00020 #include <fstream>
00021 #include "vc_cmd.h"
00022 #include "vc.h"
00023 #include "parser.h"
00024 #include "eval_exception.h"
00025 #include "typecheck_exception.h"
00026 #include "command_line_flags.h"
00027 #include "expr_stream.h"
00029 using namespace std;
00030 using namespace CVC3;
00032 VCCmd::VCCmd(ValidityChecker* vc, Parser* parser, bool calledFromParser)
00033 : d_vc(vc), d_parser(parser), d_name_of_cur_ctxt("DEFAULT"),
00034 d_calledFromParser(calledFromParser)
00035 {
00036 d_map[d_name_of_cur_ctxt.c_str()] = d_vc->getCurrentContext();
00037 }
00039 VCCmd::~VCCmd() { }
00041 void VCCmd::findAxioms(const Expr& e, ExprMap<bool>& skolemAxioms,
00042 ExprMap<bool>& visited) {
00043 if(visited.count(e)>0)
00044 return;
00045 else visited[e] = true;
00046 if(e.isSkolem()) {
00047 skolemAxioms.insert(e.getExistential(), true);
00048 return;
00049 }
00050 if(e.isClosure()) {
00051 findAxioms(e.getBody(), skolemAxioms, visited);
00052 }
00053 if(e.arity()>0) {
00054 Expr::iterator end = e.end();
00055 for(Expr::iterator i = e.begin(); i!=end; ++i)
00056 findAxioms(*i, skolemAxioms, visited);
00057 }
00059 }
00061 Expr VCCmd::skolemizeAx(const Expr& e)
00062 {
00063 vector<Expr>vars;
00064 const vector<Expr>boundVars = e.getVars();
00065 for(unsigned int i=0; i<boundVars.size(); i++) {
00066 Expr skolV(e.skolemExpr(i));
00067 vars.push_back(skolV);
00068 }
00069 Expr sub = e.getBody().substExpr(boundVars, vars);
00070 return e.iffExpr(sub);
00071 }
00073 bool VCCmd::evaluateNext()
00074 {
00075 readAgain:
00076 if(d_parser->done()) return false;
00077 Expr e;
00078 try {
00079 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Parsing command...");
00080 e = d_parser->next();
00081 TRACE("commands verbose", "evaluateNext(", e, ")");
00082 }
00083 catch(Exception& e) {
00084 cerr << "*** " << e << endl;
00085 IF_DEBUG(++(debugger.counter("parse errors"));)
00086 }
00090 if(e.isNull()) {
00091 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Null command; read again");
00092 goto readAgain;
00093 }
00095 return evaluateCommand(e);
00096 }
00098 void VCCmd::reportResult(QueryResult qres, bool checkingValidity)
00099 {
00100 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00101 if (d_vc->getEM()->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00102 switch (qres) {
00103 case VALID:
00104 cout << "unsat" << endl;
00105 break;
00106 case INVALID:
00107 cout << "sat" << endl;
00108 break;
00109 case ABORT:
00110 case UNKNOWN:
00111 cout << "unknown" << endl;
00112 break;
00113 default:
00114 FatalAssert(false, "Unexpected case");
00115 }
00116 }
00117 else {
00118 switch (qres) {
00119 case VALID:
00120 cout << (checkingValidity ? "Valid." : "Unsatisfiable.") << endl;
00121 break;
00122 case INVALID:
00123 cout << (checkingValidity ? "Invalid." : "Satisfiable.") << endl;
00124 break;
00125 case ABORT:
00126 cout << "Unknown: resource limit exhausted." << endl;
00127 break;
00128 case UNKNOWN: {
00130 vector<string> reasons;
00131 IF_DEBUG(bool b =) d_vc->incomplete(reasons);
00132 DebugAssert(b, "Expected incompleteness");
00133 cout << "Unknown.\n\n";
00134 cout << "CVC3 was incomplete in this example due to:";
00135 for(vector<string>::iterator i=reasons.begin(), iend=reasons.end();
00136 i!=iend; ++i)
00137 cout << "\n * " << (*i);
00138 cout << endl << endl;
00139 break;
00140 }
00141 default:
00142 FatalAssert(false, "Unexpected case");
00143 }
00144 }
00145 cout << flush;
00146 }
00149 }
00152 void VCCmd::printModel()
00153 {
00154 ExprMap<Expr> m;
00155 d_vc->getConcreteModel(m);
00157 cout << "Current scope level is " << d_vc->scopeLevel() << "." << endl;
00158 ExprMap<Expr>::iterator it = m.begin(), end = m.end();
00159 if(it == end)
00160 cout << " Did not find concrete model for any vars" << endl;
00161 else {
00162 cout << "%Satisfiable Variable Assignment: % \n";
00163 for(; it!= end; it++) {
00164 Expr eq;
00165 if(it->first.getType().isBool()) {
00166 DebugAssert((it->second).isBoolConst(),
00167 "Bad variable assignement: e = "+(it->first).toString()
00168 +"\n\n val = "+(it->second).toString());
00169 if((it->second).isTrue())
00170 eq = it->first;
00171 else
00172 eq = !(it->first);
00173 }
00174 else
00175 eq = (it->first).eqExpr(it->second);
00176 cout << Expr(ASSERT, eq) << "\n";
00177 }
00178 }
00179 }
00183 void VCCmd::printSymbols(Expr e, ExprMap<bool>& cache)
00184 {
00185 if (cache.find(e) != cache.end()) return;
00186 switch (e.getKind()) {
00187 case SKOLEM_VAR:
00188 case UCONST: {
00189 cout << e << " : ";
00190 ExprStream os(d_vc->getEM());
00191 os.dagFlag(false);
00192 os << e.getType().getExpr();
00193 cout << ";" << endl;
00194 break;
00195 }
00196 case APPLY: {
00197 Expr op = e.getOpExpr();
00198 if ((op.getKind() == UFUNC) && (cache.find(op) == cache.end())) {
00199 cout << op << " : ";
00200 ExprStream os(d_vc->getEM());
00201 os.dagFlag(false);
00202 os << op.getType().getExpr();
00203 cout << ";" << endl;
00204 cache[op] = true;
00205 }
00207 }
00208 default: {
00209 Expr::iterator i = e.begin(), iend = e.end();
00210 for (; i != iend; ++i) {
00211 printSymbols(*i, cache);
00212 }
00213 break;
00214 }
00215 }
00216 cache[e] = true;
00217 }
00220 bool debug_skolem = false;
00223 void VCCmd::printCounterExample()
00224 {
00225 vector<Expr> assertions;
00226 ExprMap<bool> skolemAxioms;
00227 ExprMap<bool> visited;
00229 d_vc->getCounterExample(assertions);
00232 ExprMap<bool> cache;
00233 unsigned i;
00234 for (i = 0; i < assertions.size(); i++) {
00235 printSymbols(assertions[i], cache);
00236 }
00238 cout << "% Current scope level is " << d_vc->scopeLevel() << "." << endl;
00239 if (assertions.size() == 0) {
00240 cout << "% There are no assertions\n";
00241 } else {
00243 cout << "% Assertions which make the QUERY invalid:\n";
00245 for (i = 0; i < assertions.size(); i++) {
00246 cout << Expr(ASSERT, assertions[i]) << "\n";
00247 findAxioms(assertions[i], skolemAxioms, visited);
00248 }
00250 if (debug_skolem) {
00251 cout << "% Including skolemization axioms:\n";
00253 ExprMap<bool>::iterator end = skolemAxioms.end();
00254 for(ExprMap<bool>::iterator it = skolemAxioms.begin(); it!=end; it++)
00255 cout << "ASSERT " << skolemizeAx((*it).first) << ";" << endl;
00256 }
00257 }
00258 cout << endl;
00259 }
00262 bool VCCmd::evaluateCommand(const Expr& e0)
00263 {
00264 TRACE("commands", "evaluateCommand(", e0.toString(PRESENTATION_LANG), ") {");
00265 Expr e(e0);
00266 if(e.getKind() != RAW_LIST || e.arity() == 0 || e[0].getKind() != ID)
00267 throw EvalException("Invalid command: "+e.toString());
00268 const string& kindName = e[0][0].getString();
00269 int kind = d_vc->getEM()->getKind(kindName);
00270 if(kind == NULL_KIND)
00271 throw EvalException("Unknown command: "+e.toString());
