillary refill time. |
CRT | cardiac resuscitation team. |
CRT | cathode-ray tube. |
CRT | Certified Record Techniques. |
CRT | certified. |
CRT | choice reaction time. |
CRT | chromium release test. |
CRT | complex reaction time. |
CRT | computerized renal tomography. |
CRT | copper reduction test. |
CRT | corrected retention time. |
CRT | corrected. |
CRT | cortisone resistant thymocyte. |
CRT | cranial radiation therapy. |
crt | hematocrit. |
CRTM | cartilage matrix protein. |
CRTP | Consciousness Research and Training Project. |
CRTT | Certified Respiratory Therapy Technician. |
CRU | cardiac rehabilitation unit. |
CRU | clinical research unit. |
CRV | central retinal vein. |
CRVF | congestive right ventricular failure. |
CRVO | central retinal vein occlusion. |
CRYG | gamma crystallin gene. |
CRYM | crystallin, MU. |
cryo | cryogenic. |
cryo | cryoglobulin. |
cryo | cryoprecipitate. |
cryo | cryosurgery. |
cryo | cryotherapy. |
Cryoppt | cryoprecipitate. |
crys | cryst crystal, crystaline. |
CS | calf serum. |
CS | campomelic syndrome. |
CS | carcinoid syndrome. |
CS | cardiogenic shock. |
CS | caries-susceptible. |
CS | carotid sheath. |
CS | carotid sinus. |
Cs | case. |
CS | cat scratch. |
CS | celiac sprue. |
Cs | cell surface. |
cS | centistoke. |
CS | central service. |
CS | central supply. |
CS | cerebral scintigraphy. |
CS | cerebrospinal. |
CS | cervical spine. |
CS | cervical stimulation. |
CS | cesarean section. |
Cs | cesium. |
CS | chest strap. |
CS | chief of staff. |
CS | cholesterol stone. |
CS | chondroitin sulfate. |
CS | chorionic somatomammotropin. |
cs | chromosome. |
CS | chronic schizophrenia. |
CS | cigarette smoker. |
CS | citrate synthase. |
CS | climacteric syndrome. |
CS | clinic scheduling. |
CS | clinical laboratory scientist. |
CS | clinical stage. |
CS | clinical status. |
CS | Cockayne syndrome. |
CS | complete stroke. |
CS | compression syndrome. |
CS | concentrated strength. |
CS | conditioned stimulus. |
CS | congenital syphilis. |
CS | conjunctival secretion. |
CS | conscious sedation. |
CS | conscious, consciousness. |
cs | consciousness. |
CS | conservative surgery. |
CS | constant spring. |
CS | contact sensitivity. |
CS | continue same. |
CS | contrast sensitivity (test). |
CS | control serum. |
CS | convalescence, convalescent. |
CS | coronary sclerosis. |
CS | coronary sinus. |
CS | corpus striatum. |
CS | corticoid-sensitive. |
CS | corticosteroid. |
CS | crush syndrome. |
CS | c-section, cesarean section. |
CS | current smoker. |
CS | current strength. |
CS | Cushing syndrome. |
CS | cycloserine. |
CS | cyclosporine. |
Cs | cyclosporine. |
CS | IV clinical stage 4. |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association. |
CSA | canavaninosuccinic acid. |
CSA | carbonyl salicylamide. |
CSA | cell surface antigen. |
CSA | chemical shift anisotropy. |
CSA | chondroitin sulfate A. |
CSA | chorionic somatomammotropin A. |
CSA | colony-stimulating activity. |
CSA | compressed spectral assay. |
CSA | computerized spectral analysis. |
CSA | Controlled Substances Act. |
CSA | cross section area. |
CSA | cyclosporine A. |
CsA | cyclosporine A. |
CSAA | Child Study Association of America. |
CSAD | corporate services administration department. |
CSAT | center for substance abuse treatment. |
CSAVP | cerebral subarachnoid venous pressure. |
CSB | Canadian Society for Biomechanics (Société Canadienne de Biomécanique). |
csb | chromosome break. |
CSB | congenital short bowel. |
CSB | contaminated small bowel. |
CSB | craniosynostosis, Boston type. |
CSBF | coronary sinus blood flow. |
CSBS | contaminated small bowel syndrome. |
CSC | blow on blow (administration of small amounts of drugs at short intervals) (Fr. coup sur coup). |
CSC | collagen sponge contraceptive. |
CSC | corticostriatocerebellar. |
CSC | cryogenic storage container. |
CSCC | cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. |
CSCD | Center for Sickle Cell Disease. |
CSCI | corticosterone side-chain isomerase. |
CSCR | Central Society for Clinical Research. |
CSCV | critical serum chemistry value. |
CSD | carotid sinus denervation. |
CSD | cat scratch disease. |
CSD | combined system disease. |
CSD | conditionally streptomycin dependent. |
CSD | conduction system disease. |
CSD | cortical spreading depression. |
CSD | craniospinal defect. |
CSD | critical stimulus duration. |
CSDB | cat scratch disease bacillus. |
CSDMS | Canadian Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. |
CSE | clinical-symptom self-evaluation (questionnaire). |
CSE | cone-shaped epiphysis. |
CSE | conventional spin-echo. |
CSE | cross-sectional echocardiography. |
C-section | cesarean section. |
CSEP | cortical somatosensory evoked potential. |
CSER | cortical somatosensory evoked response. |
CSF | cancer family syndrome. |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid. |
CSF | classical swine fever. |
CSF | cold stability factor. |
CSF | colony-stimulating factor. |
CS-F | colony-stimulating factor. |
CSF | coronary sinus flow. |
CSFH | cerebrospinal fluid hypotension. |
CSFP | cerebrospinal fluid pressure. |
CSFR | colony-stimulating factor receptor. |
CSFV | cerebrospinal fluid volume. |
CSF-WR | cerebrospinal fluid-Wassermann reaction. |
CSG | cholecystography, cholecystogram. |
csg | chromosome gap. |
CSGBI | Cardiac Society of Great Britain and Ireland. |
CSGBM | collagenase soluble glomerular basement membrane. |
CSH | carotid sinus hypersensitivity. |
CSH | chronic subdural hematoma. |
CSH | combat support (army) hospital. |
CSH | cortical stromal hyperplasia. |
CSHA | Canadian Study of Health and Aging. |
CSHE | California Society for Hospital Engineering. |
CSHRH | congenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosis. |
CSII | continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. |
CSK | chronic superficial keratitis. |
CSM | clinical supply management. |
CSMSD | Czech Society for Metabolic Skeletal Diseases (EFFO Member Society). |
CSOS | Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic Society. |
CSOT | Canadian Society of Orthopaedic Technologists. |
CSP | cervical spine. |
CSP | cyclosporine. |
C-spine | cervical spine. |
CSR | central supply room. |
CSR | cervical spine radiography. |
CSRS | Cervical Spine Research Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
CSRT | corrected sinus recovery time. |
CSS | Churg-Strauss syndrome. |
Cst | corticosterone. |
CSV | Cordis Standard Valves. |
CSW | Certified Social Worker. |
CSWs | Children's Social Workers. |
CT | carpal tunnel. |
CT | cerebral thrombosis. |
CT | cervical traction. |
CT | cervical-thoracic. |
CT | chemotherapy. |
CT | clinical trial. |
CT | computerized tomography. |
CT | cor triatriatum. |
CT | cytotrophoblast. |
ct. | count. |
CTA | clear to auscultation (about lungs). |
CTAB | clear to auscultation bilaterally (about lungs). |
CTACK | cutaneous T-cell attracting chemokine. |
CTB | cholera toxin subunit B. |
CTB | confined to bed |
CTC | common toxicity criteria. |
CTD | connective tissue disease. |
CTE | coefficient of thermal expansion. |
CTEV | congenital talipes equinovarus. |
CTF | central tegmental field. |
CTL | cervical, thoracic, lumbar. |
CTL | cytotoxic T lymphocytes. |
CTLA | cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CD152). |
CTNB | CT-guided needle biopsy. |
CTO | clinical trials office. |
CTR | carpal tunnel release. |
CTR | coated tube radioimmunoassay. |
CTS | carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel release: sample operative report). |
CTSP | called to see patient. |
CTX | clinical trials exemption. |
CU | cause unknown. |
CU | clinical unit. |
cu | cubic. |
CUA | cytosine-uracil-adenine codon for leucine. |
CUC | cytosine-uracil-cytosine codon for leucine. |
CUD | cause undetermined. |
CUG | cytosine-uracil-guanine codon for leucine. |
CUU | cytosine-uracil-uracil codon for leucine. |
CV | cardiac volume. |
CV | cardiovascular. |
CV | cervical vertebra. |
CV | color vision. |
CV | cresyl violet (dye used in Gram staining). |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident (stroke). |
CVA | costovertebral angle. |
CVC | central venous catheters. |
CVD | cardiovascular disease. |
CVD | cerebrovascular disease |
CVG | contrast ventriculography. |
CVI | cerebrovascular insufficiency. |
CVMP | Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Product. |
CVP | central venous pressure; normal range: 0 to 9 cm of water. |
CVP | cytoxan, vincristine, prednisone |
CVS | cardiovascular status. |
CVS | cardiovascular system. |
CVS | chorionic villous sampling. |
CVVH | continuous veno-venous haemofiltration. |
CVVHD | continuous veno-venous hemodialysis. |
CW | chest wall. |
CW | crutch walking. |
CWHTO | closing wedge high tibial osteotomy. |
CWI | crutch walking instructions. |
CWP | cell wall protein. |
CWP | childbirth without pain. |
CWP | coal workers' pneumoconiosis. |
CX | cervix. |
CX | chest x-ray. |
CX | consciousness |
Cx | cultures. |
CXR | chest X-ray. |
Cys | cysteine. |
cysto | cystoscopic exam. |
D (536 abbreviations) |
D1 - D12 | dorsal vertebrae (thoracic vertebrae). |
3,4-DAP | 3,4-diaminopyridine. |
3-DV | three dimensional visualization. |
D&C | dilatation and curettage. |
D&E | dilatation and evacuation. |
D&I | dry and intact (wound dressings). |
D&V | diarrhea and vomiting. |
d, /d | day, per day |
D | aspartic acid. |
D | day. |
D | diopter (lens strength) |
D/A | date of accident. |
D/A | date of admission. |
D/BMD | Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies. |
D/C | diarrhea/constipation. |
D/C | discharge. |
D/C | discontinue. |
D/DW | dextrose in distilled water |
D/H | drug history. |
D/NS | dextrose in normal saline |
D/W | dextrose in water. |
D/W | discussed with. |
D5 | anti-microphtalmia transcription factor antibody (for diagnosis of clear cell sarcoma/malignant melanoma of soft parts). |
DA | degenerative arthritis. |
DA | inbred strains of rats [DA(RT1a/AgB4)]. |
DAB | diaminobenzidine (chromogen for peroxidase-based detection systems). |
DAB | dorsal abductors. |
Dabs | absorbed radiation dose. |
Dabs | degassed by O2 absorption (lungs). |
DABS | Derogatis Affects Balance Sheet. |
DABS | diazobenzene sulfonate. |
DABS-AA | dimethylaminoazobenzenesulfonyl-amino acid. |
DABS-Cl | dimethylaminoazobenzenesulfonyl chloride. |
DAF | decay-accelerating factor (CD55) - regulates C3. |
DAG | diacylglycerol. |
DAISY | the dairy information system (UK). |
DAN | 2,4-diaminonaphthalene. |
DAN | danazol. |
DAN | diabetic autonomic neuropathy. |
Dan-MONICA | Danish MONItoring trends in CArdiovascular diseases study. |
DAN-PSS | Danish Prostate Symptom Score. |
DAO | dog aorta. |
DAP | Draw a Person Test. |
DAP | dystrophin associated protein. |
DAPC | dystrophin-associated protein complex. |
DAPK | death-associated protein kinase. |
DAP-Kinase | death-associated protein kinase. |
DAPT | diphtheria, acellular pertussis, and tetanus toxoids. |
DAR | double-antibody radioimmunoassay. |
DAT | dementia of the Alzheimer's type. |
DAT | diet as tolerated. |
DAT | direct antibody testing. |
DATT | Defense Attaché. |
DAV | dapple apple viroid. |
DB | date of birth. |
db | decibel. |
DB | disability. |
DBI | diazepam binding inhibitor. |
DBM | demineralized bone matrix. |
DBP | demineralized bone powder. |
DBP | diastolic blood pressure. |
DBP | dibutyl phthalate. |
DBPCFC | double-blind placebo controlled food challenge. |
DBSC | double-breath, single cycle. |
DBW | deficit birthweight. |
DBW | desirable body weight. |
DBW | diabetic black women. |
DBW | dosing body weight. |
DBW | dry body weight. |
DC&B | dilation, curettage and biopsy. |
DC | dendritic cells. |
DC | direct current. |
DC | disc, discharged, discontinue. |
dc | discontinue. |
DC | doctor of chiropractic. |
DCA | directional coronary atherectomy (for coronary ostial lesions). |
DCBE | double-contrast barium enema. |
DCC | dextran-coated charcoal. |
DCC | direct current contershock. |
DCGF | dry corn gluten feed. |
DCH | 2,3-dicyanohydroquinone. |
DCH | Day-case haemorrhoidectomy. |
DCH | deep cerebral hemorrhages. |
DCH | delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity. |
DCH | diffuse chorioamnionic hemosiderosis. |
DCH | diffuse choroidal hemangiomas. |
DCh | dorsochiasmatic area. |
DCH | double-crush hypothesis. |
DCIS | ductal carcinoma in situ - type of breast cancer. |
DCM | dilated cardiomyopathy. |
DCP | des-g-carboxy prothrombin, specific for HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma). |
DCS | decompression sickness. |
DCT | distal convoluted tubule. |
DD | discharge diagnosis. |
DD | dry dressing. |
DDAVP | desmopressin acetate. |
DDAVP | desmopressin test for urine osmolality. |
ddC | zalcitabine. |
DDD | degenerative disk disease. |
DDH | developmental dysplasia of the hip (case report). |
ddI | didanosine. |
DDP | diamminedichloroplatinum. |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery. |
DDT | chlorphenotane. |
DDx | differential diagnosis. |
DE | delayed excitation. |
DEA | diethylamine. |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Agency. |
DEAE | diethylaminoethyl. |
DEC | deceased; decrease |
DEF | defecation. |
DEF | deferred. |
DEF | deficient. |
DEG | degeneration. |
Derm | dermatology |
DES | describe. |
DES | desflurane. |
DES | diethylstilbestrol. |
DET | determine |
DEV | deviation. |
DEXA | dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (accuDEXA(tm) bone densitometer by Schick Technologies). |
DF | dorsiflexion. |
DFA | direct fluorescent antibody test. |
DFI | disease free interval. |
DFID | British Department of International Development (Formerly ODA). |
DFMO | DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine. |
DFS | disease free survival (time without disease prior to relapse or last follow-up). |
DFSP | dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. |
DFX | desferrioxamine. |
DGC | differentiated type gastric carcinoma. |
DGC | dystrophin-glycoprotein complex. |
DGCR | DiGeorge chromosomal region. |
DGGE | denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. |
DGGE | denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. |
DGI | disseminated gonococcal infection. |
DGM | duodenal gastric metaplasia. |
DGR | duodenogastric reflux. |
DGS | DiGeorge syndrome. |
DH | dermatitis herpetiformis. |
DHA | docosahexanoic acid. |
DHEA | dehydroepiandrosterone. |
DHEAS | dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. |
DHEA-ST | dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferases. |
DHF | dorsi-hyperflexion. |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services. |
DHL | diffuse histocytic leukemia. |
DHS | dynamic hip screw. |
DI | date of injury. |
DI | diabetes insipidus. |
diag | diagnosis, diagnostic. |
DIC | disseminated intravascular coagulation. |
Dict. | dictation. |
DIF | direct immunofluorescence. |
DIFF | diff, differential blood count. |
DIL | dilated. |
DIL | dilute. |
DIM | diminished. |
Dind | indicative radiation dose. |
DIP | desquamative interstitial penumonitis. |
DIP | distal interphalangeal joints. |
DIP | distal interphalangeal. |
DIPJ | distal interphalangeal joint. |
DIPP | diisopropyl phosphate. |
dIPSPs | depolarizing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. |
DIS | disabled. |
DIS | disease. |
DISH | diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. |
DISI | dorsal intercalate segment instability. |
DISL | dislocate; dislocation. |
DISP | disposition. |
DIST | distal. |
DIST | distended. |
DIT | diiodotyrosine. |
DIW | dextrose in water. |
DJD | degenerative joint disease. |
DKA | diabetic ketoacidosis. |
DKA | did not keep appointment. |
DKB | deep knee bends. |
dl | deciliter - 0.01 liters (100 ml). |
DL | dual lumen. |
DLA | dorsolateral area. |
DLC | diamond-like carbon (coatings). |
DLCL | diffuse large cell lymphoma. |
DLCO | diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide. |
DLDH | dementia lacking distinctive histopathology. |
DLE | discoid lupus erythematosus. |
DLI | donor lymphocyte infusion. |
DLO | d-limonene 1,2-epoxide. |
DLO | dorsolateral outflow. |
DLO | octopamine-IR. |
DLS | date last seen. |
D-LST | drug lymphocyte stimulation test. |
DM | diabetes mellitus. |
DM | diastolic murmur. |
DM1 | myotonic dystrophy gene. |
DMA | dog mesenteric artery. |
DMARD | disease modifying antirheumatic drugs. |
DMC | Data Monitoring Committee. |
DMD | 3-(s)-[(dodecyloxycarbonyl)methyl]-1,4-dioxane-2,5-diones. |
DMD | daily maintenance dose. |
DMD | delayed mental development. |
DMD | depression and manic depression. |
DMD | desmethyldiltiazem. |
DMD | desmethyldoxepin. |
DMD | diastolic myocardial dysfunction. |
DMD | dietary management of diarrhea. |
DMD | differential metabolic display. |
DMD | differentially methylated domain. |
DMD | digitoxigenin monodigitoxoside. |
DMD | dimethadione. |
DMD | dimethyldioxirane. |
DMD | discontinuous molecular dynamics. |
DMD | disease modifying drug |
DMD | disseminated malignant disease. |
DMD | disseminated mycobacterial disease. |
DMD | Doctor of Dental Medicine. |
DMD | dorsal medullary depressor area. |
DMD | Drug Misuse Databases. |
DMD | drusen-related macular degeneration. |
DMD | dry matter digestibility. |
DMD | Duchenne muscular dystrophy. |
DMD | Dynia-Majan-Drdlicka factor |
DMD | Dystonia Musculorum Deformans |
DMD | dystrophin. |
DMG | dimethylglycine. |
DMI | Desipramine (Norpramin). |
DMI | dry matter intake. |
DMN | dorsal motor nucleus. |
DMP | data management plan. |
DMR | direct myocardial revascularization. |
DMS or MSM | dimethylsulfone or methylsulfonylmethane (CH3SO2CH3). |
DMSO | dimethyl sulfamethoxazole (cryoprotective used to store cells from patients undergoing autologous transplantation). |
DMSO | dimethylsulfoxyde. |
DMV | dog mesenteric vein. |
DMV | dorsal metatarsal veins. |
DN | double negative. |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid. |
DNA | did not attend (clinic). |
DNC | dominant-negative complementation. |
DND | died a natural death. |
DNI | do not intubate. |
DNI/DNR | do not intubate, do not resuscitate. |
DNKA | did not keep appointment |
dNM | 1-deoxynojirimycin. |
dnm | daunosamine. |
DNM | delayed nonmatching-to-sample. |
DNM | descending necrotizing mediastinitis. |
DNM | desmoplastic neurotropic melanoma. |
DNM | dominant negative mutant. |
DNR | daunorubicin. |
DNR | do not resuscitate. |
DNR | dorsal nerve root. |
DNS | did not show for appointment. |
DO | doctor of osteopathy. |
DO | dorsal outflow. |
DOA | day of admission. |
DOA | dead on arrival. |
DOB | date of birth. |
DOC | deoxycholate. |
DOC | deoxycorticosterone. |
DOC | died of other causes. |
DOD | date of death. |
DOD/OSD | Department of Defense/Office of the Secretary of Defense. |
DOE | date of examination. |
DOE | Department of Energy. |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion. |
DOES | disorder of excessive somnolence (narcolepsy). |
DOI | date of injury. |
DOJ | Department of Justice. |
DON | demyelinating optic neuritis. |
DOS | date of surgery. |
DOS | Department of State. |
DOT | date of transfer. |
DOT | Department of Transportation. |
DP | deep pulse. |
DP | diastolic pressure. |
DP | distal pulses. |
DP | dorsalis pedis pulse. |
DP | dorsalis pedis. |
DPC | desaturated phosphatidylcholine. |
DPC | desaturated phosphatidylcholine. |
DPC | diethypyrocarbonate. |
DPC | diethypyrocarbonate. |
DPC | direct patient care. |
DPC | direct patient care. |
DPC | disseminated peritoneal cancer. |
DPC | distal palmar crease. |
DPC | distal palmar crease. |
DPC | delayed primary closure. |
DPD | diffuse pulmonary disease. |
dpdt | time derivative of left ventricular pressure. |
DPDT-SP | D-Pro2-D-Trp7,9-SP. |
DPGN | diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis. |
DPH | diphenylhydantoin. |
DPKO | Department of Peacekeeping Operations. |
DPL | diagnostic peritoneal lavage. |
DPM | dipyridamole. |
DPM | direct photometric method. |
DPM | disintegrations per minute. |
DPM | Doctor of Podiatric Medicine. |
DPM | dog pancreas microsomal membranes. |
DPPC | dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine. |
DPT | diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus immunization. |
DPTA | diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid. |
DPV | diameter of portal vein. |
DR | delivery room. |
DR | diabetic retinopathy. |
DR | diagnostic radiology. |
DR | dorsal root. |
dr | dram. |
DR | dressing. |
DR | HLA DR antigen. |
DRE | digital rectal examination. |
DREZ | dorsal root entry zone. |
DRG | diagnosis-related groups. |
DRG | dorsal root ganglion. |
DRG/PPS | diagnosis-related-group/prospective-payment system. |
DRN | disaster relief nurse. |
Drng | drainage. |
Drsg | dressing. |
DRSP | drospirenone. |
DRT | daily rumination time. |
DRT | delay-reduction theory. |
DRT | Developmentally Regulated EPH-related Tyrosine kinase gene. |
DRT | deviation ratio topography. |
DRT | device readiness test. |
DRT | device-related thrombosis. |
DRT | dexamethasone-resistant thymocytes. |
DRT | Diagnostic-Rhyme Test. |
DRT | dichotic rhyme task. |
DRT | Diet Readiness Test. |
DRT | diffraction Radon transform. |
DRT | diffuse rhythmic theta (waves). |
drt | diffusional response time. |
DRT | digestion-related thermogenesis. |
DRT | discriminative reaction time. |
DRT | discriminative response task. |
DRT | disjunctive reaction time. |
DRT | DNA-damage-repair/toleration activities. |
DRT | dopamine replacement therapy. |
DRt | dorsal reticular nucleus. |
DRT | dorsal root terminals. |
DRT | dorsal roots. |
DRT | Drug resistant typhoid fever. |
DRT | dynamic regional thresholding. |
dRT-PCR | differential RT-PCR. |
DRUDP | Division of Reproductive and Urologic Drug Products. |
DRUJ | distal radioulnar joint. |
DRUL | distal radioulnar ligaments. |
DS | diagnostic sensitivity. |
DS | Durie-Salmon stage. |
DSA | defibrillation systems analyser. |
DSA | digital substraction angiography. |
DSA | digital subtraction angiography. |
DSC | differential scanning calorimetry. |
DSCA | Defense Security Cooperation Agency. |
DSD | discharge summary dictated. |
DSD | dry sterile dressing. |
DSE | disposable smoke evacuator. |
DSG | dressing. |
DSG | dry sterile gauze. |
DSH | domestic shorthaired cat. |
DSHEA | Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. |
DSK-TNM | Deutschsprachiges TNM-Komitee. |
DSM | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. |
DSP | decreased sensory perception. |
D-spine | dorsal spine (thoracic spine). |
DSR | Dahl salt-resistant rats. |
DSs | Dahl salt-sensitive. |
DSS | decision support system. |
DSS | Dejerine-Sottas Syndrome. |
DSS | dengue shock syndrome. |
DSS | Department of Social Services. |
DSS | dextrane sulfate sodium. |
DSS | digit symbol subtest. |
DSS | distal splenorenal shunt. |
DSS | disuccinimidyl suberate. |
DSS | double simultaneous stimulation. |
DSSD | drug safety and surveillance management. |
DST | dexamethasone suppression test. |
DST | distal straight tubule. |
DSV | Deep Submergence Vehicle. |
DSV | dense-cored vesicles. |
DSV | desulfoviridin. |
DSV | diameter of splenic vein. |
DSV | diastolic septal velocity. |
DSV | diethylamine shift value. |
DSV | diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid carcinomas. |
DSV | digital subtraction venacavography. |
DSV | digital subtraction venography. |
DSV | Digitaria streak virus. |
DSV | DNA sequence variations. |
DSV | dog saphenous vein. |
DSV | Drosophila S virus. |
DSV | Dual Switch Valves. |
DT | date and time. |
DT | date of treatment. |
DT | delirium tremens. |
DT | due to. |
DT | duration tetany. |
DTP | diphtheria and tetanus toxoids with pertussis (killed, whole organism). |
DTP | distal tingling on percussion (over the site of a nerve, a.k.a. Tinel's sign or Hoffman-Tinel sign). |
DTP | distal tingling on percussion (Tinel's sign) |
DTR | deep tendon reflex/es. |
DTS | diametral tensile strength. |
DTZ | diltiazem. |
DU | diagnosis undetermined. |
DU | duodenal ulcer. |
DUB | dysfunctional uterine bleeding. |
Dus | differential upstream sequence. |
DUS | distinctness, uniformity and stability (test for crops in UK). |
DUS | divergent unilateral strabismus. |
DUS | Doppler ultrasound. |
DUs | drug users. |
DUs | duodenal ulcers. |
DUS | Dusseldorf. |
dus | unknown gene tentatively designated "dus" for dut suppressor. |
DV&D | Diploma in Venereology and Dermatology. |
dv | double vibrations. |
DVA | developmental venous anomaly. |
DVA | distance visual acuity. |
DVA | duration of voluntary apnea. |
DVA | vindesine. |
DVB | divinylbenzene. |
DVC | divanillylcyclohexane. |
DVCC | Disease Vector Control Center. |
DVD | dissociated vertical deviation. |
dVDAVP | 1 -deamine-4-valine-D-arginine vasopressin. |
DVE | duck virus enteritis. |
DVH | Diploma in Veterinary Hygiene. |
DVH | Division for the Visually Handicapped. |
DVH | dose volume histogram. |
DVI | AV sequential (pacemaker). |
DVI | deep venous insufficiency. |
DVI | diastolic velocity integral. |
DVI | digital vascular imaging. |
DVI | Doppler velocity index. |
DVIS | digital vascular imaging system. |
DVIU | direct-vision internal urethrotomy. |
DVL | deep vastus lateralis. |
DVM | digital voltmeter. |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. |
DVMS | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. |
DVN | dorsal vagal nucleus. |
DVP | daunorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone. |
DVP | deep vascular plexus. |
DVP | defective viral particles. |
DVP | diastolic peak velocity prosthetic flow. |
DVP | diastolic ventricular pressure. |
DVP | digital video plotter. |
DVP | direct venipuncture. |
DVP | distal vein patch. |
DVP | distributed volume pair. |
DVP | divalproex sodium. |
DVP | divinylporphyrin. |
DVP | domestic violence programs. |
DVP | Doppler velocity profile. |
DVP | dorsal vein of the penis. |
DVP | draining vein pressure. |
DVP | ventriculo-peritonial derivations. |
DVR | digital vascular reactivity. |
DVR | Doctor of Veterinary Radiology. |
DVR | double valve replacement. |
DVR | double ventricular response. |
DVS | Doctor of Veterinary Science. |
DVS | Doctor of Veterinary Surgery. |
DVSc | Doctor of Veterinary Science. |
DVT | deep venous thrombosis. |
DW | daily weight. |
DW | deionized water. |
DW | dextrose in water. |
DW | distilled water. |
DW | doing well. |
DW | dry weight. |
dw | dwarf (mouse). |
DWA | died from wounds by the action of the enemy. |
DWD | died with disease. |
DWDL | diffuse well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma. |
DWI | driving while impaired; driving while intoxicated. |
DWM | Dandy-Walker malformation. |
DWR | delayed word recall. |
DWS | Dandy-Walker syndrome. |
DWS | disaster warning system. |
DWT | dichotic word test. |
DWT | discrete wave transform. |
dwt | pennyweight. |
DWW | diabetic white women. |
DX | dextran. |
DX | dicloxacillin. |
DX | discharged. |
DX | disease. |
Dx | dx, diagnosis. |
DXA | dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. |
DXD | discontinued. |
DXM | dexamethasone. |
DXM | dextromethorphan. |
DXP | digital x-ray prototype. |
DxPLAIN | Massachusetts General Hospital's expert diagnostic system. |
DXPNET | Digital X-Ray Prototype Network. |
DXR | deep x-ray. |
DXR | doxorubicin. |
DXRT | deep x-ray therapy. |
DXT | deep x-ray therapy. |
DXT | dextrose. |
dXTP | deoxyxanthine triphosphate. |
DY | dense parenchyma. |
Dy | dysprosium. |
dy | dystrophia muscularis (mouse). |
dyn | dynamic; dynamometer; dyne. |
DYS | dysautonomia. |
dysp | dyspnea. |
DZ | diazepam. |
dz | disease. |
DZ | dizygotic. |
DZ | dizziness. |
dz | dozen. |
dZ | impedance change. |
DZM | dorsal zone of membranelle. |
DZP | diazeparn. |
DU-24 | avian cell line. |
DUS-3 | avian rho0 cell line. |
DSV | dithranol-2% salicylic acid-white soft vaseline. |
DABS-L-Met-dl-(O) | 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-sulfonyl-L-methionine-dl-sulfoxide. |
D5%DW | dextrose 5% in distilled water |
D5%NS | dextrose 5% in normal saline |
D5LR | dextrose 5% with lactated ringers |
D5W | 5% dextrose in water. |
D1OW | 10% aqueous dextrose solution. |
DLT | dose limiting toxicity - determined by phase 1 studies. |
DMT1 | divalent metal transporter 1. |
3DCT | three dimensional (surface) CAT scan reconstruction images. |
3D-MRA | three-dimensional magnetic resonance angiography. |
DM2 | myotonic dystrophy gene 2 (linked to chromosome 3q). |
DTSSP | 3,3'-dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate). |
DMPK | dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase (gene on chromosome 19q). |
E (398 abbreviations) |
4E | four-plus edema. |
E coli | Escherichia coli. |
E&A | evaluate and advise. |
E* | lesion on the erythrocyte cell membrane at the site of complement fixation. |
E | air dose. |
E | average beta energy. |
e | base of natural logarithms, approximately 2.7182818285; egg transfer; ejection; electric charge; electron; elementary charge; exchange. |
E | cortisone (compound E). |
E | each. |
E | eating. |
E | edema. |
E | elastance. |
E | electric charge. |
E | electric field vector. |
E | electrode potential. |
E | electromotive force. |
E | electron. |
E | embyro. |
E | emmetropia. |
E | encephalitis. |
E | endangered (animal). |
E | endogenous. |
E | endoplasm. |
E | enema. |
E | energy. |
E | Entamoeba. |
E | enterococcus. |
E | enzyme. |
E | eosinophil. |
E | epicondyle. |
E | epinephrine. |
E | error. |
E | erythrocyte. |
E | erythroid. |
E | erythromycin. |
E | Escherichia. |
E | esophagus. |
E | ester. |
E | estradiol. |
E | ethanol. |
E | ethyl. |
E | examination. |
E | exhalation. |
E | expectancy (wave). |
E | expected frequency in a cell of a contingency table. |
E | experiment, experimenter. |
E | expiration. |
E | expired air. |
E | exposure. |
E | extract, extracted, extraction. |
E | extraction fraction. |
E | extralymphatic. |
E | eye. |
E | glutamic acid. |
E | internal energy. |
E | involvement of a single extranodal site (in Hodgkin lymphoma). |
E | kinetic energy. |
E | mathematical expectation. |
e | negative electron. |
E | redox potential. |
E | stereodescriptor to indicate the configuration at a double bond (Ger. entgegen opposite). |
E | unit (Ger. Einheit).. |
E/A | emergency admission. |
E/G ratio | ratio of erythroid to granulocytic precursors. |
e+ | positron. |
E0 | electric affinity. |
E0 | standard electrode potential. |
E1 | estrone. |
E2 | 17-estradiol. |
E3 | estriol. |
E4 | estetrol. |
ea | each. |
EA | early antigen (in EBV-IM). |
EA | educational age. |
EA | egg albumin. |
EA | electric affinity. |
EA | electrical activity. |
EA | electroacupuncture. |
EA | electroanes thesia. |
EA | electropbysiological abnormality. |
EA | embryonic antibody. |
EA | endocardio graphic amplifier. |
EA | Endometriosis Association. |
EA | endurance athletes. |
EA | enteral alimentation. |
EA | entero anastomosis. |
EA | enzymatically active. |
EA | epiandrosterone. |
EA | erythrocyte antibody. |
EA | erythrocyte antiserum. |
EA | esophageal atresia. |
EA | estivo-autumnal. |
EA | ethacrynic acid.. |
Ea | kinetic energy of alpha particles. |
EAA | electroacupuncture analgesia. |
EAA | Epilepsy Association of America. |
EAA | essential amino acid. |
EAA | ex trinsic allergic alveolitis. |
EAA | excitatory amino acid. |
EAAC | excitatory amino acid carrier. |
EAB | elective abortion; Ethics Advisory Board. |
EABV | effective arterial blood volume. |
EAC | Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. |
EAC | electroacupuncture. |
EAC | epithelioma adenoides cysticum. |
EAC | erythema annulare centrifugum. |
EAC | erythrocyte, antibody, complement. |
EAC | external auditory canal. |
EACA | epsilon-aminocaproic acid. |
EACD | eczematous allergic contact dermatitis. |
EACH | essential access community hospital. |
EACR | European Association for Cancer Research. |
EACs | endocrine-active chemicals. |
EAD | early afterdepolarization; extracranial arterial disease. |
EA-D | early antigen, diffuse. |
E-ADD | epileptic attentional deficit disorder. |
EADS | early amnion deficit spectrum or syndrome. |
EAE | experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; experimental autoimmune encephalitis. |
EAHP | European Association for Hematopathology. |
EAN | experimental allergic (autoimmune) neuritis). |
EANO | European Association for NeuroOncology. |
