
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************/
00002 /*!
00003  * \file theory_bitvector.cpp
00004  *
00005  * Author: Vijay Ganesh.
00006  *
00007  * Created: Wed May  5 16:16:59 PST 2004
00008  *
00009  * <hr>
00010  *
00011  * License to use, copy, modify, sell and/or distribute this software
00012  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without
00013  * royalty, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the \ref
00014  * LICENSE file provided with this distribution.
00015  *
00016  * <hr>
00017  *
00018  */
00019 /*****************************************************************************/
00022 #include "theory_bitvector.h"
00023 #include "bitvector_proof_rules.h"
00024 #include "bitvector_exception.h"
00025 #include "typecheck_exception.h"
00026 #include "parser_exception.h"
00027 #include "smtlib_exception.h"
00028 #include "bitvector_expr_value.h"
00029 #include "command_line_flags.h"
00032 #define HASH_VALUE_ZERO 380
00033 #define HASH_VALUE_ONE  450
00036 using namespace std;
00037 using namespace CVC3;
00040 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00041 // TheoryBitvector Private Methods                                           //
00042 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00045 int TheoryBitvector::BVSize(const Expr& e)
00046 {
00047   Type tp(getBaseType(e));
00048   DebugAssert(tp.getExpr().getOpKind() == BITVECTOR,
00049         "BVSize: e = "+e.toString());
00050   return getBitvectorTypeParam(tp);
00051 }
00054 //! Converts e into a BITVECTOR of length 'len'
00055 /*!
00056  * \param len is the desired length of the resulting bitvector
00057  * \param e is the original bitvector of arbitrary length
00058  */
00059 Expr TheoryBitvector::pad(int len, const Expr& e)
00060 {
00061   DebugAssert(len >=0,
00062         "TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
00063         "padding length must be a non-negative integer: "+
00064         int2string(len));
00065   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == e.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
00066         "TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
00067         "input must be a BITVECTOR: " + e.toString());
00069   int size = BVSize(e);
00070   Expr res;
00071   if(size == len)
00072     res = e;
00073   else if (len < size)
00074     res = newBVExtractExpr(e,len-1,0);
00075   else {
00076     // size < len
00077     Expr zero = newBVZeroString(len-size);
00078     res = newConcatExpr(zero,e);
00079   }
00080   return res;
00081 }
00084 // Bit-blasting methods
00087 //! accepts a bitvector equation t1 = t2.
00088 /*! \return a rewrite theorem which is a conjunction of equivalences
00089  * over the bits of t1,t2 respectively.
00090  */
00091 Theorem TheoryBitvector::bitBlastEqn(const Expr& e)
00092 {
00093   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastEqn(", e.toString(), ") {");
00094   d_bvBitBlastEq++;
00096   DebugAssert(e.isEq(),
00097         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastEqn:"
00098         "expecting an equation" + e.toString());
00099   const Expr& leftBV = e[0];
00100   const Expr& rightBV = e[1];
00101   IF_DEBUG(const Type& leftType = getBaseType(leftBV);)
00102   IF_DEBUG(const Type& rightType = getBaseType(rightBV);)
00103   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == leftType.getExpr().getOpKind() &&
00104         BITVECTOR == rightType.getExpr().getOpKind(),
00105         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastEqn:"
00106         "lhs & rhs must be bitvectors");
00107   DebugAssert(BVSize(leftBV) == BVSize(rightBV),
00108         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastEqn:\n e = "
00109         +e.toString());
00111   Theorem result = reflexivityRule(e);
00112   Theorem bitBlastLeftThm;
00113   Theorem bitBlastRightThm;
00114   std::vector<Theorem> substThms;
00115   std::vector<Theorem> leftBVrightBVThms;
00116   int bvLength = BVSize(leftBV);
00117   int bitPosition = 0;
00118   Theorem thm0;
00120   for(; bitPosition < bvLength; ++bitPosition) {
00121     //bitBlastLeftThm is the theorem 'leftBV[bitPosition] <==> phi'
00122     bitBlastLeftThm = bitBlastTerm(leftBV, bitPosition);
00123     //bitBlastRightThm is the theorem 'rightBV[bitPosition] <==> theta'
00124     bitBlastRightThm = bitBlastTerm(rightBV, bitPosition);
00125     //collect the two theorems created above in the vector
00126     //leftBVrightBVthms.
00127     leftBVrightBVThms.push_back(bitBlastLeftThm);
00128     leftBVrightBVThms.push_back(bitBlastRightThm);
00129     //construct (leftBV[bitPosition] <==> rightBV[bitPosition])
00130     //<====> phi <==> theta
00131     //and store in the vector substThms.
00132     Theorem thm = substitutivityRule(IFF, leftBVrightBVThms);
00133     thm = transitivityRule(thm, rewriteBoolean(thm.getRHS()));
00134     leftBVrightBVThms.clear();
00135     substThms.push_back(thm);
00136     //if phi <==> theta is false, then stop bitblasting. immediately
00137     //exit and return false.
00138     if(thm.getRHS().isFalse())
00139       return transitivityRule(result,
00140             d_rules->bitvectorFalseRule(thm));
00141   }
00142   // AND_0^bvLength(leftBV[bitPosition] <==> rightBV[bitPosition]) <====>
00143   // AND_0^bvLength(phi <==> theta)
00144   Theorem thm = substitutivityRule(AND, substThms);
00145   // AND_0^bvLength(leftBV[bitPosition] <==> rightBV[bitPosition]) <====>
00146   // rewriteBoolean(AND_0^bvLength(phi <==> theta))
00147   thm = transitivityRule(thm, rewriteBoolean(thm.getRHS()));
00148   //call trusted rule for bitblasting equations.
00149   result = d_rules->bitBlastEqnRule(e, thm.getLHS());
00150   result = transitivityRule(result, thm);
00151   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastEqn => ", result.toString(), " }");
00152   return result;
00153 }
00156 //! accepts a bitvector equation t1 != t2.
00157 /*! \return a rewrite theorem which is a conjunction of
00158  * (dis)-equivalences over the bits of t1,t2 respectively.
00159  *
00160  * A separate rule for disequations for efficiency sake. Obvious
00161  * implementation using rule for equations and rule for NOT, is not
00162  * efficient.
00163  */
00164 Theorem TheoryBitvector::bitBlastDisEqn(const Theorem& notE)
00165 {
00166   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastDisEqn(", notE, ") {");
00167   IF_DEBUG(debugger.counter("bit-blasted diseq")++);
00168   //stat counter
00169   d_bvBitBlastDiseq++;
00171   DebugAssert(notE.getExpr().isNot() && (notE.getExpr())[0].isEq(),
00172         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastDisEqn:"
00173         "expecting an equation" + notE.getExpr().toString());
00174   //e is the equation
00175   const Expr& e = (notE.getExpr())[0];
00176   const Expr& leftBV = e[0];
00177   const Expr& rightBV = e[1];
00178   IF_DEBUG(Type leftType = leftBV.getType());
00179   IF_DEBUG(debugger.counter("bit-blasted diseq bits")+=
00180      BVSize(leftBV));
00181   IF_DEBUG(Type rightType = rightBV.getType());
00182   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == leftType.getExpr().getOpKind() &&
00183         BITVECTOR == rightType.getExpr().getOpKind(),
00184         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastDisEqn:"
00185         "lhs & rhs must be bitvectors");
00186   DebugAssert(BVSize(leftBV) == BVSize(rightBV),
00187         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastDisEqn: e = "
00188         +e.toString());
00189   Theorem bitBlastLeftThm;
00190   Theorem bitBlastRightThm;
00191   std::vector<Theorem> substThms;
00192   std::vector<Theorem> leftBVrightBVThms;
00193   int bvLength = BVSize(leftBV);
00194   int bitPosition = 0;
00195   for(; bitPosition < bvLength; bitPosition = bitPosition+1) {
00196     //bitBlastLeftThm is the theorem '~leftBV[bitPosition] <==> ~phi'
00197     bitBlastLeftThm =
00198       getCommonRules()->iffContrapositive(bitBlastTerm(leftBV, bitPosition));
00199     //bitBlastRightThm is the theorem 'rightBV[bitPosition] <==> theta'
00200     bitBlastRightThm = bitBlastTerm(rightBV, bitPosition);
00201     //collect the two theorems created above in the vector leftBVrightBVthms.
00202     leftBVrightBVThms.push_back(bitBlastLeftThm);
00203     leftBVrightBVThms.push_back(bitBlastRightThm);
00204     //construct (~leftBV[bitPosition] <==> rightBV[bitPosition])
00205     //<====> ~phi <==> theta
00206     //and store in the vector substThms.
00207     //recall that (p <=/=> q) is same as (~p <==> q)
00208     Theorem thm = substitutivityRule(IFF, leftBVrightBVThms);
00209     thm = transitivityRule(thm, rewriteBoolean(thm.getRHS()));
00210     leftBVrightBVThms.clear();
00211     substThms.push_back(thm);
00213     //if phi <==> theta is the True theorem, then stop bitblasting. immediately
00214     //exit and return t1!=t2 <=> true.
00215     if(thm.getRHS().isTrue())
00216       return d_rules->bitvectorTrueRule(thm);
00217   }
00219   // OR_0^bvLength(~leftBV[bitPosition] <==> rightBV[bitPosition]) <====>
00220   // OR_0^bvLength(~phi <==> theta)
00221   Theorem thm1 = substitutivityRule(OR, substThms);
00222   // Call trusted rule for bitblasting disequations.
00223   Theorem result = d_rules->bitBlastDisEqnRule(notE, thm1.getLHS());
00224   Theorem thm2 = transitivityRule(thm1, rewriteBoolean(thm1.getRHS()));
00225   result = iffMP(result, thm2);
00226   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastDisEqn => ", result.toString(), " }");
00227   return result;
00228 }
00231 /*! \param e has the form e1 pred e2, where pred is < or <=.
00232  *
00233  *  if e1,e2 are constants, determine bv2int(e1) pred bv2int(e2).