00272 switch(kind) {
00273 case CONST: {
00274 if(e.arity() == 3) {
00275 Type t(d_vc->parseExpr(e[2]));
00276 vector<Expr> vars;
00277 if(e[1].getKind() == RAW_LIST)
00278 vars = e[1].getKids();
00279 else
00280 vars.push_back(e[1]);
00281 for(vector<Expr>::iterator i=vars.begin(), iend=vars.end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
00282 if((*i).getKind() != ID)
00283 throw EvalException("Constant name must be an identifier: "
00284 +i->toString());
00285 }
00286 if (t.isFunction()) {
00287 for(vector<Expr>::iterator i=vars.begin(), iend=vars.end();
00288 i!=iend; ++i) {
00289 Op op = d_vc->createOp((*i)[0].getString(), t);
00290 TRACE("commands", "evaluateNext: declare new uninterpreted function: ",
00291 op, "");
00292 }
00293 }
00294 else {
00295 for(vector<Expr>::iterator i=vars.begin(), iend=vars.end();
00296 i!=iend; ++i) {
00298 Expr v = d_vc->varExpr((*i)[0].getString(), t);
00299 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Declare new variable");
00300 TRACE("commands verbose", "evaluateNext: declare new UCONST: ",
00301 v, "");
00302 }
00303 }
00304 } else if(e.arity() == 4) {
00305 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Define new constant");
00307 DebugAssert(e[1].getKind() == ID, "Expected ID kind");
00308 Type t(d_vc->parseExpr(e[2]));
00309 Expr def(d_vc->parseExpr(e[3]));
00311 if(t.isFunction()) {
00312 d_vc->createOp(e[1][0].getString(), t, def);
00313 TRACE("commands verbose", "evaluateNext: define new function: ",
00314 e[1][0].getString(), "");
00315 } else {
00316 d_vc->varExpr(e[1][0].getString(), t, def);
00317 TRACE("commands verbose", "evaluateNext: define new variable: ",
00318 e[1][0].getString(), "");
00319 }
00320 } else
00321 throw EvalException("Wrong number of arguments in CONST: "+e.toString());
00322 break;
00323 }
00324 case DEFUN: {
00325 if(e.arity() != 5 && e.arity() != 4)
00326 throw EvalException
00327 ("DEFUN requires 3 or 4 arguments:"
00328 " (DEFUN f (args) type [ body ]):\n\n "
00329 +e.toString());
00330 if(e[2].getKind() != RAW_LIST)
00331 throw EvalException
00332 ("2nd argument of DEFUN must be a list of arguments:\n\n "
00333 +e.toString());
00338 vector<Expr> argTps;
00339 for(Expr::iterator i=e[2].begin(), iend=e[2].end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
00340 if(i->getKind() != RAW_LIST || i->arity() < 2)
00341 throw EvalException
00342 ("DEFUN: bad argument declaration:\n\n "+i->toString()
00343 +"\n\nIn the following statement:\n\n "
00344 +e.toString());
00345 Expr tp((*i)[i->arity()-1]);
00346 for(int j=0, jend=i->arity()-1; j<jend; ++j)
00347 argTps.push_back(tp);
00348 }
00349 argTps.push_back(e[3]);
00350 Expr fnType = d_vc->listExpr("ARROW", argTps);
00351 Expr newDecl;
00352 if(e.arity() == 5) {
00354 Expr lambda(d_vc->listExpr("LAMBDA", e[2], e[4]));
00356 newDecl = d_vc->listExpr("CONST", e[1], fnType, lambda);
00357 } else {
00358 newDecl = d_vc->listExpr("CONST", e[1], fnType);
00359 }
00361 return evaluateCommand(newDecl);
00362 break;
00363 }
00364 case TYPEDEF: {
00365 if (e.arity() == 2) {
00367 DebugAssert(e.arity() == 2, "Bad TYPEDEF");
00368 Expr res = d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]);
00371 Expr eNames = res[0];
00372 Expr eCons = res[1];
00373 Expr eSel = res[2];
00374 Expr eTypes = res[3];
00376 vector<string> names;
00377 vector<vector<string> > constructors(eNames.arity());