EAS | emergent abdominal sonography. |
EB | epidermolysis bulosa. |
EBA | epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. |
EBCT | electron-beam computed tomography. |
EBER | early EBV mRNA. |
EBL | enzootic bovine leucosis. |
EBL | estimated blood loss. |
EBM | evidence-based medicine. |
EBMT | European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. |
EBN | Endemic Balkan nephropathy. |
EBNA | Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen. |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus. |
EBV-IM | Epstein-BArr virus infectious mononucleosis. |
EC | Enzyme Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry. |
Eca 109 | human esophageal epithelial cancer cell line. |
ECA | Echocontrast agents. |
ECA | ecternal/extracranial carotid artery. |
ECA | electrical control activity. |
ECA | endometrial cryoablation. |
ECA | enterobacterial common antigen. |
ECA | Epidemiological Catchment Area. |
Eca | Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (a phytopathogen). |
ECA | external carotid artery. |
ECA | extra-cardiac structural or karyotypic anomalies. |
ECBO virus | enteric cytopathogenic bovine orphan virus. |
ECC | early childhood caries. |
ECC | endocervical cell collector. |
ECC | extracorporeal circulation. |
ECCE | extracapsular cataract extraction. |
ECF | extended care facility. |
ECF | extracellular fluid. |
ECFV | extracellular fluid volume. |
ECG | electrocardiogram (also EKG). |
ECH | enoyl CoA hydratase. |
ECHO | echocardiogram. |
ECM | extracellular matrix. |
ECMO | extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. |
ECOMOG | Economic Community of West African Monitoring Group. |
EcoRI | restriction enzyme from Escherichia coli RY 13. |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States. |
ECRB | extensor carpi radialis brevis. |
ECRL | extensor carpi radialis longus. |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy. |
ECTR | endoscopic carpal tunnel release. |
ECU | extensor carpi ulnaris. |
ECWSs | endoluminal colonic wall stents. |
ED | edema. |
ED | emergency department. |
ED | extradomain (the type III unit of fibronectin). |
EDA | Excess Defense Articles. |
EDAC | early detection of alcohol consumption. |
EDC | estimated or expected date of confinement. |
EDC | extensor digitorum communis. |
EDDI | Education for Development and Democracy Initiative. |
EDI | electronic data interchange. |
EDIR | emergency drug identification record. |
EDL | extensor digitorum longus. |
EDM | extensor digitis minimi. |
EDMR | electrically detected magnetic resonance. |
EDRF | endothelium-derived relaxing factor. |
EDS | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. |
EDS | external defibrillation system. |
EDSTAC | Endocrine-Disrupter Screening and Testing Advisory Committee. |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. |
EDV | end diastolic velocity. |
EDX | electrodiagnostic. |
EE | energy expenditure. |
EE | ethinyl estradiol. |
EEG | electroencephalogram. |
EENT | ear, eye, nose and throat. |
EES | Ethicon Endo-Surgery. |
EEXOT | Hellenic Orthopaedic Association. |
EF | (peptide) elongation factor. |
EF | ectopic focus. |
EF | edema factor. |
EF | ejection fraction. |
EF | elastic fibril. |
EF | electric field. |
EF | elongation factor. |
EF | embryo fibroblast. |
EF | embryo-fetal. |
EF | emergency facility. |
EF | encephalitogenic factor.. |
EF | endothoracic fascia. |
EF | endurance factor. |
EF | eosinophilic fasciitis. |
EF | epithelial focus. |
EF | equivalent focus. |
EF | erythroblastosis fetalis. |
EF | erythrocyte fragmentation. |
EF | exposure factor. |
EF | extended field. |
EF | extrafine. |
EF | extrinisic factor. |
EF-2 | initiation factor in the translational step of viral replication. |
EFA | essential fatty acids. |
EFFAS | European Foot and Ankle National Societies. |
EFFO | European Foundation for Osteoporosis and Bone Disease. |
EF-G | elongation factor G. |
EFORT | European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. |
EFS | event free survival - time from diagnosis to defined events (e.g. relapse or death). |
EGA | error grid analysis. |
EGA | estimated gestational age. |
EGCs | early gastric carcinomas. |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy. |
EGDS | esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy. |
EGE | eosinophilic gastroenteritis. |
EGF | epidermal growth factor. |
EGFP | enhanced green fluorescent protein. |
EGS | ethylene glycol bis succinimidyl succinate. |
EHBA | extrahepatic biliary atresia. |
EHBP | extrahepatic biliary passages. |
EHEC | enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli. |
EHL | extensor hallucis longus. |
EHS | European Hip Society. |
EIC | endometrial intraepithelial carcinogenesis. |
EIC | extensive intraductal component. |
EICESS | European Intergroup Ewing's Sarcoma Study. |
EIN3 | ethylene-insensitive3 (is a transcription factor that works in the ethylene signaling pathway in Arabidopsis). |
EJ | elbow jerk. |
EJC | European Journal of Cancer. |
EJHS | Electronic Journal of Hand Surgery. |
EJO | Electronic Journal of Orthopaedics. |
EJS | Electronic Journal of Surgery and Specialistic Medicine. |
EKG | electrocardiogram (also ECG). |
EL | elbow. |
EL | endoscopic ligation. |
ELAM-1 | E-selectin adhesion molecule (on endothelial cells). |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. |
Elix | elixir. |
ELOS | estimated lenght of stay. |
EM | electron microscope, emmetropia. |
EMB | eosin methylene blue agar. |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility. |
EMCAP | World Bank's Economic Management Capacity Project. |
EMDR | Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. |
EMEA | European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. |
EMG | electromyogram, electromyography. |
EMH | extramedullary hematopoiesis. |
EMM | epithelial malignant mesotheliomas. |
EMP | Embden-Meyerhof pathway. |
EMR | Electronic Medical Records. |
EMS | electrical muscle stimulation. |
EMS | emergency medical service. |
EMST | Emergency Management of Severe Trauma. |
EMT | emergency medical technician. |
EMTALA | Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. |
EMUO | early morning urine osmolality (evaluating urine concentration). |
End | endothelial cells. |
ENG | electronystagmography. |
ENI | Bureau for Europe and the New Independent States . |
ENSG | European Neuroblastoma Study Group. |
ENT | ear, nose, and throat. |
EOA | Eastern Orthopaedic Association. |
EOA | Egyptian Orthopaedic Association. |
EOI | European Osteosarcoma Intergroup. |
EOM | extraocular movements. |
EOMI | extraocular movements intact. |
EORS | European Orthopaedics Research Society. |
EORTC | European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer. |
Eos | eosin, eosinophil. |
EP | ectopic pregnancy. |
EP | emergency physician. |
EP | endogenous pyrogens. |
EP | European Pharmacopoeia. |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency; controls the use of pesticides and monitors water pollution in general. |
EPB | extensor pollicis brevis. |
EPC | egg phosphatidylcholine. |
EPDM | ethylene propylene diene rubber. |
EPEC | enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. |
EPI | epinephrine. |
Epi | epithelial cells. |
EPL | extensor pollicis longus. |
EPOC | excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. |
EPOS | European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society. |
EPS | exophtalmos-producing substance. |
EPS | extrapyramidal symptoms. |
EPSD | Early Periodic Screening Detection. |
EPSP | excitatory postsynaptic potential. |
EPSPS | 5-enolpyruvylshikamate-3-phosphate synthetase. |
EPU | epidermal proliferative unit. |
EPV | Epstein-Barr virus. |
ER | emergency room. |
ER | endoplasmic reticulum. |
ER | external rotation. |
ER/PR | estrogen/progesterone. |
ERA | electrical response activity. |
ERA | estradiol receptor assay. |
ERA | evoked response audiometry. |
ERAD | endoplasmic-reticulum-associated degradation. |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. |
ERE | external rotation in extension. |
ERF | external rotation in flexion. |
ERP | effective refractory period. |
ERT | empathy response task. |
ERT | endurance run test. |
ERT | enzyme replacement therapy. |
ERT | estrogen replacement therapy. |
ERT | external radiation therapy. |
Ery | erythrocytes. |
ES | electrical stimulation. |
ES | endoscopic sclerotherapy. |
ES | enzymatic spectrometric method. |
ES | enzyme-substrate complex. |
ESAF | Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility. |
ESB | European Society of Biomechanics. |
ESD Dus 2 | a new rare allele for esterase D (ESD) described in a family from Dusseldorf. |
ESD | esterase D. |
ESDS | European Spinal Deformities Society. |
ESF | Economic Support Fund. |
ESF | European Science Foundation. |
ESFAS | European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. |
ESI | electrospray ionization. |
ESI | epidural steroid injection. |
ESI | European Surgical Institute. |
ESO | European School of Oncology |
EspA | E. coli secreted protein A. |
EspB | E. coli secreted protein B. |
EspD | E. coli secreted protein D. |
ESPD | electrosensitive protective device. |
ESPD | endogenous digoxin-like substance. |
ESPGHAN | European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. |
ESR | electron spin resonance. |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate. |
ESRD | end stage renal disease. |
ESRF | end stage renal failure. |
ESS | endometrial stromal sarcoma. |
ESS | European Spine Society. |
ESSKA | European Society for Sports Medicine, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy. |
EST | electroshock therapy. |
EST | estrogen sulfotransferases. |
EST | expressed sequence tag. |
ESTRO | European Society for Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology. |
ESWL | extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. |
et | and. |
ET | ejection time. |
ET | esotropia. |
ET | essential thrombocythemia. |
ET | eustachian tube(s). |
ET | exercise training. |
ET-1 | endothelin-1. |
ETA | estimated time of arrival. |
ETCO2 | end tidal CO2. |
ETD | estimated time of departure. |
ETF | eustachian tube function. |
ETI | endotracheal intubation. |
Etio | etiology. |
etiol. | etiology |
EtO | ethylene oxyde. |
ETOH | ethanol - alcohol |
ETS | environmental tobacco smoke. |
ETT | endotracheal tube. |
ETT | exercise tolerance test. |
ETX | ethosuximide. |
EU | European Union. |
EUA | examination under anesthesia. |
EU-NRLs | European Union National Reference Laboratories. |
EUP | eupneic. |
EUS | endoscopic ultrasound. |
EVA | economic value added. |
EVA | electric vacuum aspiration. |
EVA | ethylene-vinylacetate. |
EVAL | ethylene-vinyl alcohol. |
eval. | evaluation. |
EVH | enabled/VASP homology. |
EVH | endoscopic vein harvest. |
EVH | esophageal variceal hemorrhage. |
EVH | eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation. |
EX | exacerbate; examination; excision. |
EX | exercise. |
EX | extension. |
Exam | examination. |
EXC | excellent; except; exchange; excision. |
EXP | expand; explain. |
ExT | exfoliating toxin. |
EXT | extend; external; extremity |
ext | external. |
F (255 abbreviations) |
F & E | flexion & extension. |
F(hor) | horizontal ground reaction force. |
F | Fahrenheit degrees. |
F | female. |
F | phenylalanine. |
f.b. | foreign body |
F.H. | family history. |
F/H | family history. |
F/I | fever due to infection. |
F/U | follow-up. |
F7 | factor VII gene on chromosome 13q34-qter. |
FA | failed appointment. |
FA | Fanconi's anemia. |
FA | fluorapatite. |
FA | forearm. |
FAA | Federal Aviation Agency . |
FAAN | Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria. |
Faap(s) | fatty acid activation protein(s). |
FAAP | F-actin image analysis program. |
FAAP | Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. |
FAAP | free amino acid pool. |
FAAP | functional activity of plasminogen activators in plasma. |
FAAP | N-formylaminoantipyrine. |
FAAU | functional activity of plasminogen activators in urine. |
FAB | French American and British classification scheme for leukemia. |
FABERE | flexion, abduction, external rotation and extension. |
FABP | fatty acid binding protein. |
FACC | Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. |
FACES-II | Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales, Version II. |
FACFAS | Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. |
FACOG | Fellow Of The American College Of Obstetrics And Gynecology. |
FACOI | Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Internists. |
FACP | Fellow of the American College Of Physicians. |
FACS | Fellow of the American College Of Surgeons. |
FACS | fluorescence-activated cell sorter. |
F-actin | filamentous actin. |
FACU | Federal Agricultural Coordinating Unit. |
FAD | flavin adenine dinucleotide. |
FADIR | flexion, adduction and internal rotation. |
FADIRE | flexion, adduction, internal rotation and extension. |
FAI | Foot and Ankle International (Journal). |
FALT | follicle-associated lymphoid tissue. |
FAMS | functional assessment of multiple sclerosis. |
FANA | fluorescent antinuclear antibody test (see also ANA). |
FAO | United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. |
FAOP | Florida Association of Orthotists and Prosthetists. |
FAP | familial adenomatous polyposis. |
FAQ | frequently asked questions. |
FAS/ITP | Foreign Agriculture Service/International Trade Policy. |
FASIG | Foot and Ankle Special Interest Group. |
FAWC | Farm Animal Welfare Concil (UK). |
FB | Fb, fingerbreadth. |
FB | foreign body. |
FBC | full blood count. |
FBD | Familial British dementia. |
FBD | feather and beak disease (a bird disease). |
FBD | fibrin binding domain. |
FBD | fibrocystic breast disease |
FBD | Flow-BOLD (blood oxygenation level-dependent) -Dependence. |
FBD | food-borne diseases. |
FBD | forearm bone density. |
FBD | functional bowel disorder/distress. |
FBD | functional breathing disorder. |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigations. |
F-BKP | femoral-below-knee-popliteal bypasses. |
FBP | filtered back-projection. |
FBS | fasting blood sugar. |
FBS | Finnish Bone Society (EFFO Member Society). |
FC | finger counting. |
FCA | fracture, complete, angulated. |
FCAPM | formal college approved postgraduate meeting. |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission. |
FCC | fracture, complete, comminuted; fracture, compound, comminuted. |
FCCC | fracture, complete, comminuted, compound. |
FCCP | Fellow of the American College Of Chest Physicians. |
FCD | fracture, complete, deviated. |
FCE | food conversion efficiency. |
FCI | flow cytometric immunophenotyping. |
FCM | flow cytometry. |
FCMC | family-centered maternity care. |
FCOVD | Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. |
FCR | flexor carpi radialis. |
FCS | fetal calf serum. |
FCT | Federal Capitol Territory. |
FCU | flexor carpi ulnaris. |
FD | familial dysautonomia. |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration (US). |
FDA-BAM | Food & Drug Administration-Bacteriological Analytical Manual. |
FDC | follicular dendritic cells. |
FDI | first dorsal interosseus (muscle of the hand). |
FDIM | fluorescence digital imaging microscopy. |
FDIO | first dorsal interosseous (muscle). |
FDMA | first dorsal metacarpal artery. |
Fd-MIV | Friend derived murine immunosuppressive virus. |
FDP | fibrin degradation products. |
FDP | flexor digitorum profundus. |
FDP | fructose-1,6-diphosphate. |
FDS | flexor digitorum superficialis. |
FDV | Four dimensional visualization. |
Fe | iron. |
FEA | focal epileptic activity. |
FEB | fever. |
FECG | fetal electrocardiogram. |
FECS | Federation of European Cancer Societies. |
FEF | forced expiratory flow. |
FEKG | fetal electrocardiogram. |
FEL | familial erythrophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. |
FeLV | feline leukemia virus. |
FeNa | fractional excretion of sodium: (UNa x PCr/PNa x UCr) x 100; <1 in prerenal azotemia and 1 in intrinsic renal azotemia. |
FEP | free erythrocyte protoporphyrin. |
FER | flexion, extension, rotation. |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. |
FES | functional electric stimulation (Cleveland FES Center). |
FES | functional electrical stimulation. |
FES | functional endoscopic sinus. |
FES-LCE | functional electrical stimulation (FES)-induced leg cycle ergometer (LCE). |
FESSH | Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand. |
FEV | forced expiratory volume. |
FEV1 | forced expiratory volume in one second. |
FF | forward flexion. |
Ff | free fraction. |
FFA | for further appointment. |
FFD | free from disability. |
FFM | Five-Factor Model of personality. |
FFROM | full, free range of motion. |
FFS | failure-free survival. |
FFS | fee-for-service. |
FFS | Five-Factors Score (a prognostic scoring systems). |
FFT | forward flexion: fingertips to toes. |
FGF | fibroblast growth factor. |
FH | family history. |
FH | follicular hyperplasia. |
FHLH | familial histiocytic lymphohistiocytosis. |
FHR | fetal heart rate. |
FHS | fetal heart sounds. |
FHT | fetal heart tones. |
Fib | fibroblasts. |
FID | flame ionization detectors (chromatography). |
FIGO | International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Federation Internationale de Gynecologie et d'Obstetrique). |
FIMS | Federation Internationale de Medecine Sportive (International Federation of Sports Medicine). |
FIN | finasteride. |
FINCEN | Financial Center. |
FiO2 | fraction of inspired oxygen. |
FISH | fluorescence in situ hybridization. |
FIT | Fracture Intervention Trial. |
FITC | fluorescein isothiocyanate. |
FIX | fixed arm support. |
FJRM | full joint range of motion. |
FL | flank. |
FL | flexion. |
FL | fluid. |
FL | follicular lymphoma. |
FL | fully lactating. |
FLD | frontal lobe dementia. |
Flex | flexion. |
FLEX | flexion. |
Fli1 | Friend leukemia integration 1 gene. |
FL-LC | follicular lymphoma large cell. |
FL-M | follicular lymphoma mixed small cleaved and large. |
FL-SC | follicular lymphoma small cleaved. |
FLX | flexion |
FMD | family medical doctor. |
FMD | foot and mounth disease. |
FMF | Foreign Military Funding. |
FMH | fetal-maternal hemorrhage. |
FMR-1 | fragile X mental retardation 1 gene. |
FMRP | fragile X mental retardation protein(s). |
FMS | fibromyalgia syndrome. |
FMSI | Federazione Medico Sportiva Italiana (Federation of Italian Sports Medicine) (ItalianMedSport). |
FN | fibronectin. |
FNA | fine needle aspiration. |
FNAB | fine-needle aspiration biopsy. |
FNH | focal nodular hyperplasia. |
FNP | family nurse practitioner |
FO | fecal output. |
FOBT | fecal occult blood testing. |
FOC | flight of colors test. |
FOP | fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. |
FORE | Foundation for Osteoporosis Research and Education. |
FOS | Finnish Osteoporosis Society (EFFO Member Society). |
FOS | full of stool/constipated. |
FOSA | Federation of Spine Associations (AAOS Specialty Societies). |
FOSIT | Fosamax International Trial. |
FP | fluticasone propionate. |
FPA | fibrinopeptide A. |
FPB | fibrinopeptide B. |
FPB | flexor pollicis brevis. |
FPD | fibrin(ogen) degradation products. |
FPIA | fluorescence polarization immunoassay. |
FPL | flexor pollicis longus. |
FPL | functional profile length. |
FPM | full passive movements. |
FPMA | Florida Podiatric Medical Association. |
FPT | farnesyl protein transferase. |
FR | fracture. |
FR | frequency of respiration. |
FR | full range. |
FRBB | fracture of both bones. |
FRC | fibroblastic reticulum cells. |
FRC | functional residual capacity. |
FRCP(C) | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada. |
FRCP | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. |
FRCSI | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. |
FRJM | full range of joint movement. |
FROM | full range of motion, full range of movement. |
FS | frozen section. |
FSB | Formosan Society of Biomechanics. |
FSC | forward angle light scatter (flow cytometry term). |
FSC | fracture, simple comminuted. |
FSCAI | Fellow of the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions. |
FSCC | fracture, simple, complete, comminuted. |
FSCCL | follicular small cleaved cell lymphomas. |
FSCPC | fast-setting calcium phosphate cement. |
FSD | functional sensory deficit. |
FSE | fast-spin-echo. |
FSGS | focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis. |
FSH | follicle stimulating hormone. |
FSN | Foreign Service National. |
FSOs | family members and significant others. |
FSS | frozen shoulder syndrome. |
ft | Foot, feet, (measure). |
FT | low-molecular polypeptide factors of thymus. |
FT4 | free thyroxin. |
FT4I | free thyroxin (T4) index. |
FTA-ABS | fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test. |
FTD | frontotemporal dementia. |
FTI | farnesyl transferase inhibitor. |
FTI | free thyroxin index. |
FT-IR | Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. |
FTIR | Fourier Transform Infrared. |
FTKA | failed to keep appointment. |
FTND | full term normal delivery. |
FTNM | The French TNM Group. |
FTR | fast-twitch red (skeletal muscle). |
FTSG | full thickness skin graft. |
FTT | failure to thrive. |
FTW | fast-twitch white (skeletal muscle). |
FTW | fat weight. |
FTW | first time wheezing. |
FTY | fat yield. |
FU(5-) | 5-fluorouracil (treatment regimen). |
FU | follow-up. |
FUBAR | Fowled Up Beyond All Recognition. |
FUO | fever of undetermined (or unknown) origin. |
FVC | forced vital capacity. |
FVII | factor VII. |
FVIIa | activated factor VII. |
FVIIAg | factor VII antigen. |
FVIIc | factor VII coagulant activity. |
FWB | full weight bearing. |
FX | Fx, fracture. |
FXBB | fracture of both bones. |
FXS | fragile X syndrome. |
FY | fiscal year. |
FYI | for your information. |
G (354 abbreviations) |
3':5'-GMP | guanosine 3':5'-cyclic phosphate. |
3-GPA | 3-guanidinopropionic acid. |
αD-GPA | alpha-D-glucose pentaacetate. |
G&O | gas and oxygen. |
G | glycine. |
g, gm | gram. |
G | gravida. |
G | guanine. |
G | histopathological grading. |
G/M | granulocyte/macrophage. |
g/ml | grams per milliliter. |
G/P | gravida/para. |
G-1-P | glucose-1-phosphate. |
G3P | G-3-P, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. |
G3P | glycerol-3-phosphate. |
G3PD | glucose-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. |
G6P | G-6-P, glucose-6-phosphate. |
G6Pase | G-6-Pase glucose-6-phosphatase. |
G6PD | G-6-PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. |
GA | gastric analysis; general appearance. |
GA | general anaesthetic/anesthesia. |
GA | gestational age. |
GA | granulocyte agglutination assay. |
GA/BW | 16 gestational age/birthweight categories. |
GAA | guanine-adenine-adenine codon for glutamic acid. |
GAC | guanine-adenine-cytosine codon for aspartic acid. |
GAD | generalized anxiety disorder. |
GAF score | global assessment of functioning. |
GAG | guanine-adenine-guanine codon for glutamic acid. |
Gal | gallon. |
GALOP (syndrome) | Gait disorder, Autoantibody, Late-age, Onset, Polyneuropathy. |
GAMC | General Assistance Medical Care. |
GAP-43 | growth-associated protein-43. |
gastroc | Gastrocnemius. |
GAU | guanine-adenine-uracil codon for aspartic acid. |
GB | gallbladder. |
GBD | gallbladder disease. |
GBEF | gallbladder ejection fraction. |
GBM | glomerular basement membrane. |
GBS | gallbladder series. |
GBS | Guillian-Barre syndrome. |
GC | gas chromatography. |
GC | general condition. |
GC | germinal center. |
GC | gonococcal; gonococcus. |
GC/MS | gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. |
GCA | giant cell arteritis. |
GCA | guanine-cytosine-adenine codon for alanine. |
GCC | guanine-cytosine-cytosine codon for alanine. |
GCDFP-15 | gross cystic disease fluid protein 15. |
GCG | guanine-cytosine-guanine codon for alanine. |
GCNST | granular cell nerve sheath tumor. |
GCP | Good Clinical Practice (guidelines). |
GCRP | good clinical research practice. |
GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale. |
G-CSF | granulocyte colony stimulating factor promotes production of white blood cells. |
GCT | germ cell tumor. |
GCU | guanine-cytosine-uracil codon for alanine. |
GD | gastroparesis diabeticorum. |
G-DAP | Geriatric Draw-A-Person |
GDM | gestational diabetes mellitus. |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product. |
GE | gastroenteritis. |
GE | gastroesophageal. |
GE | gradient echo (MRI). |
Ged | end-diastolic conductances. |
GED | gas electron diffraction. |
GED | gastric emptying duration. |
GED | gastric epithelial dysplasia. |
GED | general emergency department. |
GED | general equivalency diploma. |
GED | generalised exfoliative dermatitis. |
GED | generalized epileptiform discharges. |
GED | Gln-enriched diet. |
GED | glutamic acid diethyl ester. |
GED | Graves' eye disease. |
GED | GTPase effector domain. |
GED | guanidinoethyldisulphide. |
Ged | left ventricle centers of gravity at end-diastole. |
GED-ELISA | gel electrophoresis-derived enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. |
GEDs | Glycosphingolipid-enriched domains. |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease. |
Ges | end-systolic conductances. |
GFAP | glial fibrillary acidic protein. |
GFP | green fluorescent protein. |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate. |
GFW | Guizhi-Fuling-Wan (prescription of Traditional Chinese Medicine for liver disease). |
GG | gamma globulin. |
GGA | guanine-guanine-adenine codon for glycine. |
GGC | guanine-guanine-cytosine codon for glycine. |
GGF | glial growth factor. |
GGF | grifolafrondosa. |
GGG | guanine-guanine-guanine codon for glycine. |
GGT | gamma-glutamyltransferase. |
GGT | gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase. |
GGU | guanine-guanine-uracil codon for glycine. |
GH | general health. |
GH | growth hormone (somatotropin). |
GHBP | growth hormone binding protein. |
GHD | growth hormone deficiency. |
GHRF | growth hormone releasing factor. |
GHSG | German Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group. |
GHT | geniculo-hypothalamic tract. |
GHT | growth hormone therapy. |
GI | [gaster (Greek)] gastrointestinal. |
GI | gonion. |
GIC | glass ionomer cement. |
GICD | Groupe Internationale Cotrel Dubousset. |
GIF | granulocyte immunofluorescence assay. |
GIH | gastrointestinal hormone. |
GIN | glucose/nitrogen ratio. |
GINS | glucose in normal saline (solution). |
GIP | gastric inhibitory peptide. |
GIP | giant cell interstitial pneumonia. |
GIP | glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide. |
GIP | gonorrheal invasive peritonitis. |
GIS | Global Information System. |
GLC | gas-liquid chromatography. |
Gln | glutamine. |
GLP | good laboratory practice. |
Glu | glucose. |
Glu | glutamic acid. |
GLU | glutamic acid. |
gluc | glucose. |
GLUC | glucosidase. |
GLUD | glutamate dehydrogenase. |
GLUDP | glutamate dehydrogenase pseudogene. |
GLUL | glutamate (ammonia) ligase. |
GLUR | glutamate receptor. |
GLUT | glucose transporter. |
GLV | gibbon ape leukemia virus. |
GLV | Gross leukemia virus. |
GLVR | gibbon ape leukemia virus receptor. |
GLY | gly, glycine. |
Gly | glycine |
glyc | glyceride. |
GM&S | general medicine and surgery. |
Gm | an allotype marker on the heavy chains of immunoglobins. |
gm | cal gram calorie. |
GM | gastric mucosa. |
GM | Geiger-Muller (counter). |
G-M | Geiger-Muller (counter). |
GM | general medicine. |
GM | genetic manipulation. |
GM | geometric mean. |
GM | giant melanosome. |
gm | GM, gram. |
GM | gram. |
gm | gram. |
g-m | gram-meter. |
GM- | gram-negative. |
GM | grand mal (epilepsy). |
GM | grand multiparity. |
GM | grandmother. |
GM | granulocyte-macrophage. |
GM | gray matter. |
GM | gross motor. |
GM | growth medium. |
gm. neg. | gram negative. |
gm/cc | grams per cubic centimeter. |
gm/l | grams per liter. |
GM+ | gram-positive. |
GMA | glyceral methacrylate. |
GMA | gross motor activity. |
GMB | gastric mucosal barrier. |
GMB | granulomembranous body. |
GMBF | gastric mucosa blood flow. |
GMC | general medical clinic. |
GMC | general medical council. |
GMC | giant migratory contraction. |
GMC | grivet monkey cell. |
GMCD | grand mal convulsive disorder. |
GM-CFU | granulocyte~macrophage colony forming unit. |
GM-CSF | granulocyte and macrophage colony stimulating factor. |
GMD | geometric mean diameter. |
GMD | glycopeptide moiety modified derivative. |
GME | graduate medical education. |
GMENAC | Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee. |
GMH | germinal matrix hemorrhage. |
GMK | green monkey kidney (cells). |
GML | gut mucosa lymphocyte. |
gm-m | gram-meter. |
GMN | gradient moment nulling. |
g-mol | gram-molecule. |
GMP | glucose monophosphate. |
GMP | good manufacturing practice. |
GMP | granule membrane protein. |
GMP | guanosine monophosphate. |
GMPR | guanine monophosphate reductase. |
GMPs | GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylases. |
GMR | gallops, murmurs, rubs. |
GMR | gradient motion rephasing. |
GMRH | germinal matrix related hemorrhage. |
GMRI | gated magnetic resonance imaging. |
GMS | General Medical Service. |
GMS | geriatric mental state. |
GMS | Gilbert-Meulengracht syndrome. |
GMS | glyceryl monostearate. |
GMS | Gomori methenamine silver stain. |
GMS | goniodysgenesis-menta1 retardation-short stature (syndrome). |
GMSC | General Medical Services Committee. |
GMT | geometric mean titer. |
GMT | gingival margin trimmer. |
GMV | gram molecular volume. |
GMW | gram molecular weight. |
GN | gaze nystagmus. |
GN | glomerulonephritis. |
GN | glucose nitrogen (ratio). |
Gn | gnathion. |
GN | gnotobiote. |
Gn | gonadotropin. |
GN | graduate nurse. |
GN | gram-negative. |
GN | guanine nucleotide. |
GNA | general nursing assistance. |
GNAT | guanine nucleotide-binding protein, alpha-transducing. |
GNAZ | guanosine nucleotide-binding alpha Z polypeptide. |
GNB | ganglioneuroblastoma. |
GNB | gram-negative bacillus. |
GNB | guanine nucleotide-binding (protein). |
GNBM | gram-negative bacillary meningitis. |
GNBT | guanine nucleotide-binding protein, beta transducing. |
GNC | general nursing care. |
GNC | General Nursing Council. |
GNC | geriatric nurse clinician. |
GND | Gram-negative diplococci. |
GNID | gram-negative intracellular diplococci. |
GNP | geriatric nurse practitioner. |
GNP | gerontologic nurse practitioner. |
GNP | Gross National Product . |
GNR | gram-negative rods. |
GnRF | gonadotropin-releasing factor. |
GnRH | gonadotropin-releasing hormone. |
GnRHR | gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor. |
GNTP | Graduate Nurse Transition Program. |
GO | gastro-(o)esophageal. |
GO | geroderma osteodysplastica. |
GO | glucose oxidase. |
Go | gonion. |
GO | gonorrhea. |
GOA | generalized osteoarthritis. |
GOAT | Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test. |
GOBAB | gamma-hydroxy-beta-aminobutyric acid. |
GOE | gas, oxygen, and ether. |
GOG | Gynecologic Oncology Group. |
GOH | gemderma osteodysplastica hereditaria. |
GOK | God only knows (the diagnosis). |
GOMER | Get Out of My Examination Room. |
GOMER | Grand Old Man of the Emergency Room. |
GON | gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum. |
GON | Government of Nigeria. |
GOND | glaucomatous optic nerve damage. |
GOQ | glucose oxidation quotient. |
GOR | gastroesophageal reflux. |
GOR | general operating room. |
GOS | Glasgow outcome score. |
GOT | aspartate aminotransferase. |
GOT | glucose oxidase test. |
GOT | glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase. |
GOT | goal of treatment. |
GOTM | glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, mitochondrial. |
GOX | glyphosate oxydoreductase. |
GP | gangliocytic paraganglioma. |
GP | gastric pneumatosis. |
GP | gastroplasty. |
gp | gene product. |
GP | general paralysis, general paresis. |
GP | general physic. |
GP | general practice, general practitioner. |
GP | genetic prediabetes. |
GP | geometric progression. |
GP | globus pallidus. |
GP | glucose phosphate. |
GP | glutathione peroxidase. |
GP | glycerophosphate. |
GP | glycogen phosphorylase. |
GP | glycopeptide. |
GP | glycophorin. |
GP | glycoprotein. |
GP | Goodpasture syndrome. |
GP | gram positive. |
GP | gross product. |
GP | group. |
GP | guinea pig. |
GP | gutta percha. |
Gp | parallel conductance. |
gp46 | viral protein specific to HIV virus. |
