@misc{brownawell-yap:bound:09 , title="Lower Bounds for Zero-Dimensional Projections" , author="W. D. Brownawell and Chee K. Yap" , note="Submitted" , year=2009 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{lin-yap:cxy:09 , title="Adaptive Isotopic Approximation of Nonsingular Curves: the Parametrizability and Non-local Isotopy Approach" , author="Long Lin and Chee Yap" , booktitle="Proc.~25th ACM Symp. Computational Geometry" , month="June" , pages="to appear" , note="University of Aarhus, Denmark, Jun 8-10, 2009. Invited for Special Conference Issue of Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry" , year=2009 }
@inproceedings{yap-yu:rounding:09 , author="Chee K. Yap and Jihun Yu" , title="Foundations of Exact Rounding" , booktitle="Proc. WALCOM 2009" , series=lncs , volume=5431 , pages="15--31" , note="Invited talk, 3rd Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM), Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. Feb 18-20, 2009." , year=2009 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{burr+3:subdiv2:08 , title="Complete Subdivision Algorithms, {II}: Isotopic Meshing of Singular Algebraic Curves" , author="M. Burr and S.W. Choi and B. Galehouse and C. Yap" , booktitle="Proc.~Int'l Symp. Symbolic and Algebraic Comp. (ISSAC'08)" , note="Hagenberg, Austria. Jul 20-23, 2008." , pages="87--94" , year="2008" }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{cheng-gao-yap:triangular:07 , title="Complete Numerical Isolation of Real Zeros in General Triangular Systems" , author="J.-S. Cheng, X.-S. Gao and Chee K. Yap" , booktitle="Proc. ISSAC 2007" , pages="92-99" , year=2007 , note="To Appear, JSC 2009" }
BIBTEX CITE: @incollection{yap:real-egc:08 , author="Chee K. Yap" , title="Theory of Real Computation according to {EGC}" , editor="P. Hertling and Ch.M. Hoffmann and W. Luther and N.Revol" , booktitle="Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms: Theory and Practice" , series=lncs , number=5045 , publisher="Springer" , comment="doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-85521-7." , pages="193--237" , year="2008" }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{been-daiches-yap:dynamic-label:06 , author="Ken Been and Eli Daiches and Chee Yap" , title="Dynamic Map Labeling" , journal="IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics" , volume=12 , number=5 , pages="773--780" , note="Proc. 12th Symp. on Information Visualization (InfoVis06). Baltimore, Maryland. Oct 29--Nov 3, 2006." , year=2006 }
@inproceedings{sungwoo+3:helical:06 , title="Decidability of Collision between a Helical Motion and an Algebraic Motion" , booktitle="7th Conf. on Real Numbers and Computers (RNC 7)" , author="Sung Woo Choi and Sung-il Pae and Hyungju Park and Chee Yap" , editor="G. Hanrot and P. Zimmermann" , note="LORIA, Nancy, France. Jul 10-12, 2006." , pages="69--82" , year=2006 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{yap:really-zero:06 , title="Is it Really Zero?" , author="Chee Yap" , journal="KIAS Newsletter" , volume="Fall" , year=2006 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{eigenwillig-sharma-yap:descartes:06 , title="Almost Tight Complexity Bounds for the {D}escartes Method" , author="Arno Eigenwillig and Vikram Sharma and Chee Yap" , booktitle="Proc.~Intl. Symp. Symbolic and Algebraic Comp. (ISSAC'06)" , note="Genova, Italy. Jul 9-12, 2006. Eigenwillig and Sharma won the Best Student Author Award for this paper." , pages=71--78" , year=2006 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{sharma-du-yap:approxZero:05 , title="Robust Approximate Zeros" , author="Vikram Sharma and Zilin Du and Chee Yap" , booktitle="Proc. 13th European Symp. on Algorithms (ESA)" , editor="Gerth St{\o}lting Brodal and Stefano Leonardi" , series=lncs , volume="3669" , note="Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Oct 3-6, 2005" , publisher="Springer-Verlag" , month=apr , pages="874--887" , year=2005 }
