CSCI-UA.0002 - Python - Summer 2015


Due: Tuesday, August 11th

Write a program which creates a list of RANDOMLY chosen donations to 15 different charities.

First, your program should first create a list of 100 donations, choosing both a random charity (1 - 15) and a random donation ($1.00 - $100.00). You should print the the charity and donation, and also record both the charity and the donation in two arrays, one integer and one float.

When you are done creating the individual donations, go back through the data, and create a THIRD array, and total the donations for each charity. (This array is subscripted by the charity number (1 - 15) and contains floating point TOTALs. At the same time, create yet a FOURTH array that contains the count of the number of donations for each charity. This will be used below.

Print out the total for each charity and the average donation for each of the charities.

Finally, go back through the original data yet again, and for each donation, print out whether it was below, equal to, or above the average donation FOR THAT CHARITY, and how much it differed from the average.