GPA(3-) | 3-guanidinopropionic acid. |
GPA(α-D) | alpha-D-glucose pentaacetate. |
GPA | Goodpasture antigen. |
GPA | grade point average. |
GPA | Group Practice Association. |
GPA | growth-promoting activity. |
GPA | guinea pig albumin. |
Gpa | the phosphorylated high-activity form of glycogen phosphorylase (GP). |
GPAIS | guinea pig anti-insulin serum. |
GPB | glossopharyngeal breathing. |
GPB | glycophorin B. |
GPb | the dephosphorylated low-activity form of glycogen phosphorylase (GP). |
GPC | gastric parietal cell. |
GPC | gel permeation chromatography. |
GPC | giant papillary conjunctivitis. |
GPC | glycophorin C. |
GPC | granular progenitor cell. |
GPC | guinea pig complement. |
GPCI | geographic practice cost index. |
GPD | glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. |
GPD | glycerol-phosphate dehydrogenase. |
GPI | glycophosphatidilinositol (anchor surface protein deficient in PNH). |
GPI | glycosylphosphatidylinositol. |
GPOH | Gesellschaft fur Padiatrische Onkologie und Hamatologie (German Paed. Onc Group). |
GPP | good pharmacy practices. |
GPR | good partial remission. |
GPT | glutamic pyruvic transaminase. |
GPx | glucathione peroxydase. |
GR | gastric resection; great, greater; gross, grossly; group. |
GR | glutathione reductase. |
gr | grain. |
Gra | granulocytes. |
GRAIL | Gene Recognition and Analysis Internet Link. |
GRAV | Grav., gravida, a pregnant woman. |
GRE | gradient echo. |
GRH | growth hormone-releasing hormone (somatocrinin). |
GRID | gay-related immunodeficiency. |
GRM | gallop, rub, murmur. |
GS | glycogen synthase. |
GSC | gas-solid chromatography. |
GSH | reduced glutathione. |
GSM | grams per square meter. |
GSS | Gerstmann-Strussler syndrome. |
GSS | glucose-saline solution. |
GSS | Gruppo di Studio della Scoliosi e delle Patologie Vertebrali. |
GSSG | oxidized glutathione. |
GST-P | glutathione S-transferase P form. |
GSW | gun shot wound. |
GT | gait training. |
gt | gtt, drop, drops. |
GTD | gestational trophoblastic disease. |
GTT | glucose tolerance test. |
Gtts | drops per minute. |
G-type | gastric type. |
GU | (genitalis) genitourinary. |
GU | gastric ulcer. |
GUA | guanine-uracil-adenine codon for valine. |
GUC | guanine-uracil-cytosine codon for valine. |
GUG | guanine-uracil-guanine codon for valine. |
Guppying | the complete exterior and interior alteration that most World War II boats experienced after the war. |
GUU | guanine-uracil-uracil codon for valine. |
GvHD | graft versus host disease. |
GVHR | graft vs. host reaction. |
GW | gigaohm (one billion ohms). |
GXT | graded exercise test. |
Gy | grays (units of radiation). |
GYN | gyn, gynecology. |
H (309 abbreviations) |
12-HETE | 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid. |
H&E | hematoxylin and eosin stain. |
H&E | hemorrhage and exudate |
H&H | hematocrit and hemoglobin. |
H&P | history and physical (examination). |
H | histidine. |
h | hour. |
H | hypodermic, hydrogen. |
H. flu | Haemophilus influenzae. |
h.p.f. | high power field. |
H/O | h/o, history of. |
H2S | hydrogen sulfide. |
HA | headache. |
HA | high anxiety. |
HA | hospital admission. |
HA | hydroxylapatite. |
HA/Al | hydroxyapatite coated porous alumni (ceramic). |
HAA | hepatitis associated antibodies. |
HAART | highly active antiretroviral therapy. |
HAC | hydroxylapatite ceramic. |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. |
HAD | high-alcohol-drinking. |
HADD | highest average daily dose. |
HADS | Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. |
HaeIII | restriction enzyme from Haemophilus aegyptius. |
HAL | hypocellular acute leukemia. |
HAM | human alveolar macrophage. |
HASCVD | hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
HAT | Halsted aphasia test. |
HAT | harmonic attenuation table. |
HAT | head, arm, trunk. |
HAT | heparin-assosiated thrombocytopenia. |
HAT | hepatic artery thrombosis. |
HAT | heterophil antibody titer. |
HAT | high albumin transport. |
HAT | histone acetyltransferase. |
HAT | hospital arrival time. |
HAT | hypoxanthine, aminopterin and thymidine. |
HAT | hypoxanthine, azaserine and thymidine. |
Hb | hemoglobin. |
HbA1c | hemoglobin A1c - used for monitoring blood glucose. |
HBD | has been drinking. |
HBD | hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase. |
HBF | hepatic blood flow. |
HBIG | hepatitis B immune globuline. |
Hbp | high blood pressure. |
HBPV | Hemophillus influenzae type B polysaccharide vaccine. |
HBSAG | hepatitis B surface antigen. |
HBSE | Human Behavior & Social Environment. |
HBV | hepatitis B virus. |
HC | Hassal's corpuscles. |
HCA | hepatic cell adenomas. |
HCA | Murex Hybrid Capture CMV DNA assay. |
HCC | hepatocellular carcinoma. |
HCFA | Health Care Financing Administration (US). |
HCG | human chorionic gonadotropin. |
HCGs | hyperchromatic crowded groups. |
HCII | Heparin cofactor II. |
HCL | hairy cell leukemia. |
HCl | hydrochloric acid, hydrochloride. |
HCM | health care maintenance. |
HCM | hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. |
HCO3 | bicarbonate. |
HCPS | hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. |
HCT | Hct, hct, ht, hematocrit (also packed cell volume, see PCV). |
HCT | helical computed tomographic. |
HCTZ | hydrochlorothiazide. |
HCV | hepatitis C virus. |
HCV | hog cholera virus. |
HCVD | hypertensive cardiovascular disease. |
HD | hearing distance. |
HD | heart disease. |
HD | helper-dependent (e.g. adenoviral vectors). |
HD | hemodialysis. |
HD | herniated disks. |
HD | high dose. |
HD | Hodgkin's disease (lymphoma). |
HD | hospital day. |
HDC | high dose chemotherapy (often used as HDC/BMT) /PSCT or /PSCR ," used with HDC, means with peripheral" stem cell transplant or rescue. |
HDC | high-dose chemotherapy. |
HDCT | high-dose chemotherapy. |
HDCV | human diploid cell vaccine. |
HDF | human diploid fibroblast. |
HDL | high density lipoprotein. |
HDN | hemolytic disease of the newborn. |
HDPE | high-density polyethylene. |
HDS | herniated disc syndrome. |
HE | Hektoen enteric agar. |
HE | hereditary eliptocytosis. |
HEADS | home , education & employment, activities, drugs, and sexuality (special history taking technique for adolescents). |
HEC | Hemorrhagic Escherichia Coli. |
HECOS | Health and Economic Consequences of Smoking. |
HEDIC | Healthcare Electronic Data Interchange Corporation. |
HEENT | head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat. |
HELLP | hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets syndrome. |
HEMA | 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate. |
HEMA-MMA | hydroxyethyl methacrylate-methyl methacrylate. |
HEP | home exercise program. |
HEPA | high-efficiency particulate air/adsorption. |
HER2 | human EGF-like receptor no. 2; short for HER2,ECD (extra cellular domain) (also called Her2/neu). |
HETE's | HydroxyEicosaTetraEnoic acids. |
HEV(s) | high endothelial venule(s). |
HF | hay fever. |
HF | heart failure. |
HFC | high frequency cells. |
HFOV | high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. |
HFRT | hyperfractionated radiotherapy. |
HFV | hippocampal formation volume. |
HG | herpes gestationis. |
HG | Hog Cholera. |
Hg | Mercury. |
hgb | Hb, HGB, hemoglobin. |
HGE | human granulocytic ehrlichiosis. |
HGH | human growth hormone. |
HGM | human gastric mucin. |
HGPRT | hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase. |
HGSIL | high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. |
HH | hard of hearing. |
HH | hiatal hernia. |
Hha | Halobacterium halobium. |
HHC | hereditary hemochromatosis. |
HHNK | hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic. |
HHV | human herpes virus. |
HHV-8 | human herpes virus 8. |
HI | hemagglutination inhibition. |
Hi | hemiglobin (methemoglobin). |
HIAA (5-) | 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. |
HIB | Haemophilus influenzae type B. |
Hib | Hemophillus influenzae type B conjugate vaccine. |
HIBCC | Health Industry Bar Code Council. |
HiCN | hemiglobincyanide. |
HIDA | Health Industry Distributors Association. |
HIDA | hepatic iminodiacetic acid (imaging or scanning). |
HIDA | tetrahydroindazolone carboxylic acid. |
HIER | heat induced epitope retrieval. |
HIFU | high intensity focused ultrasound. |
HIM | Health Information Management. |
HIMA | Health Industry Manufacturers Association. |
HindIII | restriction enzyme from Haemophilus influenzae Rd. |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. |
HIPSOC | Hip Society (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
His | histidine. |
HIT | heparin induced thrombocytopenia. |
HIT | Holtzman Inkblot Technique. |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus. |
HIV/AIDS | Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. |
H-J | hepatojugular. |
HJR | hepatojugular reflux. |
HK | high molecular weight kininogen. |
HKAFO | hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis. |
HKCOS | Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons. |
HKOA | Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association. |
HL | hearing loss. |
HL | heart and lungs. |
HLA | heart, lungs, abdomen. |
HLA | human leukocyte antigen. |
HL-A | Human Leukocyte Associated antigens (HL-A matching for BMT). |
HLA-DR | D-related human leukocyte antigen. |
HLFs | human lung fibroblasts. |
HLH | histiocytic lymphohistiocytosis. |
HLK | heart, liver, kidney. |
HLV | herpes like virus. |
HM | hand motion. |
HM | heart murmur. |
HMD | hyaline membrane disease. |
HME | heat and humidity exchanger. |
HMGI | high mobility group I. |
HMGR | 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase. |
HMO | health maintenance organization. |
HMP | hexose monophosphate (oxidative shunt). |
HMP | hot moist packs. |
HMPAO | hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime. |
HMSN | hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies. |
HMWK | high-molecular weight kininogen. |
HNP | herniated nucleus pulposus. |
HNPP | hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies. |
HNV | has not voided. |
HO | heterotopic ossification. |
HO | history of. |
HO | house officer. |
HOA | hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. |
HOB | head of bed. |
HOCM | hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. |
HoFH | homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia. |
HOH | hard of hearing. |
HOMC | hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. |
HON | Health On the Net Foundation. |
HONC | hyperosmolar nonketotic coma. |
Hop | H. pylori outer membrane protein. |
Hor v 9 | group IX pollen allergen from barley (Hordeum vulgare). |
HOR | Health outcomes research. |
HOR | high outlet resistance. |
HOR | higher-order repeat. |
HOR | homing receptor. |
HOR | homologue of rap. |
HOR | hordein genes. |
HOR | horizontal movable arm support. |
hor | horizontal. |
hOR | human oestrogen receptor. |
hOR | human oxidoreductase. |
HOR | hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase. |
HOR | hyperosmolarity-responsive. |
HOR | rehydrated Hemoccult. |
Hor-1 | fucan sulfate isolated from the hot water extract of an edible brown alga, Sargassum horneri. |
HOS | Hawaii Orthopaedic Society. |
HOS | Hemoccult sensa. |
HP | haptoglobin. |
HP | hemipelvectomy. |
HP | hot pack. |
HP | hot-plate. |
HPA | hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical. |
HPC | hematopoietic progenitor cells. |
HPC-PEP | peplomycin emulsion in hydroxypropylcellulosum. |
HPE | history and physical examination. |
HPETE | hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid. |
HPF | high power field. |
HPFH | hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin. |
HPI | history of present illness. |
HPL | Human Performance Laboratory. |
hPL | human placental lactogen. |
HPLC | high pressure (or performance) liquid chromatography. |
HPMC | hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. |
HPNS | high pressure neurologic syndrome. |
HPP | hereditary pyropoikilocytosis. |
HPSA | health professional shortage area. |
HPT | hyperparathyroidism. |
HPTR | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase. |
HPV | Human Papilloma Virus. |
HQoL | health-related quality of life. |
HR | heart rate. |
HR | high risk. |
HR | hospital record. |
Hr | hour. |
HRDO | Human Resources Development Office. |
HRF | homologous restriction factor (regulates C9). |
HRIG | human rabies immunoglobin. |
HRMS | Human Resources Management Systems. |
HRP | horseradish peroxidase. |
HRQOL | health-related quality of life. |
HRRR | heart regular rate and rhythm. |
HRS | Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells. |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy. |
HS purpura | Henoch-Schönlein purpura. |
hs | h.s., hora somni - hours of sleep, at bedtime. |
HS | heart sounds. |
HS | hereditary spherocytosis. |
Hs | hora somni. |
HSA | human serum albumine. |
hs-CRP | high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. |
HSDA test | high solids anaerobic digestion test. |
HSEL | Hemeselect. |
HSG | hysterosalpingography. |
HS-GC | head space gas chromatography. |
HSIL | high squamous intraepithelial lesion. |
HSP | Henoch-Schönlein purpura. |
HSS | Hospital for Special Surgery. |
HSV | herpes simplex virus. |
HT | heart. |
ht | height. |
HT | hospital treatment. |
HT | hypertension. |
HT | hyperthyroidism. |
HTLV-I | human T-cell lymphotropic virus types I. |
HTMT | heptane carboxamide (an H1 receptor antagonist). |
HTN | hypertension. |
HTS | high throughput screening. |
HUS | hemolytic uremic syndrome. |
HUVEC | human umbilical vein endothelial cells. |
HV | half-value. |
HV | healthy volunteers. |
HV | hepatic vein. |
HV | herpes virus. |
HV | home visit. |
HV | hospital visit. |
HV | hyperventilation. |
HVA | homovanillic acid. |
HVD | hypertensive vascular disease. |
HVL | half-value layer. |
HVO | Health Volunteers Overseas. |
HW | healing well. |
HW | hemodynamically weighted. |
HWI | hazardous waste incinerator. |
HWI | Hazardous Waste Index. |
HWI | head-out water immersion. |
HWI | Heart weight index. |
HWI | Heart work index. |
HWI | heartworm infection. |
HWI | height-width index. |
HWI | hemodynamically weighted imaging. |
HWI | Hepatic weight index. |
HWI | high water intake. |
HWI | hip-waist index. |
HWI | hot-water irrigation (was introduced as a treatment of epistaxis more than 100 years ago). |
HWL | healthy way of life. |
HWL | Heat-Withdrawal Latency. |
HWL | height-width-length. |
HWL | hindpaw withdrawal latency. |
HWL | hybrid white leghorn. |
HWL-12 | 2-phenyl-3-(3',5'-dimorpholinomethyl-4'-hydroxy)-benzoyl-indole. |
HWP | hot wet pack. |
HWT | H-wave therapy. |
Hx | history. |
HY | Hoehn and Yahr (scale). |
HYP | hyperpneic. |
hyp. | hypodermic. |
hypo | hypodermically. |
Hz | Hertz (cycles per second). |
HZT | high zone tolerance. |
HZV | herpes zoster virus |
I (434 abbreviations) |
I&D | incision and drainage |
I&E | internal and external. |
I&O | intake and output (as for fluids). |
I | isoleucine. |
I.M. | intramuscular |
I.Q. | intelligence quotient |
I.V. | IV, intravenous |
IA | incurred accidentally. |
IA | intra-arterial. |
IA | invasive aspergillosis. |
IABP | intra-aortic balloon pump |
IAC | infinite amplitude clipping. |
IAC | internal acoustic canal. |
IACR | International Agency on Cancer Research. |
IADH | inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. |
IADHS | inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone syndrome. |
IAHL | infection-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. |
IAHS | infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome. |
IAP | inhibitor of apoptosis. |
IAPM | International Association of Medical Prosthesis Manufacturers. |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer. |
IAS | Indian Arthroscopy Society. |
IASLC | International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. |
IASP | International Association for the Study of Pain. |
IATMR | tetramethylrhodamine-iodoacetamide. |
IBC | idiopathic bone cavity. |
IBC | idiotype binding capacity. |
IBC | immunoglobulin bearing cells. |
IBC | incidence of bacteria-carrier. |
IBC | indirect bilirubin concentrations. |
IBC | inflammatory breast cancer. |
IBC | Injury Behavior Checklist. |
IBC | Inoue balloon catheter. |
IBC | Institutional Biosafety Committee. |
IBC | insulin binding capacity. |
IBC | integrated backscatter coefficient. |
IBC | Integrated Broadband Communication. |
IBC | International BioClinical. |
IBC | International Bioethics Committee (of UNESCO) |
IBC | International Biophysics Corporation. |
IBC | International Business Communications. |
IBC | interval breast cancer (breast cancer diagnosed within 1 year of a negative annual screening examination) |
IBC | intraductile breast cancer. |
IBC | invasive bladder cancer. |
IBC | invasive breast cancers. |
IBC | iodine binding capacity. |
IBC | ionophore of bivalent cations. |
IBC | iron binding capacity. |
IBC | isobutyl cyanoacrylate. |
IBC | isobutylchloroformate. |
IBD | inflammatory bowel disease. |
IBE | individual bioequivalence. |
IBG | iliac bone graft. |
IBIDS syndrome | ichthyosis, brittle hair, impaired intelligence, decreased fertility, short stature. |
IBMTR | International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry. |
IBP | Ibuprofen. |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome. |
IBSE | International Federated Body on Scoliosis Etiology. |
IBW | ideal body weight. |
IC | between meals. |
IC | inspiratory capacity. |
IC | intensive care. |
IC | intracerebral. |
ICA | immunohistochemical assay. |
ICA | internal carotid artery. |
ICAM | intercellular adhesion molecules. |
ICAM-1 | intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (endothelial cell adhesion molecule). |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization. |
ICARE | International Cancer Alliance for Research and Education (ICARE). |
ICASS | Internal Cooperative Agreement Support and Services. |
ICBG | iliac crest bone graft. |
ICC | inferior colliculus. |
ICC | intensive coronary care. |
ICCG | International Collaborative Cancer Group |
ICCPO | Icelandic Childhood Cancer Parent Organisation. |
ICCPO | International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organizations |
ICCU | intensive coronary care unit. |
ICD | implantable-cardioverter defibrillator. |
ICD | International Statistical Classification of Disease, published by WHO. |
ICD | isocitrate dehydrogenase. |
ICD-10 | International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, maintained by WHO. |
ICD-9 | International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, online sponsor: UCD Medical Informatics. |
ICD-9-CM | International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, clinical modification. |
ICDA | international classification of diseases, adapted. |
ICD-O M | morphologic rubric of ICD-O. |
ICD-O T | topographic rubric of ICD-O. |
ICD-O | International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (coding system). |
ICEID 2000 | The International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases 2000. |
ICER | incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. |
ICF | informed consent form. |
ICF | intensive care facility. |
ICF | intermediate care facility. |
ICF | intracellular fluid. |
ICFX | intracapsular fracture. |
ICH | human infantile cortical hyperostosis. |
ICH | International Conference on Harmonization (GCP). |
ICM | intercostal margin. |
ICN | intensive care nursery. |
ICOE | International Center for Orthopaedic Education (US). |
ICP | intracranial pressure. |
ICPA | International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. |
ICRF | Imperial Cancer Research Fund (UK). |
ICRS | International Cartilage Repair Society. |
ICS | intercostal space. |
ICS | International Continence Society. |
ICSF | International College of Surgery of the Foot. |
ICSI | Intracytoplasmic sperm injection. |
ICSI | intracytoplasmic sperm injection. |
ICT | intermittent cervical traction. |
ICU | intensive care unit. |
ID | during the day. |
ID | identification. |
ID | ill defined. |
ID | ineffective dose. |
ID | infectious disease. |
ID | internal diameter. |
ID | intradermal. |
IDA | iron deficiency anemia. |
IDC | infiltrating ductal carcinoma. |
IDC | interdigitating cells. |
IDD | insulin dependent diabetes. |
IDD | internal disc disruption. |
IDDM | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, type I. |
IDET | intradiscal electrothermal therapy. |
IDK | internal derangement of the knee. |
IDU | injection drug users. |
IDW | ideal body weight. |
IE | inner ear. |
IEC | independant ethics committee. |
IEC | Information, Education, and Communication. |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
IESS | Intergroup Ewing's Sarcoma Study (USA). |
IFA | indirect immunofluorescent IgG antibody. |
IFC | International Finance Corporation. |
IFE | immunofixation electrophoresis. |
IFEB | International Federation of Eye Banks. |
IFG | impaired fasting glucose. |
IFMBE | International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering. |
IFN | interferon. |
IFOSA | International Federation of Spine Associations. |
IFPOS | International Federation of Pediatric Orthopaedic Societies. |
IFR | inspiratory flow rate. |
IFSC | International Federation of Surgical Colleges (WHO non-governmental organizations). |
IFSSH | International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. |
IG | immature granulocyte. |
IgA | immunoglobulin A. |
IgD | immunoglobulin D. |
IgE | immunoglobulin E. |
IGF | insulin-like growth factor (somatomedin). |
IGF | insulin-like growth factor. |
IGFBP | insulin-like growth factor binding protein. |
IGFBP-5 | insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-5. |
IgG | immunoglobulin G. |
IGHD IB | isolated growth hormone deficiency type IB. |
IgM | immunoglobulin M. |
IgSF | Ig superfamily. |
IGT | impaired glucose tolerance. |
IGV | immunoglobulin variable region gene. |
IH | infectious hepatitis |
IH | interval history. |
IHA | inhibition of hemagglutination. |
IHC | immunohistochemistry. |
IHC | Internet Healthcare Coalition. |
IHD | ischemic heart disease. |
IHR | intrinsic heart rate. |
IHS | International Hip Society. |
IHSS | idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. |
IHT | internittent hypoxic training. |
IID | insulin dependent diabetes. |
IIF | indirect immunofluorescence. |
IIS | Intergalactic Institute of Shoulderology. |
IITS | International Intradiscal Therapy Society. |
IL | ilio-lumbar. |
IL | interleukine. |
IL2 | Interleukin2. |
ILC | interstitial laser coagulation. |
Ile | isoleucine. |
ILL | intermediate lymphocytic lymphoma. |
ILO | International Labor Office. |
ILP | isolated limb perfusion. |
ILSG | International Lymphoma Study Group. |
IM | infectious mononucleosis. |
IM | internal medicine. |
IM | intramedullary. |
IM | intramuscular. |
IMBC | indirect maximum breathing capacity. |
Im-DCH-beta-Gal | O-[4-(1-imidazolyl)butyl]-2,3-dicyano-1,4-hydroquinonyl beta-D-galactopyranoside. |
IME | independent medical examiner. |
IMF | International Monetary Fund. |
IMF | International Myeloma Foundation. |
IMHO | in my humble opinion. |
IMI | Imipramine (Tofranil). |
IMI | intramuscular injection. |
IML | intracranial mass lesion. |
IMLAS | International Musculoskeletal Laser Society. |
IM-like | infectious mononucleosis-like. |
IMM | immediate. |
IMM | immobilize. |
IMM | immunize. |
IMMC | interdigestive migratory motor complex. |
IMO | in my opinion. |
IMP | immuno magnetic particles. |
Imp | impression. |
IMP | improved. |
IMP | inosine 5'-monophosphate. |
IMPOX | immunoperoxidase. |
IMRI | Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. |
IM-ROD | intramedullary rod. |
IMRT | intensity-modulated radiotherapy. |
IMS | immunomagnetic separation. |
INC | incomplete. |
INC | inconclusive. |
INC | increase. |
INCB | International Narcotics Control Board of United Nations. |
IND | independent. |
IND | Indomethacin. |
IND | investigational new drug (see FDA). |
INF | infant. |
INF | infarction. |
INF | infected. |
INF | inferior. |
Inf. | infusion. |
INFA | International Neurofibromatosis Association. |
INH | isoniazid. |
INJ | inject; injection. |
INJ | injury. |
INK | injury not known. |
INL | International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Bureau (DOS). |
iNO | inhaled nitric oxide. |
INR | intermittent. |
INR | International Normalized Ratio (standard of care for the management of anticoagulation). |
INR | interval. |
INS | Immigration and Naturalization Service. |
INS | insulin. |
INS | insurance. |
InsP(3) | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. |
INSS | International Neuroblastoma Staging System. |
int | internal. |
Int. | internal. |
Intra | inside (e.g. intracavitary); during (e.g. intraoperative = during surgery). |
IO | inferior oblique. |
IO | intestinal obstruction. |
IOA | Indian Orthopaedic Association. |
IOFB | intraocular foreign body. |
IOL | intraocular lens. |
IOM | interosseous membrane. |
IOP | intraocular pressure. |
IORT | intraoperative radiotherapy. |
IOU | intensive therapy observation unit. |
IP | interphalangeal. |
IP | intra-peritoneal. |
IP3 | inositol-1,4,5,-triphsophate. |
IPA | 5-(N-methyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride. |
IPA | idiopathic premature adrenarche. |
IPA | iInvasive pulmonary aspergillosis. |
IPA | immunoprecipitation assay. |
IPA | Independent Practice Associations. |
IPA | indices of platelet activation. |
IPA | Indol-3-pyruvic acid. |
IPA | Indole-3-propionic acid. |
IPA | inferior phrenic artery. |
IPA | infiltrating pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. |
IPA | Information Processing Ability. |
IPA | inherited paternal HLA antigens. |
IPA | integrated pulse amperometry. |
IPA | interference pattern analysis. |
IPA | International Paediatric Association. |
IPA | International Pharmaceutical Abstracts. |
IPA | intimate partner abuse. |
IPA | intralobar pulmonary arteries. |
IPA | intraperitoneal. |
IPA | intrapulmonary arteries. |
Ipa | invasion plasmid antigens proteins. |
IPA | iodo-l-phenylalanine. |
IPA | ipamorelin. |
IPA | irrigation pipe-associated. |
IPA | isopropyl alcohol. |
IPA | isopropylamine. |
IPA | Isopropylantipyrine. |
Ipa | pasiniazid. |
IPA-EST | indophenyl acetate esterase. |
IPC(foot) | intermittent pneumatic foot compression. |
IPC | in-process control. |
IPE | iris pigment epithelium. |
IPHC | International Prostate Health Council. |
IPHC | intraperitoneal hyperthermic perfusion chemotherapy. |
IPHC | isoproterenol hydrochloride. |
IPI | international prognostic index. |
IPK | isolated perfused rat kidney. |
IPOP | immediate postsurgical prosthetics. |
IPPA | inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing. |
IPPO | intermittent positive-pressure inflation with oxygen. |
IPPR | intermittent positive pressure respiration. |
IPPS | Independent Power Producers. |
IPPV | intermittent positive pressure ventilation. |
IPRAF | International Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Foundation. |
IPRAS | International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. |
IPSID | immunoproliferative small intestinal disease. |
IPSM | Institute for Preventative Sports Medicine. |
IPSP | inhibitory postsynaptic potential. |
IPSP | The Italian Prognostic System Project. |
IPSS | International Prostate Symptom Score. |
IPTG | isoproylthiogalactoside. |
IPV | inactivated poliovirus vaccine. |
IPX | immunoperoxidase. |
IPx | impaired glucose tolerance. |
IPx | phosphoinositide. |
IQ | intelligence quotient. |
IQC | instrument quality control. |
IR | immunoreactive. |
IR | infrared. |
IR | internal rotation. |
IR | intracellular receptor. |
Ir | iridium. |
IRB | institutional review board. |
IRBBB | incomplete right bundle-branch block. |
IRE | internal rotation in extension. |
IRF | internal rotation in flexion. |
IRI | immunoreactive insulin. |
IRMA | intraretinal microvascular abnormalities. |
IRrs | Inspiratory Rrs. |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service. |
IRSSD | International Research Society for Spinal Deformities. |
IS | in situ. |
IS | intercostal space. |
ISA | intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. |
ISAC | International Society for Analytical Cytology. |
ISAG | International Society for Animal Genetics. |
ISAK | International Society for the Advancement of Kinathropometry. |
ISAKOS | International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery, and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ISAZ | International Society for Anthrozoology. |
ISB | International Society of Biomechanics. |
ISBS | International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. |
ISC | instrument standardization and calibration. |
ISCAS | International Society for Computer Aided Surgery. |
ISDRF | International Spinal Development & Research Foundation. |
ISEP | International Society of Educators in Physiotherapy. |
ISG | immune serum globulin. |
ISG | International Shoulder Group. |
ISH | in situ hybridization. |
ISH | isolated systolic hypertension. |
ISHLT | the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. |
ISI | international sensitivity index. |
ISIS | International Spinal Injection Society. |
ISL | interscapular line. |
ISM | indolent systemic mastocytosis. |
ISMISS | International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery. |
ISO | isoflurane. |
ISOST | Internet Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. |
ISP | intraocular silicone prosthesis. |
ISPO | International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics. |
ISR | induced systemic resistance. |
ISS | Integrated Summary of Safety. |
ISS | International Society of Surgery. |
ISSC | investigative site support center. |
ISSI | Interview Schedule of Social Integration. |
IST | insulin shock therapy. |
IT | idiopathic thrombocythemia. |
IT | individual therapy. |
IT | inhalation therapy. |
IT | intensive therapy. |
IT | intermediate trophoblast. |
IT15 | interesting transcript 15 in Hungtington disease |
ITB | iliotibial band. |
ITC | interagency testing committee. |
ITP | idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. |
ITP | ion transport peptide. |
ITs | immunotoxins. |
ITT | internal tibial torsion. |
ITT | interstitial tumor therapy. |
ITU | Intensive Therapy Unit. |
I-type | intestinal type. |
IU | immunizing unit, international units. |
IU | intrauterine. |
IUCD | intra-uterine contraceptive device. |
IUD | intrauterine device. |
IUGR | intrauterine growth retardation. |
IUP | intrauterine pregnancy. |
IUT | intrauterine transfusion. |
IV | in vitro. |
IV | in vivo. |
IV | intervertebral. |
IV | intravascular. |
Iv | intravenous, intravenous line. |
IV | intravenous. |
IVC | inferior vena cava. |
IVC | intravenous cholangiography. |
IVC | isovolumic contraction. |
IVCD | intraventricular conduction defect. |
IVD | intervertebral disc. |
IVDA | intravenous drug addict. |
IVDU | intravenous drug use/user. |
IVEC | in vitro expression cloning. |
IVF | in vitro fertilization. |
IVH | intrafascial vaginal hysterectomy. |
IVH | intravenous hyperalimentation. |
IVH | intraventricular hemorrhage. |
IVI | intravenous injection. |
IVIG | intravenous immunoglobulin. |
IVJC | intervertebral joint complex. |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram. |
ivpb | intravenous piggyback infusion. |
IV-QAR | in vitro quantitative autoradiography. |
IVR | idioventricular rhythm. |
IVR | iliac vascular resistance. |
IVR | immersive virtual reality. |
IVR | in vitro released. |
IVR | in vivo recovery. |
IVR | inhibitor of virus replication. |
IVR | interactive voice response. |
IVR | intermediate view reprojection. |
IVR | intervascular ridging. |
IVR | interventional radiology. |
IVR | interventional vascular radiology. |
IVR | intestinal vascular resistance. |
IVR | intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution. |
IVR | intrarenal vascular resistance. |
IVR | intravaginal ring. |
IVR | intravenous regimen. |
IVR | intraventricular reentry. |
IVR | inverted repeats. |
IVR | in-vitro-retinae. |
IVR | isovolumetric regulation. |
IVR | isovolumic relaxation. |
IVR | ivermectin. |
IVRA | intravenous regional anesthesia. |
IVR-OD | inverted repeat outer domain. |
