In the Rain It's raining, sweet kitten, See there, you're shivering. Don't stand in a puddle. Come here and let's cuddle. Chorus: [looking all around, feeling very lonely] It's a city of millions, We're both so alone. I see thousands of lights. Where do we sleep tonight? What happened to family? They chose to reject me. Like a drop in a river, I'm nobody's sister. Chorus repeat Oh father and mother, You've cast out your daughter. I wouldn't give in. You called that a sin. What's your story, dear kitty? Though you're so pretty, Were you also thrown out When you expressed a small doubt? Chorus repeat Awake little kitten! Feel the warm sun. Run off my small friend. The rain will soon end. I too will move on. My old world is gone. The new world's alive. It's MY turn to drive. Chorus changed: Oh city of millions, I'm one of you now. I see thousands of lights, I too will shine bright.