Scripting Languages CSCI-GA.3033.003, Summer 2012 hw02

Reading Assignments

Concept Questions

hw02_1 Call-backs

(3 points) Give a short example for how in VBA forms, call-backs use mangled names.
(2 points) What is a disadvantage of the mangled-names approach to call-backs?
(3 points) Why are call-backs common in graphical user interfaces (GUIs)?
(2 points) Where else are call-backs common besides GUIs?

hw02_2 Properties

(3 points) Consider the VBA class Vector with the following code:
Public X As Double, Y As Double
Sub Class_Initialize()
  X = 0: Y = 0
End Sub
Public Property Get Length() As Double
  Length = Sqr(X ^ 2 + Y ^ 2)
End Property
Public Property Let Length(NewLen As Double)
  OldLen = Length
  If OldLen = 0 Then
    X = NewLen
    Y = 0
    X = X * NewLen / OldLen
    Y = Y * NewLen / OldLen
  End If
End Property
Give a short example for how writing the Length property affects the X and Y properties.
(4 points) If VBA would support only passive attributes, no active properties, how would you implement the Vector class?
(3 points) What is an advantage of the version with properties?

Programming exercises

hw02_3 Priority queue class

(10 points) Write a VBA class that implements a priority queue of Doubles. Your class should have two methods: Insert(key As Double) and ExtractMax() As Double. Your implementation should be robust with respect to queue size, growing the underlying data structures if necessary. Your code does not need to be efficient, so you do not need to find the fastest possible algorithm to solve this. Consider the following driver routine:
Sub Main_hw02_3()
  Dim Q As PriorityQueue
  Set Q = New PriorityQueue
  Q.Insert 3.1
  Q.Insert 4.2
  Q.Insert 0.5
  Q.Insert 1.9
  Debug.Print Q.ExtractMax
  Debug.Print Q.ExtractMax
  Debug.Print Q.ExtractMax
  Debug.Print Q.ExtractMax
End Sub
This should print 4.2, 3.1, 1.9, and 0.5, in other words, it should output the previously-inserted numbers in descending order by value.

hw02_4 Temperature conversion user form

(10 points) Implement a VBA user form that converts temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. Your form should look like this:

When the user enters a value in the “Celsius” field and presses the “To Fahrenheit” button, that should trigger a VBA call-back that shows the converted temperature in the “Fahrenheit” field, and vice versa. To solve this question, you will need to create a user form, and edit both the visual portion (with the controls) and the code sheet (with the call-backs). You can use the following driver to display the form:
Sub Main_hw02_3()
  Load frmTempConvert
  Unload frmTempConvert
End Sub