IVSD | interventricular septal defect. |
IVU | intravenous urography. |
IVUS | intravascular ultrasonography. |
IvVD | intravenous administration of high and intermittent doses of calcitriol. |
IW | infarction weight. |
IWMF | International Waldenstrom's Macroglubulinemia Foundation. |
J (39 abbreviations) |
JAAD | Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. |
JAAOS | Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. |
JAB | Journal of Applied Biomechanics. |
JACS | Journal of the American College of Surgeons. |
Jak(s) | Janus kinase(s). |
JAMA | Journal of the American Medical Association. |
JAOA | Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. |
JBJS | Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (UK). |
JBJS | Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (US). |
JBMR | Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. |
JCAHO | Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. |
JCD | Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease. |
JCO | Journal of Clinical Oncology. |
JCOA | Japanese Clinical Orthopedic Association (Japanese only). |
JCT | junction. |
JHS | Journal of Hand Surgery (US). |
JJ | jaw jerk. |
JJC | The Japanese Joint Committee. |
JNC | Joint National Committee. |
JND | just noticeable difference. |
JNMS | Journal of Musculoskeletal System. |
JOA | Japanese Orthopaedic Association (UMIN: Japanese only). |
JOCD | juvenile osteochrondritis dissecans. |
JOS | Internet Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and related subjects. |
JOSPT | Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. |
JOT | Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. |
JPO | Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. |
JRA | juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. |
JSCAS | Japan Society for Computer Aided Surgery (only Japanese). |
JSN | joint space narrowing. |
JSOA | Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association. |
JSR | Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. |
JSS | Junior Secondary School. |
JT | joint. |
JUV | juvenile. |
JV | jugular vein. |
JV | jugulovenous. |
JVD | jugular-venous distension. |
JVP | jugular venous pressure; jugular venous pulse. |
K (33 abbreviations) |
K | potassium. |
KA | ketoacidosis. |
KASS | Kaneda anterior spinal/scoliosis system. |
kb | kilobases (1kb = 1000 nucleic acid bases). |
KB | knee bearing amputation. |
kcal | kilocalorie (food calorie). |
KCl | potassium chloride. |
KCS | keratoconjunctivitis sicca. |
KD | knee disarticulation. |
KEE | Klebsiella spp., E.coli, and Enterobacter soo., the lactose fermentation bacteria that are most commonly isloated from urine. |
KFD | Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease. |
KFH | Kaiser Foundation Hospital. |
KFH | killifish. |
KFH | King Fahad Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. |
KFT | kidney function test. |
kg | kilogram. |
KGS(17-) | 17-ketogenic steroids. |
KI | Karolinska Institut (Musculoskeletal Diseases). |
KI | potassium iodide. |
Ki-67 | proliferation index. |
KIA | Kliger iron agar. |
KID syndrome | keratitis, ichthyosis, and deafness. |
KJ | knee-jerk. |
KK | knee kick. |
KLS | kidney, liver, spleen. |
KO | keep open. |
KOH | potasium hydroxide. |
KR | keratinocytes. |
KS(17-) | 17-ketosteroids. |
KS | Knee Society (AAOS Specialty Societies). |
KUB | kidneys, ureters, and bladder. |
KVO | keep veins open. |
K-wire | Kirschner wire. |
L (253 abbreviations) |
L&A | light and accommodation. |
L&D | labor and delivery. |
L&H | lungs and heart. |
L&S | liver and spleen. |
L&W | living and well. |
L | Lactobacillus. |
L | lambda. |
L | latex. |
L | Latin. |
L | left. |
L | Legionella. |
L | Leishmania. |
L | length. |
L | lente insulin. |
L | lethal. |
L | leucine. |
L | levo-. |
L | lidocaine. |
L | ligament. |
L | light. |
L | lingual. |
L | Listeria. |
L | liter. |
L | liver. |
L | low. |
L | lower. |
L | lumbar. |
L | luminance. |
L | lymph. |
L | lymphatic invasion. |
L | lymphocyte. |
L | outer membrane layer of cell wall of gram-negative bacteria (layer). |
L | pound. |
L | syphilis (Latin lues). |
L/S | lecithin/shingomyelin ratio. |
L1 - L5 | Lumbar vertebrae 1 - 5 (spine e.g. L1 = 1st lumbar vertebra). |
LA | left atrium. |
LA | linoleic acid. |
LA | local anesthesia. |
Lac | laceration. |
LAC | long arm cast. |
LAD | left anterior descending (coronary artery). |
LAD | left axis deviation. |
LAD | leukocyte adhesion deficiency. |
LAD | ligament augmentation device. |
LAD | linoleic acid-deficient. |
LAD | low-alcohol-drinking. |
LADD | laparoscopic appendectomy and duodenocolonic dissociation. |
LADDs | lifetime average daily doses. |
LADDs | liquid automatic dishwashing detergents. |
Ladd's | syndrome, intestinal obstruction from peritoneal bands. |
LAE | long above elbow (cast). |
LAH | left atrial hypertrophy. |
LAM | laminectomy. |
LAM-1 | L-selectin adhesion molecule (on leukocytes). |
LANC | long arm navicular cast. |
lap chole | laparoscopic cholecystectomy. |
LAP | left atrial pressure. |
LAP | leukocyte alkaline phosphatase. |
lap. | laparotomy. |
LAR | linoleic acid-rich. |
LASIK | laser in-situ keratomileusis. |
LAT | lateral (view in x-rays). |
lat. flap | latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction. |
lat. | lateral. |
LATS | long-acting thyroid stimulator. |
LB | large bowel. |
LB | Lewy body. |
LB | Lyme borreliosis. |
lb. | pound. |
LBB | low back bending. |
LBBB | left bundle branch block. |
LBCD | left border of cardiac dullness |
LBD | Lewy body dementia. |
LBL | lecture-based learning. |
LBL | lymphoblastic lymphoma. |
LBM | lean body mass. |
LBO | large bowel obstruction. |
LBO | lower body obesity. |
LBP | low back pain. |
LBP | low blood pressure. |
LBT | low back tenderness. |
LC | Langerhans' cells. |
LC | lymphocyte corona. |
LC50 | lethal concentration 50%. |
LCA | lateral costal artery (branch of internal mammary artery). |
LCA | left coronary artery. |
LCA | leukocyte common antigen. |
LCDCP | limited/low-contact dynamic compression plate. |
LCE | leg cycle ergometer. |
LCEA | latency corrected ensemble average. |
LCEA | lung carcinoma expressed antigens. |
LCH | Langerhans cell histiocytocis. |
LCIS | lobular carcinoma in situ (breast carcinoma). |
LCL | lateral collateral ligament. |
LCM | left costal margin. |
LCNEC | large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. |
LCSW | licensed clinical social worker. |
LCTA | lungs clear to auscultation. |
LD | luminance-defined. |
LD100 | lethal dose 100 %. |
LDF | laser Doppler flowmetry. |
LDGS | life-death growth standard. |
LDH | lactic dehydrogenase. |
LDL cholesterol | low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. |
LDL | low density lipoprotein. |
LDM | lipoatrophic diabetes mellitus. |
LDP | lumbo-dorsal pain. |
LDRP | Labor Delivery Recovery Postpartum. |
LDW | low-dose warfarin. |
LE | left eye. |
LE | lower extremity. |
LE | lupus erythematosis. |
LEE | locus of enterocyte effacement. |
LEL | lowest effect level. |
LES | lower esophageal sphincter. |
LF | left foot; linear fracture; low frequency. |
LFA | left forearm. |
LFA | lymphocyte function-associated antigen. |
LFA-1 | lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1. |
LFB | Luxol fast blue. |
LFLA | antilactoferrin latex bead agglutination test. |
LFT | liver function tests. |
lg | large. |
LGA | large-for-gestational age. |
LG-ABN | licking/grooming and arched-back nursing. |
LGB | lateral geniculate body. |
LGI | (see GI) lower gastro-intestinal tract. |
LGV | lymphogranuloma venereum. |
LH | luteotropic hormone. |
LHG | left hand grip. |
LHRH | luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone. |
LHS | left hand side. |
LIc | lacunar ictus. |
LIC | left iliac crest. |
LIMA | left internal mammary artery. |
LIP | lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis. |
LIQ | left inner quadrant. |
LIR | left iliac region. |
LIS | laboratory information system. |
LK | left kidney. |
LKS | liver, kidney, spleen. |
LL | left lateral. |
LL | left leg. |
LL | left lower. |
LL | left lung. |
LLB | left lateral bending; long leg brace. |
LLC | long leg cast. |
LLCC | long leg cylinder cast. |
LLD | leg length discrepancy. |
LLE | left lower extremity. |
LLF | left lateral flexion; left little finger. |
LLL | left lower leg; left lower lid. |
LLL | lower left lobe (lung). |
LLN | lower limit of normal. |
LLQ | lower left quadrant (abdomen). |
LLR | left lumbar region. |
LLS | long leg splint. |
LLWC | long leg walking cast. |
LLX | left lower extremity. |
LM | lentigo maligna. |
LMD | left midline deviation; local medical doctor |
LMM | lentigo maligna melanoma. |
LMN | lower motor neuron (signs). |
LMO | local medical officer. |
LMP | last menstrual period. |
LMWH | low molecular weight heparin. |
LN | lupus nephritis. |
LN | lymph node. |
LOA | left occipitoanterior. |
lob | lobular. |
LOC | level of care. |
LOC | level of consciousness (in Glasgow Coma Scale). |
LOC | loss of consciousness. |
LOD | limit of detection. |
LOD | loss on drying. |
LOH | loss of heterozygosity. |
LOM | left otitis media; limitation of movement; loss of movement. |
LOQ | left outer quadrant. |
LOQ | limit of quantification. |
LOS | length of stay. |
LOS | lipooligosaccaride (endotoxin virulence factor of N. gonorrhoeae). |
LOS | loss of sight. |
LOT | left occiput transverse. |
LOT | ligament of Treitz. |
LP | light perception. |
LP | lumbar puncture. |
LPA | left pulmonary artery. |
lpcAB | lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core AB cluster genes. |
lpcC | lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core C gene. |
LPCC | liver primary cell cultures. |
LPD | luteal phase defect. |
lpf | low power field. |
LPL | lipoprotein lipase. |
LPLK | lichen planus-like keratosis. |
LPN | licensed practical nurse. |
LPS | lipopolysaccharides. |
LQ | lower quadrant. |
LQTS | long QT syndrome. |
LR | lactated Ringer's solution. |
LREC | Local Research Ethics Committee (UK). |
LRF | Leukaemia Research Fund (UK). |
LRFA | Lymphoma Research Foundation of America. |
LRQ | lower right quadrant. |
LRT | lower respiratory tract. |
LRTI | ligament reconstruction tendon interposition (procedure). |
LRTI | lower respiratory tract infection. |
LS | left side. |
LS | liver and spleen. |
LS | lumbar spine. |
LS | lumbosacral. |
LSA | left sacrum anterior. |
LSD | lysergic acid diethylamide. |
LSF | lateral spread of freeze (of a cryosurgical iceball). |
LSIL | low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. |
LSK | liver, spleen, kidney. |
LSMFT | liposclerosing myxofibrous tumor. |
LSN | lateral spinal nucleus. |
LSP | left sacrum posterior. |
LSP | lumbar spine. |
LSS | lumbar spinal stenosis. |
LT | lunotriquetral. |
Lt. | left. |
LTB4 | leukotriene B4. |
LTC | long term care. |
LTCF | long term care facility. |
ltd. | limited. |
LTK | laser thermokeratoplasty. |
LTR | long terminal repeats. |
LTR | lower trunk rotation. |
LTRPC | long TRPC. |
LUA | left upper arm. |
LUE | left upper extremity. |
LUL | left upper lobe (lung). |
LULA | laparoscopy under local anesthesia. |
LUOQ | left upper outer quadrant. |
LUP | specimen lipemic, unable to perform. |
LUQ | left upper quadrant (abdomen). |
LV | left ventricle. |
LVAS | left ventricular assist system. |
LVEDP | LV end-diastolic pressure. |
LVEF | left ventricular ejection fraction. |
LVF | left ventricular failure. |
LVH | left ventricular hypertrophy. |
LVSEM | low-voltage scanning electron microscopy. |
LVSF | left ventricular shortening fraction. |
LW | Large White (pig). |
LX | lower extremity. |
LYMP | lymphocyte |
LyP | lymphomatoid papulosis. |
LYS | life years saved. |
Lytes | electrolytes. |
LZT | low zone tolerance. |
M (666 abbreviations) |
8-MOP | 8-methoxypsoralen. |
M&F | mother and father. |
M&M | Morbidity/Mortality. |
M | distant metastasis. |
M | male. |
M | medulla. |
M | metal. |
m | meter, minim. |
M | meter. |
M | methionine. |
M | Molar. |
M | monocytes. |
M | mortality. |
m | multiple tumors. |
M.N. | mononuclear lymphocytes. |
M.S.U. | midstream urine; monitored stroke unit. |
M/H | medical history. |
M0 | metastases absent. |
M1 | metastases present. |
M30 | antibody against epitope 387-396 AA of cytokeratin. |
MA | marketing authorization. |
MA | Master of Arts. |
MA | medial amygdala. |
MA | medical advisor. |
MA | medical authorization. |
MA | mental age. |
MA | moderately advanced. |
MA | muscle activity. |
MAA | minimum audible angle. |
MAbs | maternal derived antibodies. |
MAC | macerated. |
MAC | maximum allowable concentration. |
MAC | membrane attack complex. |
MAC | minimum alveolar concentration. |
MAC | Mycobacterium avium complex. |
MACE | major adverse clinical event. |
MACOP-B | methotrexate, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone, bleomycin. |
MAE | major arrhythmic events. |
MAE | median absolute error. |
MAE | medical air evacuation. |
MAE | medication administration errors. |
MAE | microwave-assisted extraction. |
MAE | motion aftereffect. |
MAE | moves all extremities. |
MAE | murine aortic endothelial cells. |
MAE | myoclonic absence epilepsy. |
MAE | myoclonic-astatic epilepsy. |
MAG | myelin-associated glycoprotein. |
MAHA | microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. |
MAIGA | monoclonal antibody immobilization of granulocyte antigens. |
MAJ | major; majority. |
MAL | malignant. |
MAL | middle axillary line. |
MALT | mucosa associated lymphoid tissue. |
mammo | mammogram. |
MANe | Argosy's Manhattan II, experimentally modified. |
MANE | The Morrow Assessment of Nausea and Emesis. |
MANOVA | multivariate analysis of variance. |
MAO | maximal acid output. |
MAO | monoamine oxidase. |
MAOI | monoamine oxidase inhibitor. |
MAP | mean arterial pressure. |
MAPSS | multi angle polarised scatter separation. |
MARCM | mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker. |
MAS | manifest anxiety scale. |
MAS | meconium aspiration syndrome. |
MAS | meconium aspiration. |
MASS | massage; massive. |
MAST | military antishock trousers. |
MAT | maternal. |
MAX | maxilla; maximal; maximum. |
MB ChB | Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (UK). |
MB | muscle balance. |
m-BACOD | methotrexate, bleomycin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, dexamethasone. |
MBC | maximum breathing capacity. |
MBC | minimum bactericidal concentration. |
mbcr | minor breakpoint cluster region. |
MBH | maximum benefit from hospitalization. |
MBP | major basic protein. |
MBP | myelin basic protein. |
MBPC | knee arthroplasty with metal-backed patellar components. |
MBs | Mallory bodies. |
MBS | Marie-Bamberger syndrome. |
MBs | medulloblastomas. |
MBs | melanoblastoma. |
MBS | modified barium swallow test. |
MBs | molecular beacons. |
MBs | mushroom bodies. |
MBS | myosin-binding subunit. |
MC | mast cells. |
MC | mixed cellularity (classical Hodgkin lymphoma). |
MCA | Medicines Control Agency. |
MCA | multiple correspondence analysis. |
McAb | monoclonal antibodies. |
MCAO | middle cerebral artery occlusion. |
MCD | multivessel coronary disease. |
mCE | monomeric carboxylesterases. |
MCF | monocyte chemotactic factor. |
mcg | µg, microgram. |
MCH | mean corpuscular hemoglobin. |
MCHC | mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. |
MCHL | mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma. |
MCI | mandibular cortical index. |
mCi | millicurie. |
MCI-154 | a cardiac Ca2+ sensitizer. |
MCI-186 | a newly-developed free radical scavenger. |
MCI-2016 | bifemelane hydrochloride. |
MCI-225 | a new selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor with 5-HT3 receptor blocking action. |
MCL | mantle cell lymphoma. |
MCL | mast cell leukemia. |
MCL | midclavicular line. |
MCP | metacarpophalangeal joint. |
MCP-1 | monocyte chemoattractant protein. |
MCS | mast cell sarcoma. |
MCS | master cell stock. |
MCS | motor conduction studies. |
MCS | multiplechemical sensitivity. |
MCTD | mixed connective tissue disease. |
MCU | medical care utilization. |
MCV | mean corpuscular/cell volume (a parameter of red blood cells). |
MD | medialis dorsalis. |
MD | Medical Doctor. |
MD | Meniere's disease. |
MD | muscular dystrophy; motion-defined. |
MDA | 4,4'-methylenedianiline. |
MDA | maternal derived antibodies. |
MDA | Medical Devices Agency (UK). |
MDA | mouse diaphragm assay. |
MDC | minimum detectable concentration. |
MDD | Medical Devices Directorate (UK). |
MDDE | 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)ethene. |
MDDe | major depressive disorders, endogenous. |
MDGCR | minimal DiGeorge critical region |
MDH | malate dehydrogenase. |
MDI | meter-dose inhaler. |
MDII | multiple daily insulin injections. |
MDM-2 | mouse double minute protein. |
MDR | mitochondrial diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) receptor. |
MDR | multi drug resistant. |
MDS | myelodysplastic syndrome. |
MDS/MPS | myelodysplastic/myelproliferative syndromes. |
MDV | Marek disease virus. |
MDV | multiple dose vial. |
ME | medical examiner. |
ME | middle ear. |
MEC | medical ethical committee. |
MEC | mitoxantrone, etoposide and Ara-C regimen. |
MEC | mitoxantrone, etoposide and Ara-C regimen. |
MED | minimum effective dose; medial. |
MEDFLAG | Military Medical Exercise. |
MEDLARS | medical literature analysis and retrieval system. |
Meds | medication. |
MEF | maximal expiratory flow. |
MEFR | maximal expiratory flow rate. |
MEH | medical eye history. |
MEIA | microparticle enzyme immunoassay. |
MEKO | methyl ethyl ketone. |
MEL | melanoma. |
MEN I | multiple endocrine neoplasia (1.pituitary; 2.parathyroids; 3.pancreas). |
MEN II | multiple endocrine neoplasia (1.thyroid; 2.parathyroids; 3.adrenals). |
MEP | motor evoked potentials. |
mEq | milliequivalent. |
mEq/L | milliequivalents per liter. |
MES | microembolic signals. |
MESA | myoepithelial sialoadenitis. |
MET | methamphetamine. |
Met | methionine. |
mets | metastases. |
MF | marrow fibrosis, myelofibrosis. |
MF/MM | myelofibrosis/myeloid metaplasia. |
MFD | midforceps delivery; minimum fatal dose. |
MFT | muscle function test. |
MFU | medical follow up. |
MFV | maximum flow velocities. |
MFW | multiple fragment wounds. |
Mg | Magnesium. |
mg | milligram - 0.001 gram. |
MG | muscle group. |
MG | myasthenia gravis. |
MGB | malachite green brucellae medium. |
MGB | medial geniculate body. |
MGB | Michaelis-Gutmann body. |
MGB | micropouch" gastric bypass. |
MGB | minor groove binder. |
MGB | monoglucuronosyl bilirubin. |
MGB | myoglobin. |
MgCl2 | magnesium chloride. |
MGCT | malignant granular cell tumor. |
MgD | magnesium-deficient. |
MGD | mammary gland density. |
MGD | mean glandular dose. |
MGd | medial geniculate body dorsal. |
MGD | meibomian gland disease. |
MGD | mixed gonadal dysgenesis. |
MGD | Modulation gap detection. |
MGD | molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide. |
MGD | monogalactosyl diacylglycerol. |
MGD | monolayer growth defect. |
MGD | Mouse Genome Database. |
MGD | multiglandular disease. |
MGD-1 | Mediterranean mussel defensin. |
MGD1 | Mytilus galloprovincialis defensin 1. |
MGD-Fe | N-methyl-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate/ferrous sulfate mixture. |
MGF | maternal grandfather. |
MGG | May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain. |
MGGM | maternal great grandfather. |
MGUS | monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. |
MGv | medial geniculate body ventral. |
MH | maleic hydrazide. |
MH | malignant histiocytosis. |
MH | malignant hyperthermia. |
MH | Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica. |
MH | Mantel-Haenszel (test). |
MH | marital history. |
MH | Mayfield skull pin head holder. |
MH | medial hypothalamus. |
MH | mediastinal hernia. |
MH | medical history. |
MH | Medtronic Hall (heart valves). |
MH | melanophore hormone. |
MH | menstrual history. |
MH | mental health. |
MH | metal halide. |
MH | mild hypoxia. |
MH | morbus Hodgkin. |
MH | Mueller-Hinton (medium). |
mh | multiheaded. |
MH | multiply handicapped. |
MH | municipal hospital |
MHA | May-Hegglin anomaly. |
MHA | Mental Health Association. |
MHA | microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. |
MHA | microhemagglutination |
MHAC | Mental Health Act Commission (UK). |
MHAM | Mueller-Hinton agar medium. |
MHAM | mutiple hamartoma. |
MHAQ | Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire. |
MHA-TP | microhemagglutination Treponema pallidum. |
MHB | maximum hospital benefit. |
MHb | methemoglobin. |
MHB | Mueller Hinton Base. |
MHb | myohemoglobin. |
MHBSS | modified Hank balanced salt solution. |
MHC | major histocompatibility complex (see HLA). |
MHC | Mental Health Care. |
MHCA | Managed Health Care Associates. |
MHCI | major histocompatibility complex. |
MHCS | mental hygiene consultation service. |
MHCU | Mental Health Care Unit. |
MHD | magneto hydrodynamics (nuclear). |
MHD | maintenance hemodialysis. |
MHD | mean hemolytic dose. |
MHD | Mental Health Department. |
MHD | minimum hemolytic dilution. |
MHD | minimum hemolytic dose. |
MHD | Mulberry heart disease. |
MHDP | methylene hydroxydiphosphonate. |
MHDPS | Mental Health Demographic Profile System. |
MHG | Metropolitan Health Group. |
mHg | millimeter of mercury. |
MHI | malignant histiocytosis of intestine. |
MHI | mental health index. |
MHI | mental health information. |
MHI | mental health inventory. |
MHI | minimal head injury. |
MHIQ | McMaster Health Index Questionnaire. |
MHL | medial hypothalamic lesion. |
MHLC | multidimensional health locus of control. |
MH-like BCL | malignant histiocytosis-like B-cell lymphoma. |
MHLS | metabolic heat load stimulator. |
MHLW | Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. |
MHN | massive hepatic necrosis. |
MHN | Mohshardness Number. |
MHN | morbus hemolyticus neonatorum. |
MHO | microsomal heme oxygenase. |
MHP | 1-mercury 2-hydroxypropane. |
MHP | hemiplegic migraine. |
MHP | Maternal Health Program. |
MHP | Medical Center Health Plan. |
MHP | Metropolitan Health Plan. |
MHP | monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis. |
MHPG | 3-methoxy-4-hydrophenylglycol. |
MHR | maximal heart rate. |
MI | mental foramen. |
MI | mental illness. |
mi | microphtalmia gene. |
MI | mitral insufficiency. |
MI | myocardial infarction. |
MIA | medically indigent adults. |
MIA | missing in action. |
MIA | multi-institutional arrangements. |
MIB1 | antibody against Ki-67 (a proliferating marker). |
mIBG | Radioactive Iodine Metaidobenzoguanidine (mIBG scans or mIBG therapy). |
MIBI | (99mTc-MIBI or setamibi) Technetium-99m 2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile. |
MIBI | methoxyisobutylisonitrile( as in 99mTc-MIBI or setamibi = Technetium-99m 2-methoxyisobutylisonitrile). |
MIC | expressed as or volume percentage ( |
MIC | minimum inhibitory concentration of an antibacterial drug. |
MICE | Medical Insurance Claim Examiner. |
MICU | mobile intensive care unit. |
MID | maximum inhibitory dilution. |
MID | mesioincisodistal. |
MID | minimum infective dose. |
MID | minimum inhibitory dose. |
MID | minimum irradiation dose. |
MID | multi-infarct dementia. |
MID | multiple ion detection. |
MIDCAB | minimally invasive directed coronary bypass. |
MIDD | renal monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease. |
MIF | maximal inspiratory flow. |
MIFR | maximal inspiratory flow rate. |
MIH | maturation-inducing hormone. |
MIH | medication-induced headache. |
MIH | molt-inhibiting hormone. |
MIH | mullerian inhibiting hormone. |
MIH | myointimal hyperplasia. |
MIN | mammary intraepithelial neoplasia. |
MIN | minimal; minor. |
min. | minimum, minutes. |
MIP | maximum intensity projection. |
MIRL | membrane ingibitor of reactive lysis (CD59). |
MIS | maximal isometric strength. |
MIS | melanoma in situ. |
MIS | minimal incision surgery. |
MIS | minimally invasive surgery. |
MISS | minimally invasive spinal surgery. |
MIT | monoiodotyrosine. |
Mitf | microphtalmia transcription factor. |
MIV | impurities and volatile matter. |
MIV | major injury vector. |
MIV | major interspecific variant. |
MIV | maternal intravenous administration. |
MIV | mature intermediate villi. |
Miv | matured in vitro. |
MIV | maximal isocapnic ventilation. |
MIV | maximization of interclass variance. |
MIV | maximum increase value. |
MIV | mean integrated voltage. |
MIV | mean number of infective vector. |
MiV | Miltenberger class V-like molecule (a human glycophorin variant). |
MIV | minimal inhibitory volumes. |
MIV | minimum immobilizing viscosity. |
MIV | mitoxantrone, ifosfamide, and etoposide (chemotherapy). |
Miv | mitral valve. |
MIV | mivacurium. |
MIV | Mivazerol. |
MIV | mosquito iridescent virus. |
MIV | multivalent influenza vaccine. |
Miv-CC | mMicrohodotermes viator corpus cardiacum peptide. |
MK | marked. |
MK | megakaryocyte. |
MKV | measles, killed vaccine. |
ML | maximum to left. |
ML | midline. |
ml | milliliter 0.001 liter. |
MLAT | Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. |
MLC | minimum lethal concentration. |
MLD | minimum lethal dose. |
MLD | minimum lumen diameter. |
MLE | mariner-like elements. |
MLMP | mucinous tumor of low malignant potential. |
MLO | mediolateral oblique. |
MLR | mixed lymphocyte reaction. |
MLU | mean length of utterance (a standard by which speech development is measured). |
ML-VRI | mandibular lingual vertical releasing incisions. |
mm Hg | millimeters of Mercury |
MM | malignant melanoma. |
mm | millimeter - 0.001 meters. |
mM | millimole. |
MM | mucous membrane. |
MM | multiple myeloma. |
MM | murmur. |
MM | muscle mass. |
MM | muscles. |
MMA syndrome | metritis-mastitis-agalactia syndrome. |
MMA | marketing authorization application. |
MMA | mastitis, metritis, agalactia. |
MMA | medical management analysis. |
MMA | medical materials account. |
MMA | methyl methacrylate. |
MMA | methylmalonic acid. |
MMA | middle meningeal artery. |
MMA | minor morphologic aberration. |
MMA | mono-methyladenosine. |
MMA | multiple module access. |
MMAAP | monomethylaminoantipyrine. |
MMEFR | maximum mid expiratory flow rate. |
MMF | maximal midexpiratory flow. |
MMFR | maximal midexpiratory flow rate. |
MMG | mammogram. |
MMG | mechanomyography. |
MMI | maximum medical improvement. |
MMI | methimazole. |
MMM | mixed malignant mesothelioma. |
MMMT | malignant mixed mesodermal tumor. |
MMP | matrix metalloproteinase. |
MMPI | Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory. |
MMR | live, attenuated measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. |
MMS | Mohs micrographic surgery. |
MMSE | mini-mental state examination. |
MMST | muscle strength. |
MMT | manual muscle test. |
MMTS | maximum mean total score. |
MMTS | methylmethanethiosulfonate. |
MMVA | methylmevinolinic acid. |
MN | malignant neoplasm. |
MND | dementia with motor neuron disease. |
MNJ | 1-deoxymannojirimycin. |
MNJ | myoneural junction (disease). |
MO | metal oxide. |
mo | month. |
MOC | maintenance of certification. |
MOD | medical officer of day; moderate. |
MOD | moderate. |
MODEMS | Musculoskeletal Outcomes Data Evaluation and Management System. |
MOF | Multiple Organ Failure. |
MOI | mechanism of injury. |
mol wt | molecular weight. |
MOL | more or less. |
MOM | milk of magnesia |
mono | monocytes. |
MOP | methoxypsoralen. |
MOPP | mechlorethamine, vincristine (Oncovin), procarbazine, and prednisone (combination of drugs used for treatment of Hodgkin's disease). |
mOsm | milliosmole. |
MP(6-) | 6-mercaptopurine (anti cancer drug). |
MP | melphalan and prednisone. |
MP | menstrual period. |
MP | metacarpal phalangeal (also MCP). |
MP | metatarsalphalangeal joint. |
MPA | medroxyprogesterone acetate. |
MPA | microscopic polyangiitis. |
MPC | maximum permissible concentration. |
MPC | methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine. |
MPC | methoxypropyl cyanoacrylate. |
MPC | mucopurulent cervicitis. |
MPCM | maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis. |
MPD | (chronic) myeloproliferative disorder. |
MPD | maximum permissible dose. |
MPD | myeloproliferative disorders. |
MPEG | Moving Picture Experts Group. |
MPF | maturation-promoting factor. |
MPGN | membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. |
MPH | midparental height. |
MPK | Minipig Kidney cell line. |
MPL | Maclura pomifera. |
MPL | mouse potency level. |
MPO | Medical and Pediatric Oncology (journal). |
MPO | myeloperoxidase. |
MPOA | medial preoptic area. |
MPP | multipurpose phantoms. |
MPS | mononuclear phagocyte system. |
MPS | myeloproliferative syndromes. |
M-PST | monoamine-sulfating form of sulfotransferases. |
MPT | mean peripheral temperature. |
MPT | mechanical pain threshold. |
MPT | mechanical pressure therapy. |
MPT | Methylphenidate treatment. |
MPT | modified physiotherapy. |
mPT | mutant pertussis toxin. |
MPTP | 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,4,6-tetrahydropyridine, a synthetic narcotic related to meperidine that selectively destroys dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (considered a "designer drug"). |
MPV | mean platelet volume. |
MPXI | neutrophil myeloperoxidase activity. |
MR | maximum to right. |
MR | mental retardation. |
MR | mitral regurgitation. |
MR | mutual recognition. |
MRA | magnetic resonance angiography. |
MRA | mycoplasma removal agent. |
MRC | Medical Research Council (UK). |
MRCAS | (Center for) Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. |
MRCGP | membership examination of the Royal College of General Practitioners. |
MRD | Medical Records Department. |
MREC | Multi-center Research Ethics Committee (UK). |
MRG | murmurs, rubs or gallops. |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging. |
MRKH | Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome. |
MRL | maximum residual limits. |
MRM | Modified Radical Mastectomy. |
MRN | magnetic resonance neurography. |
mRNA | messenger RNA. |
MRSA | Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. |
MRT | mean residence time. |
MRV | magnetic resonance venography. |
MS | mass spectrometry. |
MS | medical student. |
MS | minor surgery. |
MS | mitral stenosis. |
MS | morphine sulfate. |
MS | multiple sclerosis. |
MSAFP | maternal serum α-fetoprotein. |
MSC | glomerular mesangium cell. |
MSC | macrocystic serous cystadenoma (of the pancreas). |
MSC | macrodactyly simplex congenita. |
MSC | magnitude squared coherence. |
MSC | magnocellular neurosecretory cell. |
MSC | major septic complications. |
MSC | major symptom complex. |
MSC | malignant spindle-shaped cells. |
MSC | mammosomatotroph cells. |
MSC | mantle storage cells. |
MSC | marrow stromal cells. |
MSc | Master of Science. |
MSC | Materials Services Center. |
MSC | maternal serum cortisol. |
MSC | maxillary sinus carcinoma. |
MSC | Meadowlands Sports Complex. |
MSC | meat starter culture. |
MSC | mechanosensitive ion channels. |
MSC | medial septum cholinergic (neurons). |
MSC | medial septum complex. |
MSC | mediastinoscopy. |
MSC | Medical Sciences Campus. |
MSC | Medical Service Corps. |
MSC | medical smart card. |
msc | meiotic sister-chromatid recombination. |
mSC | membrane secretory component. |
MSC | Mercurascan. |
MSC | mesangial cells. |
MSC | mesencephalon. |
MSC | mesenchymal stem cells. |
MsC | mesothelial cells. |
MSC | methylselenocysteine. |
MSC | middle subcutaneous (adipose tissue). |
MSC | midpalatal suture cartilage. |
MSC | mid-systolic click. |
MSC | migrating spike complexes. |
MSC | milk somatic cell. |
msc | milliseconds. |
MSC | miniature squamous cells. |
MSC | minimal sporocidal concentrations. |
MSC | minimum significant change. |
MSC | minimum spirocheticidal concentration. |
MSC | modified sampling connections. |
MSC | modified semi-circular (spot electrode array). |
MSC | modified synaptonemal complexes region. |
MSC | molecular shape comparison. |
MSC | Moloney sarcoma cell. |
MSC | monocyte synergistic cytotoxicity. |
MSC | monosynaptic connection. |
MSC | morphine sulphate Contin. |
MSC | motile sperm count. |
mSC | motor layers of the superior colliculus. |
MSC | motor-sensory cortex. |
MSC | mouse spinal cord. |
MSC | mouse splenocytes. |
MSC | MS Contin tablets. |
MSC | Mucosal Starter Culture. |
MSC | Multimedia Super Corridor. |
MSC | multiple synchronous cancer. |
MSC | multiplicative scatter correction. |