BIBTEX CITE: @incollection{du-sharma-yap:sturm:07 , title="Amortized Bounds For Root Isolation Via {S}turm Sequences" , author="Zilin Du and Vikram Sharma and Chee Yap" , booktitle="Symbolic-Numeric Computation" , series="Trends in Mathematics" , editor="Dongming Wang and Lihong Zhi" , note="Proc. Int'l Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation, Xi'an, China, Jul 19--21, 2005." , publisher="Birkh{\"a}user Verlag AG" , address="Basel" , pages="113--130" , comment="ISBN 978-3-7643-7983-4. In CIMS library" , year=2007 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{yap:subdiv1:06 , author="Chee K. Yap" , title="Complete Subdivision Algorithms, {I}: Intersection of {B}ezier Curves" , booktitle="22nd " # scg , month="July" , pages="217--226" , year="2006" }
@article{chang+4:computable:06 , author="Ee-Chien Chang and Sung Woo Choi and DoYong Kwon and Hyungju Park and Chee Yap" , title="Shortest Paths for Disc Obstacles is Computable" , journal=ijcga , volume=16 , number="5-6" , note="Special Issue of IJCGA on Geometric Constraints. (Eds.~ X.S.~Gao and D.~Michelucci). Also in Proc. 21st SCG, 2005." , pages="567--590" , year=2006 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{kettner+4:classroom:07 , author="Lutz Kettner and Kurt Mehlhorn and Sylvain Pion and Stefan Schirra and Chee Yap" , title="Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computation" , journal=cgta , volume=40 , number=1 , pages="61--78" , note="Also: Proc. 12th ESA 2004, LNCS No.3221, pp.702-713." , year=2007 }
@incollection{yap:guaranteed:04 , title="On Guaranteed Accuracy Computation" , author="Chee Yap" , editor="Falai Chen and Dongming Wang" , booktitle="Geometric Computation" , publisher ="World Scientific Publishing Co." , address ="Singapore" , pages="322-373" , chapter=12 , year=2004 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{li-pion-yap:progress:04 , title="Recent Progress in Exact Geometric Computation" , author="Chen Li and Sylvain Pion and Chee Yap" , editor="N. M{\"u}ller and M. Escardo and P. Zimmermann" , journal="J. of Logic and Algebraic Programming" , volume=64 , number=1 , note="Special issue on ``Practical Development of Exact Real Number Computation''." , comment="replaces li-yap:progress:01" , pages="85--111" , year="2004" }
BIBTEX CITE: @incollection{yap:crc , author = "Chee K. Yap" , title = "Robust Geometric Computation" , editor = "Jacob E. Goodman and Joseph O'Rourke" , booktitle = "Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry" , publisher = "Chapmen \& Hall/CRC" , edition = "2nd" , address = "Boca Raton, FL" , chapter = 41 , pages = "927--952" , note= "Revised and expanded from 1997 version." , comment="64 chapters, approx. xiv+1400 pp." , year = "2004" }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{pion-yap:kary:03 , title="Constructive Root Bound Method for k-Ary Rational Input Numbers" , author="Sylvain Pion and Chee Yap" , booktitle="Proc. 18th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry" , note="San Diego, California" , publisher="ACM Press" , page="256--263" , year="June 2003" }
BIBTEX CITE: @misc{been-yap:thinwire:02 , title="A Responsive Architecture for Thinwire Visualization" , author="Ken Been and Chee Yap" , note="Submitted, IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Comp. Graphics" , year="November 2002" }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{du-etal:hypergeom:02 , author="Z. Du and M. Eleftheriou and J. Moreira and C. Yap" , title="Hypergeometric Functions in Exact Geometric Computation" , journal="Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science" , volume=66 , number=1 , note="Proceedings, Fifth Workshop on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, Malaga, Spain. July 12-13, 2002" , year=2002 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{aky:pseudo:04 , title="Pseudo Approximation Algorithms, with Applications to Optimal Motion Planning" , author="Tetsuo Asano and David Kirkpatrick and Chee Yap" , journal=dcg , volume=31 , number=1 , note="Special Conference Issue from 18th ACM Symp. of Comput.~Geom., 2002." , pages="139--171" , publisher="Springer-Verlag New York" , year=2004 }