00378 vector<vector<vector<string> > > selectors(eNames.arity());
00379 vector<vector<vector<Expr> > > types(eNames.arity());
00381 int i, j, k;
00382 for (i = 0; i < eNames.arity(); ++i) {
00383 names.push_back(eNames[i].getString());
00384 selectors[i].resize(eSel[i].arity());
00385 types[i].resize(eTypes[i].arity());
00386 for (j = 0; j < eCons[i].arity(); ++j) {
00387 constructors[i].push_back(eCons[i][j].getString());
00388 for (k = 0; k < eSel[i][j].arity(); ++k) {
00389 selectors[i][j].push_back(eSel[i][j][k].getString());
00390 types[i][j].push_back(eTypes[i][j][k]);
00391 }
00392 }
00393 }
00395 vector<Type> returnTypes;
00396 d_vc->dataType(names, constructors, selectors, types, returnTypes);
00397 break;
00398 }
00399 DebugAssert(e.arity() == 3, "Bad TYPEDEF");
00400 Expr def(d_vc->parseExpr(e[2]));
00401 Type t = d_vc->createType(e[1][0].getString(), def);
00402 TRACE("commands", "evaluateNext: declare new TYPEDEF: ", t, "");
00403 }
00404 break;
00405 case TYPE: {
00406 if(e.arity() < 2)
00407 throw EvalException("Bad TYPE declaration: "+e.toString());
00408 Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end();
00409 ++i;
00410 for(; i!=iend; ++i) {
00411 if(i->getKind() != ID)
00412 throw EvalException("Type name must be an identifier: "+i->toString());
00413 Type t = d_vc->createType((*i)[0].getString());
00414 TRACE("commands", "evaluateNext: declare new TYPEDECL: ", t, "");
00415 }
00416 }
00417 break;
00418 case ASSERT: {
00419 if(e.arity() != 2)
00420 throw EvalException("ASSERT requires exactly one argument, but is given "
00421 +int2string(e.arity()-1)+":\n "+e.toString());
00422 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Asserting formula");
00423 d_vc->assertFormula(d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]));
00424 break;
00425 }
00426 case QUERY: {
00427 if(e.arity() != 2)
00428 throw EvalException("QUERY requires exactly one argument, but is given "
00429 +int2string(e.arity()-1)+":\n "+e.toString());
00430 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Query formula");
00431 QueryResult qres = d_vc->query(d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]));
00432 if (qres == UNKNOWN && d_vc->getFlags()["unknown-check-model"].getBool())
00433 qres = d_vc->tryModelGeneration();
00434 reportResult(qres);
00435 if (qres == INVALID) {
00436 if (d_vc->getFlags()["counterexample"].getBool()) {
00437 printCounterExample();
00438 }
00439 if (d_vc->getFlags()["model"].getBool()) {
00440 printModel();
00441 }
00442 }
00443 break;
00444 }
00445 case CHECKSAT: {
00446 QueryResult qres;
00447 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] CheckSat");
00448 if (e.arity() == 1) {
00449 qres = d_vc->checkUnsat(d_vc->trueExpr());
00450 }
00451 else if (e.arity() == 2) {
00452 qres = d_vc->checkUnsat(d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]));
00453 }
00454 else {
00455 throw EvalException("CHECKSAT requires no more than one argument, but is given "
00456 +int2string(e.arity()-1)+":\n "+e.toString());
00457 }
00458 if (qres == UNKNOWN && !d_vc->getFlags()["translate"].getBool() && d_vc->getFlags()["unknown-check-model"].getBool())
00459 qres = d_vc->tryModelGeneration();
00460 reportResult(qres, false);
00461 if (qres == SATISFIABLE) {
00462 if (d_vc->getFlags()["counterexample"].getBool()) {
00463 printCounterExample();
00464 }
00465 if (d_vc->getFlags()["model"].getBool()) {
