Linguistic String Project (LSP)

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
251 Mercer Street
New York, New York 10012
Tel. (212) 998-3097
Fax: (212) 995-4123


SPR1. Sager, N., Salkoff, M., Morris, J., and Raze (Friedman), C. (1966). Report on the String Analysis Programs, Introductory Volume. String Program Reports (S.P.R.) No. 1. Linguistic String Project, New York University and University of Pennsylvania.

SPR2. Raze (Friedman), C. (1967). The FAP Program for String Decomposition of Scientific Texts. S.P.R. No. 2.

SPR3. Bookchin, B. (1968). Computer Outputs for Sentence Decomposition of Scientific Texts. S.P.R. No. 3.

SPR4. Sager, N. (1968). A Computer String Grammar of English. S.P.R. No. 4.

SPR5. Salkoff, M., and Sager, N. (1969). Grammatical Restrictions on the IPLV and FAP String Programs. S.P.R. No. 5.

SPR6. Sager, N., Touger, J., Harris, Z.H., Hamann, J., and Bookchin, B. (1970). An Application of Syntactic Analysis to Information Retrieval. S.P.R. No. 6.

SPR7. Anderson, B. (1970). Transformationally-Based English Strings and Their Word Subclasses. S.P.R. No. 7.

SPR8. Sager, N., Claris, P., and Clifford, J. (1970). French String Grammar. S.P.R. No. 8.

SPR9. Fitzpatrick, E., and Sager, N. (1974). The Lexical Subclasses of the Linguistic String Parser. S.P.R. No. 9. (Hardcopy of Publication 10., p. 2, republished in LSP Publications No. 34)

SPR10. Sager, N. (1976). Evaluation of Automated Natural Language Processing in the Further Development of Science Information Retrieval. S.P.R. No. 10.

SPR11. Raze (Friedman), C. (1976). The Parsing and Transformational Expansion of Coordinate Conjunction Strings. S.P.R. No. 11.

SPR12. Sager, N., and Hirschman, L. (1978). Information Structures in the Language of Science: Theory and Implementation. S.P.R. No. 12.

SPR13. Sager, N., Hirschman, L., White, C., Foster, C., Wolff, S., Grad, R. (1980). Research into Methods for Automatic Classification and Fact Retrieval in Science Subfields. S.P.R. No. 13.

SPR14. Sager, N., Tick, L.J., Story, G.A., Chi, E.C., Shneiderman, B. (1982). Database Management Systems for Natural Language Databases. S.P.R. No. 14.

SPR15. Sager, N., Gordon, D., Marsh, E., Hirschman, L., Friedman, C., Kosaka, M., Christenson, C., and White, C. (1982). Computer-Based Investigation Into the Structure of Information. S.P.R. No. 15.

SPR16. Sager, N., Johnson, S., Macleod, C., Kosaka, M., Friedman, C., and Chi, E. (1984). Computable Models of Time and Quantity in Natural Language Data. S.P.R. No. 16.