Experimental Reproducibility

The goal of establishing reproducibility is to ensure your SIGMOD paper stands as a reliable, referenceable work for future research. The premise is that experimental papers will be most useful when their results have been tested and generalized by objective third parties.

The Review Process

The committee contacts the authors of accepted papers, who can submit experiments for reviews - on a voluntary basis - from April to September 2012. Details about the submission process will be communicated directly to authors. The committee takes the decision to award or not the following labels:

How does the committee assess whether the experiments reproduced by the committee support the central results reported in the paper? To get a reproducible label, a submission must fulfill the following three criteria:
  1. [depth] - Each submitted experiment contains
  2. [portability] - The results can be reproduced on a different environment (i.e., on a different OS or machine) than the original development environment.
  3. [coverage] - Central results and claims from the paper are supported by the submitted experiments.

Some Guidelines

Authors should make it easy for reviewers (and the community at large) to reproduce the central experimental results reported in a paper. Here are some guidelines for authors based on the experience from previous years.

We distinguish two phases in any experimentation: data acquisition and data derivation:

The experiments published by Jens Teubner and Rene Mueller, from ETH Zurich, together with their SIGMOD'11 article on "How Soccer Players Would Do Stream Joins" is an excellent illustration of these guidelines.

Reproducibility Committee

Philippe Bonnet, ITU, Denmark, chair
Juliana Freire, NYU, USA, chair
Radu Stoica, EPFL, Switzerland
Wei Cao, Remnin U, China
Willis Lang, U.Wisc, USA
David Koop, U.Utah, USA
Mian Lu, HKUST, China
Martin Kaufmann, ETHZ, Switzerland
Ben Sowell, Cornell, USA
Dimitris Tsirogiannis, Microsoft, USA
Lucja Kot, Cornell, USA
Dan Olteanu, Oxford, UK
Stratos Idreos, CWI, Netherlands
Ryan Johnson, U.Toronto, Canada
Matias Bjørling, ITU, Denmark
Paolo Papotti, U.Roma 3, Italy
Eli Cortez, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil