Non-parametric paired test Suppose I have two approaches on the same set of subjects (e.g. patients). Each approach gives a score for the patients (score1 for approach 1 and score2 for approach 2). e.g. score could be a number or it could be 1 if correct and 0 if incorrect depending on the application patient identifier, score1, score2 id5, 10, 12 id6, 14, 13 id23, 8, 4 etc. Call that dataset Orig. To do a non-parametric test of significance, we find the difference between the sum of the score1 values and the sum of the score2 values. Call that Diff. Without loss of generality assume Diff > 0. (If Diff < 0, then let Diff be the difference between the sum of the score2 values and the sum of the score1 values.) mycount := 0 Do 10,000 times Start with Orig. New := {} for each row i in Orig add to New Orig[i] with prob 0.5 or Orig[i] with the score 1 and score 2 values swapped with prob 0.5 end for NewDiff := compute Diff for New if NewDiff > Diff mycount += 1 p-value is mycount/10,000 nof_iters = 10000 def pairedtest(n1, n2, nof_iters): import random ndiff = sum([ n1[i]-n2[i] for i in range(len(n1)) ]) if ndiff < 0: nbig = n2 nsmall = n1 ndiff = -ndiff else: nbig = n1 nsmall = n2 bcount = 0 for niter in range(nof_iters): tdiff = 0 for i in range(len(nbig)): a = random.random() if a <0.5: tdiff += nsmall[i]-nbig[i] else: tdiff += nbig[i]-nsmall[i] if tdiff > ndiff: bcount += 1 return bcount / nof_iters for i in range(10): print(pairedtest(n1,n2, 10000)) print('-'*40) for i in range(10): print(pairedtest(n2,n1, 10000)) ===== Confidence interval. Reformat the above orig dataset to show the differences, e.g. if the original has id5, 10, 12 id6, 14, 13 id23, 8, 4 id27, 9, 13 We will reformat to id5, -2 id6, +1 id23, +4 id27, -4 >slides 2 1 4 -4