00234  *
00235  *  most significant bit of ei is denoted by msb(ei)
00236  *
00237  *  \return \f$(msb(e1)\ pred\ msb(e2)) \vee
00238  *          (msb(e1)=msb(e2) \wedge e1[n-2:0]\ pred\ e2[n-2:0])\f$
00239  */
00240 Theorem TheoryBitvector::bitBlastIneqn(const Expr& e)
00241 {
00242   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastIneqn(", e.toString(), ") {");
00244   DebugAssert(BVLT == e.getOpKind() ||
00245         BVLE == e.getOpKind(),
00246         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastIneqn: "
00247         "input e must be BVLT/BVLE: e = " + e.toString());
00248   DebugAssert(e.arity() == 2,
00249         "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastIneqn: "
00250         "arity of e must be 2: e = " + e.toString());
00251   Expr lhs = e[0];
00252   Expr rhs = e[1];
00253   int e0len = BVSize(lhs);
00254   DebugAssert(e0len == BVSize(rhs), "Expected sizes to match");
00256   int kind = e.getOpKind();
00257   Theorem res;
00258   if(lhs == rhs) {
00259     res = d_rules->lhsEqRhsIneqn(e, kind);
00260   }
00261   else if (lhs.getKind() == BVCONST && rhs.getKind() == BVCONST) {
00262     res = d_rules->bvConstIneqn(e, kind);
00263   } else {
00264     Theorem lhs_i = bitBlastTerm(lhs, e0len-1);
00265     Theorem rhs_i = bitBlastTerm(rhs, e0len-1);
00266     res = d_rules->generalIneqn(e, lhs_i, rhs_i, kind);
00268     //check if output is TRUE or FALSE theorem, and then simply return
00269     Theorem output = rewriteBoolean(res.getRHS());
00270     if (output.getRHS().isBoolConst()) {
00271       res = transitivityRule(res, output);
00272     }
00273     else if (e0len > 1) {
00274       // Copy by value, since 'res' will be changing
00275       Expr resRHS = res.getRHS();
00276       // resRHS is of the form (\alpha or (\beta and \gamma))
00277       // where \gamma is an inequality
00278       DebugAssert(resRHS.getKind() == OR && resRHS.arity() == 2 &&
00279                   resRHS[1].getKind() == AND && resRHS[1].arity() == 2,
00280                   "Unexpected structure");
00282       vector<unsigned> changed;
00283       vector<Theorem> thms;
00285       // \gamma <=> \gamma'
00286       Theorem thm = bitBlastIneqn(resRHS[1][1]);
00288       // (\beta and \gamma) <=> (\beta and \gamma')
00289       changed.push_back(1);
00290       thms.push_back(thm);
00291       thm = substitutivityRule(resRHS[1], changed, thms);
00293       // (\alpha or (\beta and \gamma)) <=> (\alpha or (\beta and \gamma'))
00294       // 'changed' is the same, only update thms[0]
00295       thms[0] = thm;
00296       thm = substitutivityRule(resRHS, changed, thms);
00297       res = transitivityRule(res, thm);
00298       /*
00300       //resRHS can be of the form (\beta and \gamma) or
00301       //resRHS can be of the form (\alpha or \gamma) or
00302       //resRHS can be of the form (\gamma)
00303       // Our mission is to bitblast \gamma and insert it back to the formula
00304       switch(resRHS.getOpKind()) {
00305         case OR:
00306           if(resRHS[1].isAnd()) { // (\alpha or (\beta and \gamma))
00307             break;
00308           }
00309           // (\alpha or \gamma) - fall through (same as the AND case)
00310         case AND: { // (\beta and \gamma)
00311           changed.push_back(1);
00312           gamma = resRHS[1];
00313           // \gamma <=> \gamma'
00314           gammaThm = rewriteBV(gamma,2);
00315           //\gamma' <=> \gamma"
00316           Theorem thm3 = bitBlastIneqn(gammaThm.getRHS());
00317           //Theorem thm3 = bitBlastIneqn(gamma);
00318           //\gamma <=> \gamma' <=> \gamma"
00319           thm3 = transitivityRule(gammaThm, thm3);
00320           thms.push_back(thm3);
00321           // (\beta and \gamma) <=> (\beta and \gamma")
00322           thm3 = substitutivityRule(resRHS,changed,thms);
00323           res = transitivityRule(res, thm3);
00324           break;
00325         }
00326         default: // (\gamma)
00327           IF_DEBUG(gamma = resRHS;)
00328           // \gamma <=> \gamma'
00329           gammaThm = rewriteBV(resRHS,2);
00330           //\gamma' <=> \gamma"
00331           Theorem thm3 = bitBlastIneqn(gammaThm.getRHS());
00332           //Theorem thm3 = bitBlastIneqn(gamma);
00333           //\gamma <=> \gamma' <=> \gamma"
00334           thm3 = transitivityRule(gammaThm, thm3);
00335           res = transitivityRule(res, thm3);
00336           break;
00337       }
00339       DebugAssert(kind == gamma.getOpKind(),
00340                   "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastIneqn: "
00341                   "gamma must be a BVLT/BVLE. gamma = " +
00342                   gamma.toString());
00343       */
00344     }
00345   }
00346   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastIneqn => ", res.toString(), " }");
00347   return res;
00348 }
00351 /*! The invariant maintained by this function is: accepts a bitvector
00352  * term, t,and a bitPosition, i. returns a formula over the set of
00353  * propositional variables defined using BOOLEXTRACT of bitvector
00354  * variables in t at the position i.
00355  *
00356  * \return Theorem(BOOLEXTRACT(t, bitPosition) <=> phi), where phi is
00357  * a Boolean formula over the individual bits of bit-vector variables.
00358  */
00359 Theorem TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm(const Expr& t, int bitPosition)
00360 {
00361   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastTerm(", t, ", " + int2string(bitPosition) + ") {");
00363   IF_DEBUG(Type type = t.getType();)
00364   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == type.getExpr().getOpKind(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: The type of input to bitBlastTerm must be BITVECTOR.\n t = " +t.toString());
00365   DebugAssert(bitPosition >= 0, "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: illegal bitExtraction attempted.\n bitPosition = " + int2string(bitPosition));
00367   Theorem result;
00369   // Check the cache
00370   Expr t_i = newBoolExtractExpr(t, bitPosition);
00371   CDMap<Expr,Theorem>::iterator it = d_bitvecCache.find(t_i);
00372   if (it != d_bitvecCache.end()) {
00373     result = (*it).second;
00374     TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastTerm[cached] => ", result, " }");
00375     DebugAssert(t_i == result.getLHS(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: created wrong theorem" + result.toString() + t_i.toString());
00376     return result;
00377   }
00379   // Construct the theorem t[bitPosition] <=> \theta_i and put it into
00380   // d_bitvecCache
00381   switch(t.getOpKind()) {
00382     case BVCONST:
00383       result = d_rules->bitExtractConstant(t, bitPosition);
00384       break;
00385     case CONCAT:
00386     {
00387       Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractConcatenation(t, bitPosition);
00388       const Expr& boolExtractTerm = thm.getRHS();
00389       DebugAssert(BOOLEXTRACT == boolExtractTerm.getOpKind(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: recursion: term must be bool_extract");
00390       const Expr& term = boolExtractTerm[0];
00391       int bitPos = getBoolExtractIndex(boolExtractTerm);
00392       TRACE("bitvector", "term for bitblastTerm recursion:(", term.toString(), ")");
00393       result = transitivityRule(thm, bitBlastTerm(term, bitPos));
00394       break;
00395     }
00396     case EXTRACT:
00397     {
00398       Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractExtraction(t, bitPosition);
00399       const Expr& boolExtractTerm = thm.getRHS();
00400       DebugAssert(BOOLEXTRACT == boolExtractTerm.getOpKind(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: recursion: term must be bool_extract");
00401       const Expr& term = boolExtractTerm[0];
00402       int bitPos = getBoolExtractIndex(boolExtractTerm);
00403       TRACE("bitvector", "term for bitblastTerm recursion:(", term, ")");
00404       result = transitivityRule(thm, bitBlastTerm(term, bitPos));
00405       break;
00406     }
00408     {
00409       result = d_rules->bitExtractFixedLeftShift(t, bitPosition);
00410       const Expr& extractTerm = result.getRHS();
00411       if(BOOLEXTRACT == extractTerm.getOpKind())
00412         result = transitivityRule(result, bitBlastTerm(extractTerm[0], getBoolExtractIndex(extractTerm)));
00413       break;
00414     }
00415     case BVSHL:
00416     {
00417       // BOOLEXTRACT(bvshl(t,x),i) <=> ((x = 0) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,i)) OR
00418       //                               ((x = 1) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,i-1)) OR ...
00419       //                               ((x = i) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,0))
00420       Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractBVSHL(t, bitPosition);
00421       // bitblast the equations and extractions
00422         vector<Theorem> thms, thms0;
00423       int bvsize = BVSize(t);
00424         for (int i = 0; i <= bitPosition; ++i) {
00425         thms0.push_back(bitBlastEqn(t[1].eqExpr(newBVConstExpr(i, bvsize))));
00426         thms0.push_back(bitBlastTerm(t[0], bitPosition-i));
00427           thms.push_back(substitutivityRule(AND, thms0));
00428         thms0.clear();
00429       }
00430       // Put it all together
00431       if (thms.size() == 1) {
00432         result = transitivityRule(thm, thms[0]);
00433       }
00434       else {
00435         Theorem thm2 = substitutivityRule(OR, thms);
00436         result = transitivityRule(thm, thm2);
00437       }
00438       break;
00439     }
00440     case BVLSHR:
00441     {
00442       // BOOLEXTRACT(bvlshr(t,x),i) <=> ((x = 0) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,i)) OR
00443       //                                ((x = 1) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,i+1)) OR ...
00444       //                                ((x = n-1-i) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,n-1))
00445       Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractBVLSHR(t, bitPosition);
00446       // bitblast the equations and extractions
00447       vector<Theorem> thms, thms0;
00448       int bvsize = BVSize(t);
00449       for (int i = 0; i <= bvsize-1-bitPosition; ++i) {
00450         thms0.push_back(bitBlastEqn(t[1].eqExpr(newBVConstExpr(i, bvsize))));
00451         thms0.push_back(bitBlastTerm(t[0], bitPosition+i));
00452         thms.push_back(substitutivityRule(AND, thms0));
00453         thms0.clear();
00454       }
00455       // Put it all together
00456       if (thms.size() == 1) {
00457         result = transitivityRule(thm, thms[0]);
00458       }
00459       else {
00460         Theorem thm2 = substitutivityRule(OR, thms);
00461         result = transitivityRule(thm, thm2);
00462       }
00463       break;
00464     }
00465     case BVASHR:
00466     {
00467       // BOOLEXTRACT(bvlshr(t,x),i) <=> ((x = 0) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,i)) OR
00468       //                                ((x = 1) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,i+1)) OR ...
