""" your_fancy_face.py (5 points) ===== Draw a face using turtle. For example, you can draw the look of disapproval! ![look of disapproval](http://foureyes.github.io/csci-ua.0002-summer2017-001/resources/img/turtle/your_face.png) Requirements ----- * you can draw whatever face you like * but you have to use the turtle module * change the size of the pen * set the window size to 400 x 400 * turn animation off (for sanity's sake) * create a function called draw_face ... it's up to you to decide if it should have parameters or not (it's ok if you don't parametrize it, but it may be helpful for extra credit) * your function will draw a face * use at least one circle * use at least one line * remember to call update at the end of your function to let Python know to _repaint_ the screen * call your function at the end of your program """