MSC | multipotential subserosal cells. |
MSC | multipurpose silastic catheters. |
Msc | muscimol. |
MSC | muscle satellite cells. |
MSC | muscle score. |
MSC | musculoskeletal. |
MSC | myelin-forming Schwann cells. |
MSC | myeloid suppressor cells. |
MSC80 | mouse Schwann cell line. |
MSC-LSMS | mid-systolic click-late systolic murmur syndrome. |
mSCs | miniature synaptic currents. |
MSCT | Multi-Slice CT (scan). |
MSDS | material safety data sheet. |
MSF | Médecins Sans Frontières. |
MSG | monosodium glutamate, a food additive causing neuronal necrosis in mice, in high doses. |
MSH | melanocyte-stimulating hormone. |
MSL | midsternal line. |
MSLT | multiple sleep latency test. |
MSM or DMS | methylsulfonylmethane or dimethylsulfone (CH3SO2CH3). |
MSO4 | morphine sulfate. |
MSOA | Missouri State Orthopaedic Association. |
MSP | methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. |
MSSE | Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. |
MSSU | mid stream specimen urine. |
MST | mean survival time. |
MST | median survival times. |
MST | morphine sulfate tablets. |
MSTI | multiple soft tissue injuries. |
MSU | midstream specimen of urine. |
MSU | monosodium urate. |
MSV | master seed virus. |
MSW | Mallory-Weiss syndrome. |
MSW | Master in Social Work. |
MSW | municipal solid waste. |
MT | manual traction; maximal therapy; more than; muscles and tendons; muscle test. |
MTAL | medullary thick ascending limb. |
MTBI | mild traumatic brain injury. |
MTD | maximum tolerated dose - phase 1 studies. |
MTO | methyltrioxorhenium. |
MTOC | microtubule organizing centers. |
MTP | metatarsal-phalangeal. |
MTR | magnetization transfer ratio. |
MTR | masses, tenderness, rebound. |
MTRG | masses, tenderness, rebound, guarding. |
MTS | Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (AAOS Specialty Societies). |
MTSS | medial tibial stress syndrome. |
MTX | methotrexate (anti cancer drug). |
MUA | manipulation under anaesthesia. |
MUA | medically underserved area. |
MUAP's | motor unit action potentials. |
MUC | maximum use concentration. |
MUD | matched unrelated donor - for bone marrow transplant. |
MUG | 4-methylumbellyferyl-*-D-glucuronide. |
MUGA | multigated acquisition (scanning). |
MUO | myocardiopathy of unknown origin. |
MUP | maximum urethral pressure. |
MUP | mouse urinary protein. |
MUS | muscle. |
MUSOC | Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Society. |
mV | mean velocity. |
MV | medial vestibular nucleus. |
MV | mitral valve. |
MVA | malignant ventricular arrhythmias. |
MVA | manual vacuum aspiration. |
MVA | marginal vascular arcade (about intestines). |
MVA | market value added. |
MVA | massive volume administration. |
MVA | maximal voluntary activation. |
MVA | Maximum Volunteer Activity (software). |
MVA | mechanical ventricular assistance. |
MVA | medioventral area. |
MVA | medullary ventral areas (about medulla oblongata). |
MVA | Megabalanus volcano. |
MVA | mesopic visual acuity. |
Mva | Methanococcus vannielii. |
MVA | mevalonic acid. |
MVA | mevalonic aciduria. |
MVA | Mevinolinic acid. |
MVA | microvascular anastomosis. |
MVA | microvascular angina. |
MVA | microvascular architecture. |
MVA | microvillous atrophy. |
mva | min of visual angle. |
MVA | minimum visible angle. |
MVA | mitral valve area. |
MVA | modified vaccinia virus Ankara. |
MVA | Montserrat volcanic ash. |
MVA | mosaic variegated aneuploidy. |
MVA | motor vehicle accident. |
MVA | multiple vessel angioplasty. |
MVA | multivariate analysis. |
MVA | multivesicular aggregates. |
MVA | myelo-vertebral abnormalities. |
MVA-1 | agglutinin isolated from the hemolymph of the acorn barnacle, Megabalanus volcano. |
MVA-2 | agglutinin isolated from the hemolymph of the acorn barnacle, Megabalanus volcano. |
M-VAC | methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, cisplatin. |
MVc | caudal part of the medial vestibular nucleus. |
MVC | maximum voluntary contraction. |
MVC | methotrexate, vinblastine and cisplatin. |
MVC | microvascular cells. |
MVC | microvessel count. |
MVC | microvillar cells (in the olfactory epithelium). |
MVC | minute virus of canines. |
MVC | motor vehicle collision/crash. |
MVMT | movement. |
MVP | mitral valve prolaps. |
MVR | mitral valve replacement |
MVV | maximum volume ventilation; maximum voluntary ventilation. |
MW | Megawatt. |
MW | molecular weight. |
Mx | metastases unknown. |
MX | metastasis cannot be, or has not been, assessed. |
MYH11 | smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (gene 16p13). |
myop. | myopia. |
MZ | marginal zone. |
MZL | mantle zone lymphoma. |
MZPC | mezlocillin. |
N (368 abbreviations) |
N&M | nerves and muscles. |
N&T | nose and throat. |
N&V | nausea and vomiting. |
N | asparagine. |
N | Nitrogen. |
N | normal (concentration of solution). |
N | regional lymph node metastasis. |
N/A | not applicable. |
N/C | nucleocytoplasmic area ratio. |
N/T | numbness and tingling. |
N/V | nausea and vomiting. |
N/V/D/C | nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/constipation. |
NA | no abnormalities. |
NA | not admitted. |
NA | not applicable. |
NA | not available. |
Na | sodium. |
NAA | no apparent abnormalities. |
NAACCR | North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. |
NAAOP | National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics & Prosthetics. |
NABCO | National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations. |
NABS | normoactive bowel sounds. |
NaC | Na channels. |
NAC | N-acetyl-L-cysteine. |
NAC | nascent polypeptide associated complex. |
NAC | nitrogen assimilation control protein. |
NAC | non-amyloid component (of Alzheimer's disease amyloid), alpha-synuclein. |
Nac | nucleus accumbens. |
NaCl | sodium chloride. |
NACP | non-amyloid-beta-component precursor (a.k.a. synuclein). |
NAD | nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. |
NAD | no active disease. |
NAD | no acute disease. |
NAD | no acute distress. |
NAD | no apparent distress. |
NAD | nothing abnormal detected. |
NADP | nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate. |
NADW | National Arthritis Data Workgroup. |
Na-HOR | sodium hornan. |
NAI | no acute infection. |
NANA | N-acetylneuraminic acid. |
NAON | National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses. |
NAOT | National Association of Orthopaedic Technologists. |
NAPRA | National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities. |
NAR | narcotic. |
NAR | no action required. |
NARD | National Association of Retail Druggists. |
NARD | Netherlands Centre for Monitoring of Adverse Reactions to Drugs. |
NARD | no apparent respiratory distress. |
NARD | nominal absorbed radiation dose. |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences. |
NASH | nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. |
NASPEM | North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine. |
NASS | North American Spine Society (also: AAOS Related Organizations). |
NAT | nucleic acid amplification testing. |
NATA | National Athletic Trainers Association. |
NaTT | sodium tetrathionate. |
NB | nail bed. |
NB | neuro Behçet. |
NB | neuroblastoma. |
NB | neurometric battery. |
NB | newborn. |
NB | nitrous oxide-barbiturate. |
NB | normoblast. |
NB | (Lat. nota bene) note well. |
NB | nutrient broth. |
NBI | no bone injury. |
NBM | nothing by mouth. |
NBP | non-invasive blood pressure. |
NBS | normal breath sounds. |
NBSS | The Canadian National Breast Screening Study. |
NC | no change. |
NC | no complaint. |
NC | non-contributory. |
NC | nuclear cytoplasmic (ratio). |
NC/AT | normocephalic/atraumatic. |
NCBI | National Center for Biotechnology Information (US). |
NCC | National Competition Council (AU). |
NCC | National Consumer Council (UK). |
NCC | National Coordinating Center. |
NCCF | National Childhood Cancer Foundation (USA). |
NCCI | National Consultative Committee on Immunization. |
NCCI | nervi corpori cardiaci interni. |
NCCI | noncardiac cerebral ischemia. |
NCCLS | National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. |
NCD | not considered disabling. |
NCEP | National Cholesterol Education Program. |
NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics. |
NCI | National Cancer Institute (USA). |
NCNS | no complications, no sequelae. |
NCO | no complaints offered. |
NCPP | National Collaborative Perinatal Project. |
NCR paper | no carbon required paper. |
NCR | no cardiac resuscitation. |
NCRA | National Cancer Registrars Association (USA). |
NCS | neocarzinostatin. |
NCS | nerve conduction studies. |
NCV | nerve conduction velocities. |
NCV | non-cholera vibrios. |
NCV | nuclear coefficient of variance. |
ND | non distended. |
ND | nondisabling. |
NDA | new drug application. |
NDF | neutral detergent fiber. |
NDSAC | National Drug Scheduling Advisory Committee (Canada). |
NE | nerve ending. |
NE | neurologic examination. |
NEC | necrotizing enterocolitis. |
NEC | Nursing Education Coalition. |
NECCR | North of England Children's Cancer Research Unit. |
NED | no effort detected. |
NED | no evidence of disease. |
NEFA | non-esterified fatty acids. |
neg | negative. |
NEJM | New England Journal of Medicine. |
NEO | neostigmine. |
NEP | neutral endopeptidase 24.11. |
NER | no evidence of recurrence. |
NERD | no evidence of recurrent disease. |
NETA | norethisterone acetate. |
Neuro | neurology, neurological |
NFP | neurofilament protein. |
NFR | not for resuscitation. |
NFRA | National Fibromyalgia Research Association (US). |
NFs | neurofilaments. |
ng | nanogram (millimicron) - 0.000000001 gram. |
NG | N-G, nasogastric. |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization. |
NGT | nasogastric tube. |
NGU | nongonococcal urethritis. |
NH | natural health. |
NH | neurologic history. |
NH | neuropsychiatric hospital. |
NH | nursing home |
NHANES II | Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. |
NHANES | National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. |
NHIS | National Health Interview Survey. |
NHL | non Hodgkin's lymphoma. |
NHP | natural head position. |
NHS | National Health Service. |
NHSCR | National Health Service Central Registry (UK). |
NIA | National Institute on Aging. |
NIAMS | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (US). |
NICU | neonatal intensive care unit. |
NICU | neurointensive care unit. |
NIDA | National Institute on Drug Abuse. |
NIDDM | non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, type II. |
NIDRR | National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. |
NIF | negative inspiratory force. |
NIH | National Institute of Health (US). |
NII | neuronal intranuclear inclusion. |
NIL | nothing. |
NIMH | National Institute of Mental Health. |
NIP | no infection present; no inflammation present. |
NIPB | non-invasive blood pressure. |
NIR | near infrared. |
NIRS | Near Infrared Spectroscopy. |
NIRVANA | NIR Vascular Advanced North American. |
NISMAT | Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma. |
NIV | non-invasive ventilation. |
NK | natural killer cells (large lymphocytes, part of the immune system). |
NK | not known. |
NKA | no known allergies. |
NKCA | National Kidney Cancer Association (USA). |
NKD | no known disease. |
NKDA | no known drug allergies. |
NKHS | non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome. |
NL | normal limits. |
NL | normal. |
NL/NP | non-lactating/non-pregnant. |
NL/P | nonlactating/pregnant. |
NLG | natural latex gloves. |
NLG | nerve conduction velocities. |
NLG | Nictitans lacrimal gland. |
NLG | noreleagnine. |
NLM | National Library of Medicine (part of NIH). |
NLP | no light perception; normal light perception. |
NLPHL | nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma. |
NLS | nuclear localization signal. |
NLT | not lower than. |
NM | neuromuscular. |
NM | nodular melanoma. |
NM | not measured. |
NM | not mentioned. |
NMA | neurogenic muscular atrophy. |
NMBA | neuromuscular blocking agent. |
NMDA | N-methyl-D-aspartate. |
NMdNM | N-methyl-1-deoxynojirimycin. |
NMDP | National Marrow Donor Program. |
NMJ | neuromuscular junction. |
NMKI | Nordic Committee for Food Analysis. |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance (scan). |
NMS | neuroleptic malignant syndrome. |
NMSC | non melanoma skin cancer. |
nmSC | nonmyelinating Schwann cells. |
NMSC | nonmyelin-forming Schwann cells. |
NMSS | National Multiple Sclerosis Society. |
NMT | not more than. |
NMZL | nodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma. |
NN | neonatal; nerves; nurse notes. |
NNFF | National Neurofibromatosis Foundation (USA). |
NNP | 4-hydroxy-3.5-dinitrophenyl. |
NNP | diabetic non-neuropathic. |
NNP | neonatal nurse practitioners. |
NNP | nerve net pulses. |
NNP | N-nitroso-2-nitrophenacetin. |
NNP | N-nitrosopiperidine. |
NNP | N-nitrosopropranolol. |
NNP | N-nitrosopyrrolidine. |
NNP | non-histone nuclear proteins. |
NNP | non-neoplastic pneumopathy. |
NNP | nonneoplastic polyps. |
NNP | non-pregnant normotensive women. |
NNP | normal non-pregnant. |
NNP | nose/nasopharynx. |
NNP | sodium nitroprusside. |
NNP-1 | novel nuclear protein (HGMW-approved symbol D21S2056E). |
NNPs | nerve net pulses. |
NNR | not necessary to return. |
NNT | number needed to treat. |
NO | nitric oxide. |
no | number. |
NO2 | nitrogen dioxide. |
NOAEL | no observable adverse effect level. |
NOC | night. |
NOD | non-obese diabetic. |
NOEL | no observable effect level. |
NOF | National Osteoporosis Foundation. |
NOF | neck of femur. |
NOHA | Nominal Ocular Hazard Area. |
NOK | next of kin. |
NONAS | number of non-aligned proximal tooth surfaces. |
non-IgSF | non-Ig superfamily. |
NONMEM | nonlinear mixed effect model. |
NOP | no ocular pain; not otherwise provided for. |
NORD | National Organization for Rare Disorders (USA). |
NOS | nitric oxide synthase. |
NOS | no organisms seen. |
NOS | not on staff; |
NOS | not otherwise specified. |
NotI | restriction enzyme from Nocardia otitidis-cavarium. |
NOV | Nederlandse Orthopaedisch Vereniging (Dutch Orthopaedic Association). |
NP | nasopharynx; neuropathology; not palpable. |
NP | nonpreferring (alcohol). |
NP | nurse practitioner. |
NPBE | non-protein-bound estradiol. |
NPC | nasopharyngeal carcinoma. |
NPC | no previous complaint |
NPCMD | p-nitrophenoxycarbonyl methyl disulfide. |
NPD | no pathologic diagnosis. |
NPDL | nodular poorly differentiated lymphocytes. |
NPH | neutral protamine Hagedorn - an intermediate acting insulin. |
NPH | no previous history. |
NPI | National Program of Immunization. |
NPI-NH | neuropsychiatric inventory/nursing home. |
NPN | nonprotein nitrogen (BUN and creatinine). |
nPNA | normalized protein nitrogen appearance rates. |
NPO MN | nothing by mouth after midnight. |
NPO | nil per os - nothing by mouth. |
NPP | National Population Policy. |
NPT | normal pressure and temperature. |
NPV | negative predictive value. |
NQMI | non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. |
NQWMI | non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. |
NR | nerve root. |
NR | not recommended. |
NR | not remarkable. |
NRBC | nucleated red blood cells. |
NRC | National Research Council. |
NRCS | Natural Resources Conservation Service. |
NRCT | National Registry of Childhood Tumors (UK) held by the CCRG at Oxford. |
NRI | nerve root involvement or irritation. |
NRL | natural rubber latex. |
NRM | normal range of motion. |
NRN | no return necessary. |
NROM | normal range of motion. |
NRT | nicotine replacement therapy. |
NRTI | nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors. |
NS | nephrotic syndrome. |
NS | nerves; neurosurgery; no show, nonspecific. |
NS | nodular sclerosis (classical Hodgkin lymphoma). |
NS | nonserrated cells (type of basal epidermal cells). |
NS | normal saline (solution). |
NS5A | nonstructural protein 5A. |
NSA | no significant abnormalities. |
NSAD | no sign of significant disease. |
NSAID | non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. |
NSC | neurosecretory cells. |
NSC | no significant change. |
NSCIA | National Spinal Cord Injury Association. |
NSCLC | non-small cell lung cancer. |
NSD 2023 | gamma-morpholino-butyrophenone (a monoamine oxidase inhibitor). |
NSD 3004 | 2-amino-4-phenylsulphonylbenzenesulphonamide. |
NSD | N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) storage disorders. |
NSD | Nairobi sheep disease. |
NSD | nasal septal deformity. |
NSD | neurosecretory dysfunction. |
NSD | neurosensory deficit. |
NSD | night shift dose. |
NSD | nigrostriatal degeneration. |
NSD | nitrofurazone soluble dressing. |
NSD | no significant defect. |
NSD | no significant differences. |
NSD | no sleep deprivation. |
NSD | nominal standard dose. |
NSD | non surgical doctors. |
NSD | nonsegmental defect. |
NSD | non-soap detergent. |
NSD | non-specific damage. |
NSD | non-specific defense. |
NSD | nonspecific dermatitis. |
NSD | non-specific duodenitis. |
NSD | non-sudden death. |
NSD | nonsuicidal depressed. |
NSD | nonsyndromic prelingual deafness. |
NSD | normal sodium dialysate. |
NSD | normal spontaneous delivery. |
NSD | normal-coordinate structural decomposition. |
NSD | normalized slope descriptors. |
NSD | normalized spin density. |
NSD | normalized standard deviation. |
NSD | normal-salt diet. |
NSD | normotensive sedentary. |
NSD | number of step-down. |
nsd-1 | nonsusceptibility to DNV-1 (a recessive gene in the silkworm, Bombyx mori). |
NSD-1015 | 3,4-hydroxybenzyl-hydrazine dihydrochloride. |
NSD-1055 | aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) inhibitor. |
nsd-2 | nonsusceptibility to DNV-2 (a recessive gene in the silkworm, Bombyx mori). |
NSDD-38 | National Security Decision Directive-38. |
NSE | neuron-specific enolase - a neural marker. |
NSE | non-specific esterase. |
NSF | no significant findings. |
NSG | nursing. |
NSH | National Health Service (UK). |
NSHD | nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease. |
NSHL | nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma. |
NSI | no sign of infection, inflammation. |
NSM | neurosecretory material. |
NSMI | National Sports Medicine Institute of the United Kingdom. |
NSR | non significant result. |
NSR | normal sinus rhythm. |
NSS | normal saline solution; normal size and shape. |
NSVD | normal spontaneous vaginal delivery. |
NSX | N4-acetylsulfisoxazole. |
NSx | neonatally splenectomized (animals). |
NT | naso-tracheal; nerve treatment; normal temperature; no test, not tested. |
NT | non tender. |
NT | normal range. |
nt | nucleotide. |
NTD | neural tube defect. |
NTG | nitroglycerine. |
NTLI | neurotensin-like immunoreactivity. |
NTM | nontuberculous mycobacteria. |
NTP | National Toxicology Program. |
NTP | normal temperature and pressure. |
NTS | nucleus tractus solitarius. |
N-type | null type. |
NUFIP | nuclear FMRP-interacting protein. |
NV | nausea vomiting. |
NV | neurovascular. |
NVD | nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. |
NVI | iris neovascularization. |
NWB | non-weight bearing. |
NWDA | National Wholesale Druggists' Association. |
NWOTA | North West Orthopaedic Trainees Association |
NXG | necrobiotic xanthogranuloma. |
NYD | not yet diagnosed. |
NYHA | New York Heart Association. |
O (270 abbreviations) |
O&E | observation and examination |
O&P | ova and parasite |
O.&A. | odontectomy and alveolectomy |
O/E | on examination. |
O: | objective. |
O'p-DDD | mitotane. |
O2 | oxygen |
OA | occiput posterior. |
OA | osteoarthritis. |
OAP | osteoarthropathy. |
OARG | Osteoporosis and Arthritis Research Group. |
OARS | Osteoarthritis Research Society. |
OATA | Ohio Athletic Trainers Association. |
OATS | osteochondral autograft transfer system. |
OB | obstetrics. |
OB/OJ ratio | overbite (OB) and horizontal overjet (OJ) ratio. |
Ob-GYN | obstetrics and gynecology. |
OBJ | object; objective. |
OBL | oblique. |
OBP | ova, blood and parasites. |
OBS | observer. |
OBS | obstetrics. |
OBS | organic brain syndrome. |
OC | obsessive/compulsive. |
OC | on call |
OC | oral contraceptive; office call. |
OCC | occasionally. |
OCC | occiput. |
OCC | occupation. |
OCD | obsessive-compulsive disorder. |
OCD | osteochrondritis dissecans. |
OCE | comprehensive exam. |
OCE | observable cholinomimetic effects. |
OCE | odd-carbon fatty acid enriched. |
oCE | oligomeric carboxylesterases. |
OCE | oral conjugated estrogens. |
OCE | osteocartilaginous exostoses. |
OCEs | Oct-containing composite elements. |
OCF | occipital-frontal circumference. |
OCG | oral cholecystogram. |
OCP | oral contraceptive pills. |
OCS | open canalicular system (about platelets). |
OD | (oculus dexter) right eye. |
OD | occupational disease. |
OD | officer of the day. |
OD | once daily. |
OD | optic density. |
OD | outer diameter. |
OD | overdose. |
ODA | on day of admission. |
ODN | oligodeoxynucleotide. |
ODS | Oswestry Disability Score. |
OE | on examination; orthopedic examination; otitis externa |
OECI | Organization of European Cancer Institutes. |
OES | old English sheepdog. |
OFFA | Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals. |
OGE | U.S.Office of Government Ethics. |
OGTT | oral glucose tolerance test. |
OH | occupational history. |
OHCS(17-) | 17-hydroxcorticosteroids. |
OHS | open heart surgery. |
OIA | optical immunoassay. |
OIF | Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. |
Oint | ointment. |
OJ | isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. |
OJ | obstructive jaundice. |
OJ | orange juice. |
OJ | Orthodontist Judgment. |
OJ | overjet (type of maloclusion). |
OL | open label. |
OLSNA | Orthopaedic Laser Society of North America. |
OM | obtuse marginal artery. |
OM | occupational medicine. |
OM | osteopathic manipulation. |
OM | otitis media. |
OMCTS | octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane. |
OMS | osteomyelosclerosis. |
ON | optic neuritis. |
ONC | oncology. |
ONDCP | Office of National Drug Control Policy. |
ONFH | osteonecrosis of the femoral head. |
OO | osteoid osteoma. |
OOB | out of bed. |
OOH | out of hospital. |
OOP | out of plaster. |
OP | occiput posterior. |
OP | operation. |
OP | opponens pollicis. |
OP | out patient. |
OPC | oculopalatocerebral (syndrome). |
OPC | outpatient clinic. |
OPCA | olivopontocerebellar atrophy. |
OPCD | olivopontocerebellar degeneration. |
OPCOS | oligomenorrheic polycystic ovary syndrome. |
OPD | obstetric prediabetic. |
OPD | optical path difference. |
OPD | otopalatodigital (syndrome). |
OPD | outpatient department. |
OPD | outpatient dispensary. |
OPD | p-phetiylenediamine. |
OpDent | operative dentistry. |
OPDG | ocular plethysmodynamography. |
OPG | ocular pneumoplethysmography. |
opg | opening. |
OPG | orthopantomograin. |
OPG | osteoprotegerin. |
OPG | oxypolygelatin. |
OPH | obliterative pulmonary hypertension; ophthalmia. |
OPH | Oph ophthalmology; ophthalmoscopy, ophthalmoscope. |
OPHC | Office of Prepaid Health Care. |
OphD | Doctor of Ophthalmology. |
Ophth | ophthalmology. |
OPI | obliteration prediction index. |
OPI | oculoparalytic illusion; Omnibus Personality Inventory. |
OPI | opiates. |
OPI | osteoblastic proliferation index. |
OPI | overproduction inhibition. |
OPIDN | organophosphorus-induced delayed neuropathy. |
OPK | optokinetic. |
OPL | other party liability; outer plexiform layer; ovine placental lactogen. |
OPLL | ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament. |
OPM | occult primary malignancy; Office of Personnel Management; ophthalmoplegic migraine. |
OPN | ophthalmic nurse; osteopontin. |
OPO | Organ Procurement Organization. |
opp | opposite. |
OPP | opposite. |
OPP | osmotic pressure of plasma; oxygen partial pressure. |
OPPA | vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone, Adriamycin. |
OPPG | oculopneumoplethysmography. |
OPRD | opiate receptor delta. |
OPRK | opiate receptor kappa. |
OPRR | Office of Protection from Research Risks. |
OPRT | orotate.. pbosphoribosyltransferase. |
OPRTase | orotate phosphoribosyltransferase. |
OPS | operations; optical position sensor; osteoporosis-pseudolipoma syndrome; outpatient service; outpatient surgery. |
OPSA | ovarian papillary serous adenocarcinoma. |
OpScan | optical scanning. |
OPSI | overwhelming postsplenectomy infection. |
OPSR | Office of Professional Standards Review. |
opt | best (Lat. Optimus); optics, optician. |
OPT | outpatient treatment. |
OPT | outpatient; outpatient treatment. |
OPTHD | optimal hemodialysis. |
OPV | oral polio vaccine. |
OPV | oral poliovirus vaccine. |
OPWL | opiate withdrawal. |
OR&F | open reduction and fixation; open reading frame. |
OR | (o)estrogen receptor; odds ratio; oil retention (enema]; open reduction; operating room; optic radiation; oral rehydration; orosomucoid; orthopedic; orthopedic research. |
OR | open reduction. |
OR | operating room. |
Or | orbitale. |
OR | oriented. |
O-R | oxidation-reduction. |
OR | rate of outflow. |
ORA | opiate receptor agonist. |
ORA | Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Association (AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ORALABX | oral antibiotics. |
ORANS | Oak Ridge Analytical System. |
ORBC | ox red blood cell. |
ORBD-NRC | Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases - National Resource Center. |
ORC | oculo-reno-cerebellar [syndrome]. |
Orcb | orchitis. |
ORD | optical rotatory dispersion; oral radiation death. |
ORDS | Office of Research, Demonstration, and Statistics. |
ORE | oil retention enema. |
OREF | Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation. |
ORF | open reading frame. |
ORF | open reading frames. |
Org | org, organic. |
ORIF | open reduction with internal fixation (sample operative report). |
OrJ | orange juice. |
ORJF | open reduction jaw fracture. |
ORL | otorhinolaryngology. |
ORM | orosomucoid; other regulated material; oxygen ratio monitor. |
ORMC | oxygen ratio monitor controller. |
ORN | operating room nurse; orthopedic nurse. |
Orn | ornithine. |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratoiy. |
ORO | oil red 0. |
OROS | oral osmotic. |
ORP | operating room personnel. |
ORP | oxidation-reduction potential. |
ORPM | orthorhythniic pacemaker. |
ORS | olfactory reference syndrome. |
ORS | oral rehydration solution. |
ORS | oral surgery, oral surgeon. |
ORS | Orthopaedic Research Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ORS | orthopedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery. |
ORS | oxygen radical scavengers. |
ORSA | osteoclast resorption stimulating activity. |
ORS-ROC | Orthopedic Research Society, Republic of China. |
ORT | object relations technique; operating room technician; oral rehydration therapy. |
ORT | operating room technician. |
orth | ortho orthopedics, orthopedic. |
Ortho | ORTH, orthopedics. |
ORV | Orthopaedic Research of Virginia. |
ORW | Osler-Rendu-Weber (syndrome). |
OS | (oculus sinister) left eye. |
OS | bone. |
Os | occipitosacral. |
Os | occupational safety. |
Os | office surgery. |
Os | Omenn syndrome. |
Os | opening snap. |
Os | operating system. |
Os | oral surgery. |
OS | oral surgery. |
Os | organ specific. |
OS | oris, mouth or other opening. |
Os | orthopedic surgeon, orthopedic surgery. |
Os | Osgood-Schlatter [disease]. |
Os | osmium. |
OS | osteogenic sarcoma (context bone tumors). |
Os | osteogenic sarcoma. |
Os | osteosarcoma. |
Os | osteosclerosis. |
Os | oubain sensitivity. |
Os | overall survival. |
OS | overall survival. |
Os | oxygen saturation. |
OS | ozone safe. |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnea. |
OSA | Office of Services to the Aging. |
OSA | Optical Society of America. |
OSA | ovarian sectional area. |
OSAE | Orthopaedic Special Assessment Examination (for AAOS members: Medical Education Section). |
OSAS | obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. |
osc | oscillation. |
OSCAR | on-line survey, certification and reporting system. |
OSCC | oral squamous cell carcinoma. |
OSCE | objective structured clinical examination. |
OSF | organ system failure; osteoclast-stimulating factor; outer spiral fiber; overgrowth stimulating factor. |
OSH | Act Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration. |
OSI | open systems interconnection [reference model]. |
osm | osmole; osmosis, osmotic. |
OSM | ovine submaxillary mucin; oxygen saturation meter. |
Osm/kg | osmoles per kilogram. |
Osm/l | osmoles per liter. |
OSMED | otospondylometaphyseal dysplasia. |
osmol | osmole. |
OSR | oilseed rape. |
OSRD | Office of Scientific Research and Development. |
oss | osseous. |
OSS | over-the-shoulder strap. |
OST | object sorting test; Office of Science and Technology. |
osteo | osteoarthritis; osteomyelitis; osteopathy. |
OSTOP | Osteoporosis Society of British Columbia. |
OSUK | Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. |
OSV | Orbis Sigma Valves Type I. |
OT | objective test; oblique talus; occlusion time; occupational therapist, occupational therapy; ocular tension; office therapy; old term (in anatomy). |
OT | objective test; occupational therapy. |
OT | occupational therapy, old tuberculin. |
OT | old tuberculin (Koch's old tuberculin) or Koch's original tuberculin. |
OT | olfactory threshold; optic tract; orientation test ; original tuberculin; ornithine transcarbamylase; orotracheal; orthopedic treatment; otolaryngology; otology; oxytocin; oxytryptamine. |
Ot | otolaryngology. |
OTA | occupational therapy assistant. |
OTA | Office of Technology Assessment. |
OTA | ornithine transaminase. |
OTA | Orthopaedic Trauma Association (Newsletter) (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
OTA | orthotoluidine arsenite. |
OTC | over the counter (a drug that can be obtained without a prescription). |
OTM | os tibiale mediale. |
Oto | otology. |
OTRPC | osm TRPC. |
OU | (oculus uterqie) each eye. |
OV | office visit. |
OWL | Orthopaedic Web Links. |
OXT | oxytocin. |
oz | ounce. |
P (770 abbreviations) |
2PD | two point discrimination. |
6-PGD | 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. |
P&A | percussion and auscultation |
P&S | permanent and stationary |
P(a-ET)CO2 | arterial-end tidal PCO2 difference (should be less than 7 mmHg). |
p(with line over it) | after, post. |
p | pathological. |
P | periarteriolar lymphocyte sheath (about spleen). |
P | phosphorus, pressure, pulse, para. |
P | product. |
P | proline. |
p.r.n. | pro re nata (as needed). |
P: | plan. |
P02 | pressure of oxygen |
p24 | viral protein specific to HIV virus. |
p53 | a tumor suppressor gene. |
PA(S)P | pulmonary artery (systolic) pressure. |
PA | pernicious anemia. |
PA | phagocytic activity. |
PA | physician assistant. |
PA | polyactive. |
PA | posteroanterior (view in X-rays). |
PA | pulmonary artery. |
PAB | PBS/bovine serum albumin/azide buffer. |
PAC | porous apatite ceramics. |
PAC | premature atrial contraction. |
PACAP | Pituitary adenylate-cyclase-activating polypeptide. |
PaCO2 (kPa) | carbon dioxyde partial pressure in arterial blood. |
PaCO2 | partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood. |
PACU | post anesthesia care unit. |
PAD | palmar adductors. |
PAD | peripheral arterial disease. |
PAD | peripheral arteriosclerotic disease. |
PAD | preliminary anatomic diagnosis. |
PADP | pulmonary artery diastolic pressure. |
PAEDP | pulmonary artery end-diastolic pressure (normal range 4-13 mmHg). |
PAF | platelet-activating factor. |
PAH | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. |
PAHO | Pan American Health Organization. |
PAI | physical activity index. |
PAL | posterior axillary line. |
PALS | pediatric advanced life support (training course). |
PALS | periarteriolar lymphocyte sheath. |
PAM | Potential Acuity Meter. |
PAN | polyarteritis nodosa. |
p-ANCA | perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies. |
PAO | periarticular ossification. |
PaO2 | partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood. |
PAOD | peripheral arterial occlusive disease. |
PAOP | pulmonary artery occluded pressure. |
PAOP | pulmonary artery occlusive pressure (a.k.a.PCWP). |
Pap | Papanicolaou smear. |
PAP | peroxidase antiperoxidase. |
PAP | prostatic acid phosphatase. |
PAP | pulmonary artery pressure (normal mean 9-19 mmHg) . |
para | number of pregnancies. |
pares. | paresthesias. |
PARP | poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. |
PARQ | Parent-Adolescent Relationship Questionnaire. |