00469       //                                ((x >= n-1-i) AND BOOLEXTRACT(t,n-1))
00470       Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractBVASHR(t, bitPosition);
00471       // bitblast the equations and extractions
00472       vector<Theorem> thms, thms0;
00473       int bvsize = BVSize(t);
00474       int i = 0;
00475       for (; i < bvsize-1-bitPosition; ++i) {
00476         thms0.push_back(bitBlastEqn(t[1].eqExpr(newBVConstExpr(i, bvsize))));
00477         thms0.push_back(bitBlastTerm(t[0], bitPosition+i));
00478         thms.push_back(substitutivityRule(AND, thms0));
00479         thms0.clear();
00480       }
00481       Expr leExpr = newBVLEExpr(newBVConstExpr(i, bvsize), t[1]);
00482       thms0.push_back(bitBlastIneqn(leExpr));
00483       thms0.push_back(bitBlastTerm(t[0], bvsize-1));
00484       thms.push_back(substitutivityRule(AND, thms0));
00485       // Put it all together
00486       if (thms.size() == 1) {
00487         result = transitivityRule(thm, thms[0]);
00488       }
00489       else {
00490         Theorem thm2 = substitutivityRule(OR, thms);
00491         result = transitivityRule(thm, thm2);
00492       }
00493       break;
00494     }
00495     case BVOR:
00496     case BVAND:
00497     case BVXOR:
00498     {
00499       int kind = t.getOpKind();
00500       int resKind = (kind == BVOR) ? OR :
00501         kind == BVAND ? AND : XOR;
00502       Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractBitwise(t, bitPosition, kind);
00503       const Expr& phi = thm.getRHS();
00504       DebugAssert(phi.getOpKind() == resKind && phi.arity() == t.arity(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: recursion:\n phi = " + phi.toString() + "\n t = " + t.toString());
00505       vector<Theorem> substThms;
00506       for(Expr::iterator i=phi.begin(), iend=phi.end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
00507         DebugAssert(i->getOpKind() == BOOLEXTRACT, "Expected BOOLEXTRACT");
00508         substThms.push_back(bitBlastTerm((*i)[0], getBoolExtractIndex(*i)));
00509       }
00510       result = transitivityRule(thm, substitutivityRule(resKind, substThms));
00511       break;
00512     }
00513     case BVNEG:
00514     {
00515       Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractNot(t, bitPosition);
00516       const Expr& extractTerm = thm.getRHS();
00517       DebugAssert(NOT == extractTerm.getKind(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: recursion: term must be NOT");
00518       const Expr& term0 = extractTerm[0];
00519       DebugAssert(BOOLEXTRACT == term0.getOpKind(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: recursion:(terms must be BOOL-EXTRACT");
00520       int bitPos0 = getBoolExtractIndex(term0);
00521       std::vector<Theorem> res;
00522       res.push_back(bitBlastTerm(term0[0], bitPos0));
00523       result = transitivityRule(thm, substitutivityRule(NOT, res));
00524       break;
00525     }
00526     case BVPLUS:
00527     {
00528     Theorem thm_binary;
00529     if(t.arity() > 2) thm_binary = d_rules->bvPlusAssociativityRule(t);
00530     else thm_binary = reflexivityRule(t);
00532     Expr bvPlusTerm = thm_binary.getRHS();
00534       // Get the bits of the right multiplicand
00535       Expr b = bvPlusTerm[1];
00536       vector<Theorem> b_bits(bitPosition + 1);
00537       for (int bit = bitPosition; bit >= 0; -- bit)
00538           b_bits[bit] = bitBlastTerm(b, bit);
00540       // The output of the bit-blasting
00541       vector<Theorem> output_bits;
00543       // Get the bits of the left multiplicand
00544       Expr a = bvPlusTerm[0];
00545       vector<Theorem> a_bits(bitPosition + 1);
00546       for (int bit = bitPosition; bit >= 0; -- bit)
00547         a_bits[bit] = bitBlastTerm(a, bit);
00549       // Bit-blast them and get all the output bits (of this size)
00550       d_rules->bitblastBVPlus(a_bits, b_bits, bvPlusTerm, output_bits);
00552       // Simplify all the resulting bit expressions and add them to the bit-blasting cache
00553       Theorem thm;
00554       for (int bit = 0; bit <= bitPosition; bit ++)
00555       {
00556         thm = output_bits[bit];
00558         Expr original_boolextract = newBoolExtractExpr(t, bit);
00559         Expr boolextract = thm.getLHS();
00560         Expr bitblasted  = thm.getRHS();
00562         CDMap<Expr,Theorem>::iterator it = d_bitvecCache.find(boolextract);
00563         if (it != d_bitvecCache.end())
00564           continue;
00566         thm = d_bitvecCache[boolextract] = transitivityRule(thm, rewriteBoolean(thm.getRHS()));
00567         if (boolextract != original_boolextract)
00568           thm = d_bitvecCache[original_boolextract] = transitivityRule(substitutivityRule(original_boolextract, thm_binary), thm);
00569         }
00571       // We are returning the last theorem
00572       return thm;
00574       break;
00575     }
00576     case BVMULT: {
00578       Theorem thm;
00580       bool a_is_const = (BVCONST == t[0].getKind());
00582           // If a constant, rewrite using addition
00583       if (a_is_const) {
00584         thm = d_rules->bitExtractConstBVMult(t, bitPosition);
00585         const Expr& boolExtractTerm = thm.getRHS();
00586         const Expr& term = boolExtractTerm[0];
00587         result = transitivityRule(thm, bitBlastTerm(term, bitPosition));
00588         break;
00589       }
00591       // Get the bits ot the right multiplicant
00592       Expr b = t[1];
00593       vector<Theorem> b_bits(bitPosition + 1);
00594       for (int bit = bitPosition; bit >= 0; -- bit)
00595           b_bits[bit] = bitBlastTerm(b, bit);
00597       // The output of the bitblasting
00598       vector<Theorem> output_bits;
00600     // Get the bits of the left multiplicant
00601       Expr a = t[0];
00602       vector<Theorem> a_bits(bitPosition + 1);
00603       for (int bit = bitPosition; bit >= 0; -- bit)
00604         a_bits[bit] = bitBlastTerm(a, bit);
00606       // Bitblast them and get all the output bits (of this size)
00607       d_rules->bitblastBVMult(a_bits, b_bits, t, output_bits);
00609       // Simplify all the resulting bit expressions and add them to the bitblasting cache
00610       for (int bit = 0; bit <= bitPosition; bit ++)
00611       {
00612         thm = output_bits[bit];
00614         Expr boolextract = thm.getLHS();
00615         Expr bitblasted  = thm.getRHS();
00617         CDMap<Expr,Theorem>::iterator it = d_bitvecCache.find(boolextract);
00618         if (it != d_bitvecCache.end())
00619           continue;
00621         thm = d_bitvecCache[boolextract] = transitivityRule(thm, rewriteBoolean(thm.getRHS()));
00622                 // not allowed to use simplify in bitblasting
00623                 //theoryCore()->simplify(thm.getRHS()));
00624       }
00626       // We are returning the last theorem
00627       return thm;
00629       break;
00630     }
00631 //    case BVMULT: {
00632 //
00633 //      Theorem thm;
00634 //      if(BVCONST == t[0].getKind())
00635 //        thm = d_rules->bitExtractConstBVMult(t, bitPosition);
00636 //      else
00637 //  thm = d_rules->bitExtractBVMult(t, bitPosition);
00638 //        const Expr& boolExtractTerm = thm.getRHS();
00639 //      const Expr& term = boolExtractTerm[0];
00640 //      result = transitivityRule(thm, bitBlastTerm(term, bitPosition));
00641 //      break;
00642 //    }
00643     default:
00644     {
00645       FatalAssert(theoryOf(t.getOpKind()) != this, "Unexpected operator in bitBlastTerm:" + t.toString());
00646       //we have bitvector variable. check if the expr is indeed a BITVECTOR.
00647       IF_DEBUG(Type type = t.getType();)
00648       DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == (type.getExpr()).getOpKind(), "BitvectorTheoremProducer::bitBlastTerm: the type must be BITVECTOR");
00649       //check if 0<= i < length of BITVECTOR
00650       IF_DEBUG(int bvLength=BVSize(t);)
00651       DebugAssert(0 <= bitPosition && bitPosition < bvLength, "BitvectorTheoremProducer::bitBlastTerm: the bitextract position must be legal");
00652       TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastTerm: blasting variables(", t, ")");
00653       const Expr bitExtract = newBoolExtractExpr(t, bitPosition);
00654       result = reflexivityRule(bitExtract);
00655       TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastTerm: blasting variables(", t, ")");
00656       break;
00657     }
00658   }
00659   DebugAssert(!result.isNull(), "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm()");
00660   Theorem simpThm = rewriteBoolean(result.getRHS());
00661   // not allowed to use simplify in bitblasting
00662   // theoryCore()->simplify(result.getRHS());
00663   result = transitivityRule(result, simpThm);
00664   d_bitvecCache[t_i] = result;
00665   DebugAssert(t_i == result.getLHS(),
00666               "TheoryBitvector::bitBlastTerm: "
00667               "created wrong theorem.\n result = "
00668               +result.toString()
00669               +"\n t_i = "+t_i.toString());
00670   TRACE("bitvector", "bitBlastTerm => ", result, " }");
00671   return result;
00672 }
00675 // Rewriting methods
00678 //! Check that all the kids of e are BVCONST
00679 static bool constantKids(const Expr& e) {
00680   for(Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end(); i!=iend; ++i)
00681     if(!i->isRational() && i->getKind() != BVCONST) return false;
00682   return true;
00683 }
00686 //! Search for all the BVCONST kids of e, and return their indices in idxs
00687 static void constantKids(const Expr& e, vector<int>& idxs) {
00688   for(int i=0, iend=e.arity(); i<iend; ++i)
00689     if(e[i].getKind() == BVCONST) idxs.push_back(i);
00690 }
00693 // Recursively descend into the expression e, keeping track of whether
00694 // we are under even or odd number of negations ('neg' == true means
00695 // odd, the context is "negative").
00696 // Produce a proof of e <==> e' or !e <==> e', depending on whether
00697 // neg is false or true, respectively.
00698 // This function must be called only from the pushNegation function
00699 Theorem TheoryBitvector::pushNegationRec(const Expr& e)
00700 {
00701   TRACE("pushNegation", "pushNegationRec(", e,") {");
00702   DebugAssert(e.getKind() == BVNEG, "Expected BVNEG in pushNegationRec");
00703   ExprMap<Theorem>::iterator i = d_pushNegCache.find(e);
00704   if(i != d_pushNegCache.end()) { // Found cached result
00705     TRACE("TheoryBitvector::pushNegation",
00706     "pushNegationRec [cached] => ", (*i).second, "}");
00707     return (*i).second;
00708   }
00709   Theorem res(reflexivityRule(e));
00711   switch(e[0].getOpKind()) {
00712     case BVCONST:
00713       res = d_rules->negConst(e);
00714       break;
00715     case BVNEG:{
00716       res = d_rules->negNeg(e);
00717       break;
00718     }
00719     case BVAND: {
00720       //demorgan's laws.
00721       Theorem thm0 = d_rules->negBVand(e);
00722       Expr ee = thm0.getRHS();
00723       if (ee.arity() == 0) res = thm0;
00724       else {
00725         //process each negated kid
00726         Op op = ee.getOp();
00727         vector<Theorem> thms;
00728         for(Expr::iterator i=ee.begin(), iend=ee.end(); i!=iend; ++i)
00729           thms.push_back(pushNegationRec(*i));
00730         res = substitutivityRule(op, thms);
00731         res = transitivityRule(thm0, res);
00732       }
00733       break;
00734     }
00735     case BVOR: {
00736       //demorgan's laws.
00737       Theorem thm0 = d_rules->negBVor(e);
00738       Expr ee = thm0.getRHS();
00739       if (ee.arity() == 0) res = thm0;
00740       else {
00741         //process each negated kid
00742         Op op = ee.getOp();
00743         vector<Theorem> thms;
00744         for(Expr::iterator i=ee.begin(), iend=ee.end(); i!=iend; ++i)
00745           thms.push_back(pushNegationRec(*i));
00746         res = substitutivityRule(op, thms);
00747         res = transitivityRule(thm0, res);
00748       }
00749       break;
00750     }
00751     case BVXOR: {
00752       res = d_rules->negBVxor(e);
00753       Expr ee = res.getRHS();
00755       // only the first child is negated
00756       Theorem thm0 = pushNegationRec(ee[0]);
00757       if (!thm0.isRefl()) {
00758         thm0 = substitutivityRule(ee, 0, thm0);
00759         res = transitivityRule(res, thm0);
00760       }
00761       break;
00762     }
00763     case BVXNOR: {
00764       res = d_rules->negBVxnor(e);
00765       break;
00766     }
00767     case CONCAT: {
00768       //demorgan's laws.
00769       Theorem thm0 = d_rules->negConcat(e);
00770       Expr ee = thm0.getRHS();
00771       if (ee.arity() == 0) res = thm0;
00772       else {
00773         //process each negated kid
00774         Op op = ee.getOp();
00775         vector<Theorem> thms;
00776         for(Expr::iterator i=ee.begin(), iend=ee.end(); i!=iend; ++i)
00777           thms.push_back(pushNegationRec(*i));
00778         res = substitutivityRule(op, thms);
00779         res = transitivityRule(thm0, res);
00780       }
00781       break;
00782     }
00783     case BVPLUS:
00784       // FIXME: Need to implement the following transformation:
00785       // ~(x+y) <=> ~x+~y+1
00786       // (because  ~(x+y)+1= -(x+y) = -x-y = ~x+1+~y+1)
00787     case BVMULT:
00788       // FIXME: Need to implement the following transformation:
00789       // ~(x*y) <=> (~x+1)*y-1
00790       // [ where we prefer x to be constant/AND/OR/NEG and then
00791       //   BVPLUS, and only then everything else].
00792       // (because  ~(x*y)+1= -(x+y) = (-x)*y = (~x+1)*y)
00793     default:
00794       res = reflexivityRule(e);
00795       break;
00796   }
00797   TRACE("TheoryBitvector::pushNegation", "pushNegationRec => ", res, "}");
00798   d_pushNegCache[e] = res;
00799   return res;
00800 }
00803 // We assume that the cache is initially empty
00804 Theorem TheoryBitvector::pushNegation(const Expr& e) {
00805   d_pushNegCache.clear();
00806   DebugAssert(BVNEG == e.getOpKind(), "Expected BVNEG");
00807   return pushNegationRec(e);
00808 }
00811 //! Top down simplifier
00812 Theorem TheoryBitvector::simplifyOp(const Expr& e) {
00813   if (e.arity() > 0) {
00814     Expr ee(e);
00815     Theorem thm0;
00816     switch(e.getOpKind()) {
00817     case BVNEG:
00818       thm0 = pushNegation(e);
00819       break;
00820     case EXTRACT:
00821       switch(e[0].getOpKind()) {
00822       case BVPLUS:
00823   thm0 = d_rules->extractBVPlus(e);
00824   break;
00825       case BVMULT:
00826   thm0 = d_rules->extractBVMult(e);
00827   break;
00828       default:
00829   thm0 = reflexivityRule(e);
00830   break;
00831       }
00832       break;
00833     case BVPLUS:
00834       break;
00835     case BVMULT:
00836       //      thm0 = d_rules->padBVMult(e);
00837       break;
00838     case CONCAT: // 0bin0_[k] @ BVPLUS(n, args) => BVPLUS(n+k, args)
00839 //       if(e.arity()==2 && e[0].getKind()==BVCONST && e[1].getOpKind()==BVPLUS
00840 //   && computeBVConst(e[0]) == 0) {
00841 //  thm0 = d_rules->bvplusZeroConcatRule(e);
00842 //       }
00843       break;
00844     case RIGHTSHIFT:
00845       thm0 = d_rules->rightShiftToConcat(e);
00846       break;
00847     case LEFTSHIFT:
00848       thm0 = d_rules->leftShiftToConcat(e);
00849       break;
00851       thm0 = d_rules->constWidthLeftShiftToConcat(e);
00852       break;
00853     default:
00854       thm0 = reflexivityRule(e);
00855       break;
00856     }
00857     vector<Theorem> newChildrenThm;
00858     vector<unsigned> changed;
00859     if(thm0.isNull()) thm0 = reflexivityRule(e);
00860     ee = thm0.getRHS();
00861     int ar = ee.arity();
00862     for(int k = 0; k < ar; ++k) {
00863       // Recursively simplify the kids
00864       Theorem thm = simplify(ee[k]);
00865       if (thm.getLHS() != thm.getRHS()) {
00866   newChildrenThm.push_back(thm);
00867   changed.push_back(k);
00868       }
00869     }
00870     if(changed.size() > 0) {
00871       Theorem thm1 = substitutivityRule(ee, changed, newChildrenThm);
00872       return transitivityRule(thm0,thm1);
00873     } else
00874       return thm0;
00875   }
00876   return reflexivityRule(e);
00877 }
00880 // Theorem TheoryBitvector::rewriteConst(const Expr& e)
00881 // {
00882 //   Theorem result = reflexivityRule(e);
00883 //   return result;
00884 // }
00887 Theorem TheoryBitvector::rewriteBV(const Expr& e, ExprMap<Theorem>& cache, int n)
00888 {
00889   TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "TheoryBitvector::rewriteBV(", e, ") {");
00891   if (n <= 0) return reflexivityRule(e);
00893   Theorem res;
00895   if(n >= 2) {
00896     // rewrite children recursively
00897     Theorem thm;
00898     vector<Theorem> thms;
00899     vector<unsigned> changed;
00900     for(int i=0, iend=e.arity(); i<iend; ++i) {
00901       thm = rewriteBV(e[i], cache, n-1);
00902       if(thm.getLHS() != thm.getRHS()) {
00903         thms.push_back(thm);
00904         changed.push_back(i);
00905       }
00906     }
00907     if(changed.size() > 0) {
00908       thm = substitutivityRule(e, changed, thms);
00909       return transitivityRule(thm, rewriteBV(thm.getRHS(), cache));
00910     }
00911     // else fall through
00912   }
00914   // Check the cache
00915   ExprMap<Theorem>::iterator it = cache.find(e);
00916   if (it != cache.end()) {
00917     res = (*it).second;
00918     TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "TheoryBitvector::rewrite["+int2string(n)
00919           +"][cached] => ", res.getExpr(), " }");
00920     IF_DEBUG(debugger.counter("bv rewriteBV[n] cache hits")++;)
00921     return res;
00922   }
00924   // Main rewrites
00925   switch(e.getOpKind()) {
00926     case NOT:
00927       switch (e[0].getKind()) {
00928         case BVLT:
00929         case BVLE:
00930           res = d_rules->notBVLTRule(e);
00931           if (!res.isRefl()) {
00932             res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
00933           }
00934           break;
00935         case EQ:
00936           if (BVSize(e[0][0]) == 1) {
00937             res = d_rules->notBVEQ1Rule(e);
00938             res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
00939             break;
00940           }
00941           break;
00942       }
00943       break;
00944     case EQ:
00945     {
00946       // Canonise constant equations to true or false
00947       if (e[0].getKind() == BVCONST && e[1].getKind() == BVCONST) {
00948         res = d_rules->constEq(e);
00949       } else
00950       // If x_1 or x_2 = 0 then both have to be 0
00951       if (e[0].getKind() == BVOR && e[1].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[1]) == 0) {
00952         res = d_rules->zeroBVOR(e);
00953         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
00954       }
00955       // if x_1 and x_2 = 1 then both have to be 1
00956       else if (e[0].getKind() == BVAND && e[1].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[1]) == pow(BVSize(e[1]), 2) - 1) {
00957         res = d_rules->oneBVAND(e);
00958         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
00959       }
00960       // Solve
00961       else {
00962         res = d_rules->canonBVEQ(e);
00963         if (!res.isRefl()) {
00964           res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
00965         }
00966         else e.setRewriteNormal();
00967       }
00968       break;
00969     }
00970     case BVCONST:
00971     {
00972       res = reflexivityRule(e);
00973       break;
00974     }
00975     case CONCAT: {
00976       // First, flatten concatenation
00977       res = d_rules->concatFlatten(e);
00978       TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "rewriteBV (CONCAT): flattened = ",
00979       res.getRHS(), "");
00980       // Search for adjacent constants and accumulate the vector of
00981       // nested concatenations (@ t1 ... (@ c1 ... ck) ... tn), and the
00982       // indices of constant concatenations in this new expression.
00983       // We'll connect this term to 'e' by inverse of flattenning, and
00984       // rewrite concatenations of constants into bitvector constants.
00985       vector<unsigned> idxs;
00986       vector<Expr> kids; // Kids of the new concatenation
00987       vector<Theorem> thms; // Rewrites of constant concatenations
00988       vector<Expr> nestedKids; // Kids of the current concatenation of constants
00989       // res will be overwritten, using const Expr& may be dangerous
00990       Expr e1 = res.getRHS();
00991       for(int i=0, iend=e1.arity(); i<iend; ++i) {
00992   TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "rewriteBV: e["+int2string(i)+"]=",
00993         e1[i], "");
00994   if(e1[i].getKind() == BVCONST) {
00995     // INVARIANT: if it is the first constant in a batch,
00996     // then nestedKids must be empty.
