
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************/
00002 /*!
00003  * \file translator.cpp
00004  * \brief Description: Code for translation between languages
00005  *
00006  * Author: Clark Barrett
00007  *
00008  * Created: Sat Jun 25 18:06:52 2005
00009  *
00010  * <hr>
00011  *
00012  * License to use, copy, modify, sell and/or distribute this software
00013  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without
00014  * royalty, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the \ref
00015  * LICENSE file provided with this distribution.
00016  *
00017  * <hr>
00018  *
00019  */
00020 /*****************************************************************************/
00023 #include "translator.h"
00024 #include "expr.h"
00025 #include "theory_core.h"
00026 #include "theory_uf.h"
00027 #include "theory_arith.h"
00028 #include "theory_bitvector.h"
00029 #include "theory_array.h"
00030 #include "theory_quant.h"
00031 #include "theory_records.h"
00032 #include "theory_simulate.h"
00033 #include "theory_datatype.h"
00034 #include "theory_datatype_lazy.h"
00035 #include "smtlib_exception.h"
00036 #include "command_line_flags.h"
00039 using namespace std;
00040 using namespace CVC3;
00043 string Translator::fileToSMTLIBIdentifier(const string& filename)
00044 {
00045   string tmpName;
00046   string::size_type pos = filename.rfind("/");
00047   if (pos == string::npos) {
00048     tmpName = filename;
00049   }
00050   else {
00051     tmpName = filename.substr(pos+1);
00052   }
00053   char c = tmpName[0];
00054   string res;
00055   if ((c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z')) {
00056     res = "B_";
00057   }
00058   for (unsigned i = 0; i < tmpName.length(); ++i) {
00059     c = tmpName[i];
00060     if ((c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') &&
00061         (c < '0' || c > '9') && (c != '.' && c != '_')) {
00062       c = '_';
00063     }
00064     res += c;
00065   }
00066   return res;
00067 }
00070 Expr Translator::preprocessRec(const Expr& e, ExprMap<Expr>& cache)
00071 {
00072   ExprMap<Expr>::iterator i(cache.find(e));
00073   if(i != cache.end()) {
00074     return (*i).second;
00075   }
00077   if (e.isClosure()) {
00078     Expr newBody = preprocessRec(e.getBody(), cache);
00079     Expr e2(e);
00080     if (newBody != e.getBody()) {
00081       e2 = d_em->newClosureExpr(e.getKind(), e.getVars(), newBody);
00082     }
00083     d_theoryCore->theoryOf(e2)->setUsed();
00084     cache[e] = e2;
00085     return e2;
00086   }
00088   Expr e2(e);
00089   vector<Expr> children;
00090   bool diff = false;
00092   for(int k = 0; k < e.arity(); ++k) {
00093     // Recursively preprocess the kids
00094     Expr child = preprocessRec(e[k], cache);
00095     if (child != e[k]) diff = true;
00096     children.push_back(child);
00097   }
00098   if (diff) {
00099     e2 = Expr(e.getOp(), children);
00100   }
00102   Rational r;
00103   switch (e2.getKind()) {
00104     case RATIONAL_EXPR:
00105       if (d_convertToBV) {
00106         Rational r = e2.getRational();
00107         if (!r.isInteger()) {
00108           FatalAssert(false, "Cannot convert non-integer constant to BV");
00109         }
00110         Rational limit = pow(d_convertToBV-1, 2);
00111         if (r >= limit) {
00112           FatalAssert(false, "Cannot convert to BV: integer too big");
00113         }
00114         else if (r < -limit) {
00115           FatalAssert(false, "Cannot convert to BV: integer too small");
00116         }
00117         e2 = d_theoryBitvector->signed_newBVConstExpr(r, d_convertToBV);
00118         break;
00119       }
00121     case READ:
00122       if (!d_unknown && d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) {
00123         if (e2[1].getKind() != UCONST) break;
00124         map<string, Type>::iterator i = d_arrayConvertMap->find(e2[1].getName());
00125         if (i == d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
00126           (*d_arrayConvertMap)[e2[1].getName()] = *d_indexType;
00127         }
00128         else {
00129           if ((*i).second != (*d_indexType)) {
00130             d_unknown = true;
00131           }
00132         }
00133       }
00134       break;
00136     case WRITE:
00137       if (!d_unknown && d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) {
00138         map<string, Type>::iterator i;
00139         if (e2[1].getKind() == UCONST) {
00140           i = d_arrayConvertMap->find(e2[1].getName());
00141           if (i == d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
00142             (*d_arrayConvertMap)[e2[1].getName()] = *d_indexType;
00143           }
00144           else {
00145             if ((*i).second != (*d_indexType)) {
00146               d_unknown = true;
00147               break;
00148             }
00149           }
00150         }
00151         if (e2[2].getKind() != UCONST) break;
00152         i = d_arrayConvertMap->find(e2[2].getName());
00153         if (i == d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
00154           (*d_arrayConvertMap)[e2[2].getName()] = *d_elementType;
00155         }
00156         else {
00157           if ((*i).second != (*d_elementType)) {
00158             d_unknown = true;
00159           }
00160         }
00161       }
00162       break;
00164     case APPLY:
00165       // Expand lambda applications
00166       if (e2.getOpKind() == LAMBDA) {
00167         Expr lambda(e2.getOpExpr());
00168         Expr body(lambda.getBody());
00169         const vector<Expr>& vars = lambda.getVars();
00170         FatalAssert(vars.size() == (size_t)e2.arity(),
00171                     "wrong number of arguments applied to lambda\n");
00172         body = body.substExpr(vars, e2.getKids());
00173         e2 = preprocessRec(body, cache);
00174       }
00175       break;
00177     case EQ:
00178       if (d_theoryArith->getBaseType(e2[0]) != d_theoryArith->realType())
00179         break;
00180       if (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool() &&
00181           ((e2[0].getKind() == UCONST && d_arrayConvertMap->find(e2[0].getName()) == d_arrayConvertMap->end()) ||