PARQ | Parental Acceptance/Rejection Questionnaire. |
PARQ | Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. |
PARQ | physical activity recall questionnaire. |
PAS | primosome assembly site. |
PASG | pneumatic anti-shock garment. |
PASI | psoriasis area and severity index (scoring of erythema, induration, scaling and involved area). |
PAT | paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. |
Path | pathology. |
PB | phenobarbital. |
PBB | polybrominated biphenyls (intoxication cause disorders of immune function). |
PBC | primary biliary cirrhosis. |
PBD | Pick body dementia. |
PBI | protein bound iodine. |
PBL | primary brain lymphoma. |
PBL | problem-based learning. |
PBMC | peripheral blood mononuclear cells. |
PBN | phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone. |
pBNP | porcine brain natriuretic peptide. |
PBO | placebo. |
PBOSRF | Palm Beach Orthopaedic and Spinal Research Foundation. |
PBPC | peripheral blood progenitor cells. |
PBPs | Penicillin-binding Proteins. |
PBS | phosphate buffered saline. |
PBS | postprandial bood sugar. |
PBSC | peripheral blood stem cell. |
PBT | persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. |
pc | after meals. |
PC | personal computer. |
PC | pheochromocytoma. |
PC | phone call. |
PC | plasma cells. |
pc | post cenam, after meals. |
PC | posterior cervical. |
PC | present complaint. |
PCA | patient controlled analgesia. |
PCB | polychlorinated biphenyls, toxic used in manufacture of electrical transformers. |
PCB | production cell bank. |
PCBA | printed circuit board assembled. |
PCC | primary cell culture. |
PCCE | pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. |
PCD | percutaneous catheter drainage. |
PCD | programmed cell death. |
PCF | posterior cervical fusion. |
PCG | pancreatico-cholangiography. |
PCG | paracervical ganglion. |
PCG | phonocardiogram. |
PCG | preventive care group. |
PCG | primate chorionic gonadotropin. |
PCG | pubococcygeus. |
PCH | paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. |
PCI | parturition to conception interval. |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention. |
PCIOL | posterior chamber intraocular lens. |
PCKD | all parameters rechecked. |
PCKD | polycystic kidney disease. |
PCL | posterior cruciate ligament. |
PCL | primary cerebral lymphoma. |
PCL | primary cutaneous lymphoma. |
PCLI | bone marrow plasma cell labeling index. |
PCN | penicillin. |
PCNA | proliferating cell nuclear antigen. |
PCNSL | primary central nervous system lymphoma. |
PCO | polycystic ovaries. |
PCO2 | partial pressure of carbon dioxide. |
PCOD | polycystic ovarian disease. |
PCP | phencyclidine. |
PCP | Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. |
PCP | primary care physician. |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction. |
PCT | procalcitonin. |
PCT | proximal convoluted tubule. |
PCU | Policy Coordination Unit. |
PCV | packed cell volume (hematocrit). |
PCWP | pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; normal range: 5 to 12 mmHg. |
PD | Paget disease. |
PD | partial denture. |
PD | per diem. |
PD | perinatal death. |
PD | peritoneal dialysis. |
PD | presenile dementia (Alzheimer). |
PD | progressive disease. |
PD | pulmonary disease. |
PD50 | protective dose 50 %. |
PDA | patent ductus arteriosus. |
PDA | posterior descending artery. |
PDAg | Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. |
PDAT | pre-senile dementia of Alzheimer type. |
PDD | pervasive developmental delay. |
PDE | phosphodiesterase. |
PDGF | platelet derived growth factor. |
PDH | pigment-dispersing hormone. |
PDL | periodontal ligament. |
PDLLA | poly D,L-lactic acid. |
PDLL-D | diffuse poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphomas. |
PDLL-N | nodular poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphomas. |
PDMM | poorly differentiated malignant mesothelioma. |
PDMS | polydimethylsiloxane. |
PDOH | Pennsylvania Department of Health. |
PDPC | poorly differentiated papillary carcinomas of papillary thyroid carcinomas. |
PDQ | Parkinson's disease questionnaire. |
PDQ | Physician's Data Query (CancerNet). |
PDR | Physician's Desk Reference. |
PDS | polydioxanone. |
PDS | poly-p-dioxanone or polydioxanone suture (commercial synthetic absorbable suture). |
PDS | Progressive Deterioration Scale. |
PDT | photodynamic therapy. |
PDTC | pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate. |
PE tube | pressure equalization tubes. |
PE | Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. |
PE | Norway's electrical inspection agency. |
PE | pancreatic extract. |
PE | paper electrophoresis. |
PE | partial epilepsy. |
PE | pelvic examination. |
PE | penile erection. |
PE | pericardial effusion. |
PE | peritoneal exudate. |
PE | personal edition. |
PE | pharyngoesophageal. |
PE | phase encoded. |
PE | phenylephrine. |
PE | phenylethylamine. |
PE | phenytoin equivalent. |
PE | phosphatidylethanolamine. |
PE | photographic effect. |
PE | phycoerythrin (fluorescent dye used in flow cytometry). |
PE | physical education. |
PE | physical engineering. |
PE | physical examination. |
PE | physical exercise. |
PE | physician extender. |
PE | physiological ecology. |
PE | pigmented epithelium. |
PE | pilocarpine epinephrine. |
PE | placental extract. |
PE | plant engineering. |
PE | plasma exchange. |
PE | plating efficiencies. |
PE | platinum etoposide. |
PE | pleural effusion. |
PE | point of entry. |
PE | polyethylene. |
PE | post-exponential (growth). |
PE | potential energy. |
PE | powdered extract. |
PE | preeclampsia. |
PE | preexcitation. |
PE | present evaluation. |
PE | pressure equalization. |
Pe | pressure on expiration. |
PE | presumptive eligibility. |
PE | prior to exposure. |
PE | probable error. |
PE | professional engineer. |
PE | program evaluation. |
PE | proportional error. |
PE | pseudoexfoliation. |
PE | Pseudomonas exotoxin. |
PE | pulmonary edema. |
PE | pulmonary embolus/embolism. |
PE | pyrogenic exotoxin. |
PEA | pelvic examination under anesthesia. |
PEA | phenylethyl alcohol. |
PEA | phenylethylamine. |
PEA | polysaccharide egg antigen. |
PEA | pulseless electrical activity (cardiac) |
PEAC | Pharmaceutical Education Advisory Committee. |
PEAP | positive end airway pressure. |
PEAR | phase encoded artifact reduction. |
PEARL | Personnel Expertise and Resource Listing. |
PEARL | pupils equal and reactive to light. |
PEB | cisplatin, etoposide and bleomycin. |
PEC | peritoneal exudate cells. |
PEC | Petri Enteropathogen Count (plate). |
PECAM-1 | platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (CD-31). |
Peds | Pediatrics. |
PEEK | polyetheretherketone. |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure. |
PEFR | peak expiratory flow rate. |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. |
PEG | pneumoencephalogram. |
PEG-PE | poly(ethylene glycol)-modified phosphatidylethanolamine. |
PEL | permissible exposure limit. |
PEL | primary effusion lymphoma. |
PEM | protein-energy malnutrition. |
PEN | parenteral nutrition. |
PEP A | peptidase A isozyme. |
PEP B | peptidase B isozyme. |
PEP C | peptidase C isozyme. |
PEP D | peptidase D isozyme. |
pep M24 | pepsin extract of type-24 M protein. |
PEP S | peptidase S isozyme. |
PEP | phosphoenol-pyruvate. |
PEP | postexposure prophylaxis. |
PEP | primer-extension preamplification. |
PEP/ET | preejection to ejection time. |
PEPEC | pig enteropathogenic E.coli. |
PEPP | Payment Error Prevention Program. |
PER OS | by mouth |
per | by. |
per/os | by mouth. |
PerCP | peridinin chlorophyll A protein (fluorescent dye used in flow cytometry). |
Peri | around or about (e.g. perirenal = around the kidney). |
Peri | perineal. |
PERLA | pupils equal, reactive to light & accommodation. |
PERRL | pupils equally round and reactive to light. |
PERRLA | pupils equally round and reactive to light and accommodation. |
PES | prenatal environmental stress. |
PET | positron emission tomography. |
PET | psychosocially enhanced treatment program. |
PETE | polytetrafluoroethylene. |
PF | Purkinje fibers. |
PF4 | platelet factor 4. |
PFCx | prefrontal cortex. |
PFFD | proximal femoral focal deficiency (virtual support group). |
PFJ | patellofemoral joint. |
PFO | patent foramen ovale. |
PFOLA | Prescription Foot Orthotic Laboratory Association. |
PFPS | patellofemoral pain syndrom. |
PFS | progression free survival. |
PFT | pulmonary function tests. |
PG | phosphate yeast glucose (a broth used in microbiology). |
pg | picogram - 0.000000000001 gram. |
PG | proteoglycan. |
PG | pseudogout (chondrocalcinosis). |
PGA | polyglycolic acid. |
PGC | pregastricin; primordial germ cell. |
PGD,6- | 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. |
PGD2 | endoperoxide-D-isomerase. |
PGE | prostaglandin E. |
PGE1 | Prostaglandin E1. |
PGE2 | endoperoxide-E-isomerase. |
PGF | paternal grandfather. |
PGF2 | endoperoxide-F-isomerase. |
PGH | pituitary growth hormone. |
PGI2 | prostacyclin. |
PGL | persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. |
PGP | progressive general paralysis. |
PGR | progesterone receptor. |
pH | hydrogen-ion concentration - acid / alkaline |
PH | past history. |
PH | plasmactytic hyperplasia. |
Ph1 | Philadelphia chromosome. |
PHA | phytohemagglutinin. |
PhD | Doctor in Philosophy. |
Phe | phenylalanine. |
PHI | peptide histidine isoleucine. |
PHM | peptide histidine methionine. |
PhN | pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve. |
PHN | (phenyl)hydroxy-naftopidil. |
PHN | headphone. |
pHn | nutrient pH. |
PHN | papillary Hurthle cell neoplasms. |
PHN | paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus. |
PHN | passive Heymann nephritis. |
PHN | pelvic hematoma necessitans. |
PHN | perihypoglossal nucleus. |
PHN | periventricularis hypothalami. |
pHn | pH values measured by NMR. |
PHN | phenacetin. |
PHN | phenanthrene. |
Phn | phenazinium. |
PHN | phentolamine. |
PHN | phenylephrine. |
PHN | phenylisothiocyanate. |
PhN | phenylnitrene. |
pHn | photoreceptors. |
PhN | phrenic nerve. |
PHN | p-hydroxynefazodone. |
PHN | p-hydroxynorephedrine. |
PHn | pleckstrin homology. |
PHN | poly-3-hydroxynonanoate. |
PHN | portal hypertension. |
PHN | post-herpetic neuralgia. |
PHN | preferred Health Network. |
PHN | Public Health Nursing. |
PHN | Public Health Nutrition. |
PHN | pulmonary hypertension. |
PHNs | public health nurses. |
Photo DSC | photo differential scanning calorimeter. |
PHPT | primary hyperparathyroidism. |
PHPV | poly(-3-hydroxy-5-phenylvalerate. |
PHS | phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome |
PHSC | pluripotential hematopoietic stem cell. |
PHTLS | prehospital trauma life support. |
PHX | past history. |
phy | phytane isoprenoid. |
PHYSO | physostigmine. |
PI | permanently implantable. |
PI | personal injury. |
PI | positive indices. |
PI | present illness. |
PI | protease inhibitor. |
PI | pulsatility index. |
PIA | performance incentive award. |
PIA | posterior interosseous artery. |
PIBIDS syndrome | photosensitivity, ichthyosis, brittle hair, impaired intelligence, decreased fertility, and short stature. |
PIC | peripherally inserted catheter. |
PIC | products of incomplete combustion. |
PICA | postero-inferior cerebellar artery. |
PICC | peripherally inserted central catheter. |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease (CDC documentation). |
PiD | Pick's disease. |
PID | prolapsed intervertebral disc. |
PIE | Practical Incidence Estimators. |
PIE | Problem-Intervention-Evaluation (system). |
PIE | pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia. |
PIG-A | phosphatidylinositol glycan-class A (gene). |
PIG-A | phosphatydilinositolglycan A. |
PIH | pregnancy-induced hypertension. |
PIH | pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone. |
PIL | peripheral intravenous line. |
PIM | pre-installation maintenance. |
PIN | posterior interosseous nerve. |
PIP | proximal interpalangeal. |
PIP | proximal interphalangeal joint. |
PIP2 | phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate. |
PIPC | piperacillin. |
PIPJ | proximal interpalangeal joint. |
PIV | peripheral intravenous (line). |
PK | pain killer. |
PKU | phenylketonuria. |
PL | posterolateral. |
PLA | phospholipases. |
PLA | polylactic acid. |
PLAP | placental alkaline phosphatase. |
PLF | posterior lumbar fusion. |
PLGA | polylactic/glycolic acid. |
PLIF | posterolateral interbody fusion. |
PLL | prolymphocytic leukemia. |
PLNs | peripheral lymph nodes. |
PLO-SL | polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy (Nasu-Hakola syndrome). |
PLR | pupillary light reflex. |
plt | paucity of lymph node T cell mutation. |
PLT | platelet. |
PLT | post-liver transplantation. |
PLT | primary lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. |
PLT | primed lymphocyte tests. |
PLT | psittacosis-lymphogranuloma-trachoma group viruses. |
PM&R | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. |
PM | petit mal. |
PM | polymyositis. |
PM | post meridian (afternoon). |
PM | postmitotic cells. |
PM | postmortem. |
PM | post-nasal. |
PMA | Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. |
PMA | positive mental attitude; progressive muscular atrophy |
PMB | postmenopausal bleeding. |
PMBL | primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma. |
PMD | private medical doctor |
PMDD | premenstrual dysphoric disorder. |
PMH | past medical history. |
PMI | maxillary primary incisors. |
pMI | mitotic index of proliferating cell population. |
PMI | pacemaker implantation. |
PMI | pain management index. |
PMI | Pain Management Inventory. |
PMI | painless myocardial infarction. |
PMI | panoramic mandibular index. |
PMI | past medical illness. |
PMI | paternal meiosis I. |
PMI | perioperative myocardial infarction. |
PMI | phosphomannose isomerase. |
PMI | placental membrane inflammation. |
PMI | plasma membrane integrity. |
PMI | point of maximum impact |
PMI | pollen mitosis one. |
PMI | posterior myocardial infarctions. |
PMI | postmortem interval. |
PMI | power motion imaging. |
PMI | Pressure Management Indicator. |
PMI | Prevention Marketing Initiative. |
pMI | previous myocardial infarction. |
PMI | prolonged mechanical inspiration. |
PMI | prostate malignancy index. |
PMI | psoas minor muscle. |
PMII | paternal meiosis II. |
PMK | primary monkey kidney. |
PML | promyelocytic leukemia and its gene on chromosome 15 (previously named myl). |
PML | promyelocytic leukemia protein. |
PMMA | polymethylmethacrylate. |
PMN | polymorphonuclear leukocytes. |
PMP | previous menstrual period. |
PMP22 | Peripheral myelin protein 22. |
PMR | protonic magnetic resonance (analysis). |
PMR | psychomotor retardation. |
PMS | premenstrual tension syndrome (late luteal phase dysphoric disorder). |
PMS | Profile of Mood States. |
PN | pain. |
PNA | protein equivalent of total nitrogen appearance. |
PNC | postnecrotic liver cirrhosis. |
PNC | prenatal care. |
PND | paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. |
PND | postnatal day. |
PNET | primitive neuroectodermal tumor. |
PNF | proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. |
PNH | paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. |
PNI | peripheral nerve injury |
PNMT | phenylethanolamine-N-methyl-transferase. |
PNP | pooled normal plasma. |
PNS | peripheral nervous system. |
PO sus rel | PO (by mouth) sustained release. |
PO | (per os) orally, by mouth. |
PO | post-operative. |
PO | postovulatory. |
PO2 | Partial pressure of oxygen |
POC | point-of-care. |
POC | products of conception. |
POD | postoperative day. |
POD | postovulatory day. |
POEMS (syndrome) | polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin lesions. |
POG | Pediatric Oncology Group (USA). |
poly | prefix for multiple. |
polys | polymorphonuclear cells. |
POMe | median preoptic nucleus. |
POME | persistent otitis media with effusion. |
PONF | Paediatric Oncology Nurses Forum (UK). |
POP | plaster of paris. |
Pop | popliteus tendon. |
POS | Piedmont Orthopaedic Society. |
pos | positive. |
POSI | Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India. |
POSNA | Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (AAOS Specialty Societies). |
poss. | possible. |
post | posterior. |
post-op | post-operative(ly). |
postop | postoperative. |
POTS | postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. |
POX | point of exit |
POX | pulse oximetry. |
PP&A | palpation, percussion and auscultation |
PP | per protocol. |
PP | Peyer's patches. |
PP | phosphoprotein phosphatase. |
PP | positive pressure. |
pp | postpartum. |
pp | postprandial. |
PP | presenting problem. |
PP | private physician. |
PPA | primary progressive aphasia. |
PPARalpha | peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-alpha. |
PPD | packs per day. |
PPD | permanent partial disability. |
PPD | purified protein derivative (of tuberculin). |
PPE | personal protective equipment. |
PPG | peristomal pyoderma gangrenosum. |
PPG | portosystemic pressure gradient. |
PPH | past pertinent history. |
PPH | post-partum hemorrhage |
PPH | primary pulmonary hypertension. |
PPHN | persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. |
PPLO | pleuropneumonia-like organisms. |
ppm | parts per million. |
PPMC | physician practice management companies. |
PPMS | primary progressive multiple sclerosis. |
PPND | pallido-ponto-nigral degeneration. |
PPP | pregnancy-prevention program. |
PPPE | persistent pigmented purpuric eruption. |
PPS | pachyman polysaccharides. |
PPS | pelvic pain syndrome. |
PPS | pentosan polysulfate. |
PPS | peripheral pulmonic stenosis. |
PPs | peroxisome proliferators. |
PPS | Personal Preference Scale. |
PPs | Peyer's patches. |
pps | phosphoenolpyruvate synthase gene. |
PPs | phosphoprotein phosphatases. |
PPS | physician, patient and society. |
PPS | plasminogen-plasmin system. |
PPS | polyvalent pneumococcal polysaccharide. |
PPS | poor progesterone surge (cycles). |
PPS | popliteal pterygium syndrome. |
PPS | postpartum psychiatric syndromes. |
PPS | postpartum sterilization. |
PPS | postperfusion syndrome. |
PPS | postpericardiotomy syndrome. |
PPS | post-polio syndrome. |
PPS | postpump syndrome. |
PPS | potentiating paired stimulation. |
PPS | prenatal psychological stress. |
PPS | preputial separation. |
PPS | primary acquired preleukemic syndrome. |
PPS | professional practice standards. |
PPS | prospective payment system. |
PPS | prospective pricing system. |
PPS | protein plasma substitute. |
PPS | pulse per second. |
PPS/PCO | pelvic pain syndrome/polycystic ovaries |
PPSH | pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypopospadias. |
P-PST-1 | phenol-sulfating form of sulfotransferases. |
ppt | part per trillion. |
PPT | Physical Performance Test. |
PPT | plasma pregnancy test. |
PPT | postpartum thyroiditis. |
PPT-B | Preprotachykinin B. |
PPV | positive predicitive value. |
PR | partial response / partial remission. |
PR | perirenal (adipose tissue). |
PR | progress record. |
PR | pulse rate. |
PR3 | proteinase 3. |
PRA | plasma/peripheral renin activity. |
PRAMS | Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. |
PRAS | prereduced anaerobically sterilized (media). |
PRBC | packed red blood cells. |
PRC | proximal row carpectomy. |
PRCA | pure red cell aplasia. |
PRE | progressive resistance exercises. |
pre-op | pre-operative(ly). |
preop | preoperative. |
prep | prepare as. |
PRI(S) | pain rating intensity score. |
Pri | isopropanol. |
PRI | PACAP receptor I. |
PRI | Pain Rating Index. |
PRI | pain rating index. |
PRI | patient review instrument. |
PRI | Pediatric Risk Index. |
PRI | performance rating instrument. |
PRI | perinatal respiratory insufficiency. |
PRI | Pharyngeal Retention Index. |
PRI | phenol red impurity. |
PRI | phosphate reabsorption index. |
PRI | phosphoribose isomerase. |
PRI | phosrestin I. |
PRI | photochemical reflectance index. |
PRI | placental ribonuclease inhibitor. |
PRI | placental RNase inhibitor. |
PRI | platelet reactivity index. |
PRI | point of respiratory inversion. |
PRI | post recurrence induction. |
PRI | postpartum resumption interval. |
PRI | post-radiosurgical imaging. |
PRI | post-remission intensification. |
PRI | power ratio index. |
PrI | preinoculation. |
PRI | premarital residential independence. |
PRI | pre-response interval. |
PRI | preservation-reperfusion injury. |
PRI | pressure relief index. |
Pri | primary. |
PRI | primates. |
PRI | primidone. |
PRI | prinedil |
pri | pristane isoprenoid. |
PRI | Pristinamycin. |
PRI | ProFile Ni-Ti rotary instruments. |
PRI | progressive renal insufficiency. |
PRI | proliferation rate index. |
PRI | protease inhibitors. |
PRI | protein intake. |
PRI | proximal promoter region I. |
PRI | Psychopathy Resemblance Index. |
pRi | root-inducing plasmids. |
PRI-100 | Personal Reaction Inventory. |
PRIAS | Packard Radioimmunoassay System. |
PRICE | protection, relative rest, ice, compression, elevation. |
PRICEMM | protection, relative rest, ice, compression, elevation, modalities, medication. |
PRICES | physician modalities, rehabilitation, injections, cross training, evaluation, salicylates. |
PRICES | protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation, support. |
PRIDE | Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education. |
PRIH | prolactin release inhibiting hormone. |
PRII | proximal promoter region II. |
PRIM&R | Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research. |
PRIM | primase. |
PRIME | plankton reactivity in the marine environment. |
PRIME-MD | Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders. |
PRIMEX | primary care extender. |
Primip | primipara/primiparity. |
PRIMOS | prime operating system. |
PRINCE | projects in controlled environments (UK). |
PRIND | prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit. |
PRION | proteinaceous infectious particle. |
PRIST | paper radioimmunosorbent test, |
Prl | prolactin. |
prn | pro re nata - as required, as needed. |
Pro time | prothrombin time. |
Pro | proline. |
PROM | passive range of motion. |
PROM | premature rupture of membranes. |
ProMACE-CytaBOM | prednisone, methotrexate, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, cytarabine, bleomycin, vincristine, methotrexate. |
prot | protocol. |
PRP | penicillase-resistant penicillin. |
PRP | pityriasis rubra pilaris. |
PrP | prion protein. |
PRRE | pupils round, regular and equal. |
Prss14 | protease, serine, 14, a gene. |
PRT | patient refused test. |
PRUJ | proximal radioulnar joint. |
PRUL | proximal radioulnar ligament. |
PS | parasegment. |
PS | paraspinous. |
PS | pathologic stage. |
PS | physical status. |
PS | present symptoms. |
PSA | prostate-specific antigen. |
PSC | primary sclerosing cholangitis. |
PSCR | peripheral stem cell rescue. |
PSCT | peripheral stem cell transplant. |
PSD | passive sampling devices. |
PSEF | Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation. |
P-selectin (GMP140) | adhesion molecule on endothelial cells and platelets. |
PSF | peak scatter factor. |
PSF | posterior spinal fusion. |
PSF | post-sophomore fellow. |
PSG | progressive subcortical gliosis. |
PSGN | post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. |
psi | pounds per square inch. |
PSIS | posterior superior iliac spine. |
PSP | phenylsulfonphthalein test. |
PSP | posterior spinous process. |
PSS | Perceived Stress Scale. |
PSSV | pre-study site visit. |
PST | palmar skin temperature. |
PST | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. |
Pst | phosphate-specific transporter. |
pST | porcine somatotropin |
PST | problem-solving therapy |
PST | proximal straight tubule. |
PST | proximal straight tubules |
PST | pulse separation time |
PSTH | poststimulus time histograms. |
PSTT | placental site trophoblastic tumor. |
PSUR | periodic safety update report. |
PSV | peak systolic velocity. |
PSVT | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. |
PsyD | Doctor in Psychiatry. |
PT | patient. |
PT | permanent and total. |
PT | physical therapy. |
PT | pneumothorax. |
PT | prothrombin time. |
pt. | patient, pint. |
PTA Medication | prior to admission medication. |
PTA | percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. |
PTA | phosphotungstic acid. |
PTA | prior to admission/arrival. |
PTAH | phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin. |
PTC | percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. |
PTD | permanent total disability. |
PTFE | polytetrafluoroethylene. |
PTGC | progressively transformed germinal centers. |
PTH | parathyroid hormone. |
PTH | phenylthiohydantoin. |
PTHc | C-terminal parathyroid hormone. |
PTHC | percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. |
PTHC | posttransfusion hepatitis C. |
PTHrP | parathyroid hormone-related peptide. |
PTK | protein tyrosine kinases. |
PTLD | post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. |
PTMC | Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy. |
PTMR | percutaneous transmyocardial revascularization. |
PTO | portal triad occlusion. |
PTP | Professional Team Physicians. |
PTR | patellar tendon reflex |
PTS | phosphotransferase system. |
PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (National Center for PTSD). |
PTT | partial thromboplastin time. |
PTU | propylthiourcil (antithyroid drug). |
PTW | Play-the-Winner. |
PTX | pneumothorax. |
PU | polyurethane. |
PU | pregnancy urine. |
PUCP | maximum urethral closure pressure. |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease. |
PUD | peri-urethral diathermy (associated with superficial bladder cancer). |
PUD | pulmonary disease. |
PUFA | polyunsaturated fatty acids. |
pulv | powder. |
Pulv | pulvinar. |
PuLv | ventral part of the lateral pulvinar. |
Pulv-LP | pulvinar-posterior-lateral complex. |
PuM | medial pulvinar. |
PUPPP | pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. |
PV bleed | per vagina bleed. |
PV | paravertebral. |
PV | polycythemia vera. |
PVA | polyvinyl alcohol fixative. |
PVASI | pelvic vascular injury. |
PVB | paravertebral block. |
PVB | premature ventricular beat. |
PVB19 | parvovirus B19. |
PVC | premature ventricular contraction. |
PVC | pulmonary venous congestion. |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease. |
PVD | pre-senile vascular dementia. |
PVNS | pigmented villonodular synovitis. |
PvO2 | mixed venous oxygen tension. |
PVR | post-void residual. |
PVR | pulmonary vascular resistance. |
PVR | pulse volume recorder. |
PVST | paraventriculospinal tract. |
PVST | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. |
PVT | paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. |
PVT | peripheral vein thrombophlebitis. |
PVT | periprostatic vein thrombosis. |
PVT | polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. |
PVT | popliteal vein transplant. |
PVT | portal vein thrombosis. |
pvt-1 | plasmacytoma variant translocation-1 gene (on chromosome 15). |
PWB | partial weight bearing. |
PWP | pulmonary wedge pressure. |
PWS | Prader-Willi syndrome. |
PX | papular xanthoma. |
PX | physical examination. |
PX | prescription. |
PX | prognosis. |
PXE | pseudoxanthoma elasticum. |
PZI | protamine zinc insulin - a long acting insulin. |
Q (35 abbreviations) |
q | (Lat. quaque) - each or every. |
q.d. | qd, (quaque in die) once a day, every day |
q.h. | qh, every hour |
q.i.d. | qid, four times a day |
q.o.d. | every other day |
q.s. | quantity sufficient |
Q2H | every two hours. |
QA | quality assurance. |
QA/QC | quality assurance/quality control. |
QALY | quality-adjusted life year. |
QAM | qam, every morning. |
QAR | quantitative autoradiography. |
QC | quality control. |
QCA | quantitative coronary angiography. |
QCT | quantitative computed tomography. |
QD | every day. |
QH | every hour. |
qhs | every night at bedtime. |
QID | four times a day. |
QM | qm, every morning. |
QMI | Q-wave myocardial infarction. |
QMT | quantitative muscle testing. |
QN | qn, quaque nox - every night. |
QNS | qns, quantity not sufficient. |
QOD | every other day. |
QOH | every other hour. |
QoL | quality of life. |
QON | every other night. |
QP | as much as desired; at will. |
QPM | every afternoon. |
qqh | every four hours (Lat. quaque quarta hora). |
QS | qs, sufficient quantity. |
QT | quantity; quart; quiet. |
qt. | quart. |
QV | as much as desired. |
R (363 abbreviations) |
R | rectal. |
R | residual tumor after treatment. |
R | respiration (also resp). |
R | right. |
R | roentgen. |
R.D. | registered dietician. |
R.P.R. | rpr, rapid plasma reagin. |
R.R. | recovery room. |
R/O | rule out. |
R/s | roentgens per second. |
R/T | related to. |
R2R | Reach to Recovery ACS program. |
RA | refractory anemia. |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis. |
RA | right atrium. |
RACS | Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. |
rad | radiotherapy. |
rad | radiation absorbed dose. |
RAEB | refractory anemia with excess blasts. |
RAI | radioactive iodine uptake. |
RAIU | radioactive iodine uptake. |
RAP | right atrial pressure. |
RAPD | relative afferent pupillary defect. |
RAR-α | retinoic acid receptor-alpha (gene on chromosome 17). |
RAS | renin-angiotensin system. |
RAST | serum radioallergosorbent test (test for milk sensitivity). |
RATx | radiation therapy |
RBBB | right bundle branch block. |
RBC | red blood cells/count. |
RBE | relative biological effects. |
RBF | renal blood flow. |
RBILD | respiratory bronchiolotis interstitial lyng disease. |
RBWC | randomly bred White Carneau pigeons. |
RCA | right coronary artery. |
RCA1 | Ricinus communis agglutinin. |
rCBF | regional cerebral blood flow. |
RCM | right costal margin. |
RCMD | refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia. |
RCMI | red blood cell morphologic index. |
RCP | Royal College of Physicians. |
RCPSC | Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. |
RCR | respiratory control ratio. |
RCSED | Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. |
RCSENG | Royal College of Surgeons of England. |
RCSI | Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. |
RCT | randomized controlled trial. |
RD | respiratory disease. |
RDA | recommended dietary allowance. |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome. |
RDW | red cell distribution width. |
RE | right eye. |
re: | regarding. |
REAL | Revised European American Classification. |
Reg | regular. |
Reg. | registrar. |
REL | release. |
REM | rapid eye movement. |
REP | repair. |
REPS | repetitions. |
RES | reticuloendothelial system. |
RESNA | Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North American. |
Resp | respiration, respiratory. |
REV | Reticuloendotheliosis virus. |
RF | rheumatic fever, rheumatoid factor. |
RFA | radiofrequency ablation. |
RFA | ratio of fat area. |
RFFIT | rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test. |
RFI | renal failure index: UNa/(UCr/PCr). |
RFLP | restriction-fragment length polymorphism. |
RFS | relapse free survival. |
RGD | arginine-glycine-asparagine (aminoacid sequence responsible for cell-binding properties of fibronectin, vitronectin, fibrinogen, laminin, collagen). |
RGO | reciprocating gait orthosis. |
Rh neg. (Rh-) | Rhesus factor negative. |
Rh pos. (Rh+) | Rhesus factor positive. |
RH | relative humidity. |
RH | Reproductive Health. |
Rh | Rhesus (monkey) factor. |
rhBMP-2 | recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein. |
RHD | rheumatic heart disease. |
RI | resistive index. |
RI | reticulocyte index = (%reticulocyte x pt Hct)/45 x (1/shift correction factor); (shift correction factor = 1.5 for Hct 35%; 2 for Hct 25%; 2.5 for Hct 15%); if RI <2% = hypoproliferative anemia, if RI 2% = excessive destruction or loss. |
RIA | radioimmunoassay. |
RICE | rest, ice, compression, and elevation. |
RIND | reversible ischemic neurologic deficit. |
RIS | Risperidone. |
RJOS | Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
RK | rabbit kidney. |
RL | right lateral. |
RLA | Resident Legal Advisor. |
RLD | reference lumen diameter. |
RLE | rabbit limbal epithelial. |
RLE | rabbit liver esterase. |
RLE | rat liver epithelial cells. |
RLE | rat lung epithelial cells. |
RLFP | remaining lifetime fracture probability. |
RLL | right lower lobe (lung). |
RLQ | right lower quadrant (abdomen). |
RM | routine maintenance. |