00997     nestedKids.push_back(e1[i]);
00998     TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "rewriteBV: queued up BVCONST: ",
00999     e1[i], "");
01000   } else { // e1[i] is not a BVCONST
01001     if(nestedKids.size() > 0) { // This is the end of a batch
01002       if(nestedKids.size() >= 2) { // Create a nested const concat
01003         Expr cc = newConcatExpr(nestedKids);
01004         idxs.push_back(kids.size());
01005         kids.push_back(cc);
01006         thms.push_back(d_rules->concatConst(cc));
01007         TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "rewriteBV: wrapping ", cc, "");
01008       } else { // A single constant, add it as it is
01009         TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "rewriteBV: single const ",
01010         nestedKids[0], "");
01011         kids.push_back(nestedKids[0]);
01012       }
01013       nestedKids.clear();
01014     }
01015     // Add the current non-constant BV
01016     kids.push_back(e1[i]);
01017   }
01018       }
01019       // Handle the last BVCONST
01020       if(nestedKids.size() > 0) {
01021   if(nestedKids.size() >= 2) { // Create a nested const concat
01022     Expr cc = newConcatExpr(nestedKids);
01023     idxs.push_back(kids.size());
01024     kids.push_back(cc);
01025     thms.push_back(d_rules->concatConst(cc));
01026     TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "rewriteBV: wrapping ", cc, "");
01027   } else { // A single constant, add it as it is
01028     kids.push_back(nestedKids[0]);
01029     TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "rewriteBV: single const ",
01030     nestedKids[0], "");
01031   }
01032   nestedKids.clear();
01033       }
01034       // If there are any constants to merge, do the merging
01035       if(idxs.size() > 0) {
01036   // CONCAT with constants groupped
01037   if(kids.size() == 1) { // Special case: all elements are constants
01038     DebugAssert(thms.size() == 1, "TheoryBitvector::rewriteBV:\n"
01039           "case CONCAT: all constants.  thms.size() == "
01040           +int2string(thms.size()));
01041     res = transitivityRule(res, thms[0]);
01042   } else {
01043     Expr ee = newConcatExpr(kids);
01045     Theorem constMerge = substitutivityRule(ee, idxs, thms);
01046     // The inverse flattening of ee
01047     Theorem unFlatten = symmetryRule(d_rules->concatFlatten(ee));
01048     // Putting it together: Theorem(e==e'), where e' has constants merged
01049     res = transitivityRule(res, unFlatten);
01050     res = transitivityRule(res, constMerge);
01051   }
01052       }
01054       // Now do a similar search for mergeable extractions
01055       idxs.clear();
01056       thms.clear();
01057       kids.clear();
01058       // nestedKids must already be empty
01059       DebugAssert(nestedKids.size() == 0,
01060       "rewriteBV() case CONCAT, end of const merge");
01061       Expr prevExpr; // Previous base of extraction (initially Null)
01062       // The first and the last bit in the batch of mergeable extractions
01063       int hi(-1), low(-1);
01064       // Refresh e1
01065       e1 = res.getRHS();
01066       for(int i=0, iend=e1.arity(); i<iend; ++i) {
01067   const Expr& ei = e1[i];
01068   if(ei.getOpKind() == EXTRACT) {
01069     if(nestedKids.size() > 0 && ei[0] == prevExpr
01070        && (low-1) == getExtractHi(ei)) {
01071       // Continue to accumulate the current batch
01072       nestedKids.push_back(ei);
01073       low = getExtractLow(ei);
01074     } else { // Start a new batch
01075       // First, check if there was a batch before that
01076       if(nestedKids.size() >= 2) { // Create a nested const concat
01077         Expr cc = newConcatExpr(nestedKids);
01078         idxs.push_back(kids.size());
01079         kids.push_back(cc);
01080         thms.push_back(d_rules->concatMergeExtract(cc));
01081         nestedKids.clear();
01082       } else if(nestedKids.size() == 1) {
01083         // A single extraction, add it as it is
01084         kids.push_back(nestedKids[0]);
01085         nestedKids.clear();
01086       }
01087       // Now, actually start a new batch
01088       nestedKids.push_back(ei);
01089       hi = getExtractHi(ei);
01090       low = getExtractLow(ei);
01091       prevExpr = ei[0];
01092     }
01093   } else { // e1[i] is not an EXTRACT
01094     if(nestedKids.size() >= 2) { // Create a nested const concat
01095       Expr cc = newConcatExpr(nestedKids);
01096       idxs.push_back(kids.size());
01097       kids.push_back(cc);
01098       thms.push_back(d_rules->concatMergeExtract(cc));
01099     } else if(nestedKids.size() == 1) {
01100       // A single extraction, add it as it is
01101       kids.push_back(nestedKids[0]);
01102     }
01103     nestedKids.clear();
01104     // Add the current non-EXTRACT BV
01105     kids.push_back(ei);
01106   }
01107       }
01108       // Handle the last batch of extractions
01109       if(nestedKids.size() >= 2) { // Create a nested const concat
01110   Expr cc = newConcatExpr(nestedKids);
01111   idxs.push_back(kids.size());
01112   kids.push_back(cc);
01113   // The extraction may include all the bits, we need to rewrite again
01114   thms.push_back(rewriteBV(d_rules->concatMergeExtract(cc), cache, 1));
01115       } else if(nestedKids.size() == 1) {
01116   // A single extraction, add it as it is
01117   kids.push_back(nestedKids[0]);
01118       }
01119       // If there are any extractions to merge, do the merging
01120       if(idxs.size() > 0) {
01121   // CONCAT with extractions groupped
01122   if(kids.size() == 1) { // Special case: all elements merge together
01123     DebugAssert(thms.size() == 1, "TheoryBitvector::rewriteBV:\n"
01124           "case CONCAT: all extracts merge.  thms.size() == "
01125           +int2string(thms.size()));
01126     res = thms[0];
01127   } else {
01128     Expr ee = newConcatExpr(kids);
01129     Theorem extractMerge = substitutivityRule(ee, idxs, thms);
01130     // The inverse flattening of ee
01131     Theorem unFlatten = symmetryRule(d_rules->concatFlatten(ee));
01132     // Putting it together: Theorem(e==e'), where e' has extractions merged
01133     res = transitivityRule(res, unFlatten);
01134     res = transitivityRule(res, extractMerge);
01135   }
01136       }
01137       // Check for 0bin00 @ BVPLUS(n, ...).  Most of the time, this
01138       // case will be handled during the top-down phase
01139       // (simplifyOp()), but not always.
01140 //       Expr ee = res.getRHS();
01141 //       if(ee.getOpKind()==CONCAT && ee.arity() == 2 && ee[0].getKind()==BVCONST
01142 //   && ee[1].getOpKind()==BVPLUS && computeBVConst(ee[0]) == 0) {
01143 //  // Push the concat down through BVPLUS
01144 //  Theorem thm = d_rules->bvplusZeroConcatRule(ee);
01145 //  if(thm.getLHS()!=thm.getRHS()) {
01146 //    thm = transitivityRule(thm, d_rules->padBVPlus(thm.getRHS()));
01147 //    // Kids may need to be rewritten again
01148 //    res = rewriteBV(transitivityRule(res, thm), cache, 2);
01149 //  }
01150 //       }
01151       // Since we may have pulled subexpressions from more than one
01152       // level deep, we cannot guarantee that all the new kids are
01153       // fully simplified, and have to call simplify explicitly again.
01154       // Since this is potentially an expensive operation, we try to
01155       // minimize the need for it:
01157       // * check if the result has a find pointer (then kids don't
01158       //   need to be simplified),
01159       // * check if any of the kids simplify (if not, don't bother).
01160       // If kids are already simplified, we'll hit the simplifier
01161       // cache.  It's only expensive when kids do indeed simplify.
01162       if(theoryCore()->inUpdate() || !res.getRHS().hasFind()) {
01163   Expr ee = res.getRHS();
01164   vector<Theorem> thms;
01165   vector<unsigned> changed;
01166   for(int i=0, iend=ee.arity(); i<iend; ++i) {
01167     Theorem thm = simplify(ee[i]);
01168     if(thm.getLHS()!=thm.getRHS()) {
01169       thms.push_back(thm);
01170       changed.push_back(i);
01171     }
01172   }
01173   if(changed.size()>0) {
01174     Theorem subst = substitutivityRule(ee, changed, thms);
01175     res = transitivityRule(res, rewriteBV(subst, cache, 1));
01176   }
01177       }
01178       break;
01179     }
01180     case EXTRACT: {
01181       DebugAssert(e.arity() == 1, "TheoryBitvector::rewriteBV: e = "
01182       +e.toString());
01183       if(getExtractLow(e) == 0 && getExtractHi(e) == BVSize(e[0])-1)
01184   res = d_rules->extractWhole(e);
01185       else {
01186   switch(e[0].getOpKind()) {
01187   case BVCONST:
01188     res = d_rules->extractConst(e);
01189     break;
01190   case EXTRACT:
01191     res = d_rules->extractExtract(e);
01192     break;
01193   case CONCAT:
01194     // Push extraction through concat, and rewrite the kids
01195     res = rewriteBV(d_rules->extractConcat(e), cache, 2);
01196     break;
01197   case BVNEG:
01198           res = rewriteBV(d_rules->extractNeg(e), cache, 2);
01199     break;
01200   case BVAND:
01201     res = rewriteBV(d_rules->extractAnd(e), cache, 2);
01202     break;
01203   case BVOR:
01204     res = rewriteBV(d_rules->extractOr(e), cache, 2);
01205     break;
01206   case BVXOR:
01207     res =
01208       rewriteBV(d_rules->extractBitwise(e, BVXOR, "extract_bvxor"), cache, 2);
01209     break;
01210   case BVMULT: {
01211     const Expr& bvmult = e[0];
01212     int hiBit = getExtractHi(e);
01213     int bvmultLen = BVSize(bvmult);
01214     // Applicable if it changes anything
01215     if(hiBit+1 < bvmultLen) {
01216       res = d_rules->extractBVMult(e);
01217             res = rewriteBV(res, cache, 3);
01218     } else
01219       res = reflexivityRule(e);
01220     break;
01221   }
01222   case BVPLUS: {
01223     const Expr& bvplus = e[0];
01224     int hiBit = getExtractHi(e);
01225     int bvplusLen = BVSize(bvplus);
01226     if(hiBit+1 < bvplusLen) {
01227       res = d_rules->extractBVPlus(e);
01228     } else res = reflexivityRule(e);
01229     break;
01230   }
01231   default:
01232     res = reflexivityRule(e);
01233     break;
01234   }
01235       }
01236       if (!res.isRefl()) {
01237         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01238       }
01239       break;
01240     }
01241     case BOOLEXTRACT: {
01242       Expr t(e);
01243       // Normal form: t[0] for 1-bit t, collapse t[i:i][0] into t[i]
01244       if(BVSize(e[0]) > 1) { // transform t[i] to t[i:i][0] and rewrite
01245         res = rewriteBV(d_rules->bitExtractRewrite(e), cache, 2);
01246         t = res.getRHS();
01247       }
01248       if(t.getOpKind() == BOOLEXTRACT && t[0].getOpKind() == EXTRACT) {
01249         // Collapse t[i:i][0] to t[i]
01250         int low = getExtractLow(t[0]);
01251         if(getExtractHi(t[0]) == low) {
