V22.0101 ..... Homework 9 ..... Fall 2006

Assigned: Mon Dec 4
Due: Tue Dec 12
Absolute deadline for late submissions: Thu Dec 14
Write a class with the following sorting methods

Sort into ascending order. When you sort the doubles, use the ordinary comparison operator "<" or ">". This means that if there are any NaNs in the input they may end up anywhere in the sorted order, but that's OK. (This is because when anything is compared to NaN, the result is false). The order of 0 and -0 does not matter since their values are the same. The objects must be from a class that implements the Comparable interface, so that you can call their compareTo method.

Each of the selection sort methods should work with only one array. Each merge sort method must use recursion and should work with only two arrays. How to accomplish this will be explained in class.

A main program should give the user a choice of sorting

It should also ask the user how many items there are to sort, so that it is efficient to use arrays (as opposed to ArrayLists). The program should then construct the appropriate array and ask whether the user wants the program to read the data to be sorted from a specified file, or from System.in, or wants the program to generate the data randomly. If the user chooses to input the object data, each object should be entered one per line. Be sure to prompt the user how to do this, e.g. year, month, day for Date objects. Use try...catch to catch input format errors and insist on correct formatting. (See class program from Nov 30.) If there are not enough lines in the file, throw an exception. This can't happen with System.in, because there are always more lines in System.in. If there are too many lines in the file, print a message that you are ignoring the rest of the data.

After reading the data, call 3 sorting routines to sort the data: your selection sort method, your merge sort method, and the sort method in the java.util.Arrays class. Measure the running times using System.currentTimeMillis and print how long each sort takes. Ask the user if he/she wants to see the items printed in sorted order.

Answer the following questions in your email cover note. Do you see a big difference in efficiency between

Make sure you've chosen the number of items large enough to see a difference if there is one - use the random generation option for this.