
Programs and Programming Languages

What's a program?

A sequence of instructions that specifies to a computer actions and computations to be performed

How are programming languages similar to or different from natural languages?

  1. natural languages evolved organically, while programming languages are deliberately created and designed
  2. programming languages are usually unambiguous in meaning; on the other hand, there is usually room for interpretation in natural languages

Binary, Bits, and Bytes

What are the possible values that a bit can hold?

0 and 1

How many bits are in a byte?


What is 5 in binary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?


What is 10000010 in decimal?


More About Programming Languages!

What does a compiler do?

It translates a high-level programming language into a low-level language that the computer can execute (our books call this object code)

What's the difference between compiled and interpreted languages?

Languages that have an explicit compilation step are generally thought of as compiled languages. That is, the workflow for a compiled language is: write code, compile, execute… rather than just write code and then execute.


What's the name of the language we're using?


Is python a high level or low level language? Why?

Tools Continued

What extension is used for Python source code files?


What kind of applications do we use to create and edit Python programs?

Text editors and / or IDE's. We're using IDLE as our IDE

What's the main difference between using a text editor and the interactive shell to execute code?

The interactive shell executes code as you enter each line; it give you immediate feedback. For a text editor, you have to save your entire program first before you can run it.

How to Say Hello