01252           Theorem thm(d_rules->bitExtractRewrite
01253                       (newBoolExtractExpr(t[0][0], low)));
01254           thm = symmetryRule(thm);
01255           res = (res.isNull())? thm : transitivityRule(res, thm);
01256           t = res.getRHS()[0];
01257           // Make sure t in the resulting t[i] is its own find pointer
01258           // (global invariant)
01259           if(t.hasFind()) {
01260             Theorem findThm = find(t);
01261             if(t != findThm.getRHS()) {
01262               vector<Theorem> thms;
01263               thms.push_back(findThm);
01264               thm = substitutivityRule(res.getRHS().getOp(), thms);
01265               res = transitivityRule(res, thm);
01266             }
01267           }
01268         }
01269       }
01270       if(!res.isNull()) t = res.getRHS();
01271       // Rewrite a constant extraction to TRUE or FALSE
01272       if(t.getOpKind() == BOOLEXTRACT && constantKids(t)) {
01273         Theorem thm = d_rules->bitExtractConstant(t[0], getBoolExtractIndex(t));
01274         res = (res.isNull())? thm : transitivityRule(res, thm);
01275       }
01276       break;
01277     }
01278     case LEFTSHIFT:
01279         if (e[0].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[0]) == 0) {
01280           res = d_rules->bvShiftZero(e);
01281         } else {
01282           res = d_rules->leftShiftToConcat(e);
01283           if (!res.isRefl()) {
01284             res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01285           }
01286         }
01287         break;
01289         if (e[0].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[0]) == 0) {
01290           res = d_rules->bvShiftZero(e);
01291         } else {
01292           res = d_rules->constWidthLeftShiftToConcat(e);
01293           if (!res.isRefl()) {
01294             res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01295           }
01296         }
01297         break;
01298     case RIGHTSHIFT:
01299         if (e[0].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[0]) == 0) {
01300           res = d_rules->bvShiftZero(e);
01301         } else {
01302           res = d_rules->rightShiftToConcat(e);
01303           if (!res.isRefl()) {
01304             res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01305           }
01306         }
01307         break;
01308     case BVSHL:
01309       if (e[0].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[0]) == 0) {
01310         res = d_rules->bvShiftZero(e);
01311       } else
01312       if (e[1].getKind() == BVCONST) {
01313         res = d_rules->bvshlToConcat(e);
01314         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01315       }
01316 //       else {
01317 //         res = d_rules->bvshlSplit(e);
01318 //         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01319 //       }
01320       break;
01321     case BVLSHR:
01322       if (e[0].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[0]) == 0) {
01323         res = d_rules->bvShiftZero(e);
01324       } else
01325       if (e[1].getKind() == BVCONST) {
01326         res = d_rules->bvlshrToConcat(e);
01327         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01328       }
01329       break;
01330     case BVASHR:
01331       if (e[0].getKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst(e[0]) == 0) {
01332       res = d_rules->bvShiftZero(e);
01333       } else
01334         if (e[1].getKind() == BVCONST) {
01335             res = d_rules->bvashrToConcat(e);
01336             res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01337           }
01338       break;
01339     case SX: {
01340       res = d_rules->signExtendRule(e);
01341       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01342       break;
01343     }
01345     case BVZEROEXTEND:
01346       res = d_rules->zeroExtendRule(e);
01347       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01348       break;
01350     case BVREPEAT:
01351       res = d_rules->repeatRule(e);
01352       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01353       break;
01355     case BVROTL:
01356       res = d_rules->rotlRule(e);
01357       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01358       break;
01360     case BVROTR:
01361       res = d_rules->rotrRule(e);
01362       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01363       break;
01365     case BVAND:
01366     case BVOR:
01367     case BVXOR:
01368     {
01369       int kind = e.getOpKind();
01370       // Flatten the bit-wise AND, eliminate duplicates, reorder terms
01371       res = d_rules->bitwiseFlatten(e, kind);
01372       Expr ee = res.getRHS();
01373       if (ee.getOpKind() != kind) break;
01375       // Search for constant bitvectors
01376       vector<int> idxs;
01377       constantKids(ee, idxs);
01378       int idx = -1;
01380       if(idxs.size() >= 2) {
01381         res = transitivityRule(res, d_rules->bitwiseConst(ee, idxs, kind));
01382         ee = res.getRHS();
01383         if (ee.getOpKind() != kind) break;
01384         idx = 0;
01385       }
01386       else if (idxs.size() == 1) {
01387         idx = idxs[0];
01388       }
01390       if (idx >= 0) {
01391         res = transitivityRule(res, d_rules->bitwiseConstElim(ee, idx, kind));
01392         ee = res.getRHS();
01393         if (ee.getOpKind() != kind) break;
01394       }
01395       res = transitivityRule(res, d_rules->bitwiseConcat(ee, kind));
01396       if (!res.isRefl()) {
01397         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01398       }
01399       else {
01400         e.setRewriteNormal();
01401       }
01402       break;
01403     }
01404     case BVXNOR: {
01405       res = d_rules->rewriteXNOR(e);
01406       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01407       break;
01408     }
01409     case BVNEG: {
01410       res = pushNegation(e);
01411       if (!res.isRefl()) {
01412         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01413       }
01414       break;
01415     }
01416     case BVNAND: {
01417       res = d_rules->rewriteNAND(e);
01418       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01419       break;
01420     }
01421     case BVNOR: {
01422       res = d_rules->rewriteNOR(e);
01423       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01424       break;
01425     }
01426     case BVCOMP: {
01427       res = d_rules->rewriteBVCOMP(e);
01428       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01429       break;
01430     }
01431     case BVUMINUS:
01432     {
01433       res = d_rules->canonBVUMinus( e );
01434       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01435       break;
01436     }
01437     case BVPLUS:
01438     {
01439       res = d_rules->canonBVPlus(e );
01440       if (!res.isRefl()) {
01441         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01442       }
01443       else e.setRewriteNormal();
01444       break;
01445     }
01446     case BVSUB: {
01447       res = d_rules->rewriteBVSub(e);
01448       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01449       break;
01450     }
01451     case BVMULT:
01452     {
01453       res = d_rules->liftConcatBVMult(e);
01454       if (!res.isRefl()) {
01455         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01456       }
01457       else {
01458         res =  d_rules->canonBVMult( e );
01459         if (!res.isRefl())
01460           res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01461         else e.setRewriteNormal();
01462       }
01463       break;
01464     }
01466     case BVUDIV:
01467     {
01468       Expr a = e[0];
01469       Expr b = e[1];
01471       // Constant division
01472       if (a.getOpKind() == BVCONST && b.getOpKind() == BVCONST) {
01473         res = d_rules->bvUDivConst(e);
01474         break;
01475       }
01477       if (theoryCore()->okToEnqueue())
01478       {
01479         // get the full theorem
01480         // e = x/y
01481         // \exists div, mod: e = div & (y != 0 -> ...)
01482         // result is the equality
01483         // assert the additional conjunct
01484         Theorem fullTheorem =  d_rules->bvUDivTheorem(e);
01485         // Skolemise the variables
01486         Theorem skolem_div = getCommonRules()->skolemize(fullTheorem);
01487         // Get the rewrite part
01488         res = getCommonRules()->andElim(skolem_div, 0);
01489         // Get the division part
01490         Theorem additionalConstraint = getCommonRules()->andElim(skolem_div, 1);
01491         // Enqueue the division part
01492         enqueueFact(additionalConstraint);
01493         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01494       } else {
01495         res = reflexivityRule(e);
01496       }
01497       break;
01498     }
01499     case BVSDIV:
01500       res = d_rules->bvSDivRewrite(e);
01501       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01502       break;
01503     case BVUREM:
01504     {
01505       Expr a = e[0];
01506       Expr b = e[1];
01508       // Constant division
01509       if (a.getOpKind() == BVCONST && b.getOpKind() == BVCONST) {
01510           res = d_rules->bvURemConst(e);
01511           break;
01512       }
01514         res = d_rules->bvURemRewrite(e);
01515         res = transitivityRule(res, theoryCore()->simplify(res.getRHS()));
01517       break;
01518     }
01519     case BVSREM:
01520       res = d_rules->bvSRemRewrite(e);
01521       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01522       break;
01523     case BVSMOD:
01524       res = d_rules->bvSModRewrite(e);
01525       res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01526       break;
01527     case BVLT:
01528     case BVLE: {
01529       Expr lhs = e[0];
01530       Expr rhs = e[1];
01531       if (BVSize(lhs) != BVSize(rhs)) {
01532         res = d_rules->padBVLTRule(e, BVSize(lhs) > BVSize(rhs) ? BVSize(lhs) : BVSize(rhs));
01533         res = transitivityRule(res, simplify(res.getRHS()));
01534       }
01535       else {
01536         if(lhs == rhs)
01537           res = d_rules->lhsEqRhsIneqn(e, e.getOpKind());
01538         else if (BVCONST == lhs.getKind() && BVCONST == rhs.getKind())
01539           res = d_rules->bvConstIneqn(e, e.getOpKind());
01540         else if (e.getOpKind() == BVLE && BVCONST == lhs.getKind() && computeBVConst(lhs) == 0)
01541           res = d_rules->zeroLeq(e);
01542       }
01543       break;
01544     }
01546     case BVGT:
01547     case BVGE:
01548       FatalAssert(false, "Should be eliminated at parse-time");
01549       break;
01551     case BVSLT:
01552     case BVSLE:{
01553       /*! input: e0 <=(s) e1. output depends on whether the topbits(MSB) of
01554        *  e0 and e1 are constants. If they are constants then optimizations
01555        *  are done. In general, the following rule is implemented.
