January 1, 2003: Dear Ken, Program capabilities (graphlife.k): given a bunch of gene family trees with species at the leaves, we can 1. input those trees 2. derive dependency edges based on the analysis in the puzzle 3. determine which groups of species fit into single evolutionary trees. 4. Produce those evolutionary trees when possible. 5. determine which subsets of families allow all species to fit into a single evolutionary tree. 6. Produce interbreeding models given a base evolutionary tree. Here is what we have found out. The largest sets of families that are compatible in the sense that they produce a single evolutionary tree are: A1341, AdhC, G1121, 5SrDNA and A1341, CesA1b, FAD21, G1121 The first produces the following evolutionary tree: miss0 (0)" miss1 (1)" miss4 (4)" davi (8)" miss5 (5)" miss9 (9)" miss13 (13)" goss (16)" miss17 (17)" herb (20)" miss2 (2)" miss6 (6)" hirsD (10)" miss11 (11)" miss14 (14)" miss18 (18)" miss21 (21)" miss23 (23)" miss26 (26)" long (29)" miss27 (27)" raim (30)" miss24 (24)" miss28 (28)" miss31 (31)" miss32 (32)" miss33 (33)" miss35 (35)" miss37 (37)" schw (39)" miss38 (38)" soma (40)" miss34 (34)" tril (36)" miss3 (3)" miss7 (7)" miss12 (12)" miss15 (15)" miss19 (19)" miss22 (22)" turn (25)") Using all families: `ndhF `matK `rpl16 `trnT `A1341 `AdhA `AdhC `CesA1 `CesA1b `FAD21 `G1121 `G1262 5SrDNA and ignoring hirs(A), we get three different evolutionary trees. These can vary -- i.e. different combinations of families can work. For example, in one execution we get the following groupings: hirsD `raim `schw `soma `stoc davi `herb `long `turn goss `tril where each line produces a single evolutionary tree. Here is the tree for the first group, just for example: miss0 (0)" hirsD (1)" miss2 (2)" miss5 (5)" miss8 (8)" miss11 (11)" miss14 (14)" miss16 (16)" miss18 (18)" miss21 (21)" miss24 (24)" miss27 (27)" miss29 (29)" raim (31) miss19 (19)" miss22 (22)" schw (25)" miss3 (3)" miss6 (6)" miss9 (9)" soma (12)" miss4 (4)" miss7 (7)" miss10 (10)" miss13 (13)" miss15 (15)" miss17 (17)" miss20 (20)" miss23 (23)" miss26 (26)" miss28 (28)" stoc (30)") Here the miss denote missing species. Here are some other combinations of compatible species again using all gene families. hirsD `raim `schw `soma `stoc goss `herb `long `turn davi `tril) and schw `soma `stoc `turn goss `herb `hirsD `long `tril davi `raim)) Our first objective is to show that cross-breeding takes place. A longer term objective is to show that we can produce the most parsimonious graph: as few ancestors as possible when cross-breeding takes place. As of now, we do not quite make it. For example, if the inspecies are `hirsD `raim `schw `soma `stoc Then we can produce herb by interbreeding miss9, miss2, and miss0. goss on the other hand uses miss8, miss2, miss11, miss16, miss21. Thanks, Dennis P.S. One uncertainty I have is that I'm getting the gene family trees correct. Here for example is my tree for CesA1b: Tree: CesA1b" (0)" (1)" soma (2)" (3)" long (4)" herb (5)" (6)" goss (7)" (8)" turn (9)" schw (10)" (11)" davi (12)" (13)" tril (14)" (15)" raim (16)" hirsD (17)")