00182           (e2[1].getKind() == UCONST && d_arrayConvertMap->find(e2[1].getName()) == d_arrayConvertMap->end()))) {
00183         d_equalities.push_back(e2);
00184       }
00185       goto arith_rewrites;
00187     case UMINUS:
00188       if (d_convertToBV) {
00189         e2 = Expr(BVUMINUS, e2[0]);
00190         break;
00191       }
00192       if (d_theoryArith->isSyntacticRational(e2, r)) {
00193         e2 = preprocessRec(d_em->newRatExpr(r), cache);
00194         break;
00195       }
00196       goto arith_rewrites;
00198     case DIVIDE:
00199       if (d_convertToBV) {
00200         FatalAssert(false, "Conversion of DIVIDE to BV not implemented yet");
00201         break;
00202       }
00203       if (d_theoryArith->isSyntacticRational(e2, r)) {
00204         e2 = preprocessRec(d_em->newRatExpr(r), cache);
00205         break;
00206       }
00207       else if (d_convertArith && e2[1].isRational()) {
00208         r = e2[1].getRational();
00209         if (r != 0) {
00210           e2 = d_em->newRatExpr(1/r) * e2[0];
00211           e2 = preprocessRec(e2, cache);
00212           break;
00213         }
00214       }
00215       goto arith_rewrites;
00217     case MINUS:
00218       if (d_convertToBV) {
00219         e2 = Expr(BVSUB, e2[0], e2[1]);
00220         break;
00221       }
00222       if (d_convertArith) {
00223         if (e2[0].isRational() && e2[1].isRational()) {
00224           e2 = d_em->newRatExpr(e2[0].getRational() - e2[1].getRational());
00225           break;
00226         }
00227       }
00228       goto arith_rewrites;
00230     case PLUS:
00231       if (d_convertToBV) {
00232         e2 = Expr(Expr(BVPLUS, d_em->newRatExpr(d_convertToBV)).mkOp(), e2.getKids());
00233         break;
00234       }
00235       if (d_convertArith) {
00236         // Flatten and combine constants
00237         vector<Expr> terms;
00238         bool changed = false;
00239         int numConst = 0;
00240         r = 0;
00241         Expr::iterator i = e2.begin(), iend = e2.end();
00242         for(; i!=iend; ++i) {
00243           if ((*i).getKind() == PLUS) {
00244             changed = true;
00245             Expr::iterator i2 = (*i).begin(), i2end = (*i).end();
00246             for (; i2 != i2end; ++i2) {
00247               if ((*i2).isRational()) {
00248                 r += (*i2).getRational();
00249                 numConst++;
00250               }
00251               else terms.push_back(*i2);
00252             }
00253           }
00254           else {
00255             if ((*i).isRational()) {
00256               r += (*i).getRational();
00257               numConst++;
00258               if (numConst > 1) changed = true;
00259             }
00260             else terms.push_back(*i);
00261           }
00262         }
00263         if (terms.size() == 0) {
00264           e2 = preprocessRec(d_em->newRatExpr(r), cache);
00265           break;
00266         }
00267         else if (terms.size() == 1) {
00268           if (r == 0) {
00269             e2 = terms[0];
00270             break;
00271           }
00272           else if (r < 0) {
00273             e2 = preprocessRec(Expr(MINUS, terms[0], d_em->newRatExpr(-r)), cache);
00274             break;
00275           }
00276         }
00277         if (changed) {
00278           if (r != 0) terms.push_back(d_em->newRatExpr(r));
00279           e2 = preprocessRec(Expr(PLUS, terms), cache);
00280           break;
00281         }
00282       }
00283       goto arith_rewrites;
00285     case MULT:
00286       if (d_convertToBV) {
00287         e2 = Expr(Expr(BVMULT, d_em->newRatExpr(d_convertToBV)).mkOp(), e2.getKids());
00288         break;
00289       }
00290       if (d_convertArith) {
00291         // Flatten and combine constants
00292         vector<Expr> terms;
00293         bool changed = false;
00294         int numConst = 0;
00295         r = 1;
00296         Expr::iterator i = e2.begin(), iend = e2.end();
00297         for(; i!=iend; ++i) {
00298           if ((*i).getKind() == MULT) {
00299             changed = true;
00300             Expr::iterator i2 = (*i).begin(), i2end = (*i).end();
00301             for (; i2 != i2end; ++i2) {
00302               if ((*i2).isRational()) {
00303                 r *= (*i2).getRational();
00304                 numConst++;
00305               }
00306               else terms.push_back(*i2);
00307             }
00308           }
00309           else {
00310             if ((*i).isRational()) {
00311               r *= (*i).getRational();
00312               numConst++;
00313               if (numConst > 1) changed = true;
00314             }
00315             else terms.push_back(*i);
00316           }
00317         }
00318         if (r == 0) {
00319           e2 = preprocessRec(d_em->newRatExpr(0), cache);
00320           break;
00321         }
00322         else if (terms.size() == 0) {
00323           e2 = preprocessRec(d_em->newRatExpr(r), cache);
00324           break;
00325         }
00326         else if (terms.size() == 1) {
00327           if (r == 1) {
00328             e2 = terms[0];
00329             break;
00330           }
00331         }
00332         if (changed) {
00333           if (r != 1) terms.push_back(d_em->newRatExpr(r));
00334           e2 = preprocessRec(Expr(MULT, terms), cache);
00335           break;
00336         }
00337       }
00338       goto arith_rewrites;
00340     case POW:
00341       if (d_convertToBV) {
00342         FatalAssert(false, "Conversion of POW to BV not implemented");
00343         break;
00344       }
00345       if (d_convertArith && e2[0].isRational()) {
00346         r = e2[0].getRational();
00347         if (r.isInteger() && r.getNumerator() == 2) {
00348           e2 = preprocessRec(e2[1] * e2[1], cache);
00349           break;
00350         }
00351       }
00352       // fall through
00354     case LT:
00355       if (d_convertToBV) {
00356         e2 = Expr(BVSLT, e2[0], e2[1]);
00357         break;
00358       }
00360     case GT:
00361       if (d_convertToBV) {