BIBTEX CITE: @incollection{yap-etal:manhattan:02 , title="A Different Manhattan Project: Automatic Statistical Model Generation" , author="C. Yap and H.Biermann and A. Hertzman and C. Li and J. Meyer and H.K. Pao and Toto Paxia" , booktitle="Proc. 14th Ann. Symp., Electronic Imaging 2002" , publisher="IS\&T/SPIE" , note="19-25 Jan, 2002, San Jose, California. " , year=2002 }
BIBTEX CITE: @incollection{ybd:responsive:02 , title="Responsive Thinwire Visualization: Application to Large Geographic Datasets" , author="C. Yap and K. Been and Z. Du" , booktitle="Proc. 14th Ann. Symp., Electronic Imaging 2002" , publisher="IS\&T/SPIE" , note="19-25 Jan, 2002, San Jose, California." , year="2002" }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{chang-yap:online:00 , title="Competitive Online Scheduling with Level of Service" , author="Ee-Chien Chang and Chee Yap" , journal="J. of Scheduling" , volume=6 , number=3 , note="Special Issue on Online Algorithms. Also: Proc. 7th Ann. Intl. Computing and Combinatorics Conf. (COCOON), Aug 20-23, 2001, Guilin, China. Lecture Notes in CS, Springer." , month=oct , year=2003 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{li-yap:constructiveBound:00 ,title="A New Constructive Root Bound for Algebraic Expressions" , author="Chen Li and Chee Yap" , booktitle="12th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)" , page="496--505" , month=jan , year=2001 }
We apply our test in proving geometric theorems in the classical ruler-and-compass setting. In contrast to Wu's method which works with complex geometry, ours addresses real geometry. Our method is less general than the Groebner Bases method, but is almost perfectly matched to proving ruler-and-compass theorems. These features, plus our use of randomized testing, suggest that our method may turn out to be the most efficient method for verifying this class of theorems. Some experimental results are reported. This prover is implemented using our Core Library, and is distributed with the Library.
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{tyl:zero-test:00 , title="Randomized Zero Testing of Radical Expressions and Elementary Geometry Theorem Proving" , author="Daniela Tulone and Chee Yap and Chen Li" , booktitle="International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG'00)" , note="Zurich, Switzerland" , month=sep , year=2000 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{yap:universal-fks:99 , title=" Universal Construction for the FKS Scheme" , author="Chee Yap" , note="Full paper on request." , year="April 1999" }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{cmy:wavelet:99 , title="Wavelet Foveation" , author="E.C. Chang and S. Mallat and C. Yap" , journal="J. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis" , volume=9 , number=3 , pages="312--335" , year="2000" }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{klpy:core:98 , author="V. Karamcheti and C. Li and I. Pechtchanski and C. Yap" , title="A Core Library For Robust Numeric and Geometric Computation" , booktitle="15th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry, 1999" , pages="351--359" , year=1999 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{yap:brown-cgc:98 , author="Chee Yap" , title="A New Number Core for Robust Numerical and Geometric Libraries" , booktitle="3rd CGC Workshop on Geometric Computing" , note="Invited Talk. Brown University, Oct 11--12, 1998. Abstracts from {\tt http://www.cs.brown.edu/cgc/cgc98/home.html}." , year=1998 }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{cyy:thinwire:97 , title="Realtime Visualization of Large Images over a Thinwire" , author="E.C. Chang and C. Yap and T.