Introduction to Web Design and Computer Principles


There are two primary aspects to this course. The first is learning how to build websites and prepare the various elements that comprise them. The second is understanding concepts behind computers in general and the Web in particular.

Lecture Topics


Your greatest reward is the knowledge and experience that you receive by taking the course. You will also receive a grade based on the following rubric.

Required Textbook

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
Jon Duckett
ISBN: 978-1-118-00818-8


Tutors will be available throughout the semester at the following times. Tutoring will be held in the LaGuardia Co-op, located at 539-541 LaGuardia Place.

Tutor Schedule will be posted here

General academic support is also available through the University Learning Center.

i6 Account

In addition to your NYU Home Account, we will be using a special computer account on a Unix Web server which will be assigned to you automatically based on your enrollment. This is called an “i6” account and we will use it to host our websites. Common questions about i6 accounts are answered on this FAQ page. If you forget your i6 password and would like to reset it, go to this page for instructions on how to do so.


Macintosh computers with all of the necessary software installed are available to you in the Student Technology Centers. You do not need your own computer nor do you need to purchase any software. However, you will be learning how to use various programs and may wish to have access to them at home or on your laptop. In this case, you must purchase a subscription or use a trial version, which is sometimes available from the publisher. You can download software provided by ITS to all students, including SFTP programs, by going to the ITS software page.

Student Technology Centers

The main Student Technology Center (STC) to use for this class is the LaGuardia Co-op. There are other STCs on campus, but this is also where tutors will be available to meet with you. The LaGuardia Co-op is located at 539-541 LaGuardia Place.

Make sure to save copies of your programs and back them up to other media (such as a flash drive or external hard drive). You can store copies of files on your NYU Home account as well.