00362         e2 = Expr(BVSLT, e2[1], e2[0]);
00363         break;
00364       }
00366     case LE:
00367       if (d_convertToBV) {
00368         e2 = Expr(BVSLE, e2[0], e2[1]);
00369         break;
00370       }
00372     case GE:
00373       if (d_convertToBV) {
00374         e2 = Expr(BVSLE, e2[1], e2[0]);
00375         break;
00376       }
00379     case INTDIV:
00380     case MOD:
00382   arith_rewrites:
00383       if (d_iteLiftArith) {
00384         diff = false;
00385         children.clear();
00386         vector<Expr> children2;
00387         Expr cond;
00388         for (int k = 0; k < e2.arity(); ++k) {
00389           if (e2[k].getKind() == ITE && !diff) {
00390             diff = true;
00391             cond = e2[k][0];
00392             children.push_back(e2[k][1]);
00393             children2.push_back(e2[k][2]);
00394           }
00395           else {
00396             children.push_back(e2[k]);
00397             children2.push_back(e2[k]);
00398           }
00399         }
00400         if (diff) {
00401           Expr thenpart = Expr(e2.getOp(), children);
00402           Expr elsepart = Expr(e2.getOp(), children2);
00403           e2 = cond.iteExpr(thenpart, elsepart);
00404           e2 = preprocessRec(e2, cache);
00405           break;
00406         }
00407       }
00409       if (d_convertToDiff != "" && d_theoryArith->isAtomicArithFormula(e2)) {
00410         Expr e3 = d_theoryArith->rewriteToDiff(e2);
00411         if (e2 != e3) {
00412           DebugAssert(e3 == d_theoryArith->rewriteToDiff(e3), "Expected idempotent rewrite");
00413           e2 = preprocessRec(e3, cache);
00414         }
00415         break;
00416       }
00418       break;
00419     default:
00420       if (d_convertToBV && isInt(e2.getType())) {
00421         FatalAssert(e2.isVar(), "Cannot convert non-variables yet");
00422         e2 = d_theoryCore->newVar(e2.getName()+"_bv", d_theoryBitvector->newBitvectorType(d_convertToBV));
00423       }
00425       break;
00426   }
00428   // Figure out language
00429   switch (e2.getKind()) {
00430     case RATIONAL_EXPR:
00431       r = e2.getRational();
00432       if (r.isInteger()) {
00433         d_intConstUsed = true;
00434       }
00435       else {
00436         d_realUsed = true;
00437       }
00438       if (d_langUsed == NOT_USED) d_langUsed = TERMS_ONLY;
00439       break;
00440     case IS_INTEGER:
00441       d_unknown = true;
00442       break;
00443     case PLUS: {
00444       if (e2.arity() == 2) {
00445         int nonconst = 0, isconst = 0;
00446         Expr::iterator i = e2.begin(), iend = e2.end();
00447         for(; i!=iend; ++i) {
00448           if ((*i).isRational()) {
00449             if ((*i).getRational() <= 0) {
00450               d_UFIDL_ok = false;
00451               break;
00452             }
00453             else ++isconst;
00454           }
00455           else ++nonconst;
00456         }
00457         if (nonconst > 1 || isconst > 1)
00458           d_UFIDL_ok = false;
00459       }
00460       else d_UFIDL_ok = false;
00461       if (d_langUsed == NOT_USED) d_langUsed = TERMS_ONLY;
00462       break;
00463     }
00464     case MINUS:
00465       if (!e2[1].isRational() || e2[1].getRational() <= 0) {
00466         d_UFIDL_ok = false;
00467       }
00468       if (d_langUsed == NOT_USED) d_langUsed = TERMS_ONLY;
00469       break;
00470     case UMINUS:
00471       d_UFIDL_ok = false;
00472       if (d_langUsed == NOT_USED) d_langUsed = TERMS_ONLY;
00473       break;
00474     case MULT: {
00475       d_UFIDL_ok = false;
00476       if (d_langUsed == NONLINEAR) break;
00477       d_langUsed = LINEAR;
00478       bool nonconst = false;
00479       for (int i=0; i!=e2.arity(); ++i) {
00480         if (e2[i].isRational()) continue;
00481         if (nonconst) {
00482           d_langUsed = NONLINEAR;
00483           break;
00484         }
00485         nonconst = true;
00486       }
00487       break;
00488     }
00489     case POW:
00490     case DIVIDE:
00491       d_unknown = true;
00492       break;
00494     case EQ:
00495       if (d_theoryArith->getBaseType(e2[0]) != d_theoryArith->realType() ||
00496           (e2[0].getType() == d_theoryArith->intType() && d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()))
00497         break;
00498     case LT:
00499     case GT:
00500     case LE:
00501     case GE:
00502       if (d_langUsed >= LINEAR) break;
00503       if (!d_theoryArith->isAtomicArithFormula(e2)) {
00504         d_langUsed = LINEAR;
00505         break;
00506       }
00507       if (e2[0].getKind() == MINUS &&
00508           d_theoryArith->isLeaf(e2[0][0]) &&
00509           d_theoryArith->isLeaf(e2[0][1]) &&
00510           e2[1].isRational()) {
00511         d_langUsed = DIFF_ONLY;
00512         break;
00513       }
00514       if (d_theoryArith->isLeaf(e2[0]) &&
00515           d_theoryArith->isLeaf(e2[1])) {
00516         d_langUsed = DIFF_ONLY;
00517         break;
00518       }
00519       d_langUsed = LINEAR;
00520       break;
00521     default:
00522       break;
00523   }
00525   switch (e2.getKind()) {
00526     case EQ:
00527     case NOT:
00528       break;
00529     case UCONST:
00530       if (e2.arity() == 0) break;
00531     default:
00532       d_theoryCore->theoryOf(e2)->setUsed();
00533   }
00535   cache[e] = e2;
00536   return e2;
00537 }
00540 Expr Translator::preprocess(const Expr& e, ExprMap<Expr>& cache)
00541 {
00542   Expr result;
00543   try {
00544     result = preprocessRec(e, cache);
00545   } catch (SmtlibException& ex) {
00546     cerr << "Error while processing the formula:\n"
00547          << e.toString() << endl;
00548     throw ex;
00549   }
00550   return result;
00551 }
00554 Expr Translator::preprocess2Rec(const Expr& e, ExprMap<Expr>& cache, Type desiredType)
00555 {
00556   ExprMap<Expr>::iterator i(cache.find(e));
00557   if(i != cache.end()) {
00558     if ((desiredType.isNull() &&
00559          (*i).second.getType() != d_theoryArith->realType()) ||
00560         (*i).second.getType() == desiredType) {
00561       return (*i).second;
00562     }