01556        * Step1:
01557        *                    e0 <=(s) e1
01558        *                       <==>
01559        *                 pad(e0) <=(s) pad(e1)
01560        * Step2:
01561        *                 pad(e0) <=(s) pad(e1)
01562        *                       <==>
01563        *             (e0[n-1] AND NOT e1[n-1]) OR
01564        *             (e0[n-1] = e1[n-1] AND e0[n-2:0] <= e1[n-2:0])
01565        */
01566       int e0len = BVSize(e[0]);
01567       int e1len = BVSize(e[1]);
01568       int bvlength = e0len>=e1len ? e0len : e1len;
01569       //e0 <=(s) e1 <=> signpad(e0) <=(s) signpad(e1)
01571       std::vector<Theorem> thms;
01572       std::vector<unsigned> changed;
01574       //e0 <= e1 <==> pad(e0) <= pad(e1)
01575       Theorem thm = d_rules->padBVSLTRule(e, bvlength);
01576       Expr paddedE = thm.getRHS();
01578       //the rest of the code simply normalizes pad(e0) and pad(e1)
01579       Theorem thm0 = d_rules->signExtendRule(paddedE[0]);
01580       Expr rhs0 = thm0.getRHS();
01581       thm0 = transitivityRule(thm0, rewriteBV(rhs0, cache));
01582       if(thm0.getLHS() != thm0.getRHS()) {
01583         thms.push_back(thm0);
01584         changed.push_back(0);
01585       }
01587       Theorem thm1 = d_rules->signExtendRule(paddedE[1]);
01588       Expr rhs1 = thm1.getRHS();
01589       thm1 = transitivityRule(thm1, rewriteBV(rhs1, cache));
01590       if(thm1.getLHS() != thm1.getRHS()) {
01591         thms.push_back(thm1);
01592         changed.push_back(1);
01593       }
01595       if(changed.size() > 0) {
01596         thm0 = substitutivityRule(paddedE,changed,thms);
01597         thm0 = transitivityRule(thm, thm0);
01598       }
01599       else
01600         thm0 = reflexivityRule(e);
01602       //signpad(e0) <= signpad(e1)
01603       Expr thm0RHS = thm0.getRHS();
01604       DebugAssert(thm0RHS.getOpKind() == BVSLT ||
01605                   thm0RHS.getOpKind() == BVSLE,
01606                   "TheoryBitvector::RewriteBV");
01607       //signpad(e0)[bvlength-1:bvlength-1]
01608       const Expr MSB0 = newBVExtractExpr(thm0RHS[0],bvlength-1,bvlength-1);
01609       //signpad(e1)[bvlength-1:bvlength-1]
01610       const Expr MSB1 = newBVExtractExpr(thm0RHS[1],bvlength-1,bvlength-1);
01611       //rewritten MSB0
01612       const Theorem topBit0 = rewriteBV(MSB0, cache, 2);
01613       //rewritten MSB1
01614       const Theorem topBit1 = rewriteBV(MSB1, cache, 2);
01615       //compute e0 <=(s) e1 <==> signpad(e0) <=(s) signpad(e1) <==>
01616       //output as given above
01617       thm1 = d_rules->signBVLTRule(thm0RHS, topBit0, topBit1);
01618       thm1 = transitivityRule(thm1,simplify(thm1.getRHS()));
01619       res = transitivityRule(thm0,thm1);
01620       break;
01621     }
01622     case BVSGT:
01623     case BVSGE:
01624       FatalAssert(false, "Should be eliminated at parse-time");
01625       break;
01626     default:
01627       res = reflexivityRule(e);
01628       break;
01629   }
01631   if (res.isNull()) res = reflexivityRule(e);
01633   // Update cache
01634   cache[e] = res;
01636   TRACE("bitvector rewrite", "TheoryBitvector::rewriteBV => ",
01637   res.getExpr(), " }");
01639   return res;
01640 }
01643 Theorem TheoryBitvector::rewriteBV(const Expr& e, int n)
01644 {
01645   ExprMap<Theorem> cache;
01646   return rewriteBV(e, cache, n);
01647 }
01650 Theorem TheoryBitvector::rewriteBoolean(const Expr& e)
01651 {
01652   Theorem thm;
01653   switch (e.getKind()) {
01654   case NOT:
01655     if (e[0].isTrue())
01656       thm = getCommonRules()->rewriteNotTrue(e);
01657     else if (e[0].isFalse())
01658       thm = getCommonRules()->rewriteNotFalse(e);
01659     else if (e[0].isNot())
01660       thm = getCommonRules()->rewriteNotNot(e);
01661     break;
01662   case IFF: {
01663     thm = getCommonRules()->rewriteIff(e);
01664     const Expr& rhs = thm.getRHS();
01665     // The only time we need to rewrite the result (rhs) is when
01666     // e==(FALSE<=>e1) or (e1<=>FALSE), so rhs==!e1.
01667     if (e != rhs && rhs.isNot())
01668       thm = transitivityRule(thm, rewriteBoolean(rhs));
01669     break;
01670   }
01671   case AND:{
01672     std::vector<Theorem> newK;
01673     std::vector<unsigned> changed;
01674     unsigned count(0);
01675     for(Expr::iterator ii=e.begin(),iiend=e.end();ii!=iiend;ii++,count++) {
01676       Theorem temp = rewriteBoolean(*ii);
01677       if(temp.getLHS() != temp.getRHS()) {
01678   newK.push_back(temp);
01679   changed.push_back(count);
01680       }
01681     }
01682     if(changed.size() > 0) {
01683       Theorem res = substitutivityRule(e,changed,newK);
01684       thm = transitivityRule(res, rewriteAnd(res.getRHS()));
01685     } else
01686       thm = rewriteAnd(e);
01687   }
01688     break;
01689   case OR:{
01690     std::vector<Theorem> newK;
01691     std::vector<unsigned> changed;
01692     unsigned count(0);
01693     for(Expr::iterator ii=e.begin(),iiend=e.end();ii!=iiend;ii++,count++) {
01694       Theorem temp = rewriteBoolean(*ii);
01695       if(temp.getLHS() != temp.getRHS()) {
01696   newK.push_back(temp);
01697   changed.push_back(count);
01698       }
01699     }
01700     if(changed.size() > 0) {
01701       Theorem res = substitutivityRule(e,changed,newK);
01702       thm = transitivityRule(res, rewriteOr(res.getRHS()));
01703     } else
01704       thm = rewriteOr(e);
01705   }
01706     break;
01708   default:
01709     break;
01710   }
01711   if(thm.isNull()) thm = reflexivityRule(e);
01713   return thm;
01714 }
01717 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
01718 // TheoryBitvector Public Methods                                            //
01719 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
01720 TheoryBitvector::TheoryBitvector(TheoryCore* core)
01721   : Theory(core, "Bitvector"),
01722     d_bvDelayEq(core->getStatistics().counter("bv delayed assert eqs")),
01723     d_bvAssertEq(core->getStatistics().counter("bv eager assert eqs")),
01724     d_bvDelayDiseq(core->getStatistics().counter("bv delayed assert diseqs")),
01725     d_bvAssertDiseq(core->getStatistics().counter("bv eager assert diseqs")),
01726     d_bvTypePreds(core->getStatistics().counter("bv type preds enqueued")),
01727     d_bvDelayTypePreds(core->getStatistics().counter("bv type preds delayed")),
01728     d_bvBitBlastEq(core->getStatistics().counter("bv bitblast eqs")),
01729     d_bvBitBlastDiseq(core->getStatistics().counter("bv bitblast diseqs")),
01730     d_bv32Flag(&(core->getFlags()["bv32-flag"].getBool())),
01731     d_bitvecCache(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext()),
01732     d_eq(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext()),
01733     d_eqPending(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext()),
01734     d_eq_index(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext(), 0, 0),
01735     d_bitblast(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext()),
01736     d_bb_index(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext(), 0, 0),
01737     d_sharedSubterms(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext()),
01738     d_sharedSubtermsList(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext()),
01739     d_maxLength(0),
01740     d_index1(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext(), 0, 0),
01741     d_index2(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext(), 0, 0)
01742     //    d_solvedEqSet(core->getCM()->getCurrentContext(), 0, 0)
01743 {
01744   getEM()->newKind(BITVECTOR, "_BITVECTOR", true);
01745   getEM()->newKind(BVCONST, "_BVCONST");
01746   getEM()->newKind(CONCAT, "_CONCAT");
01747   getEM()->newKind(EXTRACT, "_EXTRACT");
01748   getEM()->newKind(BOOLEXTRACT, "_BOOLEXTRACT");
01749   getEM()->newKind(LEFTSHIFT, "_LEFTSHIFT");
01751   getEM()->newKind(RIGHTSHIFT, "_RIGHTSHIFT");
01752   getEM()->newKind(BVSHL, "_BVSHL");
01753   getEM()->newKind(BVLSHR, "_BVLSHR");
01754   getEM()->newKind(BVASHR, "_BVASHR");
01755   getEM()->newKind(SX,"_SX");
01756   getEM()->newKind(BVREPEAT,"_BVREPEAT");
01757   getEM()->newKind(BVZEROEXTEND,"_BVZEROEXTEND");
01758   getEM()->newKind(BVROTL,"_BVROTL");
01759   getEM()->newKind(BVROTR,"_BVROTR");
01760   getEM()->newKind(BVAND, "_BVAND");
01761   getEM()->newKind(BVOR, "_BVOR");
01762   getEM()->newKind(BVXOR, "_BVXOR");
01763   getEM()->newKind(BVXNOR, "_BVXNOR");
01764   getEM()->newKind(BVNEG, "_BVNEG");
01765   getEM()->newKind(BVNAND, "_BVNAND");
01766   getEM()->newKind(BVNOR, "_BVNOR");
01767   getEM()->newKind(BVCOMP, "_BVCOMP");
01768   getEM()->newKind(BVUMINUS, "_BVUMINUS");
01769   getEM()->newKind(BVPLUS, "_BVPLUS");
01770   getEM()->newKind(BVSUB, "_BVSUB");
01771   getEM()->newKind(BVMULT, "_BVMULT");
01772   getEM()->newKind(BVUDIV, "_BVUDIV");
01773   getEM()->newKind(BVSDIV, "_BVSDIV");
01774   getEM()->newKind(BVUREM, "_BVUREM");
01775   getEM()->newKind(BVSREM, "_BVSREM");
01776   getEM()->newKind(BVSMOD, "_BVSMOD");
01777   getEM()->newKind(BVLT, "_BVLT");
01778   getEM()->newKind(BVLE, "_BVLE");
01779   getEM()->newKind(BVGT, "_BVGT");
01780   getEM()->newKind(BVGE, "_BVGE");
01781   getEM()->newKind(BVSLT, "_BVSLT");
01782   getEM()->newKind(BVSLE, "_BVSLE");
01783   getEM()->newKind(BVSGT, "_BVSGT");
01784   getEM()->newKind(BVSGE, "_BVSGE");
01785   getEM()->newKind(INTTOBV, "_INTTOBV");
01786   getEM()->newKind(BVTOINT, "_BVTOINT");
01787   getEM()->newKind(BVTYPEPRED, "_BVTYPEPRED");
01789   std::vector<int> kinds;
01790   kinds.push_back(BITVECTOR);
01791   kinds.push_back(BVCONST);
01792   kinds.push_back(CONCAT);
01793   kinds.push_back(EXTRACT);
01794   kinds.push_back(BOOLEXTRACT);
01795   kinds.push_back(LEFTSHIFT);
01796   kinds.push_back(CONST_WIDTH_LEFTSHIFT);
01797   kinds.push_back(RIGHTSHIFT);
01798   kinds.push_back(BVSHL);
01799   kinds.push_back(BVLSHR);
01800   kinds.push_back(BVASHR);
01801   kinds.push_back(SX);
01802   kinds.push_back(BVREPEAT);
01803   kinds.push_back(BVZEROEXTEND);
01804   kinds.push_back(BVROTL);
01805   kinds.push_back(BVROTR);
01806   kinds.push_back(BVAND);
01807   kinds.push_back(BVOR);
01808   kinds.push_back(BVXOR);
01809   kinds.push_back(BVXNOR);
01810   kinds.push_back(BVNEG);
01811   kinds.push_back(BVNAND);
01812   kinds.push_back(BVNOR);
01813   kinds.push_back(BVCOMP);
01814   kinds.push_back(BVUMINUS);
01815   kinds.push_back(BVPLUS);
01816   kinds.push_back(BVSUB);
01817   kinds.push_back(BVMULT);
01818   kinds.push_back(BVUDIV);
01819   kinds.push_back(BVSDIV);
01820   kinds.push_back(BVUREM);
01821   kinds.push_back(BVSREM);
01822   kinds.push_back(BVSMOD);
01823   kinds.push_back(BVLT);
01824   kinds.push_back(BVLE);
01825   kinds.push_back(BVGT);
01826   kinds.push_back(BVGE);
01827   kinds.push_back(BVSLT);
01828   kinds.push_back(BVSLE);
01829   kinds.push_back(BVSGT);
01830   kinds.push_back(BVSGE);
01831   kinds.push_back(INTTOBV);
01832   kinds.push_back(BVTOINT);
01833   kinds.push_back(BVTYPEPRED);
01835   registerTheory(this, kinds);
01837   d_bvConstExprIndex = getEM()->registerSubclass(sizeof(BVConstExpr));
01839   // Cache constants 0bin0 and 0bin1
01840   vector<bool> bits(1);
01841   bits[0]=false;
01842   d_bvZero = newBVConstExpr(bits);
01843   bits[0]=true;
01844   d_bvOne = newBVConstExpr(bits);
01846   // Instantiate the rules after all expression creation is
01847   // registered, since the constructor creates some bit-vector
01848   // expressions.