RMA | refuse/s medical assistance. |
RML | right middle lobe (lung); right mediolateral. |
RMR | resting metabolic rate. |
RN | registered nurse. |
RNA | ribonucleic acid. |
RO | rule out. |
ROA | right occiput anterior. |
ROC | receiver operating curve analysis. |
ROD | removal of drain. |
ROI | region of interest. |
ROM | range of motion (of joint). |
ROMI | Rating of Medication Influences scale (psychiatry). |
ROMI | rule-out myocardial infarction. |
ROP | retinopathy of prematurity. |
ROP | right occiput posterior. |
ROS | removal of sutures. |
ROS | review of symptoms. |
ROS | review of systems. |
ROT | right occiput transverse |
ROT | rule of thumb. |
RP | red pulp. |
RP | retrograde pyelogram. |
RPD | ERP dispersion. |
RPE | retinal pigment epithelium. |
RPGN | rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. |
RPI | reticulocyte production index. |
RPP | rate pressure product. |
RPR | rapid plasma reagin. |
RPT | register physical therapy. |
RR | relative risk. |
RR | respiratory rate. |
RR | risk ratio. |
RRF | residual renal function. |
RRMS | relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. |
RROM | resistive range of motion. |
RROSR | RoundupReady* oilseed rape. |
RRR | regular rate and rhythm. |
RRT | random response technique. |
RRT | Registered Respiratory Therapist. |
RRT | relative retention time. |
RRU | respiratory resistance unit. |
RRV-TV | rhesus rotavirus vaccine-tetravalent. |
RS | radioscaphoid. |
RS | random sample. |
RS | rating schedule. |
Rs | Rauwolfia serpentina. |
RS | Raynaud syndrome. |
RS | recipient's serum. |
RS | reclassification sensitivity. |
RS | rectal sinus. |
RS | rectal suppository. |
RS | rectosigmoid. |
RS | reducing substance. |
RS | Reed-Sternberg cells characteristic for Hodgkin's disease. |
RS | reinforcing stimulus. |
RS | Reiter syndrome. |
RS | relative stimulus. |
RS | renal specialist. |
RS | respiratory syncytial (virus). |
RS | response to stimulus. |
RS | resting subject. |
RS | reticulated siderocyte. |
RS | retinoschisis. |
RS | Rett syndrome. |
RS | review of symptoms. |
RS | Reye syndrome. |
RS | Richter's syndrome (transformation of CLL in DLCL). |
RS | right sacrum. |
RS | right septum. |
RS | right side. |
RS | right stellate (ganglion). |
RS | Ringer solution. |
RS | Roberts syndrome. |
RS | Rous sarcoma. |
Rs | systemic resistance. |
RS3PE | remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema. |
RSA | rabbit serum albumin. |
RSA | regular spiking activity. |
RSA | relative specific activity. |
RSA | relative standard accuracy. |
RSA | reticulum cell sarcoma. |
RSA | right sacroanterior (fetal position). |
RSA | right subclavian artery. |
RSA | roentgenographic stereogrammetric analysis. |
Rsa | systemic arterial resistance. |
RSB | Rapid Shallow Breathing Index. |
RSB | rectal suction biopsy. |
RSB | recurrent sinus barotrauma. |
RSB | reticulocyte standard buffer. |
RSB | retinal Schiff base. |
RSB | right sternal border. |
RSB | roasted soybeans. |
RSC | rat spleen cell. |
RSC | rested state contraction. |
RSC | reversible sickle-cell. |
RSC | right subclavian. |
RScA | right scapuloanterior (fetal position). |
RSCN | Registered Sick Children's Nurse. |
RScP | right scapuloposterior (fetal position). |
RSD | reflex sympathetic dystrophy. |
RSD | relative standard deviation (Srel). |
RSDS | reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. |
RSE | rapid spin-echo. |
RSEP | right somatosensory evoked potential. |
RSES | Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. |
RSH | Royal Society of Health. |
RSI | rapid sequence induction. |
RSI | rapid sequence intubation. |
RSI | repetition strain injury. |
RSIC | Radiation Shielding Information Center. |
R-SIRS | Revised Seriousness of Illness Rating Scale. |
RSJVP | rapid-sequence intravenous pyelography. |
RSL | radioscapholunate ligament. |
RSL | right sacrolateral (fetal position). |
RSLD | repair of sublethal damage. |
RSM | restriction site mutation. |
RSM | risk screening model. |
RSM | Royal Society of Medicine. |
RSMR | relative standard mortality rate. |
RSN | restin. |
RSN | right substantia nigra. |
RSNA | Radiological Society of North America. |
RSO | radiation safety officer. |
RSO | Resident Surgical Officer. |
RSO | right superior oblique (muscle). |
rSO2 | regional oxygen saturation. |
RSP | removable silicone plug. |
RSP | ribose-5-phosphatase. |
RSP | right sacroposterior (fetal position). |
RSPCA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. |
RSPH | Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. |
RSPK | recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis. |
rSr | an electrocardiographic complex. |
RSR | regular sinus rhythm. |
RSR | relative survival rate. |
RSR | right superior rectus (muscle). |
RSS | rat stomach strip. |
RSS | rectosigmoidoscopy. |
RSS | Russell-Silver syndrome. |
RSSE | Russian spring-sununer encephalitis. |
RSSR | relative slow sinus rate. |
RST | radiosensitivity test. |
RST | reagin screen test. |
RST | right sacrotransverse (fetal position). |
RST | rubrospinal tract. |
RSTI | Radiological Service Training Institute. |
RSTL | relaxed skin tension lines. |
RSTMH | Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. |
RSTS | retropharyngeal soft tissue space. |
RSU | radiological sciences unit. |
RSV | respiratory syncytial virus. |
RSV | right subclavian vein. |
RSV | Rous sarcoma virus. |
RSVC | right superior vena cava. |
RSVP | retired senior volunteer program. |
RT(ARRT) | Radiologic Technologist certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. |
RT(N)(ARRT) | Radiologic Technologist (Nuclear Medicine) certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. |
RT(R)(ARRT) | Registered Technologist, Radiography certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists). |
RT(T)(ARRT) | Radiologic Technologist (Radiation Therapy) certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. |
rt | lat right lateral. |
RT | radiologic technologist. |
RT | radiotelemetry. |
RT | radiotherapy. |
RT | radium therapy. |
RT | rapid tranquilization. |
RT | reaction time. |
RT | reading test. |
RT | reciprocating tachycardia. |
RT | recreational therapy. |
RT | rectal temperature. |
RT | reduction time. |
RT | Registered Technician. |
RT | renal transplantation. |
RT | resistance transfer. |
RT | respiratory therapist/therapy. |
RT | response time. |
RT | rest tremor. |
RT | retransformation. |
RT | reverse transcriptase. |
RT | reverse transcription. |
rT | ribothymidine. |
RT | right thigh. |
Rt | right. |
RT | room temperature. |
RT | Rubinstein-Taybi (syndrome). |
Rt | total resistance. |
rt. | right |
RT3 | rT3 reverse triiodothyronine. |
RT3U | resin T3 uptake. |
RTA | ray tracing algorithm. |
RTA | renal tubular acidosis. |
RTA | reverse transcriptase assay. |
RTA | road traffic accident. |
RTAD | renal tubular acidification defect. |
RTC | random control trial. |
RTC | rape treatment center. |
RTC | renal tubular cell. |
RTC | residential treatment center. |
rtc | return to clinic. |
RTC | return to clinic. |
RTC | round the clock. |
RT-CT | radiotherapy dedicated computed tomography. |
RTD | renal tubular defect. |
Rtd | retarded. |
RTD | routine test dilution. |
RTECS | Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. |
RTF | resistance transfer factor. |
RTF | respiratory tract fluid. |
RTG-2 | rainbow trout gonadal tissue cells. |
rTHF | recombinant tumor necrosis factor. |
RTI | respiratory tract infection. |
RTI | reverse transcriptase inhibition. |
RTK | receptor-tyrosine kinase: rhabdoid tumor of the kidney. |
rtl | rectal. |
RTM | registered trademark. |
rTMS | repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. |
RTN | renal tubular necrosis. |
RTO | return to office. |
RTO | right toe off. |
RTOG | Radiation Therapy Oncology Group. |
RTOG | radiation therapy oncology group. |
RTP | radiation treatment planning. |
RTP | renal transplantation patient. |
RTP | reverse transcriptase-producing (agent). |
rt-PA | recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. |
rTPA/rtPA | recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. |
RTPCR | reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. |
RT-PCR | reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. |
RTR | Recreational Therapist, Registered. |
RTR | red blood cell turnover rate. |
RTR | retention time ratio. |
RTs | reaction times. |
RTS | real time scan. |
RTs | relaxation times. |
RTs | residence times. |
RTs | respiratory therapists. |
RTS | respiratory tract secretions. |
RTS | Rett syndrome. |
RTs | reverse transcriptases. |
RTS | revised trauma score. |
RTS | revised trauma scores. |
RTS | right toestrike. |
RTS | Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. |
RTS | Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. |
RU 486 | antiprogesterone used for abortion in early gestation. |
RU | resin uptake. |
RU | routine urinalysis. |
RUL | right upper lobe (lung). |
RUQ | right upper quadrant (abdomen). |
RUT | rapid urease test. |
RV | residual volume of lung. |
RV | right ventricle. |
RVAS | right ventricular assist system. |
RVDC | right ventricle diastolic collapse. |
RVF | right ventricular failure. |
RVH | right ventricular hypertrophy. |
RVLM | rostral ventrolateral medulla. |
RVMI | right ventricle myocardial infarction. |
RVP | reduced vascular response; resting venous pressure; right ventricular pressure. |
RVQ | relaxed vaginal outlet. |
RVR | respiratory rate:tidal volume ratio. |
RVT | renal vein thrombosis. |
Rx | prescription. |
Rx | treatment, therapy. |
RXR | retinoid receptors. |
S (506 abbreviations) |
S & sx | signs and symptoms |
S&S | signs and symptoms. |
s(with line over it) | without. |
S | serine. |
s | sine, without. |
S | specialist (physician). |
S/L | sublingual. |
S/M | sudomasochism. |
S/P | status post |
S/S | signs and symptoms (also SAS). |
S3 | (cardiac) third sound. |
SA | sinoatrial node. |
SA | surface area (see BSA). |
SAE | serious adverse event. |
SAFHS | sonic accelerated fracture healing system. |
SAH | subarachnoid hemorrhage. |
SAL | saline. |
SAM | sulfur-adenosylmethionine. |
SaO2 | systemic arterial oxygen saturation (%). |
SAR | specific absorption rate (MRI). |
SAR | suspected adverse reaction. |
SARSS | suspected adverse reaction surveillance scheme. |
SAS | signs and symptoms (also S/S). |
SAS | statistical analysis system. |
SASOC | the Social Acceptability Scale of Occlusal Conditions. |
SAT | South African territories. |
SATO | Sociedad Andaluza de Traumatologia y Ortopedia (Andalusian Society of Traumatology & Orthopaedics). |
Sau3A | restriction enzyme from Staphylococcus aureus 3A. |
SB | sudan black. |
SBB | sudan black B. |
SBCP | Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plastica (Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery). |
SBE | shortness of breath on exertion. |
SBE | subacute bacterial endocarditis. |
SBFT | small bowel follow through series. |
SBM | soybean meal. |
SBO | side branch occlusion (in coronary artery stenting). |
SBO | skull base osteomyelitis. |
SBO | small bowel obstruction. |
SBO | soyabean oil. |
SBOT | Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia (Brazilian Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology). |
SBP | systemic/ systolic blood pressure. |
SC | s.c., subcutaneous. |
SC | scaphocapitate. |
SC | stratum corneum. |
SC | subcutaneous. |
SCAI | The Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions. |
SCAN | suspected child abuse or neglect. |
SCC | squamous cell carcinoma. |
SCC | standard clinical criteria. |
SCCOT | Colombian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology. |
SCD | sequential compression device. |
SCD | sickle cell disease. |
SCD | spinocerebellar degenerations. |
SCD | sudden cardiac death. |
SCDs | scalp current densities. |
SCDS | Seychelles Child Development Study. |
SCDS | Sheffield child development study. |
SCDs | sickle cell diseases. |
SCDs | steroid contraceptive drugs. |
SCDS | sudden cardiac death syndrome. |
SCE | sister-chromatid exchange. |
SCF | stem cell factor. |
SCFE | slipped capital femoral epiphysis (case report). |
SCHIP | State Children's Health Insurance Program. |
SCI | spinal cord injury. |
SCICU | spinal cord intensive care unit. |
SCID | severe combined immunodeficiency disease. |
SCIWORA | spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormality (Wheeless Textbook: Fractures). |
SCJ | squamocolumnar junction. |
SCLC | Small cell lung cancer |
SCOI | Southern California Orthopaedic Institute. |
SCS | spinal chord stimulation. |
SCS | Spinal Cord Society. |
SCTN | Scottish Cancer Therapy Network |
SD | shoulder disarticulation. |
SD | signal detection. |
SD | stable disease. |
SD | standard deviation. |
SDAT | senile dementia of Alzheimer's type. |
SDH | sorbitol deshydrogenase. |
S-DSA | stepping digital subtraction angiography. |
SDU | source delivery unit. |
SDU | standard deviation units. |
SDV | Source Data Verification |
SE | spin echo (MRI). |
SE | staphylococcal enterotoxins. |
SEB | staphylococcal enterotoxin B. |
sec | second. |
SEC | spontaneous echo contrast. |
SECOT | Sociedad Espanola de Chirurgia Ortopedica y Traumatologia (only Spanish). |
sed rate | sedimentation rate. |
segs | polymorphonuclear neutrophil |
SEHCS | silicones environmental health and safety concil. |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy. |
SEM | standard error of the mean. |
Ser | serine. |
SES | sick euthyroid syndrome. |
SES | socioeconomic status. |
SETTLE | spindle epithelial tumor with thymus-like differentiation. |
SF | swine fever. |
SFA | French Society of Arthroscopy score. |
SFA | saturated fatty acids. |
SFA | screen-film angiography. |
SFA | spike frequency adaptation. |
SFA | spindle frequency activity. |
SFA | standing foot angle. |
SFA | superficial femoral artery. |
SFOP | French Paediatric Oncology Society. |
SG | specific gravity. |
SGA | small-for-gestational age. |
SGC | salivary gland carcinoma. |
SGDM | Study Group on Data Management. |
sGMM | synthetic glucose monomycolate. |
SGO | Society of Gynecologic Oncologists. |
SGOT | serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (see AST). |
SG-P | silica glass powder. |
SGPT | Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (see ALT). |
SH | social history, serum hepatitis. |
SH | Society for Hematopathology. |
SHAFT | Sad, Hostile, Anxious, Frustrating, Tenacious Syndrome. |
SHBG | sex hormone binding globulin. |
SHG | sonohysterography. |
SHO | Senior House Officer. |
SHR | spontaneously hypertensive rats. |
SI | International System of Units. |
SI | serum iron. |
SI | shock index. |
SI | Steel (mouse). |
SI | syncytium-inducing viral phenotype. |
SIADH | syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion. |
SICOT | International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (AAOS Specialty Societies: SICOT US Chapter). |
SICU | surgical intensive care unit. |
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS Network). |
sig | instructions or directions. |
SIg | surface immunoglobulins. |
SIL | squamous intraepithelial lesions. |
SIM | Society of the Internet in Medicine. |
SIMA | small intestinal mucinous antigen. |
SIOP | International Society of Paediatric Oncology. |
SIOT | Societa Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia (Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology). |
SIR | standardized incidence ratio. |
SIROT | Societee Internationale de Recherche Orthopeique et Traumatologie. |
SIRP | signal-regulatory proteins. |
SIRS | systemic inflammatory response syndrome. |
SIS | small intestinal submucosa (hernia repair). |
SITOP | Societa Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia Pediatrica (Italian Society of Paediatric Orthopaedics and Traumatology). |
S-K | Sauve Kapandji (procedure). |
SK | streptokinase. |
sk | trx skeletal traction. |
SKSD | SK-SD streptokinase-streptodomase. |
sl | in a broad sense (Lat.sensu lato). |
SL | sarcolemma. |
SL | scapholunate. |
SL | sclerosing leukoencephalopathy. |
SL | secondary leukemia. |
SL | segment length. |
SL | sensation level. |
SL | sensory latency. |
SL | septal leaflet. |
SL | short-leg (brace). |
SL | Sibley-Lehninger (unit). |
SL | signal level. |
SL | Sinding Larsen (syndrome). |
SL | Sjogren-Larsson (syndrome). |
SL | slit lamp. |
SL | small lymphocyte. |
SL | sodium lactate. |
SL | solidified liquid. |
SL | sound level. |
SL | Stein-Leventhal (syndrome). |
sl | stemline. |
SL | streptolysin. |
sl | sublingual. |
SL | sublingual. |
SL | systolic wave, latent. |
SL1 | segment length, inferior. |
SL5 | segment length, septal. |
SLA | left sacroanterior (fetal position) (Lat.sacrolaeva anterior). |
SLA | segment length, anterior. |
SLA | single-cell liquid cytotoxic assay. |
SLA | slide latex agglutination. |
SLA | soluble liver antigen. |
SLA | superficial linear array. |
SLA | surfactant-like activity. |
SLAC | scapholunate advanced collapse (wrist). |
SLAM | scanning laser acoustic microscope. |
SLAM | systemic lupus erythematosus activity measure. |
SLAP | serum leucine aniinopeptidase. |
SLAP | superior labrum anterior posterior (lesion). |
SLAT | simultaneous laryngoscopy and abdominal thrusts. |
SLB | short-leg brace. |
SLC | secondary lymphoid organ chemokine. |
SLC | short leg cast. |
SLCC | short-leg cylinder cast. |
SLD | SLDH serum lactate dehydrogenase. |
SLD | sublethal damage. |
SLDR | sublethal damage repair. |
SLE | slit lamp examination. |
SLE | St.Louis encephalitis. |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus. |
SLEA | sheep erythrocyte antibody. |
SLEDAI | systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index. |
SLEP | short latent evoked potential. |
SLEV | St.Louis encephalitis virus. |
SLG | synthetic latex gloves. |
SLHR | sex-linked hypophospbatemic rickets. |
SLI | selective lymphoid irradiation. |
SLI | somatostatin-like immunoreactivity. |
SLI | splenic localization index. |
SLIC | scanning liquid ionization chamber. |
SLIDRC | Student Loan Interest Deduction Restoration Coalition. |
SLIL | scapholunate interosseous ligament. |
SLIM | synovial-like interface membrane. |
SLIP | serial line interface protocol. |
SLIR | somatostatjn-like iminunoreactivity. |
SLK | superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis. |
SLKC | superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis. |
SLL | segment length, lateral. |
SLL | small lymphocytic lymphoma. |
SLM | sound level meter. |
SLMC | spontaneous lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity. |
SLN | sublentiform nucleus. |
SLN | superior laryngeal nerve. |
SLNWBC | short-leg non-weight bearing cast. |
SLNWC | short-leg nonwalking cast. |
SLO | Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. |
SLO | streptolysin O. |
SLOS | Smith-Lenili-Opitz syndrome. |
SLP | left sacroposterior (fetal position) (Lat.sacrolaeva posterior). |
SLP | segmental limb systolic pressure. |
SLP | sex-limited protein. |
SLP | short luteal phase. |
SLP | subluxation of the patella. |
SLPI | secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor. |
SLPP | serum lipophosphoprotein. |
SLR | Shwartzman local reaction. |
SLR | single lens reflex. |
SLR | straight leg raising. |
SLRT | straight leg raising test. |
SLS | segment long-spacing. |
SLS | short-leg splint. |
SLS | single limb support. |
SLS | Sjogren-Larsson syndrome. |
SLS | stagnant loop syndrome. |
SLS | Stein-Leventhal syndrome. |
SLT | left sacrotransverse (fetal position) (Lat.sacrolaeva transversa). |
SLT | single lung transplantation. |
SLT | smokeless tobacco. |
SLT | solid logic technology. |
SLUD | salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation. |
SLUDGE | salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastrointestinal upset, emesis. |
SLWC | short-leg walking cast. |
sm | an small animal. |
SM | Master of Science. |
SM | sadomasochism. |
Sm | samarium. |
SM | self-monitoring. |
Sm | Serratia marcescens. |
SM | silicon microphysiometer. |
SM | simple mastectomy. |
SM | skim milk. |
sm | smear. |
Sm | Smith (antigen). |
SM | smooth muscle. |
SM | somatomedin (insulin-like growth factors). |
SM | space medicine. |
SM | sphingomyelin. |
SM | splenic macrophage. |
SM | sports medicine. |
SM | streptomycin. |
SM | StrUmpell-Marie (syndrome). |
SM | submandibular. |
SM | submaxillary. |
SM | submucous. |
sM | suckling mouse. |
SM | suckling mouse. |
SM | sucrose medium. |
SM | suction method. |
SM | superior mesenteric. |
SM | surgical microscope. |
SM | surrogate mother. |
SM | sustained medication. |
SM | symptoms. |
SM | synaptic membrane. |
SM | synovial membrane. |
SM | systolic motion. |
SM | systolic murmur. |
sm. | small. |
SMA | sequential multiple analysis or analyzer; sequential multichannel autoanalyzer: simultaneous multichannel autoanalyzer. |
SMA | smooth muscle antibody. |
SMA | Society for Medical Anthropology. |
SMA | somatomedin A. |
SM-A | somatomedin A. |
SMA | spinal muscular atrophy. |
SMA | spontaneous motor activity. |
SMA | Sport Medicine Australia. |
SMA | standard method agar. |
SMA | superior mesenteric artery. |
SMA | supplementary motor area. |
SMA-6 | Sequential Multiple Analysis in-six different serum tests. |
SMABF | superior mesenteric artery blood flow. |
SMAC | Sequential Multiple Analyzer Computer. |
SMAC | soluble membrane attack complex. |
SMAC | sorbitol MacConkey agar. |
SMAC | superior mesenteric arterial conductance. |
SMaC | Surrogate Marker Cost-Efficacy. |
SMAE | superior mesenteric artery embolism. |
SMAF | smooth muscle activating factor. |
SMAF | specific macrophage arming factor. |
SMAG | Special Medical Advisory Group. |
SM-AHNMD | systemic mastocytosis with associated clonal hematopoietic non-mast cell lineage disorder. |
SMAL | serum methyl alcohol level. |
SMAO | superior mesenteric artery occlusion. |
SMART | simultaneous multiple angle reconstruction technique. |
SMAS | submuscular aponeurotic system. |
SMAS | superficial musculo-aponeurotic system. |
SMAS | superior mesenteric artery syndrome. |
SMAST | Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. |
SMB | selected mucosal biopsy. |
SMB | standard mineral base. |
sMb | suckling mouse brain. |
SMBFT | small bowel follow-through. |
SMBG | self-monitored blood glucose. |
SMC | Scientific Manpower Commission. |
SM-C | Sm-C somatomedin C. |
SMC | smooth muscle cell. |
SMC | somatomedin C. |
SM-C | somatomedin C. |
SMC | succinylmonocholine. |
SM-C/IGF | somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor. |
SMCA | smooth muscle contracting agent. |
SMCA | suckling mouse cataract agent. |
SMCD | senile macular choroidal degeneration. |
SMCD | systemic mast cell disease. |
SMCD | systemic meningococcal disease. |
SMCR | Smith-Magenis chromosome region. |
SMD | senile macular degeneration. |
SMD | spondylometaphyseal dysplasia. |
SMD | submanubrial dullness. |
SMDA | Safe Medical Devices Act (of 1990). |
SMDA | starch methylenedianiline. |
SMDC | sodium-N-methyl dithiocarbamate. |
SMDC | standards for medical device communication. |
SMDM | Society for Medical Decision Making. |
SMDS | secondary myelodysplastic syndrome. |
SME | severe myoclonic epilepsy. |
SMED | spondylometaphyseal dysplasia. |
SMF | secondary myelofibrosis. |
S-Mgb | serum myoglobin. |
SMO | Sociedad Mexicana de Ortopedia (only Spanish). |
SMP | sympathetic maintained pain. |
SMR | sexual maturity ratings. |
SMR | submucous resection. |
SMS | solitary myofibroma(tosis) of the skin. |
SMTP | Stachybotrys microspora triprenyl phenol. |
SMX | sulfamethoxazole. |
SN | séroneutralization. |
SNARF-1 | carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor. |
SNLG | Scottish and Newcastle Lymphoma Group. |
SNP | sodium nitroprusside. |
SO | standing order OR significant other. |
SO | superior oblique. |
SOA | Southern Orthopaedic Association. |
SOAP | symptoms, objective, assessment, and plan. |
SOB | shortness of breath. |
SOBCOT | Societee Belge de Chirurgie Orthop?ique et de Traumatologie (Belgian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology). |
SOCITRAS | Societa Italiana di Traumatologia della Strada (Italian Society of Road Traumatology). |
SOFCOT | French Society of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery. |
SOFIGO | The International Association of Supporters of FIGO. |
sol | solution. |
SOMOS | Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). |
SOP | standard operating protocol. |
sos | if necessary. |
SOTOCAV | Sociedad de Ortopedia y Traumatologia de la Comunidad Autonoma Valenciana (only Spanish). |
SOTRS | Sociedade de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Rio Grande do Sul (only Portuguese). |
sp. gr. | specific gravity. |
SP-1 | pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein. |
SPC | septal perforator compression. |
SPC | soybean phosphatidylcholine. |
SPC | sphingosylphosphorylcholine. |
SPC | spleen cells. |
SPC | spontaneous phasic contractions. |
SPC | Summary of Product Characteristics. |
SPC | systemic to pulmonary collaterals. |
SPD | phase difference" method. |
spec | specimen. |
SPECT | single photon emission computed tomography. |
SPF | S-phase fraction. |
SPF | sun protection factor. |
S-phase | proliferative index % of tumor cells actively dividing at a given time, |
SPIO | superparamagnetic iron oxide MRI enhancement. |
S-PMI | subendocardial perioperative myocardial injury. |
SPOHNC | Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer. |
SQ | sq, subq., subcutaneous. |
sq. | squamous. |
SR | sedimentation rate. |
SR | Show Racer pigeons. |
SRIF | somatotropin release-inhibiting factor (somatostatin). |
SRS | Scoliosis Research Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies). |
ss | one half. |
SS | Salmonella-Shigella agar. |
SS | systemic sclerosis. |
ss. gl. | without glasses (or corrective lenses) |
SSA | Social Security Administration (US). |
SSC | side scatter (flow cytometry term). |
SSCP | substernal chest pain. |
SSD | sexual size dimorphism. |
SSD | shaded-surface display. |
SSD | single saturating dose. |
SSD | single-strand damage (DNA). |
SSD | Social Security disability. |
SSD | source-skin distance. |
SSD | source-surface distance. |
SSD | speech-sound discrimination. |
SSD | succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase. |
SSD | sum of square deviations. |
SSD | syndrome ofsudden death. |
SSE | soap suds enema. |
SSE | Spine Society Of Europe. |
SSEP | somatosensory evoked potentials. |
SSER | somatosensory evoked response. |
SSKI | saturated solution of potassium iodine. |
SSM | Southern Sports Medicine (& Orthopaedic Center). |
SSM | Superficial Spreading Melanoma. |
SSR | sympathetic skin response. |
SSRI | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. |
SSS | sick sinus syndrome. |
SSSS | staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome. |
SstII | restriction enzyme from Streptomyces stanford. |
ST | esotropia. |
ST | scaphotrapezial. |
ST | sulfotransferases. |
ST | syncytiotrophoblast. |
st. | stage of disease. |
Staph | Staphylococcus. |
STAT | immediately. |
STAT | signal transducers and activators of transcription. |
STD | sexually transmitted disease. |
STD | skin test dose. |
STD | standart. |
STH | somatotropin. |
STI | systolic time intervals. |
STIs | soft tissue infections. |
STLN | soft tissue lateral neck. |
STR | single twitch response (EMG). |
STR | slow-twitch red (skeletal muscle). |
Strep | Streptococcus. |
STRPC | short TRPC. |
STS | serological test for syphilis. |
STS | single twitch stimulation (EMG). |
STS | Society of Thoracic Surgeons. |
STSG | split thickness skin graft. |
STT | scapho-trapezo-trapezoidal. |
STZ | streptozotocin. |
subcu. | SC, , subcutaneous. |
Subq | (sub cutis) subcutaneous. |
SUDAAN | software for statistical analysis of correlated data. |
SUDS | single-use diagnostic system. |
SUFE (radiograph) | slip of the upper femoral epiphysis. |
supp | suppository. |
suppos | suppository. |
surg | surgical. |
SUs | substance users. |
susp | suspension. |
SUVs | unilamellar vesicles. |
Sv | sievert. |
SV | simian virus. |
SV | stroke volume. |
SV40 | simian vacuolating virus no. 40. |
SVA | sequential ventriculo-atrial pacing. |
SVA | shell vial assay. |
SVA | sinus of Valsalva aneurysms. |
SVA | supraventricular arrhythmia. |
SVA-IFA | shell vial assay-indirect immunofluorescent assay. |
SVC | superior vena cava. |
SVD | Swine Vesicular Disease. |
SVE | of soil vapor extraction. |
SVE | saline volume expansion. |
SVE | seminal vesicle epithelium. |
SVE | Sendai virus envelopes. |
SVE | serum vitamin E. |
SVE | significant villous edema. |
SVE | small volume expansion. |
SVE | sports vision evaluations. |
SVE | Stressful Vital Events. |
SVe | stroke volume echocardiography. |
SVE | subcortical vascular encephalopathy. |
SVE | supraventricular ectopy. |
SVE | supraventricular extrasystole. |
SVE | surveillance examinations. |
SVE | sustained volume expansion. |
SVG | saphenous vein graft. |
SVI | stroke volume index. |
SvO2 | mixed venous hemoglobin saturation. |
SVR | systemic vascular resistance. |
SVT | supra ventricular tachycardia |
SW | software. |
SWA | slow-wave activity. |
SWI | surgical wound infection. |
SWOG | Southwest Oncology Group. |
SWPS | Social Welfare Policy & Services. |
SWT | systolic wall thickening. |
Sx | signs and symptoms. |
SX | sulfisoxazole. |
Sx | symptom/s. |
Sz | seizure. |
T (493 abbreviations) |
T sect | transverse section. |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. |
T&C | type and crossmatch. |
T&T | time and temperature. |
T&T | touch and tone. |
T | extent of primary tumor. |
T | temperature. |
T | thoracic, to be followed by number designating specific thoracic vertebra. |
T | threonine. |
T | thymine. |
t.i.d. | tid, three times a day. |
t.o. | telephone order. |
T/S | transverse section. |
T+S | type and screen. |
T0 | T1, T2, T3, size of tumor in staging cancers. |
T1 - T12 | thoracic vertebrae 1 - 12 (spine e.g. T1 = 1st thoracic vertebra). |
T3 | triiodothyronine. |
T3RU | triiodothyronine resin uptake. |
T4 | thyroxine. |
T4SA | thyroxine-specific activity. |
TA | Technical Assistance. |
TA | tolfenamic acid. |
TAANOS | The American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons. |
tab | (s) tablet(s). |
TAC | transient amplifying cells (cells that have the potential to complete a limited number of divisions before differentiating). |
TAC | Trauma Association of Canada. |
TACHY | tachycardia. |
TAE | transarterial embolization. |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy. |
TAM | tamoxifen. |
TAM | total active motion. |
TAPVC | total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. |
TAs | triggered activations. |
TAT | tetanus antitoxin. |
TAT | thematic apperception test. |
TB | tuberculosis. |
tbc. | TB, tuberculosis. |
TBD | to be determined. |
TBF | tail blood flow. |
TBF | tentacle ball formation. |
TBF | terbinafine. |
TBF | thyroid blood flow. |
TBF | tick-borne fever. |
TBF | tissue blood flow. |
TBF | total body fat. |
TBF | tumor blood flow. |
TBG | thyroid binding globulin. |
TBI | 2,4,5-tribromoimidazole. |
Tbi | initial body temperature. |
Tbi | intermediate tectobulbar pathway. |
TBI | T- and B-cell epitopes containing Immunogen. |
TBI | tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance. |
TBI | thiazolobenzimidazole [1-(2,6-difluorophenyl)-1H,3H-thiazolo[3,4-a] benzimidazole]. |
Tbi | Thromboplastin Bilbao. |
TBI | thrombotic brain infarction. |
TBI | thyrotropin binding inhibition. |
TBI | thyroid binding index. |
TBI | thyroxine binding index. |
TBI | time-based injection. |
TBI | Tissue Banks International. |
TBI | toe brachial index. |
TBI | tooth brushing instruction. |
TBI | total bilirubin. |
TBI | total binding index. |
TBI | total body impedance. |
TBI | total body iron. |
TBI | total body irradiation. |
TBI | total bone index. |
TBI | trabecular bone index. |
TBI | transbronchial injection. |
TBI | transbullar injections. |
TBI | translid binocular interactor. |
TBI | traumatic brain injury. |
TBI | triamcinolone acetonide benzoyl-beta-amino-isobutyrate. |
TBMM | total body muscle mass. |
TBS | The Bethesda System. |
TBS | to be scheduled. |
TBSA | total body surface area. |
tbsp | tablespoon |