00563   }
00565   if (e.isClosure()) {
00566     Expr newBody = preprocess2Rec(e.getBody(), cache, Type());
00567     Expr e2(e);
00568     if (newBody != e.getBody()) {
00569       e2 = d_em->newClosureExpr(e.getKind(), e.getVars(), newBody);
00570     }
00571     cache[e] = e2;
00572     return e2;
00573   }
00575   bool forceReal = false;
00576   if (desiredType == d_theoryArith->intType() &&
00577       e.getType() != d_theoryArith->intType()) {
00578     d_unknown = true;
00579 //     throw SmtlibException("Unable to separate int and real "+
00580 //                           e.getType().getExpr().toString()+
00581 //                           "\n\nwhile processing the term:\n"+
00582 //                           e.toString(PRESENTATION_LANG));
00583   }
00585   // Try to force type-compliance
00586   switch (e.getKind()) {
00587     case EQ:
00588     case LT:
00589     case GT:
00590     case LE:
00591     case GE:
00592       if (e[0].getType() != e[1].getType()) {
00593         if (e[0].getType() != d_theoryArith->intType() &&
00594             e[1].getType() != d_theoryArith->intType()) {
00595           d_unknown = true;
00596           throw SmtlibException("Expected each side to be REAL or INT, but we got lhs: "+
00597                                 e[0].getType().getExpr().toString()+" and rhs: "+
00598                                 e[1].getType().getExpr().toString()+
00599                                 "\n\nwhile processing the term:\n"+
00600                                 e.toString());
00601         }
00602         forceReal = true;
00603         break;
00604       case ITE:
00605       case UMINUS:
00606       case PLUS:
00607       case MINUS:
00608       case MULT:
00609         if (desiredType == d_theoryArith->realType())
00610           forceReal = true;
00611         break;
00612       case DIVIDE:
00613         forceReal = true;
00614         break;
00615       default:
00616         break;
00617     }
00618   }
00620   Expr e2(e);
00621   vector<Expr> children;
00622   bool diff = false;
00624   Type funType;
00625   if (e.isApply()) {
00626     funType = e.getOpExpr().getType();
00627     if (funType.getExpr().getKind() == ANY_TYPE) funType = Type();
00628   }
00630   for(int k = 0; k < e.arity(); ++k) {
00631     Type t;
00632     if (forceReal && e[k].getType() == d_theoryArith->intType())
00633       t = d_theoryArith->realType();
00634     else if (!funType.isNull()) t = funType[k];
00635     // Recursively preprocess the kids
00636     Expr child = preprocess2Rec(e[k], cache, t);
00637     if (child != e[k]) diff = true;
00638     children.push_back(child);
00639   }
00640   if (diff) {
00641     e2 = Expr(e.getOp(), children);
00642   }
00643   else if (e2.getKind() == RATIONAL_EXPR) {
00644     if (e2.getType() == d_theoryArith->realType() ||
00645         (e2.getType() == d_theoryArith->intType() &&
00646          desiredType == d_theoryArith->realType()))
00647       e2 = Expr(REAL_CONST, e2);
00648   }
00649   if (!desiredType.isNull() && e2.getType() != desiredType) {
00650     d_unknown = true;
00651     throw SmtlibException("Type error: expected "+
00652                           desiredType.getExpr().toString()+
00653                           " but instead got "+
00654                           e2.getType().getExpr().toString()+
00655                           "\n\nwhile processing term:\n"+
00656                           e.toString());
00657   }
00659   cache[e] = e2;
00660   return e2;
00661 }
00664 Expr Translator::preprocess2(const Expr& e, ExprMap<Expr>& cache)
00665 {
00666   Expr result;
00667   try {
00668     result = preprocess2Rec(e, cache, Type());
00669   } catch (SmtlibException& ex) {
00670     cerr << "Error while processing the formula:\n"
00671          << e.toString() << endl;
00672     throw ex;
00673   }
00674   return result;
00675 }
00680 bool Translator::containsArray(const Expr& e)
00681 {
00682   if (e.getKind() == ARRAY) return true;
00683   Expr::iterator i = e.begin(), iend=e.end();
00684   for(; i!=iend; ++i) if (containsArray(*i)) return true;
00685   return false;
00686 }
00689 Translator::Translator(ExprManager* em,
00690                        const bool& translate,
00691                        const bool& real2int,
00692                        const bool& convertArith,
00693                        const string& convertToDiff,
00694                        bool iteLiftArith,
00695                        const string& expResult,
00696                        const string& category,
00697                        bool convertArray,
00698                        bool combineAssump,
00699                        int convertToBV)
00700   : d_em(em), d_translate(translate),
00701     d_real2int(real2int),
00702     d_convertArith(convertArith),
00703     d_convertToDiff(convertToDiff),
00704     d_iteLiftArith(iteLiftArith),
00705     d_expResult(expResult),
00706     d_category(category),
00707     d_convertArray(convertArray),
00708     d_combineAssump(combineAssump),
00709     d_dump(false), d_dumpFileOpen(false),
00710     d_intIntArray(false), d_intRealArray(false), d_intIntRealArray(false),
00711     d_ax(false), d_unknown(false),
00712     d_realUsed(false), d_intUsed(false), d_intConstUsed(false),
00713     d_langUsed(NOT_USED), d_UFIDL_ok(true), d_arithUsed(false),
00714     d_zeroVar(NULL), d_convertToBV(convertToBV)
00715 {
00716   d_arrayConvertMap = new map<string, Type>;
00717 }
00720 Translator::~Translator()
00721 {
00722   delete d_arrayConvertMap;
00723 }
00726 bool Translator::start(const string& dumpFile)
00727 {
00728   if (d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00729     d_dump = true;
00730     if (dumpFile == "") {
00731       d_osdump = &cout;
00732     }
00733     else {
00735       if(!d_osdumpFile)
00736         throw Exception("cannot open a log file: "+dumpFile);
00737       else {
00738         d_dumpFileOpen = true;
00739         d_osdump = &d_osdumpFile;
00740       }
00741     }
00742     *d_osdump <<
00743       "(benchmark " << fileToSMTLIBIdentifier(dumpFile) << endl <<
