""" average_word.py - 7 points ===== Write a program that asks the user for words... and prints out the longest word, the shortest word, and the average length of all of the words entered. * Generate a random number between 3 and 6, inclusive - this will determine how many words to ask for. * Say: "I'll need [number] words:" * Proceed to ask for each word, one at a time: "Word #[number] please!" * At the end, your program should print out: * the longest word (the most recently entered longest if there is a tie) * the shortest word (the most recently entered shortest if there is a tie) * the average length of all of the words * if all of the words are the same, then the longest and shortest word should be the same! * comment your code (name, date and section on top, along with appropriate comments in the body of your program) Hint 1: what data do you need to keep track of in order to meet the requirements above? Hint 2: how can you get the first word entered to be the longest and shortest? would it be helpful to do that? Hint 3: sometimes intializing to an empty string, "", is useful Hint 4: the empty string, "", has a length of 0 Hint 5: thankfully, words can't be a negative length! Hint 6: YOU DON'T HAVE TO STORE ALL THE WORDS to determine which one is the longest and the shortest... think about the minimum you'd need to keep track of... Example output below; everything after a greater than sign (>) is user input. Run 1: ----- I'll need 4 words: Word #1 please! > wow Word #2 please! > oh Word #3 please! > amazing Word #4 please! > program Shortest: oh Longest: program Average Length: 4.75 Run 2: ----- I'll need 3 words: Word #1 please! > hi Word #2 please! > hi Word #3 please! > hi Shortest: hi Longest: hi Average Length: 2.0 """