Using NYU Classes to Submit Assignments

  1. Log into NYU Classes with your NYU NetID and password.
  2. Click on the tab for the appropriate class (if there is more than one).
  3. Click on Assignments in the navigation bar on the left.
  4. Click on the link for the corresponding assignment in the main window.
  5. Add whatever comments to the grader that you may need to under “Assignment Text.”
  6. If file attachments are required, compress them and use the following naming convention: lastname_firstname_assignmentnumber
  7. To attach files, click the Choose File button under “Attachments” to find the file you wish to submit and select it. Add additional files as necessary. Make sure that the file appears as an attachment before you continue.
  8. When you are ready to, click on the Submit button and wait for confirmation before closing the browser window.

Please note that once you have submitted an assignment you can only resubmit it twice, so make sure that what you are submitting is the final version of your assignment. See your instructor with any questions about resubmissions.