00466 printModel();
00467 }
00468 }
00478 break;
00479 }
00480 case CONTINUE: {
00481 if (e.arity() != 1) {
00482 throw EvalException("CONTINUE takes no arguments");
00483 }
00484 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Continue");
00485 QueryResult qres = d_vc->checkContinue();
00486 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00487 switch (qres) {
00488 case VALID:
00489 cout << "No more models found." << endl;
00490 break;
00491 case INVALID:
00492 cout << "Model found" << endl;
00493 break;
00494 case ABORT:
00495 cout << "Unknown: resource limit exhausted." << endl;
00496 break;
00497 case UNKNOWN: {
00499 vector<string> reasons;
00500 IF_DEBUG(bool b =) d_vc->incomplete(reasons);
00501 DebugAssert(b, "Expected incompleteness");
00502 cout << "Unknown.\n\n";
00503 cout << "CVC3 was incomplete in this example due to:";
00504 for(vector<string>::iterator i=reasons.begin(), iend=reasons.end();
00505 i!=iend; ++i)
00506 cout << "\n * " << (*i);
00507 cout << endl << endl;
00508 break;
00509 }
00510 default:
00511 FatalAssert(false, "Unexpected case");
00512 }
00513 cout << flush;
00514 }
00515 break;
00516 }
00517 case RESTART: {
00518 if(e.arity() != 2)
00519 throw EvalException("RESTART requires exactly one argument, but is given "
00520 +int2string(e.arity()-1)+":\n "+e.toString());
00521 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Restart formula");
00522 QueryResult qres = d_vc->restart(d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]));
00523 reportResult(qres);
00524 if (qres == INVALID) {
00525 if (d_vc->getFlags()["counterexample"].getBool()) {
00526 printCounterExample();
00527 }
00528 if (d_vc->getFlags()["model"].getBool()) {
00529 printModel();
00530 }
00531 }
00532 break;
00533 }
00534 case TRANSFORM: {
00535 if(e.arity() != 2)
00536 throw EvalException
00537 ("TRANSFORM requires exactly one argument, but is given "
00538 +int2string(e.arity()-1)+":\n "+e.toString());
00539 TRACE_MSG("commands", "** [commands] Transforming expression");
00540 Expr ee = d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]);
00541 e = d_vc->simplify(ee);
00542 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) d_vc->printExpr(e);
00543 break;
00544 }
00545 case PRINT:
00546 if(e.arity() != 2)
00547 throw EvalException
00548 ("PRINT requires exactly one argument, but is given "
00549 +int2string(e.arity()-1)+":\n "+e.toString());
00550 d_vc->printExpr(d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]));
00551 break;
00552 case PUSH:
00553 case POP:
00554 case PUSH_SCOPE:
00555 case POP_SCOPE: {
00556 int arg;
00557 if (e.arity() == 1) arg = 1;
00558 else {
00559 DebugAssert(e.arity() == 2 && e[1].getKind() == RATIONAL_EXPR,
00560 "Bad argument to "+kindName);
00561 arg = e[1].getRational().getInt();
00562 if(arg <= 0)
00563 throw EvalException("Argument to PUSH or POP is <= 0");
00564 }
00565 if (kind == PUSH) {
00566 for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) {
00567 d_vc->push();
00568 }
00569 }
00570 else if (kind == POP) {
00571 if(arg > d_vc->stackLevel())
00572 throw EvalException("Argument to POP is out of range:\n"
00573 " current stack level = "
00574 +int2string(d_vc->stackLevel())
00575 +"\n argument = "
00576 +int2string(arg));
00577 for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) {
00578 d_vc->pop();
00579 }
00580 }