-J. Yen" , booktitle="IEEE Visualization '97, Hot Late Breaking Topics (video proceedings)" , note="Paper from {\tt ftp://cs.nyu.edu/pub/local/yap/visual/thinwire.ps.gz}." , year="1997" }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{mehlhorn-shermer-yap:roundness:97 , title="A Complete Roundness Classification Procedure" , author="K. Mehlhorn and T.C. Shermer and C.K. Yap" , journal="13th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry" , page="129--138" , year="1997" }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{chang-yap:foveating:97 , title="A wavelet approach to foveating images" , author="Ee-Chien Chang and Chee K. Yap" , journal="ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry" , volume=13 , note="For a longer version, URL \\ {\tt ftp://cs.nyu.edu/pub/local/yap/visual/foveated.ps.gz}." , pages="397--399" , year="1997" }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{chang-yap:foveating:97 , title="A Simultaneous Search Problem" , author="Ee-Chien Chang and Chee K. Yap" , journal="Algorithmica" , year="Accepted: July 1998" }
BIBTEX CITE: @inproceedings{yap-chang:issues:96 , title="Issues in the Metrology of Geometric Tolerancing" , author="Chee K. Yap and Ee-Chien Chang" , booktitle="Algorithms for Robot Motion Planning and Manipulation" , editor="J.-P. Laumond and M. Overmars" , note="Invited talk, 2nd Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Toulouse, France, July 3--5, 1996" , pages="393--400" , publisher="A.K. Peters" , address="Wellesley, Massachusetts" , year=1997 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{asano-kirkpatrick-yap , title="$d_1$-{O}ptimal motion of a rod" , author="T. Asano and D. Kirkpatrick and C. Yap" , journal="12th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry" , pages="252--263" , year=1996 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{choi-yap:monotonicity , title="Monotonicity of Rectilinear Geodesics in $d$-Space" , author="Joosoo Choi and Chee Yap" , journal="12th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry" , pages="339--348" , year=1996 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{ssty:cylinder:00 , title="Smallest Enclosing Cylinders" , author="Elmar Sch{\"o}mer and J{\"u}rgen Sellen and Marek Teichmann and Chee Yap" , journal=aa , volume=27 , note="Also: Proc.~ACM Symp.~on Comp.~Geom.(1996) pp.C13--14." , pages="170-186" , year=2000 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{csy:esp:94, title="Approximate {E}uclidean shortest path in 3-space", author="J. Choi and J. Sellen and C. Yap", journal="Int'l. J. Computational Geometry and Applications" pages="271--295", note="Special journal issue. Also in 10th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1994", year=1997 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{yap:egc , author="Chee K. Yap" , title="Towards Exact Geometric Computation" , journal=cgta , volume=7 , pages="3--23" , note="Invited talk at 5th Canadian Conf. on Computational Geometry (CCCG'93)" , year=1997 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{yap:thue:88 , title="A new lower bound construction for commutative Thue systems, with applications" , author="C.~K. Yap" , journal="Journal of Symbolic Computation" , volume=12 , note="Also: {\bf RISC Linz Technical Report No.88-28.0}, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, July 1988." , pages="1--28" , year=1991 }
BIBTEX CITE: @misc{thull-yap:hgcd:90 , title="A Unified Approach to {HGCD} Algorithms for polynomials and integers" , author="K. Thull and C. Yap" , note="Manuscript. Available from {\tt http://cs.nyu.edu/cs/faculty/yap/allpapers.html/} , year=1990 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{vegter-yap:min-simplices:91, , author="G. Vegter and C. Yap" , title="Minimal circumscribing simplices" , booktitle="Proc. 3rd Canad. Conf. Comput. Geom." , pages="58--61" , year=1991 }
BIBTEX CITE: @techreport{dube-mishra-yap:grob:88 , author="T. Dub\'{e} and B. Mishra and C.~K. Yap" , title="Admissible orderings and bounds for {G}r{\"o}bner bases normal form algorithm" , institution="NYU-Courant Institute Robotics Lab Report" , number=88 , type="Report" , year=1986 }
BIBTEX CITE: @article{yap:nonuniform:83 , author="Chee K. Yap" , title="Some Consequences of Non-Uniform Conditions on Uniform Classes" , journal="Theoretical Computer Science" , volume=26 , pages="287--300" , year=1983 }