4th International Workshop on Invariant Generation
WING 2012 is a Satellite Workshop of IJCAR 2012 and was held on June 30, 2012 in Manchester, UK.
WING 2012 SCP Special Issue
We are aiming at publishing a special issue of the Journal on Science of Computer Programming that will be devoted to WING 2012. For further details please read the Call for Papers.
Important: The submission deadline for the special issue has been extended to February 18, 2013
About WING
The ability to automatically extract and synthesize auxiliary properties of programs has had a profound effect on program analysis, testing, and verification over the last several decades. A key impediment for program verification is the overhead associated with providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant annotations. Releasing the software developer from this burden is crucial for ensuring the practical relevance of program verification. In the context of testing, suitable invariants have the potential of enabling high-coverage test-case generation. Thus, invariant generation is a key ingredient in a broad spectrum of tools that help to improve program reliability and understanding. As the design and implementation of reliable software remains an important issue, any progress in this area will have a significant impact.
The increasing power of automated theorem proving and computer algebra has opened new perspectives for computer-aided program verification; in particular for the automatic generation of inductive assertions in order to reason about loops and recursion. Especially promising breakthroughs are invariant generation techniques by Groebner bases, quantifier elimination, and algorithmic combinatorics, which can be used in conjunction with model checking, theorem proving, static analysis, and abstract interpretation. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from these diverse fields.
We encourage submissions presenting work in progress, tools under development, as well as research of PhD students, such that the workshop can become a forum for active dialog between the groups involved in this new research area.
Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Program analysis and verification
- Inductive Assertion Generation
- Inductive Proofs for Reasoning about Loops
- Applications to Assertion Generation using the following tools:
- Abstract Interpretation,
- Static Analysis,
- Model Checking,
- Theorem Proving,
- Theory Formation,
- Algebraic Techniques
- Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
- Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops
Student Support
Students attending the workshop will pay a reduced fee, and the difference will be reimbursed after the workshop.