00581 else if (kind == PUSH_SCOPE) {
00582 for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) {
00583 d_vc->pushScope();
00584 }
00585 }
00586 else if (kind == POP_SCOPE) {
00587 if(arg >= d_vc->scopeLevel())
00588 throw EvalException("Argument to POP_SCOPE is out of range:\n"
00589 " current scope = "
00590 +int2string(d_vc->scopeLevel())
00591 +"\n argument = "
00592 +int2string(arg));
00593 for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) {
00594 d_vc->popScope();
00595 }
00596 }
00597 break;
00598 }
00599 case POPTO:
00600 case POPTO_SCOPE: {
00601 int arg;
00602 if (e.arity() == 1) arg = 0;
00603 else {
00604 DebugAssert(e.arity() == 2 && e[1].getKind() == RATIONAL_EXPR,
00605 "Bad argument to "+kindName);
00606 arg = e[1].getRational().getInt();
00607 }
00608 if (kind == POPTO) {
00609 d_vc->popto(arg);
00610 }
00611 else {
00612 d_vc->poptoScope(arg);
00613 }
00614 break;
00615 }
00616 case RESET: {
00617 throw ResetException();
00618 break;
00619 }
00620 case WHERE:
00621 case ASSERTIONS:
00622 case ASSUMPTIONS:
00623 {
00624 vector<Expr> assertions;
00625 ExprMap<bool> skolemAxioms;
00626 ExprMap<bool> visited;
00628 d_vc->getAssumptions(assertions);
00630 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00631 cout << "Current stack level is " << d_vc->stackLevel()
00632 << " (scope " << d_vc->scopeLevel() << ")." << endl;
00633 if (assertions.size() == 0) {
00634 cout << "% No active assumptions\n";
00635 } else {
00636 cout << "% Active assumptions:\n";
00637 for (unsigned i = 0; i < assertions.size(); i++) {
00638 cout << "ASSERT " << assertions[i] << ";" << endl;
00639 findAxioms(assertions[i], skolemAxioms, visited);
00640 }
00641 ExprMap<bool>::iterator it = skolemAxioms.begin();
00642 ExprMap<bool>::iterator end = skolemAxioms.end();
00643 if (it != end) {
00644 cout << "% Skolemization axioms" << endl;
00645 for(; it!=end; ++it)
00646 cout << "ASSERT " << skolemizeAx((*it).first) << ";" << endl;
00647 }
00648 }
00649 cout << endl;
00650 }
00651 break;
00652 }
00653 case COUNTEREXAMPLE: {
00654 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00655 printCounterExample();
00656 }
00657 break;
00658 }
00659 case COUNTERMODEL: {
00660 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00661 try {
00662 printModel();
00663 } catch (Exception& e) {
00664 throw EvalException(e.toString());
00665 }
00666 }
00667 break;
00668 }
00669 case TRACE: {
00670 #ifdef _CVC3_DEBUG_MODE
00671 if(e.arity() != 2)
00672 throw EvalException("TRACE takes exactly one string argument");
00673 if(!e[1].isString())
00674 throw EvalException("TRACE requires a string argument");
00675 debugger.traceFlag(e[1].getString()) = true;
00676 #endif
00677 }
00678 break;
00679 case UNTRACE: {
00680 #ifdef _CVC3_DEBUG_MODE
00681 if(e.arity() != 2)
00682 throw EvalException("UNTRACE takes exactly one string argument");
00683 if(!e[1].isString())
00684 throw EvalException("UNTRACE requires a string argument");
00685 debugger.traceFlag(e[1].getString()) = false;
00686 #endif
00687 }
00688 break;
00689 case OPTION: {
00690 if(e.arity() != 3)
00691 throw EvalException("OPTION takes exactly two arguments "
00692 "(name and value of a flag)");
00693 if(!e[1].isString())
00694 throw EvalException("OPTION: flag name must be a string");
00695 CLFlags& flags = d_vc->getFlags();
00696 string name(e[1].getString());
00697 vector<string> names;
