Assignment 4: CSS - Due: Tuesday, July 28th (Day of the Midterm)
In this assignment, you are to use CSS to format your original Web pages from Assignment 2.
FIRST, make a COPY of all your web pages from Assignment 2, and rename them as the equivalent "Assignment 4" pages. Do NOT destroy your Assignment 2 - BOTH versions should be posted and linked from your assignments.html page!
Write your CSS document using a plain text editor (such as Text Wrangler on a Mac or Notepad++ on a PC) without the assistance of a WYSIWYG editing package.
Here is a list of required elements to include:
- Create an external style sheet (.css document) with at least three style rules and link it to your HTML pages.
- At least one HTML page should also include an embedded style sheet (within the head section of the document, below the external style sheet link) with at least two style rules.
- Your style rules should specify font family and font size for paragraph and heading text.
- Your style rules should specify link states including link, visited, focus, hover, and active.
- You should also specify either a background image or background color for your pages.
Beyond these requirements, feel free to include additional CSS to design your pages as you like! Just be sure to test them locally using Firefox, Chrome, or Safari as you go along.
Submitting Your Assignment
Upload your files (both the CSS and HTML) to the i6 Unix server. Remember, your files should go in the directory called “public_html.” Test your pages again once they are live on the Web server.
Post the URL for your assignment in the form of on "NYU Classes" in the Comments area. Also, create a zip file of all your pages and post them on NYU Classes, also.
This assignment is worth 10 points.
- An external style sheet (.css document) with at least three style rules, linked to studentʼs original HTML pages. (3 points)
- At least one HTML page should also include an embedded style sheet—within the head section of the document—with at least two style rules. (2 points)
- Style rules should specify font family and font size. (2 points)
- Style rules should specify link states: link, visited, focus, hover, and active. (2 points)
- A background image or background color should also be specified for the pages. (1 point)