TBVF | trabecular bone volume fraction. |
TBW | total body water. |
TCA | thymus-derived chemotactic agent. |
TCA | tricyclic antidepressant. |
TCDB | turn, cough, deep breath. |
TCF | tissue cage fluid. |
TCID50 | Tissue Culture Infectious Dose 50 %. |
TCM | Traditional Chinese Medicine. |
TCPC | tricalcium phosphate ceramic. |
TCR | T-cell receptor. |
TCRBCL | T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma. |
TCRBJ | TCR J beta. |
TCRGR | T-cell receptor gene rearrangement (study). |
TCT | thrombin clotting time. |
TCU | transitional care unit. |
TCV | tall-cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinomas. |
TCV | turnip crinkle virus. |
Td | adult tetanus toxoid and reduced-dose diphtheria toxoid. |
TD | tardive dyskinesis, |
TD | texture-defined. |
TDA | toluenediamines. |
TDA | Trade and Development Agency. |
TDI | toluene diisocyanate (a highly volatile chemical known to cause occupational asthma in exposed workers). |
TDLU | terminal-duct-lobular-units. |
TdT | terminal deoxynucleotide transferase. |
TDT | tooth decay test. |
TDT | transmission disequilibrium test. |
TDTH cells | a functional subset of T helper cells that are involved in delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. |
TDY | Temporary Duty. |
TE | echo time (MRI). |
TEC | thromboembolic complications. |
TEC | transient erythroblastopenia of childhood. |
TEC | transluminal extraction atherectomy. |
TECA-LBO | total ear canal ablation-lateral bulla osteotomy. |
TEDs | Thromboembolic Deterrent Stockings |
TEDS | timed exposure diffusive sampler. |
TEDS | transoesophageal echo-Doppler system. |
TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set. |
TEE | transesophageal echocardiogram. |
TEIL | tobacco EIN3-like. |
TEM | Technical Error Measurement. |
TEM | transmission electron microscopy. |
Temp. | T, temperature |
TEN-IBC | Trans-European Network--Integrated Broadband Communications. |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. |
TEOAEs | transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions. |
TF | tail-flick. |
TF | thoracic fluid content. |
TFA | trifluoroacetic acid. |
TFCC | triangular fibrocartilage complex. |
TFPI | tissue factor pathway inhibitor. |
TFT | thin-film transistor. |
TFT | thrombus formation time. |
TFT | thyroid function test. |
TFT | tight filum terminale. |
TFT | trifluorothymidine. |
TG(6-) | 6-Thioguanine (anti cancer drug). |
TG | triglycerides. |
TGE | transmissible gastroenteritis. |
TGF | transforming growth factors. |
TGF-α | tumor growth factor alpha. |
TGF-β | tumor growth factor beta. |
TGV | thoracic gas volume. |
TGV | transposition of great vessels. |
TH1 | T helper type 1 cell. |
TH2 | T helper type 2 cell. |
THA | tacrine hydrochloride. |
THA | total hip arthroplasty (sample operative report). |
THAM | T cell-activating molecule. |
THBR | thyroid hormone binding ratio. |
THBSO | total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. |
THC | delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol the psychoactive substance in Cannabis sativa. |
THI | thoracic impedance. |
THP | total hip prosthesis. |
Thr | threonine. |
THR | total hip replacement/revision (sample operative report). |
THV | terminal hepatic venule (central vein). |
Thy-1 | a highly abundant glycoprotein on the surface of thymocytes and neurons. |
TIA | thanks in advance. |
TIA | transient ischemic attacks. |
TIBC | total iron-binding capacity. |
tid | three times a day (Latin: ter in die). |
TIFA | Trade and Investment Framework Agreement. |
TIG | tetanus immune globulin. |
TIGR | The Institute for Genomic Research. |
TIL | tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. |
TIMI | Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction. |
TIMP | tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase. |
TiO2 | titanium dioxide. |
TIPS | transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. |
TIPSS | transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunts. |
TIS | titanium interbody spacers. |
TJ | tetrajoule. |
TJ | triceps jerk. |
TJ-10 | Saiko-keishi-to, herbal medicine. |
TJ-41 | Hochu-ekki-to (a Japanese herbal medicine). |
TJ-43 | Liu-Jun-Zi-Tang, a herbal medicine exerting gastroprotective action. |
TJ-48 | Juzen-taiho-to, a kampo medicine. |
TJ-9 | Sho-saiko-to, a herbal medicine. |
TJ-96 | saiboku-to (a herbal preparation). |
TJ-960 | sho-saiko-to-go-keishi-ka- shakuyakuto (Japanese herbal medicine), a compound known to have free radical scavenging activity. |
TJA | total joint arthroplasty. |
TJD | transient job disability. |
TJD | traumatic joint disease. |
TJs | tight junctions. |
TK | tyrosine kinase. |
TKA | total knee arthroplasty. |
TKE | total knee extension. |
TKN | total Kjeldahl nitrogen (waste waters treatment). |
TKO | to keep open. |
TKR | total knee replacement/revision. |
TLA | three letter abbreviation/acronym (ha, ha!). |
TLC | thin-layer chromatography. |
TLC | total lung capacity. |
TLD | thermoluminescent dosimeters. |
TLI | thymidine labeling index. |
TLI | total lymphoid irradiation. |
TLR | target lesion revascularization. |
TLSO | thoracolumbosacral orthosis. |
TLV | threshold limit values. |
TM | transmembrane. |
TM | tympanic membrane. |
TMA | thrombotic microangiopathy. |
TMA | tissue microarray infostructure. |
TMA | transmetatarsal amputation. |
TMA-Gly:CPH | poly[trimellitylimidoglycine-co-1,6-bis(carboxyphenoxy)hexane] - a novel class of polymers with mechanical properties similar to cancellous bone that are being investigated for their ability to be used in weight-bearing areas for orthopedic applications. |
TMD | transient myeloproliferative disorder. |
TMDC | transverse magnetization decay curve. |
TMEP | telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. |
TMG | toxic multinodular goiter. |
TMGA | tetramethylene glutaric acid. |
TMJ | (temporalist mandibulae junctio) temporomandibular joint. |
TMP | trimethoprim. |
TMP-SMX | trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. |
TMR | transmyocardial revascularization. |
TMV | tobacco mosaic virus. |
TNF | tumor necrosis factor. |
TNI | total needed irradiation. |
TNM | tumor, nodes, metastases. |
TNT | trinitrotoluene. |
TNTC | too numerous to count. |
TOA | Texas Orthopaedic Association. |
TOC | total organic carbon. |
TOD | target organ damage. |
TOF | train-of-four (EMG). |
top | topically. |
TOPV | oral attenuated poliovirus with types 1, 2, and 3. |
TOR | total outflow resistance. |
TORCH | congenital infections with: T = toxoplasmosis; O = other; R = rubella; C = cytomegalic inclusion disease; H = hepatitis B and herpes. |
TOS | thoracic outlet syndrom. |
Tox | toxic, toxicology, toxicologic. |
TP | thyropharyngeus muscle. |
TP | total pancreatectomy. |
TP | total platinum. |
TP-5 | thymopentin. |
TPA | tissue plasminogen activator. |
TPI | Treponema pallidum immobilization test. |
T-PMI | transmural perioperative myocardial infarction. |
TPN | thalamic projection neuron. |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition. |
TPN | transition protein. |
TPN | triphosphopyridine nucleotide. |
TPNAC | total parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis. |
TPP | thiamin pyrophosphate. |
TPPA | Treponema pallidum. |
TPR | temperature, pulse, respirations. |
TPR | total peripheral resistance. |
TPUR | transperineal urethral resection. |
TR | Texas red. |
tr. | tinct., tincture. |
TR/TE | repetition time/echo time. |
TRAM-flap | one type of breast reconstruction. |
TRAP | tartrate resistant acid phosphatase. |
TRAP | telomeric repeat amplification protocol. |
TRH | thyrotropin-releasing hormone. |
TRIS | tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane. |
TRK | transketolase. |
TRP II | tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome type II. |
TRP | transient receptor potential. |
Trp | tryptophan. |
TRPA | tryptophan-rich prealbumin. |
TRPC | transient receptor potential channel proteins. |
TrPI | treatment plan. |
TRPM | testosterone-repressed prostate message. |
TRPO | tryptophan oxygenase. |
TRPS | trichorhinophalangeal syndrome. |
TRPT | theoretical renal phosphorus threshold. |
TRR | total respiratory resistance. |
TRS | testicular regression syndrome; total reducing sugars; tubuloreticular structure. |
TrS | trauma surgery. |
TRSV | tobacco ringspot virus. |
TRT | testosterone replacement therapy. |
TRT | thoracic radiotherapy; transfer ribonucleic acid threonine. |
TRU | task-related unit; turbidity-reducing unit. |
TRUS | transrectal ultrasonography. |
TRV | tobacco rattle virus. |
TRVV | total right ventricular volume. |
TRX | thioredoxin trx traction. |
Tryp | tryptophan. |
Ts | skin temperature; tosylate. |
TS | T suppressor (cell) |
TS | Takayasu syndrome. |
TS | Tay-Sachs (disease). |
Ts | temperature sensitivity. |
TS | temperature, skin. |
TS | temporal stem. |
TS | tensile strength. |
TS | test solution. |
TS | thermal stability. |
TS | thoracic surgery. |
TS | thymidylate synthetase. |
TS | time required to complete the S phase of the cell cycle. |
TS | tissue space. |
TS | total solids (in urine). |
TS | Tourette syndrome. |
TS | toxic substance. |
TS | toxic syndrome. |
TS | tracheal sound. |
TS | transferrin saturation. |
TS | transitional sleep. |
TS | transsexual. |
TS | transverse section. |
TS | transverse sinus. |
TS | trauma score. |
TS | treadmill score. |
TS | triceps surae. |
TS | tricuspid stenosis. |
TS | triple strength. |
TS | tropical sprue. |
TS | trypticase soy (plate). |
Ts | tsp, teaspoon. |
TS | tuberous sclerosis. |
TS | tumor-specific. |
TS | Turner syndrome. |
TS | type-specific. |
TSA | technical surgical assistance. |
TSA | toluene sulfonic acid. |
TSA | total shoulder arthroplasty. |
TSA | total solute absorption. |
TSA | toxic shock antigen. |
TSA | transcortical sensory aphasia. |
TSA | trypticase-soy agar. |
TSA | tumor surface antigen. |
TSA | tumor-specific antigen. |
TSA | type-specific antibody. |
TSAb | thyroid-stimulating antibody. |
TSAP | toxic-shock-associated protein. |
TSAS | total severity assessment score. |
TSAT | tube slide agglutination test. |
TSB | total serum bilirubin; trypticase soy broth; tryptone soy broth. |
TSBA | total serum bile acids. |
TSBB | transtracheal selective bronchial brushing. |
TSC | technetium sulfur colloid; thiosemicarbazide; transverse spinal sclerosis; tuberous sclerosis. |
TSCA | Toxic Substances Control Act. |
TSCS | Tennessee Self-Concept Scale. |
TSD | target-skin distance; Tay-Sachs disease; theory of signal detectability. |
TSE | testicular self-examination; tissue-specific extinguisher; total skin examination; trisodium edetate. |
TSEB | total skin electron beam. |
TSEM | transmission scanning electron microscopy. |
TSES | Target Symptom Evaluation Scale. |
T-set | tracheotomy set. |
TSF | testicular feminization syndrome; thrombopoiesis-stimulating factor; total systemic flow; triceps skinfold. |
TSG | tumor-specific glycoprotein. |
TSGP | tumor-specific glycoprotein. |
TSH | thyroid stimulating hormone. |
TSH | transient synovitis of the hip. |
TSHA | thyroid-stimulating hormone, alpha chain. |
TSHB | thyroid-stimulating hormone, beta chain. |
TSHR | thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor. |
TSH-RF | thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing factor. |
TSH-RH | thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing hormone. |
TSI | thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin. |
TSI | triple sugar iron. |
TSIA | total small intestine allotransplantation. |
TSIA | triple sugar iron agar. |
tSIDS | totally unexplained sudden infant death syndrome. |
TSL | terminal sensory latency. |
TSM | type-specific M protein. |
Tsp | teaspoon. |
TSP | testis-specific protein. |
TSP | thrombin-sensitive protein. |
TSP | thrombospondin. |
TSP | total serum protein. |
TSP | total suspended particulate. |
TSP | trisodium phosphate. |
TSP | tropical spastic paraparesis. |
TSPA | thiotepa. |
TSPAP | total serum prostatic acid phosphatase. |
TSPL | transplant. |
TSPP | tetrasodium pyrophosphate. |
TSR | target site restenosis. |
TSR | theophylline sustained release. |
TSR | thyroid to serum ratio. |
TSR | total systemic resistance. |
TSS | total suspended solids. |
TSS | toxic shock syndrome. |
TSS | tropical splenomegaly syndrome. |
TSSA | tumor-specific cell surface antigen. |
TSSE | toxic shock syndrome exotoxin. |
TSST | toxic shock syndrome toxin. |
TSST-1 | toxic shock syndrome toxin-1. |
TST | thiosulfate sulfur-transferase. |
TST | thromboplastin screening test. |
TST | total sleep time. |
TST | transforming sequence, thyroid. |
TST | treadmill stress test. |
TST | tricipital skinfold thickness. |
TST | tumor skin test. |
TSTA | toxoplasmin skin test antigen. |
TSTA | tumor-specific tissue antigen. |
TSTA | tumor-specific transplantation antigen. |
TSU | triple sugar urea (agar). |
TSV | total stomach volume. |
TSVR | total systemic vascular resistance. |
TSY | trypticase soy yeast. |
TT | tablet triturate. |
TT | tactile tension. |
TT | tactile threshold. |
TT | tendon transfer. |
TT | test tube. |
TT | testicular torsion. |
TT | tetanus toxin. |
TT | tetanus toxoid. |
TT | tetrathionate. |
TT | tetrazol. |
TT | therapeutic touch. |
TT | thrombin time. |
TT | thrombolytic therapy. |
TT | thymol turbidity. |
TT | tibial tubercle. |
TT | tilt table. |
TT | tolerance test. |
TT | total thyroxine. |
TT | total time. |
TT | transferred to. |
TT | transient tachypnea. |
TT | transit time. |
TT | transthoracic. |
TT | transtracheal. |
TT | tube thoracostomy. |
TT | tuberculin test. |
TT | tuberculoid (in Ridley-Jopling Hansen disease classification). |
TT | tumor thrombus. |
TT | turnover time. |
TT2 | total diiodothyronine. |
TT3 | total triiodothyronine. |
TT4 | total thyroxine. |
TTA | tetanus toxoid antibody. |
TTA | timed therapeutic absence. |
TTA | total toe arthroplasty. |
TTA | transtracheal aspiration. |
TTAP | threaded titanium acetabular prosthesis. |
TTB | third trimester bleeding. |
TTC | triphenyltetrazolium chloride (stain for lactic dehydrogenase). |
TTC | triphenyltetrazolium chloride. |
TTC | T-tube cholangiogram. |
TTD | temporary total disability. |
TTD | tissue tolerance dose. |
TTD | transient tic disorder. |
TTD | transverse thoracic diameter. |
TTD | trichothio-dystrophy. |
TTE | transthoracic echocardiography. |
TTF-1 | thyroid transcription factor 1. |
TTFD | tetrahydrofurfuryldisulfide. |
TTG | T-cell translocation gene. |
TTG | telethermography. |
TTG | tellurite, taurocholate, and gelatin. |
TTGA | tellurite, taurocholate, and gelatin agar. |
TTH | thyrotropic hormone. |
TTH | tritiated thymidine. |
TTI | tension-time index. |
TTI | timepto-intubation. |
TTI | time-tension index. |
TTI | torque-time interval. |
TTI | transtracheal insufflation. |
TTN | transient tachypnea. |
TTP | thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. |
TTR | transthyretin. |
TTV | therapeutic trial visit. |
TTWB | toe touch weight bearing. |
TTX | tetrodotoxin. |
TU | tuberculin units (in Mantoux test). |
TUIP | transurethral incision of the prostate. |
TULIP | transurethral ultrasound-guided laser induced prostatectomy. |
TUMT | transurethral microwave thermotherapy. |
TUNA | transurethral needle ablation (prostatic). |
TUNEL | TdT-mediated-dUTP nick end labeling, enzymatic labeling of DNA fragments in apoptotic cells. |
TUR | transurethral resection. |
TURB | transurethral resection of bladder. |
TURBT | transurethral resection of bladder tumor. |
TURP | transurethral resection of the prostate; transurethral prostatectomy. |
TV | total volume. |
TVA | temporal (beat-to-beat) variability of repolarization in amplitude. |
TvC | treatment versus control. |
TVF | target vessel failure. |
TVH | total vaginal hysterectomy. |
TVH | turkey virus hepatitis. |
TVR | target vessel restenosis. |
TVR | target vessel revascularization. |
TVT | target value tailored apheresis. |
TVT | temporal (beat-to-beat) variability of repolarization in time. |
TVT | tension-free vaginal tape. |
TVT | thermal vascular test. |
TVT | total ventilation time. |
TVT | Transmissible venereal tumour. |
TvT | treatment versus treatment. |
TVT | Trivittatus. |
TVT | tunica vaginalis testis. |
TVUS | transvaginal ultrasound. |
TWG | total weight gain. |
Tx | therapy or treatment. |
TXA2 | thromboxane A2. |
TXB2 | thromboxane B2. |
Tyr | tyrosine. |
U (267 abbreviations) |
U&C | urethral and cervical. |
U&C | usual and customary. |
U&Es | urea and electrolytes |
U | congenital limb absence. |
U | in electrocardiography, an undulating deflection that follows the T wave. |
U | internal energy. |
U | International Unit of enzyme activity. |
U | Mann-Whitney rank sum statistic. |
U | potential difference (in volts). |
U | ulcer. |
U | ulna. |
U | ultralente (insulin). |
U | umbilicus. |
U | uncertain. |
U | unerupted. |
u | unified atomic mass unit. |
U | unit. |
U | universial application (residency). |
U | unknown. |
U | unsharpness. |
U | upper. |
U | uracil. |
U | uranium. |
U | urea. |
U | urethra. |
U | uridine. |
U | uridylic acid. |
U | urinary concentration. |
U | urine. |
U | urology. |
U | uterus. |
U | uvula. |
u | velocity. |
U | volume velocity. |
U/2 | upper half. |
U/3 | upper third. |
U/A | uric acid. |
U/A | urinalysis. |
u/ext | upper extremity. |
U/S | ultrasound. |
UA | absorption unsharpness. |
UA | ultra-audible. |
UA | ultrasonic arteriography. |
UA | umbilical artery. |
UA | unauthorized absence. |
UA | unit of analysis. |
UA | unstable angina. |
UA | upper airways. |
UA | upper arm. |
UA | uric acid. |
UA | uridylic acid. |
UA | urinalysis, urine analysis. |
ua | urinalysis. |
UA | urinary aldosterone. |
UA | uronic acid. |
UA | uterine aspiration. |
UA/C | uric acidlcreatinine (ratio). |
UAC | umbilical artery catheter. |
UAE | unilateral absence of excretion. |
UAE | urine albumin excretion. |
UAEM | University Association for Emergency Medicine. |
UAI | uterine activity interval. |
U-AMY | urinary amylase. |
UAN | uric acid nitrogen. |
UAO | upper airway obstruction. |
UAP | unlicensed assistive personnel. |
UAP | unstable angina pectoris. |
UAP | urinary acid phosphatase. |
UAP | urinary alkaline phosphatase. |
UAPA | unilateral absence of pulmonary. |
UAR | upper airway resistance. |
UAR | uric acid riboside. |
UAS | upper abdomen surgery. |
UAS | upstream activation site. |
UASA | United Amputee Services Association. |
UAU | uterine activity unit. |
UB | ultimobranchial body. |
UB | Unna boot. |
UB | upper back. |
UB | urinary bladder. |
UBA | undenaturated bacterial antigen. |
UBB | ubiquitin B. |
UBBC | unsaturated vitamin B12 binding capacity. |
UBC | ubuquitin C. |
UBC | University of British Columbia (brace). |
UBE | ubiquitin-activating enzyme. |
UBG | Ubg urobilinogen. |
UBI | ultraviolet blood irradiation. |
UBL | undifferentiated B-cell lymphoma. |
UBN | urobilin. |
UBO | unidentified bright object. |
UBO | upper body obesity. |
UBP | ureteral back pressure. |
UBS | unidentified bright signal. |
UBW | usual body weight. |
UC | ulcerative colitis. |
UC | ultracentrifugal. |
UC | umbilical cord. |
UC | unchanged. |
UC | unclassifiable. |
UC | unconscious. |
UC | undifferentiated cells. |
UC | unit clerk. |
UC | unsatisfactory condition. |
UC | untreated cells. |
UC | urea clearance. |
UC | urethral catheterization. |
UC | urinary catheter. |
UC | urine concentrate. |
UC | urine culture. |
UC | uterine contractions |
UCB | unconjugated bilirubin. |
UCBC | umbilical cord blood culture. |
UCD | urine collection device. |
UCD | usual childhood diseases. |
UCDS | uniform clinical data set. |
UCE | urea cycle enzymopathy. |
UCG | ultrasonic cardiography. |
UCG | urinary chorionic gonadotropin. |
UCHD | usual childhood diseases. |
UCI | unusual childhood illness. |
UCI | urethral catheter in. |
UCI | urinary catheter in. |
UCL | ulnar collateral ligament. |
UCL | upper collateral ligament. |
UCL | upper confidence limit. |
UCL | upper control limit. |
UCL | urea clearance. |
UCLP | unilateral cleft of lip and palate. |
UCO | ultrasonic cardiac output. |
UCOD | underlying cause of death. |
UCP | uncoupling protein. |
UCP | urinary coproporphyrin. |
UCP | urinary C-peptide. |
UCPT | urinary coproporphyrin test. |
UCR | unconditioned response. |
UCR | usual, customary, and reasonable (fees). |
UCS | unconditioned stimulus. |
UCS | unconscious. |
ucs | unconscious. |
UCS | uterine compression syndrome. |
UCT | urological care table. |
UCTD | undifferentiated (unclassifiable) connective tissue disease. |
uCTD | undifferentiated connective tissue disease. |
UCV | uncontrolled variable. |
UD | ulcerative dermatosis. |
UD | ulnar deviation. |
UD | underdeveloped. |
UD | undetermined. |
UD | unit dose. |
UD | urethral dilatation. |
UD | urethral discharge. |
UD | uridine diphosphate. |
UD | uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase. |
UD | uterine delivery. |
UDC | usual diseases of childhood. |
UDCA | ursodeoxycholic acid. |
UDKase | uridine diphosphate kinase. |
UDN | ulcerative dermal necrosis. |
UDO | undetermined origin. |
UDP | uridine diphosphate. |
UDPG | uridine diphosphate glucose. |
UDPG | urine diphosphoglucose. |
UDPGA | uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid. |
UDPGT | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase. |
UDR-BMD | ultradistal radius bone mineral density. |
UDRP | urine diribose phosphate. |
UDS | ultrasound Doppler sonography. |
UDS | uniform data system. |
UDS | unscheduled deoxynucleic acid synthesis. |
UDUN | under developed under nourished. |
UE | (extremitas) upper extremity. |
UE | uncertain etiology. |
UE | under elbow. |
UE | uninvolved epidermis. |
UE | upper esophagus. |
UE | upper extremity. |
uE~ | unconjugated estriol. |
UEG | ultrasonic encephalography. |
UEG | unifocal eosinophilic granuloma. |
UEHB | uniform effective health benefits. |
UEL | upper explosive limit. |
UEM | universal electron microscope. |
UEMC | unidentified endosteal marrow cell. |
UES | upper esophageal sphincter. |
UES | upper esophageal sphincter. |
UF | film unshapness. |
UF | ultrafiltration. |
UF | ultrafine. |
UF | ultraflltrate. |
UF | ultrasonic frequency. |
UF | universal feeder. |
UF | unknown factor. |
UF | urinary formaldehyde. |
UFA | unesterifled fatty acid. |
UFB | urinary fat bodies. |
UFC | urinary free cortisol. |
UFD | ultrasonic flow detector. |
UFD | unilateral facet dislocation. |
UFFI | urea formaldehyde foam insulation. |
UFL | upper flammable limit. |
UFP | ultrafiltration pressure. |
UFR | ultrafiltration rate. |
UFR | urine filtration rate. |
uFSH | urinary follicle-stimulating hormone. |
UG | geometric unsharpness. |
UG | urogastrone. |
UG | urogenital. |
UGD | urogenital diaphragm. |
UGDP | University Group Diabetes Project. |
UGF | unidentified growth factor. |
UGH | uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema (syndrome). |
UGH+ | uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema plus vitreous hemorrhage (syndrome). |
UGI | (see GI) upper gastrointestinal. |
UGIB | upper gastrointestinal biopsy. |
UGIB | upper gastrointestinal bleeding. |
UGIH | upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. |
UGIS | upper gastrointestinal series. |
UGT | uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase. |
UH | 82 universal billing document (1982). |
UH | unfractionated heparin. |
UHDPE | ultra-high-density-polyethylene. |
UHF | ultra high frequency |
UHF | uterine blood flow. |
UHMWPE | ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. |
UICC | Union Internationale Contre le Cancer - International Union Against Cancer. |
UIP | usual interstitial pneumonia. |
ULN | upper limits of normal. |
ULQ | upper left quadrant. |
ultra | ultrasound. |
umb. | umbilicus (navel). |
UMN | upper motor neuron (signs). |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program. |
UN-E | ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. |
UNFPA | United Nations Family Planning Association. |
ung | ointment. |
UNK | unknown. |
UO | urethral catheter out. |
UO | urinary catheter out. |
UP | ultrafilterable platinum. |
UP | unipolar. |
UPJ | ureteropelvic junction. |
UPOJ | University of Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Journal. |
UPR | unfolded protein response. |
UPR | unipolar recurrent depression. |
UPr/C | urine protein-to-creatinine ratios. |
UPSI | unprotected sexual intercourse. |
UPT | urinary pregnancy test. |
ur. | urine. |
URI | upper respiratory tract infection. |
Urol. | urology. |
URQ | upper right quadrant. |
URTI | upper respiratory tract infection. |
US | ultrasound. |
USAN | United States Adopted Names. |
USDA | US Department of Agriculture. |
USH | usual state of health. |
USP | US pharmacopeea. |
USPHS | United States Public Health Service. |
UST | ultrasound therapy. |
UTD | up to date. |
UTI | urinary tract infection. |
UUA | urokinase urine activity. |
UV | ultraviolet. |
UVJ | ureterovesical junction. |
UVR | ultra violet radiation. |
UWUN | underweight under nourished. |
V (88 abbreviations) |
V | venous invasion. |
V/Q | ventilation/perfusion. |
V2 | second compartment volume. |
V3 | third compartment volume. |
VA | alveolar volume. |
VA | valproic acid. |
VA | Veterans Administration (US). |
VA | visual acuity. |
VAC | ventriculoatrial conduction. |
VACTERL syndrome | abnormalities of vertebrae, anus, cardiovascular tree, trachea, esophagus, renal system, and limb buds associated with administration of sex steroids during early pregnancy. |
VaD | vascular dementia. |
VAD | ventricular assist device. |
VAD | vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone. |
VAERS | Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (FDA). |
VAHS | virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome. |
VAS | vibroacoustic stimulation. |
VAS | visual analogue scale. |
VATER | vertebral defects, anal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal atresia, and radial and renal anomalies. |
VATS | video-assisted thoracic surgery. |
VB | B chain variable (gene segments of T-cell receptor). |
VBD | vertebral bone density. |
VBG | venous blood gas. |
VBH | Vogele-Bale-Hohner head holder. |
VC | colored vision. |
VC | vital capacity. |
VCA | viral capsid antien (in EBV-IM). |
VCAM | vascular cell adhesion molecule (endothelial cell adhesion molecule). |
VCAM-1 | vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. |
VCE smear | a cytologic smear of material obtained from the vagina, ectocervix, and endocervix. |
VCE | vaginal administration of conjugated equine estrogens. |
VCFS | velocardiofacial syndrome. |
VCU | voiding cystourethrogram. |
VCUG | voiding cystourethrogram. |
VD | venereal disease. |
VD | vessel diameter. |
VD-GC | vacuum distillation gas chromatography. |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (test for syphilis). |
VEF | ventricular ejection fraction. |
VEGF | vascular endothelial cell growth factor. |
VEP | visually evoked potentials. |
VER | visual evoked response. |
VF | ventricular fibrillation. |
VF | ventricular flutter. |
VF | visual field, field of vision. |
VFC | Vaccines for Children program. |
Vfib | Ventricular fibrillation. |
VHA | Veterans Health Administration (US). |
VHD | ventricular heart disease. |
VIP | vasoactive intestinal peptide. |
VISI | volar intercalary wrist instability. |
VLDL | very low density lipoprotein. |
VLH | ventrolateral hypothalamus. |
VLO | ventrolateral outflow. |
VM | ventricular muscle. |
VM-26 | Teniposide (anti cancer drug) |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid (urine levels concordant to serum catecholamine levels). |
VMCH | Vinyl acetate - maleic acid - vinyl chloride copolymer. |
VMO | vastus medialis obliquus (a muscle). |
VMO | visiting medical officer. |
vo | verbal order. |
VP-16 | Etoposide (anti cancer drug). |
VPC | ventricular premature contractions. |
VPF | vascular permeability factor. |
VPL | ventral posterolateral. |
VPM | ventral posteromedial. |
VPPIM | Vinyl polysiloxane putty impression material. |
VPRC | volume packed red cells. |
VQ | (scan), ventilation/perfusion scan. |
VRE | vancomycin-resistant enterococcus. |
VRO | vertical ramus osteotomy. |
vs | visit. |
VS | vs, vital signs. |
VSA | vital signs absent. |
VSD | ventricular septal defect. |
VSO | vertical sagittal split osteotomy. |
VSP | variable screw placement. |
VSS | vital signs stable. |
VT | tidal volume. |
VT | ventricular tachycardia. |
VTE | venous thromboembolism. |
VTEC | verotoxin producing enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. |
VTNR | vessel-to-tissue noise ratio. |
VTP | velocity/time profile. |
VV | varicose veins. |
VWD | von Willebrand Disease. |
VWF | von Willebrand factor. |
VZIG | varicella-zoster immune globulin. |
VZV | varicella-zoster virus. |
W (50 abbreviations) |
w.b.c. | WBC, white blood cell, white blood cell count. |
w/ | with. |
w/a | when awake. |
w/c | wheelchair. |
w/o | without. |
w/v | weight by volume. |
WAIS | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. |
WB | Western blot. |
WBAA | whole blood acetaldehyde assay. |
WBAT | weight bearing as tolerated. |
WBC | white blood cell/count. |
WBS | skin wound breaking strength. |
WC | white cells. |
WC | white collar. |
WC | whole cell. |
WC/rCTB | whole cell/recombinant B subunit cholera vaccine. |
WC-2 | White Carneau pigeons. |
WCC | white cell count |
WCI | Washington Cancer Institute. |
WD | well-developed. |
WDE | wound dressing emulsion. |
WDWN | well-developed well-nourished. |
W-E | wide excision |
WF | W/F, white female. |
WFL | Wistaria floribunda. |
WFL | within functional limits. |
WG | Wegener's granulomatosis. |
WHO | World Health Organization. |
Whp | whirlpool. |
WIC | Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children. |
WISC | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. |
wk. | week. |
WLT | Warthin-like papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. |
WM | W/M, white male |
WM | Waldenström's macroglobulinemia. |
W-MPP | water MPP (multipurpose phantoms). |
WN | well-nourished. |
WN | West Nile virus. |
WNL | within normal limits. |
WOA | Western Orthopaedic Association. |
WOC | World Orthopaedic Concern. |
Wow | Weakener of white (a locus is described in Drosophila melanogaster that modifies the expression of the white eye color gene). |
WOW-1 | a novel monovalent ligand-mimetic antibody. |
WPD | warm, pink, dry (skin signs). |
WPOA | Western Pacific Orthopaedic Association (Australian Chapter). |
WRT | with relation to. |
WSCA | Washington State Chiropractic Association. |
wt | weight. |
WTO | World Trade Organization. |
WW | white woman. |
X (11 abbreviations) |
X | multiplied by, times. |
XIP | x-ray in plaster. |
XLD | xylose lysine deoxycholate agar. |
XP | xeroderma pigmentosa. |
XR | x-ray. |
XRD | x-ray diffraction. |
XRN | X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis. |
XRT | radiotherapy. |
XT | exotropia. |
XX | female sex chromosome. |
XY | male sex chromosome. |
Y (20 abbreviations) |
y | classification after initial multimodal treatment. |
Y | Y chromosome. |
Y | yttrium, tyrosine, pyrimidine nucleoside. |
Y | Yttrium. |
y/o | years old. |
Y-90 | Yttrium 90. |
YAC | yeast artificial chromosome. |
YAG | yttrium-aluminum-garnet (laser). |
Yb | ytterbium. |
Yd. | yard. |
YES | Youth Exchange Scheme. |
YFEC | Youth Forum of the European Communities. |
yoa | years of age. |
YOB | year of birth. |
YPLL | years of potential life lost. |
Yr | year. |
yr. | year. |
YRBS | Youth Risk Behaviour Survey. |
YST | Yolk sac tumor. |
YVS | Yorkshire Veterinary Society (UK). |
Z (18 abbreviations) |
ZAI | Zero Administrative Initiative. |
ZAP-70 | tyrosine kinase involved in signal transduction. |
ZBB | Zero Base Budgeting. |
ZDV | Zidovudine. |
ZEEP | zero end-expiratory pressure. |
ZFW | Health insurance sickness scheme for employees (Netherlands). |
ZIF | Zero Insertion Force. |
ZIFT | Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer. |
ZIG | zoster immune globulin. |
ZIP | Zigzag In-line Package. |
ZIP | Zoster Immune Plasma. |
ZL | Central Laboratory of Pharmacists (Germany). |
Zn | zinc. |
Zr | zirconium. |
ZSE | Zoological Spongiform Encephalopathy. |
ZSL | Zoological Society of London. |
ZSR | zeta sedimentation rate. |
ZZ | ZZ genotype (deficiency of ? 1-antitrypsin). |