00698 size_t n = flags.countFlags(name, names);
00699 if(n != 1)
00700 throw EvalException("OPTION: found "+int2string(n)
00701 +" flags matching "+name
00702 +".\nThe flag name must uniquely resolve.");
00703 name = names[0];
00704 const CLFlag& flag(flags[name]);
00706 if(flag.modified()) break;
00707 switch(flag.getType()) {
00708 case CLFLAG_BOOL:
00709 if(!(e[2].isRational() && e[2].getRational().isInteger()))
00710 throw EvalException("OPTION: flag "+name
00711 +" expects a boolean value (0 or 1");
00712 flags.setFlag(name, e[2].getRational().getInt() != 0);
00713 break;
00714 case CLFLAG_INT:
00715 if(!(e[2].isRational() && e[2].getRational().isInteger()))
00716 throw EvalException("OPTION: flag "+name+" expects an integer value");
00717 flags.setFlag(name, e[2].getRational().getInt());
00718 break;
00719 case CLFLAG_STRING:
00720 if(!e[2].isString())
00721 throw EvalException("OPTION: flag "+name+" expects a string value");
00722 flags.setFlag(name, e[2].getString());
00723 break;
00724 default:
00725 throw EvalException("OPTION: the type of flag "+name
00726 +" is not supported by the OPTION commnand");
00727 break;
00728 }
00729 d_vc->reprocessFlags();
00730 }
00731 break;
00732 case DUMP_PROOF: {
00733 Proof p = d_vc->getProof();
00734 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00735 cout << p << endl;
00736 cout << flush;
00737 }
00738 break;
00739 }
00740 case DUMP_ASSUMPTIONS: {
00741 vector<Expr> assertions;
00742 d_vc->getAssumptionsUsed(assertions);
00744 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00745 if(assertions.size() == 0) {
00746 cout << "% No relevant assumptions\n";
00747 } else {
00748 cout << "% Relevant assumptions:\n";
00749 for (unsigned i = 0; i < assertions.size(); i++) {
00750 cout << Expr(ASSERT, assertions[i]) << "\n";
00751 }
00752 }
00753 cout << endl << flush;
00754 }
00755 break;
00756 }
00757 case DUMP_TCC: {
00758 const Expr& tcc = d_vc->getTCC();
00760 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00761 if(tcc.isNull())
00762 cout << "% No TCC is avaialble" << endl;
00763 else
00764 cout << "% TCC for the last declaration, ASSERT, or QUERY:\n\n"
00765 << tcc << endl;
00766 }
00767 break;
00768 }
00770 vector<Expr> assertions;
00771 d_vc->getAssumptionsTCC(assertions);
00772 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00773 if(assertions.size() == 0) {
00774 cout << "% No relevant assumptions\n";
00775 } else {
00776 cout << "% Relevant assumptions for the last TCC:\n";
00777 for (unsigned i = 0; i < assertions.size(); i++) {
00778 cout << Expr(ASSERT, assertions[i]) << "\n";
00779 }
00780 }
00781 cout << endl << flush;
00782 }
00783 break;
00784 }
00785 case DUMP_TCC_PROOF: {
00786 const Proof& tcc = d_vc->getProofTCC();
00787 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00788 if(tcc.isNull())
00789 cout << "% No TCC is avaialble" << endl;
00790 else
00791 cout << "% Proof of TCC for the last declaration, ASSERT, or QUERY:\n\n"
00792 << tcc << endl;
00793 }
00794 break;
00795 }
00796 case DUMP_CLOSURE: {
00797 const Expr& cl = d_vc->getClosure();
00798 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00799 if(cl.isNull())
00800 cout << "% No closure is avaialble" << endl;
00801 else
00802 cout << "% Closure for the last QUERY:\n\n" << cl << endl;
00803 }
00804 break;
00805 }
00806 case DUMP_CLOSURE_PROOF: {
00807 const Proof& cl = d_vc->getProofClosure();