00744       "  :source {" << endl;
00745     string tmpName;
00746     string::size_type pos = dumpFile.rfind("/");
00747     if (pos == string::npos) {
00748       tmpName = "README";
00749     }
00750     else {
00751       tmpName = dumpFile.substr(0,pos+1) + "README";
00752     }
00754     char c;
00755     if (d_tmpFile.is_open()) {
00756       d_tmpFile.get(c);
00757       while (!d_tmpFile.eof()) {
00758         if (c == '{' || c == '}') *d_osdump << '\\';
00759         *d_osdump << c;
00760         d_tmpFile.get(c);
00761       }
00762       d_tmpFile.close();
00763     }
00764     else {
00765       *d_osdump << "Source unknown";
00766     }
00767     *d_osdump << endl;// <<
00768     //        "This benchmark was automatically translated into SMT-LIB format from" << endl <<
00769     //        "CVC format using CVC3" << endl;
00770     *d_osdump << "}" << endl;
00772   }
00773   else {
00774     if (dumpFile == "") {
00775       if (d_translate) {
00776         d_osdump = &cout;
00777         d_dump = true;
00778       }
00779     }
00780     else {
00782       if(!d_osdumpFile)
00783         throw Exception("cannot open a log file: "+dumpFile);
00784       else {
00785         d_dump = true;
00786         d_dumpFileOpen = true;
00787         d_osdump = &d_osdumpFile;
00788       }
00789     }
00790   }
00791   return d_dump;
00792 }
00795 void Translator::dump(const Expr& e, bool dumpOnly)
00796 {
00797   DebugAssert(d_dump, "dump called unexpectedly");
00798   if (!dumpOnly || !d_translate) {
00799     if (d_convertArray && e.getKind() == CONST &&
00800         e.arity() == 2) {
00801       if (e[1].getKind() == ARRAY) {
00802         if (containsArray(e[1][0]) ||
00803             containsArray(e[1][1])) {
00804           throw Exception("convertArray failed because of nested arrays in"+
00805                           e[1].toString());
00806         }
00807         Expr funType = Expr(ARROW, e[1][0], e[1][1]);
00808         Expr outExpr = Expr(CONST, e[0], funType);
00809         if (d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00810           d_dumpExprs.push_back(outExpr);
00811         }
00812         else {
00813           *d_osdump << outExpr << endl;
00814         }
00815       }
00816       else if (containsArray(e[1])) {
00817         throw Exception("convertArray failed becauase of use of arrays in"+
00818                         e[1].toString());
00819       }
00820       else if (d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00821         d_dumpExprs.push_back(e);
00822       }
00823       else *d_osdump << e << endl;
00824     }
00825     else if (d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00826       d_dumpExprs.push_back(e);
00827     }
00828     else *d_osdump << e << endl;
00829   }
00830 }
00833 bool Translator::dumpAssertion(const Expr& e)
00834 {
00835   Expr outExpr = Expr(ASSERT, e);
00836   if (d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00837     d_dumpExprs.push_back(outExpr);
00838   }
00839   else {
00840     *d_osdump << outExpr << endl;
00841   }
00842   return d_translate;
00843 }
00846 bool Translator::dumpQuery(const Expr& e)
00847 {
00848   Expr outExpr = Expr(QUERY, e);
00849   if (d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00850     d_dumpExprs.push_back(outExpr);
00851   }
00852   else {
00853     *d_osdump << outExpr << endl;
00854   }
00855   return d_translate;
00856 }
00859 void Translator::dumpQueryResult(QueryResult qres)
00860 {
00861   if(d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00862     *d_osdump << "  :status ";
00863     switch (qres) {
00864       case UNSATISFIABLE:
00865         *d_osdump << "unsat" << endl;
00866         break;
00867       case SATISFIABLE:
00868         *d_osdump << "sat" << endl;
00869         break;
00870       default:
00871         *d_osdump << "unknown" << endl;
00872         break;
00873     }
00874   }
00875 }
00878 Expr Translator::processType(const Expr& e)
00879 {
00880   switch (e.getKind()) {
00881     case TYPEDECL:
00882       return e;
00883     case INT:
00884       if (d_convertToBV) {
00885         return d_theoryBitvector->newBitvectorType(d_convertToBV).getExpr();
00886       }
00887       if (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) {
00888         return d_elementType->getExpr();
00889       }
00890       d_intUsed = true;
00891       break;
00892     case REAL:
00893       if (d_real2int) {
00894         d_intUsed = true;
00895         return d_theoryArith->intType().getExpr();
00896       }
00897       else {
00898         d_realUsed = true;
00899       }
00900       break;
00901     case SUBRANGE:
00902       d_unknown = true;
00903       break;
00904     case ARRAY:
00905       if (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) {
00906         d_ax = true;
00907         return d_arrayType->getExpr();
00908       }
00909       if (e[0].getKind() == TYPEDECL) {
00910         DebugAssert(e[0].arity() == 1, "expected arity 1");
00911         if (e[0][0].getString() == "Index") {
00912           if (e[1].getKind() == TYPEDECL) {
00913             DebugAssert(e[1].arity() == 1, "expected arity 1");
00914             if (e[1][0].getString() == "Element") {
00915               d_ax = true;
00916               break;
00917             }
00918           }
00919         }
00920       }
00921       else if (isInt(Type(e[0]))) {
00922         if (isInt(Type(e[1]))) {
00923           d_intIntArray = true;
00924           break;
00925         }
00926         else if (isReal(Type(e[1]))) {
00927           d_intRealArray = true;
00928           break;
00929         }
00930         else if (isArray(Type(e[1])) &&
00931                  isInt(Type(e[1][0])) &&
00932                  isReal(Type(e[1][1]))) {
00933           d_intIntRealArray = true;
00934           break;
00935         }
00936       }
00937       else if (e[0].getKind() == BITVECTOR &&
00938                e[1].getKind() == BITVECTOR) {
00939         break;
00940       }
00941       d_unknown = true;
00942       break;
00943     default:
00944       break;
