Tipster Architecture

Tipster is an ARPA-funded program of research and development in information retrieval and extraction. Phase II of this program, which began in the spring of 1994, aims to facilitate the rapid transition of advances of these technologies into Government agencies.

One part of this effort involves the creation of a standard architecture (standard interfaces) for systems doing information retrieval and extraction. This architecture is being developed by a group of contractors and Government personnel (the Tipster Architecture Working Group), chaired by Ralph Grishman of NYU.

The current version of this architecuture (Version 1.50) was distributed at the 12-month Tipster meeting, May 17-19, 1995. Three files are available:

Several additional documents have been prepared by the Tipster Architecture Committee (which consists of representatives of the Government agencies involved in the Tipster program) to define the goals of the architecture effort and the process for qualifying systems as "Tipster compliant":

(For information about other natural language processing research at the NYU Proteus Project, click here).