Inference 3. If the situation depicted in figure 3 (from Smith, Dechter, Tenenbaum, and Vul, 2013) is modified so that the red region is flush against the green region, then the ball must reach the red region before it can reach the green region. Given: C.3.A.1: Fixed(Ob3). C.3.A.2: CombinedContainer(Place(Ta,Ob3), RRed, RInside) C.3.A.3: P(Place(Ta3,Os3),RInside). C.3.A.4: Outside(RGreen, RUnion(Place(Ta,Ob3),RRed)). C.3.A.5: P(Place(Tb3,Os3),RGreen). C.3.A.6: Lt(Ta3,Tb3). C.3.A.7: Os3 != Ob3 Proof of Inference 3. (Note: Numbering of lemmas is non-sequential.) Proof of Inference 3. 3.1 Cavity(RInside,RUnion(Place(Ta3,Ob3),RRed)) C3A2 + SCD4 3.2 exists(h) Constant(Ta3,Tb3,h) ^ Slice(Ta3,h) = RInside. HIA3 + C3A6 3.3 Constant(Ta3,Tb3,HC). Naming 3.2. 3.4 Slice(Ta3,HC) = RInside. Naming 3.2 3.5 exists(h) Constant(Ta3,Tb3,h) ^ HIA3 + C3A6 Slice(Ta3,h) = RUnion(Place(Ta3,Ob3),RRed). 3.6 Constant(Ta3,Tb3,HB). Naming 3.5 3.7 Slice(Ta3,HB) = RUnion(Place(Ta3,Ob3),RRed)). Naming 3.5 3.8 PersistentCavity(Ta3,Tb3,HC,HB). HCA4 + 3.1 + 3.3 + 3.6 + 3.7 3.9 NoExitCavity(Ta3,Tb3,HC,HB). HCD1 + 3.8 3.10 Continuous(Ta3,Tb3,HPlace(Os3)). HIA1 + C3A6 3.11 Slice(Ta3,HPlace(Os3)) = Place(Ta3,Os3). HIA2. 3.12 P(Slice(Ta3,HPlace(Os3)),Slice(Ta3,HC)). C3A3 + 3.11 + 3.4 3.13 not P(Place(Tb3,Os3), RInside). LemS.F + C3A5 + C3A4 + 3.1 3.14 Slice(Tb3,HPlace(Os3)) = Place(Tb3,Os3). HIA2. 3.15 Slice(Tb3,HC) = Slice(Ta3,HC). HID3 + 3.3 3.16 not P(Slice(Tb3,HPlace(Os3)),Slice(Tb3,HC)). 3.13 + 3.14 + 3.15 + 3.4 3.17 exists(tm) Lt(T3a,tm) ^ Lt(tm,T3b) ^ HCA2+3.9+3.10+3.12+ O(Slice(tm,HPlace(Os3)),Slice(tm,HB)). 3.16+Lem1.A 3.18 Lt(T3a,Tm) ^ Lt(Tm,T3b). Naming 3.17. 3.19 O(Slice(Tm,HPlace(Os3)),Slice(Tm,HB)). Naming 3.17 3.20 Slice(Tm,HB) = Slice(T3a,HB). HID3 + 3.6 3.21 Place(Tm,Ob3) = Place(T3a,Ob3). C3A1 + MSA4 + MOD2 3.22 Slice(Tm,HB) = RUnion(Place(Tm,Ob3), RRed). 3.20 + 3.7 + 3.21 3.23 Slice(Tm,HPlace(Os3)) = Place(Tm,Os3). HIA2 3.24 O(Place(Tm,Os3),RUnion(Place(Tm,Ob3),RRed)). 3.19 + 3.22 + 3.23 3.25 O(Place(Tm,Os3),Place(Tm,Ob3)) V O(Place(Tm,Os3),RRed). SBA4 + 3.24 3.26 DR(Place(Tm,Os3),Place(Tm,Ob3)). OTA1 + C.3.A.7. 3.27 O(Place(Tm,Os3),RRed). SBD3 + 3.25 + 3.26 3.28 exists (tm) Lt(Ta3,tm) ^ Lt(tm,Tb3) ^ O(Place(tm,Os3),RRed). Existential abstraction from 3.18, 3.27.