00945   }
00946   d_theoryCore->theoryOf(e)->setUsed();
00947   if (e.arity() == 0) return e;
00948   bool changed = false;
00949   vector<Expr> vec;
00950   for (int i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
00951     vec.push_back(processType(e[i]));
00952     if (vec.back() != e[i]) changed = true;
00953   }
00954   if (changed)
00955     return Expr(e.getOp(), vec);
00956   return e;
00957 }
00960 void Translator::finish()
00961 {
00962   if (d_translate && d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
00964     // Print the rest of the preamble for smt-lib benchmarks
00966     // Get status from expResult flag
00967     *d_osdump << "  :status ";
00968     if (d_expResult == "invalid" ||
00969         d_expResult == "satisfiable")
00970       *d_osdump << "sat";
00971     else if (d_expResult == "valid" ||
00972              d_expResult == "unsatisfiable")
00973       *d_osdump << "unsat";
00974     else *d_osdump << "unknown";
00975     *d_osdump << endl;
00977     // difficulty
00978     *d_osdump << "  :difficulty { unknown }" << endl;
00980     // category
00981     *d_osdump << "  :category { ";
00982     *d_osdump << d_category << " }" << endl;
00984     // Create types for theory QF_AX if needed
00985     if (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) {
00986       d_indexType = new Type(d_theoryCore->newTypeExpr("Index"));
00987       d_elementType = new Type(d_theoryCore->newTypeExpr("Element"));
00988       d_arrayType = new Type(arrayType(*d_indexType, *d_elementType));
00989     }
00991     // Compute logic for smt-lib
00992     bool qf_uf = false;
00993     {
00994       {
00995         ExprMap<Expr> cache;
00996         // Step 1: preprocess asserts, queries, and types
00997         vector<Expr>::iterator i = d_dumpExprs.begin(), iend = d_dumpExprs.end();
00998         for (; i != iend; ++i) {
00999           Expr e = *i;
01000           switch (e.getKind()) {
01001             case ASSERT: {
01002               Expr e2 = preprocess(e[0], cache);
01003               if (e[0] == e2) break;
01004               e2.getType();
01005               *i = Expr(ASSERT, e2);
01006               break;
01007             }
01008             case QUERY: {
01009               Expr e2 = preprocess(e[0].negate(), cache);
01010               if (e[0].negate() == e2) break;
01011               e2.getType();
01012               *i = Expr(QUERY, e2.negate());
01013               break;
01014             }
01015             case CONST: {
01016               DebugAssert(e.arity() == 2, "Expected CONST with arity 2");
01017               if (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) break;
01018               Expr e2 = processType(e[1]);
01019               if (e[1] == e2) break;
01020               if (d_convertToBV) {
01021                 Expr newName = Expr(ID, d_em->newStringExpr(e[0][0].getString()+"_bv"));
01022                 *i = Expr(CONST, newName, e2);
01023               }
01024               else {
01025                 *i = Expr(CONST, e[0], e2);
01026               }
01027               break;
01028             }
01029             default:
01030               break;
01031           }
01032         }
01033       }
01035       if (d_zeroVar) {
01036         d_dumpExprs.insert(d_dumpExprs.begin(),
01037                            Expr(CONST, Expr(ID, d_em->newStringExpr("cvc3Zero")),
01038                                 processType(d_zeroVar->getType().getExpr())));
01039       }
01041       // Type inference over equality
01042       if (!d_unknown && d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) {
01043         bool changed;
01044         do {
01045           changed = false;
01046           unsigned i;
01047           for (i = 0; i < d_equalities.size(); ++i) {
01048             if (d_equalities[i][0].getKind() == UCONST &&
01049                 d_arrayConvertMap->find(d_equalities[i][0].getName()) == d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
01050               if (d_equalities[i][1].getKind() == READ) {
01051                 changed = true;
01052                 (*d_arrayConvertMap)[d_equalities[i][0].getName()] = *d_elementType;
01053               }
01054               else if (d_equalities[i][1].getKind() == UCONST) {
01055                 map<string, Type>::iterator it = d_arrayConvertMap->find(d_equalities[i][1].getName());
01056                 if (it != d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
01057                   changed = true;
01058                   (*d_arrayConvertMap)[d_equalities[i][0].getName()] = (*it).second;
01059                 }
01060               }
01061             }
01062             else if (d_equalities[i][1].getKind() == UCONST &&
01063                      d_arrayConvertMap->find(d_equalities[i][1].getName()) == d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
01064               if (d_equalities[i][0].getKind() == READ) {
01065                 changed = true;
01066                 (*d_arrayConvertMap)[d_equalities[i][1].getName()] = *d_elementType;
01067               }
01068               else if (d_equalities[i][0].getKind() == UCONST) {
01069                 map<string, Type>::iterator it = d_arrayConvertMap->find(d_equalities[i][0].getName());
01070                 if (it != d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
01071                   changed = true;
01072                   (*d_arrayConvertMap)[d_equalities[i][1].getName()] = (*it).second;
01073                 }
01074               }
01075             }
01076           }
01077         } while (changed);
01078       }
01080       // Step 2: If both int and real are used, try to separate them
01081       if ((!d_unknown && (d_intUsed && d_realUsed)) || (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool())) {
01082         ExprMap<Expr> cache;
01083         vector<Expr>::iterator i = d_dumpExprs.begin(), iend = d_dumpExprs.end();
01084         for (; i != iend; ++i) {
01085           Expr e = *i;
01086           switch (e.getKind()) {
01087             case ASSERT: {