00808 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00809 if(cl.isNull())
00810 cout << "% No closure is avaialble" << endl;
00811 else
00812 cout << "% Proof of closure for the last QUERY:\n\n" << cl << endl;
00813 }
00814 break;
00815 }
00816 case ECHO:
00817 if(e.arity() != 2)
00818 throw EvalException("ECHO: wrong number of arguments: "
00819 + e.toString());
00820 if(!e[1].isString())
00821 throw EvalException("ECHO: the argument must be a string: "
00822 +e.toString());
00823 if (d_vc->getFlags()["printResults"].getBool()) {
00824 cout << e[1].getString();
00825 cout << endl << flush;
00826 }
00827 break;
00828 case SEQ: {
00829 Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end();
00830 ++i;
00831 bool success = true;
00832 for(; i!=iend; ++i) {
00833 try {
00834 success = success && evaluateCommand(*i);
00835 } catch(ResetException& e) {
00836 if (++i == iend) throw e;
00837 throw EvalException("RESET can only be the last command in a sequence");
00838 }
00839 }
00840 return success;
00841 }
00842 case ARITH_VAR_ORDER: {
00843 if (e.arity() <= 2)
00844 throw EvalException("ARITH_VAR_ORDER takes at least two arguments");
00845 Expr smaller;
00846 Expr bigger = d_vc->parseExpr(e[1]);
00847 for (int i = 2; i < e.arity(); i ++) {
00848 smaller = bigger;
00849 bigger = d_vc->parseExpr(e[i]);
00850 if (!d_vc->addPairToArithOrder(smaller, bigger))
00851 throw EvalException("ARITH_VAR_ORDER only takes arithmetic terms");
00852 }
00853 return true;
00854 }
00855 case INCLUDE: {
00856 if(e.arity() != 2)
00857 throw EvalException("INCLUDE takes exactly one string argument");
00858 if(!e[1].isString())
00859 throw EvalException("INCLUDE requires a string argument");
00860 ifstream fs;
00861 fs.open(e[1].getString().c_str(),ios::in);
00862 if(!fs.is_open()) {
00863 fs.close();
00864 throw EvalException("File "+e[1].getString()+" does not exist");
00865 }
00866 fs.close();
00867 d_vc->loadFile(e[1].getString(),
00868 d_vc->getEM()->getInputLang(),
00869 d_vc->getFlags()["interactive"].getBool(),
00870 true );
00871 break;
00872 }
00873 case HELP:
00874 cout << "Use the -help command-line option for help." << endl;
00875 break;
00876 case DUMP_SIG:
00877 case DBG:
00878 case SUBSTITUTE:
00879 case GET_CHILD:
00880 case GET_TYPE:
00881 case CHECK_TYPE:
00882 case FORGET:
00883 case CALL:
00884 default:
00885 throw EvalException("Unknown command: " + e.toString());
00886 break;
00887 }
00888 TRACE_MSG("commands", "evaluateCommand => true }");
00889 return true;
00890 }
00893 void VCCmd::processCommands()
00894 {
00895 bool error(false);
00896 try {
00897 bool success(true);
00898 while(success) {
00899 try {
00900 success = evaluateNext();
00901 } catch (ResetException& e) {
00902 if (d_calledFromParser) {
00903 throw EvalException("RESET not supported within INCLUDEd file");
00904 }
00905 d_parser->reset();
00906 d_vc->reset();
00907 success = true;
00908 } catch (EvalException& e) {
00909 error= true;
00910 cerr << "*** Eval Error:\n " << e << endl;
00911 }
00912 }
00914 }
00916 catch(Exception& e) {
00917 cerr << "*** Fatal exception:\n" << e << endl;
00918 error= true;
00919 } catch(...) {
00920 cerr << "*** Unknown fatal exception caught" << endl;
00921 error= true;
00922 }
00924 if (error)
00925 {
00926 d_parser->printLocation(cerr);
00927 cerr << ": this is the location of the error" << endl;
00928 }
00929 }