Idioms and Style


What's an idiom?

Some French and Spanish Idioms

BTW, does anyone know the literal and idiomatic translations for these sayings?

Idioms in Programming Languages

An idiom in a programming language is:

More About Programming Language Idioms

Let's See an Example of an Idiom

#  one way to do it; check each value
if name == 'Kermit' or name == 'Gonzo' or name == 'Skeeter':
    print(name + ' is a muppet!')
#  the idiomatic way; check for membership in a list
muppets = ['Kermit', 'Gonzo', 'Skeeter']
if name in muppets:
    print(name + ' is a muppet!')

(we'll look at lists later in the semester)

About Style


In Python, an enhancement proposal, called PEP 8, lays out some good rules to follow.

Here Are a Few Conventions To Follow

if answer == 5:
x = 2
y = 5

print("x plus y is ...")
print(x + y)

And a Few More…

#  do this:
count = count + 1
#  *not* this:
#  do this:
count = 0
#  *not* this:
#  do this:
my_count = 1
#  *not* this:
mycount = 1
myCount = 1

Make sure your code is formatted in a way that is readable and is consistent with common conventions.