01088               if (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) break;
01089               Expr e2 = preprocess2(e[0], cache);
01090               e2.getType();
01091               *i = Expr(ASSERT, e2);
01092               break;
01093             }
01094             case QUERY: {
01095               if (d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) break;
01096               Expr e2 = preprocess2(e[0].negate(), cache);
01097               e2.getType();
01098               *i = Expr(QUERY, e2.negate());
01099               break;
01100             }
01101             case CONST: {
01102               if (!d_theoryCore->getFlags()["convert2array"].getBool()) break;
01103               map<string, Type>::iterator it = d_arrayConvertMap->find(e[0][0].getString());
01104               if (it != d_arrayConvertMap->end()) {
01105                 *i = Expr(CONST, e[0], (*it).second.getExpr());
01106               }
01107               else {
01108                 Expr e2 = processType(e[1]);
01109                 if (e[1] == e2) break;
01110                 *i = Expr(CONST, e[0], e2);
01111               }
01112               break;
01113             }
01114             default:
01115               break;
01116           }
01117         }
01118       }
01119       d_arithUsed = d_realUsed || d_intUsed || d_intConstUsed || (d_langUsed != NOT_USED);
01121       // Step 3: Go through the cases and figure out the right logic
01122       *d_osdump << "  :logic ";
01123       if (d_unknown ||
01124           d_theoryRecords->theoryUsed() ||
01125           d_theorySimulate->theoryUsed() ||
01126           d_theoryDatatype->theoryUsed()) {
01127         *d_osdump << "unknown";
01128       }
01129       else {
01130         if ((d_ax && (d_arithUsed ||
01131                       d_theoryBitvector->theoryUsed() ||
01132                       d_theoryUF->theoryUsed())) ||
01133             (d_intIntArray && d_realUsed) ||
01134             (d_arithUsed && d_theoryBitvector->theoryUsed())) {
01135           *d_osdump << "unknown";
01136         }
01137         else {
01138           bool QF = false;
01139           bool A = false;
01140           bool UF = false;
01142           if (!d_theoryQuant->theoryUsed()) {
01143             QF = true;
01144             *d_osdump << "QF_";
01145           }
01147           if (d_theoryArray->theoryUsed() && !d_convertArray) {
01148             A = true;
01149             *d_osdump << "A";
01150           }
01152           // Promote undefined subset logics
01153 //           else if (!QF && !d_theoryBitvector->theoryUsed()) {
01154 //             A = true;
01155 //             *d_osdump << "A";
01156 //           }
01158           if (d_theoryUF->theoryUsed() ||
01159               (d_theoryArray->theoryUsed() && d_convertArray)) {
01160             UF = true;
01161             *d_osdump << "UF";
01162           }
01164           // Promote undefined subset logics
01165 //           else if (!QF &&
01166 //                    !d_theoryBitvector->theoryUsed()) {
01167 //             UF = true;
01168 //             *d_osdump << "UF";
01169 //           }
01171           if (d_arithUsed) {
01172             if (d_intUsed && d_realUsed) {
01173               if (d_langUsed < NONLINEAR) {
01174                 *d_osdump << "LIRA";
01175               }
01176               else *d_osdump << "NIRA";
01177             }
01178             else if (d_realUsed) {
01179               if (d_langUsed <= DIFF_ONLY) {
01181                 // Promote undefined subset logics
01182 //                 if (!QF) {
01183 //                   *d_osdump << "LIRA";
01184 //                 } else
01186                   *d_osdump << "RDL";
01187               }
01188               else if (d_langUsed <= LINEAR) {
01190                 // Promote undefined subset logics
01191 //                 if (!QF) {
01192 //                   *d_osdump << "LIRA";
01193 //                 } else
01195                   *d_osdump << "LRA";
01196               }
01197               else {
01199                 // Promote undefined subset logics
01200 //                 if (!QF) {
01201 //                   *d_osdump << "NIRA";
01202 //                 } else
01204                   *d_osdump << "NRA";
01205               }
01206             }
01207             else {
01208               if (QF && !A && UF && d_langUsed <= LINEAR) {
01209                 if (!d_realUsed && d_langUsed <= LINEAR && d_UFIDL_ok) {
01210                   *d_osdump << "IDL";
01211                 }
01212                 else {
01213                   *d_osdump << "LIA";
01214                 }
01215               }
01216               else if (d_langUsed <= DIFF_ONLY) {
01218                 // Promote undefined subset logics
01219                 if (!QF) {
01220                   *d_osdump << "LIA";
01221                 }
01222                 else if (A) {
01223                   if (!UF) {
01224                     UF = true;
01225                     *d_osdump << "UF";
01226                   }
01227                   *d_osdump << "LIA";
01228                 } else
01230                   *d_osdump << "IDL";
01231               }
01232               else if (d_langUsed <= LINEAR) {
01234                 // Promote undefined subset logics
01235 //                 if (QF && A && !UF) {
01236 //                   UF = true;
01237 //                   *d_osdump << "UF";
01238 //                 }
01240                 if (QF && !A && (!d_realUsed && d_langUsed <= LINEAR && d_UFIDL_ok)) {
01241                   *d_osdump << "UFIDL";
01242                 }
01243                 else {
01244                   *d_osdump << "LIA";
01245                 }
01246               }
01247               else {
01249                 // Promote undefined subset logics
01250 //                 if (!QF) {
01251 //                   *d_osdump << "NIRA";
01252 //                 } else
01254                   *d_osdump << "NIA";
01255               }
01256             }
01257           }
01258           else if (d_theoryBitvector->theoryUsed()) {
