Scripting Languages CSCI-GA.3033.003, Summer 2012 hw06

Reading Assignments

Concept Questions

hw06_1 Prototypes

Consider the following JavaScript code.
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
    function Animal() { }
    Animal.prototype.getLegs = function() { return 'unknown'; }
    Animal.prototype.bite = function(who) { return who + ' says ouch.'; }
    function Spider() { this.legs = 8; }
    Spider.prototype = new Animal();
    Spider.prototype.constructor = Spider;
    Spider.prototype.getLegs = function() { return this.legs; }
    var normalSpider = new Spider();
    var radioactiveSpider = new Spider();
    radioactiveSpider.legs = 9;
    radioactiveSpider.bite = function(who) { return who + ' gains super-powers.'; }
    document.write(normalSpider.getLegs() + "\n<br/>");
    document.write(normalSpider.bite("Ms. Muffet") + "\n<br/>");
    document.write(radioactiveSpider.getLegs() + "\n<br/>");
    document.write(radioactiveSpider.bite("Peter Parker") + "\n<br/>");
(2 points) Predict what the code should print. Then run it. What does it print?
(4 points) What is the chain of prototypes of object radioactiveSpider?
(4 points) How does the method lookup for the two calls to bite(who) differ?

hw06_2 Closures

Consider the following JavaScript code:
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
    function calculator() {
      var value = 0;
      var addFn = function(x) { value += x; return value; };
      var mulFn = function(x) { value *= x; return value; };
      return { add : addFn, mul : mulFn };
    var calc = calculator();
    document.write("+ 3 = " + calc.add(3) + "\n<br/>");
    document.write("* 2 = " + calc.mul(2) + "\n<br/>");
    document.write("+ 1 = " + calc.add(1) + "\n<br/>");
(2 points) Predict what the code should print. Then run it. What does it print?
(4 points) A closure is a function plus an environment. For closure calc.add, what is the function, and what is the environment?
(4 points) Superficially, the use of closures in question hw06_2 looks similar to the use of objects with constructors and prototypes in question hw06_1. Explain briefly how the two approaches to remembering data differ.

Programming exercises

hw06_3 Calculator

(10 points) Write an HTML page with a form that implements a simple interactive calculator. The form events should be handled by JavaScript code embedded in the HTML page. In other words, all behavior should be implemented on the client side only. Initially, the form should start out looking as follows:

If the user clicks either the “+” or the “*” button, the respective operator should appear in the middle of the top row. (Hint: you can achieve that by setting the innerHTML property of a <span> element). For example, if the user clicks “+” and enters the number “3” in the text field on the top right, the form should look like this:

If the user clicks the “=” button, the calculator should overwrite the number “0” on the top left by the result of the calculation. Also, it should reset the pending operator (top middle) to empty and the text field (top right) to “0”. (Hint: you can achieve that by setting the value property of the <input> element.) In the running example, pressing “=” should yield the following:

You can assume that all text inputs are always integers. If the user presses the “=” button without a pending operator, it should just reset the text field on the top right to “0”. And if the user presses the “+” or “*” button when there is already a pending operator, it should first perform the same action as if the “=” button was pressed, before setting the new pending operator.

Don't forget to test your code with multiple web browsers! As mentioned in the instructions, your code should work at least in Firefox and Internet Explorer.


This week, there is no second programming exercise. Enjoy the Fourth of July holiday!