01260             // Promote undefined subset logics
01261             if (A && QF && !UF) {
01262               UF = true;
01263               *d_osdump << "UF";
01264             }
01266             *d_osdump << "BV";//[" << d_theoryBitvector->getMaxSize() << "]";
01267           }
01268           else {
01270             if (d_ax) {
01271               *d_osdump << "X";
01272             }
01274             // Promote undefined subset logics
01275             else if (!QF || (A && UF)) {
01276               *d_osdump << "LIA";
01277             } else {
01279               // Default logic
01280               if (!A && !UF) {
01281                 UF = true;
01282                 *d_osdump << "UF";
01283               }
01284               qf_uf = QF && UF && (!A);
01285             }
01286           }
01287         }
01288       }
01289     }
01290     *d_osdump << endl;
01292     // Dump the actual expressions
01294     vector<Expr>::const_iterator i = d_dumpExprs.begin(), iend = d_dumpExprs.end();
01295     vector<Expr> assumps;
01296     for (; i != iend; ++i) {
01297       Expr e = *i;
01298       switch (e.getKind()) {
01299         case ASSERT: {
01300           if (d_combineAssump) {
01301             assumps.push_back(e[0]);
01302           }
01303           else {
01304             *d_osdump << "  :assumption" << endl;
01305             *d_osdump << e[0] << endl;
01306           }
01307           break;
01308         }
01309         case QUERY: {
01310           *d_osdump << "  :formula" << endl;
01311           if (!assumps.empty()) {
01312             assumps.push_back(e[0].negate());
01313             e = Expr(AND, assumps);
01314             *d_osdump << e << endl;
01315           }
01316           else {
01317             *d_osdump << e[0].negate() << endl;
01318           }
01319           break;
01320         }
01321         default:
01322           if (qf_uf && e.getKind() == TYPE && e[0].getKind() == RAW_LIST &&
01323               e[0][0].getKind() == ID && e[0][0][0].getKind() == STRING_EXPR &&
01324               e[0][0][0].getString() == "U")
01325             break;
01326           *d_osdump << e << endl;
01327           break;
01328       }
01329     }
01330     *d_osdump << ")" << endl;
01331   }
01333   if (d_dumpFileOpen) d_osdumpFile.close();
01334   if (d_zeroVar) delete d_zeroVar;
01335 }
01338 const string Translator::fixConstName(const string& s)
01339 {
01340   if (d_em->getOutputLang() == SMTLIB_LANG) {
01341     if (s[0] == '_') {
01342       return "smt"+s;
01343     }
01344   }
01345   return s;
01346 }
01349 bool Translator::printArrayExpr(ExprStream& os, const Expr& e)
01350 {
01351   if (e.getKind() == ARRAY) {
01352     if (d_convertArray) {
01353       os << Expr(ARROW, e[0], e[1]);
01354       return true;
01355     }
01356     if (d_em->getOutputLang() != SMTLIB_LANG) return false;
01357     if (e[0].getKind() == TYPEDECL) {
01358       DebugAssert(e[0].arity() == 1, "expected arity 1");
01359       if (e[0][0].getString() == "Index") {
01360         if (e[1].getKind() == TYPEDECL) {
01361           DebugAssert(e[1].arity() == 1, "expected arity 1");
01362           if (e[1][0].getString() == "Element") {
01363             os << "Array";
01364             return true;
01365           }
01366         }
01367       }
01368     }
01369     else if (isInt(Type(e[0]))) {
01370       if (isInt(Type(e[1]))) {
01371         d_intIntArray = true;
01372         os << "Array";
01373         return true;
01374       }
01375       else if (isReal(Type(e[1]))) {
01376         d_intRealArray = true;
01377         os << "Array1";
01378         return true;
01379       }
01380       else if (isArray(Type(e[1])) &&
01381                isInt(Type(e[1][0])) &&
01382                isReal(Type(e[1][1]))) {
01383         d_intIntRealArray = true;
01384         os << "Array2";
01385         return true;
01386       }
01387     }
01388     else if (e[0].getKind() == BITVECTOR &&
01389              e[1].getKind() == BITVECTOR) {
01390       os << "Array[";
01391       os << d_theoryBitvector->getBitvectorTypeParam(Type(e[0]));
01392       os << ":";
01393       os << d_theoryBitvector->getBitvectorTypeParam(Type(e[1]));
01394       os << "]";
01395       return true;
01396     }
01397     os << "UnknownArray";
01398     d_unknown = true;
01399     return true;
01400   }
01402   switch (e.getKind()) {
01403     case READ:
01404       if (d_convertArray) {
01405         if (e[0].getKind() == UCONST) {
01406           os << Expr(d_em->newSymbolExpr(e[0].getName(), UFUNC).mkOp(), e[1]);
01407           return true;
01408         }
01409         else if (e[0].getKind() == WRITE) {
01410           throw Exception("READ of WRITE not implemented yet for convertArray");
01411         }
01412         else {
01413           throw Exception("Unexpected case for convertArray");
01414         }
01415       }
01416       break;
01417     case WRITE:
01418       if (d_convertArray) {
01419         throw Exception("WRITE expression encountered while attempting "
01420                         "to convert arrays to uninterpreted functions");
01421       }
01422       break;
01423     case ARRAY_LITERAL:
01424       if (d_convertArray) {
01425         throw Exception("ARRAY_LITERAL expression encountered while attempting"
01426                         " to convert arrays to uninterpreted functions");
01427       }
01428       break;
01429     default:
01430       throw Exception("Unexpected case in printArrayExpr");
01431       break;
01432   }
01433   return false;
01434 }
01437 Expr Translator::zeroVar()
01438 {
01439   if (!d_zeroVar) {
01440     d_zeroVar = new Expr();
01441     if (d_convertToDiff == "int") {
01442       *d_zeroVar = d_theoryCore->newVar("cvc3Zero", d_theoryArith->intType().getExpr());
01443     }
01444     else if (d_convertToDiff == "real") {
01445       *d_zeroVar = d_theoryCore->newVar("cvc3Zero", d_theoryArith->realType().getExpr());
01446     }
01447   }
01448   return *d_zeroVar;
01449 }

Generated on Wed Nov 18 16:13:33 2009 for CVC3 by  doxygen 1.5.2