01849   d_rules = createProofRules();
01850 }
01853 // Destructor: delete the proof rules class if it's present
01854 TheoryBitvector::~TheoryBitvector() {
01855   if(d_rules != NULL) delete d_rules;
01856 }
01859 // Main theory API
01862 void TheoryBitvector::addSharedTerm(const Expr& e)
01863 {
01864   if(d_sharedSubterms.count(e)>0) return;
01865   TRACE("bvAddSharedTerm", "TheoryBitvector::addSharedTerm(", e.toString(PRESENTATION_LANG), ")");
01866   IF_DEBUG(debugger.counter("bv shared subterms")++;)
01867   d_sharedSubterms[e]=e;
01868   d_sharedSubtermsList.push_back(e);
01869   e.addToNotify(this, Expr());
01870 }
01873 /*Modified by Lorenzo PLatania*/
01875 // solvable fact (e.g. solvable equations) are added to d_eq CDList,
01876 // all the others have to be in a different CDList. If the equation is
01877 // solvable it comes here already solved. Should distinguish between
01878 // solved and not solved eqs
01879 void TheoryBitvector::assertFact(const Theorem& e)
01880 {
01881   const Expr& expr = e.getExpr();
01882   TRACE("bvAssertFact", "TheoryBitvector::assertFact(", e.getExpr().toString(), ")");
01883   //  cout<<"TheoryBitvector::assertFact, expr: "<<expr.toString()<<endl;
01884   // every time a new fact is added to the list the whole set may be
01885   // not in a solved form
01887   switch (expr.getOpKind()) {
01889     case BVTYPEPRED:
01890       assertTypePred(expr[0], e);
01891       break;
01893     case BOOLEXTRACT:
01894       // facts form the SAT solver are just ignored
01895       return;
01897     case NOT:
01898       // facts form the SAT solver are just ignored
01899       if (expr[0].getOpKind() == BOOLEXTRACT) return;
01901       if (expr[0].getOpKind() == BVTYPEPRED) {
01902         Expr tpExpr = getTypePredExpr(expr[0]);
01903         Theorem tpThm = typePred(tpExpr);
01904         DebugAssert(tpThm.getExpr() == expr[0], "Expected BVTYPEPRED theorem");
01905         setInconsistent(getCommonRules()->contradictionRule(tpThm, e));
01906         return;
01907       }
01909       DebugAssert(expr[0].isEq(), "Unexpected negation");
01911       d_bitblast.push_back(e);
01912       break;
01914     case EQ:
01915       // Updates are also ignored:
01916       // Note: this can only be true if this fact was asserted as a result of
01917       // assertEqualities.  For BV theory, this should only be possible if
01918       // the update was made from our own theory, so we can ignore it.
01919       if (theoryCore()->inUpdate()) return;
01921       // If we have already started bitblasting, just store the eq in d_bitblast;
01922       // if we haven't yet bitblasted and expr is a solved linear equation then
01923       // we store it in d_eq CDList, otherwise we store it in d_eqPending
01924       if (d_bb_index != 0) {
01925         d_bitblast.push_back(e);
01926       }
01927       else if (isLeaf(expr[0]) && !isLeafIn(expr[0], expr[1])) {
01928         d_eq.push_back( e );
01929       }
01930       else {
01931         d_eqPending.push_back( e );
01932       }
01933       break;
01935     default:
01936       // if the fact is not an equation it will be bit-blasted
01937       d_bitblast.push_back( e );
01938       break;
01939   }
01940 }
01943 //TODO: can we get rid of this in exchange for a more general politeness-based sharing mechanism?
01944 void TheoryBitvector::assertTypePred(const Expr& e, const Theorem& pred) {
01945   // Ignore bitvector constants (they always satisfy type predicates)
01946   // and bitvector operators.  When rewrites and updates are enabled.
01947   // their type predicates will be implicitly derived from the type
01948   // predicates of the arguments.
01950   if (theoryOf(e) == this) return;
01951   TRACE("bvAssertTypePred", "TheoryBitvector::assertTypePred(", e.toString(PRESENTATION_LANG), ")");
01952   addSharedTerm(e);
01953 }
01956 /*Beginning of Lorenzo PLatania's methods*/
01958 // evaluates the gcd of two integers using
01959 // Euclid algorithm
01960 // int TheoryBitvector::gcd(int c1, int c2)
01961 // {
01962 //   if(c2==0)
01963 //     return c1;
01964 //   else
01965 //     return gcd( c2, c1%c2);
01966 // }
01968 void TheoryBitvector::extract_vars(const Expr& e, vector<Expr>& result)
01969 {
01970   if (e.getOpKind() == BVMULT ) {
01971     extract_vars(e[0], result);
01972     extract_vars(e[1], result);
01973   }
01974   else {
01975     DebugAssert(e.getOpKind() != BVCONST &&
01976                 e.getOpKind() != BVUMINUS &&
01977                 e.getOpKind() != BVPLUS, "Unexpected structure");
01978     result.push_back(e);
01979   }
01980 }
01983 Expr TheoryBitvector::multiply_coeff( Rational mult_inv, const Expr& e)
01984 {
01986   // nothing to be done
01987   if( mult_inv == 1)
01988     return e;
01989   if(e.isEq())
01990     {
01991       Expr lhs = e[0];
01992       Expr rhs = e[1];
01993       Expr new_lhs = multiply_coeff( mult_inv, lhs);
01994       Expr new_rhs = multiply_coeff( mult_inv, rhs);
01995       Expr res(EQ, new_lhs, new_rhs);
01996       return res;
01997     }
01998   else
01999     {
02000       int kind = e.getOpKind();
02001       int size = BVSize(e);
02002       if( kind == BVMULT )
02003   {
02005     //lhs is like 'a_0*x_0'
02006     Rational new_coeff = mult_inv * computeBVConst( e[0] );
02007     Expr new_expr_coeff = newBVConstExpr( new_coeff, size);
02008     Expr BV_one = newBVConstExpr(1,size);
02009       if( new_expr_coeff == BV_one )
02010       {
02011         return e[1];
02012       }
02013     else
02014       {
02015         return newBVMultExpr( size, new_expr_coeff, e[1]);
02016       }
02017   }
02018       else
02019   if( kind == BVPLUS)
02020     {
02022       int expr_arity= e.arity();
02023       std::vector<Expr> tmp_list;
02024       for( int i = 0; i < expr_arity; ++i)
02025         {
02026     tmp_list.push_back(multiply_coeff( mult_inv, e[i]));
02027         }
02028 //      Expr::iterator i = e.begin();
02029 //      int index;
02030 //      Expr::iterator end = e.end();
02031 //      std::vector<Expr> tmp_list;
02032 //      for( i = e.begin(), index=0; i!=end; ++i, ++index)
02033 //        {
02034 //    tmp_list.push_back(multiply_coeff( mult_inv, *i));
02035 //        }
02036       return newBVPlusExpr(size, tmp_list);
02037     }
02038   else
02039     if( kind == BVCONST )
02040       {
02042         Rational new_const = mult_inv * computeBVConst(e);
02043         Expr res = newBVConstExpr( new_const, size);
02044               //        cout<<res.toString()+"\n";
02045         return res;
02046       }
02047     else
02048       if( isLeaf( e ) )
02049         {
02050     //lhs is like 'x_0'
02051     // need to know the lenght of the var
02052     // L:: guess it is not correct, mult_inv * e
02053     Expr BV_mult_inv = newBVConstExpr( mult_inv, size);
02054     Expr new_var = newBVMultExpr( size, BV_mult_inv, e);
02056     return new_var;
02057         }
02058       else
02059         {
02060     return e;
02061         }
02062     }
02063 }
02065 // L::return the index of the minimum element returns -1 if the list
02066 // is empty assuming only non-negative elements to be sostituted with
02067 // some debug assertion. ***I guess n_bits can be just an integer, no
02068 // need to declare it as a Rational
02070 Rational TheoryBitvector::multiplicative_inverse(Rational r, int n_bits)
02071 {
02073   //  cout<<"TheoryBitvector::multiplicative_inverse: working on "<<r.toString()<<endl;
02074   Rational i=r;
02075   Rational max_val= pow( n_bits, (Rational) 2);
02076   while(r!=1)
02077     {
02078       r = ( r*r ) % max_val;
02079       i = ( i*r ) % max_val;
02080     }
02081   //  cout<<"TheoryBitvector::multiplicative_inverse: result is "<<i.toString()<<endl;
02082   return i;
02083 }
02085 // int TheoryBitvector::min(std::vector<Rational> list)
02086 // {
02087 //   int res = 0;
02088 //   int i;
02089 //   int size = list.size();
02090 //   for(i = 0; i < size; ++i)
02091 //     {
02092 //       cout<<"list["<<i<<"]: "<<list[i]<<endl;
02093 //     }
02094 //   for(i = 1; i < size; ++i)
02095 //     {
02096 //       if(list[res]>list[i])
02097 //  res=i;
02098 //       cout<<"res: "<<res<<endl;
02099 //       cout<<"min: "<<list[res]<<endl;
02100 //     }
02102 //   cout<<"min: "<<res<<endl;
02103 //   return res;
02104 // }
02106 //***************************
02107 // ecco come fare il delete!
02108 //***************************
02110 // int main ()
02111 // {
02112 //   unsigned int i;
02113 //   deque<unsigned int> mydeque;
02115 //   // set some values (from 1 to 10)
02116 //   for (i=1; i<=10; i++) mydeque.push_back(i);
02118 //   // erase the 6th element
02119 //   mydeque.erase (mydeque.begin()+5);
02121 //   // erase the first 3 elements:
02122 //   mydeque.erase (mydeque.begin(),mydeque.begin()+3);
02124 //   cout << "mydeque contains:";
02125 //   for (i=0; i<mydeque.size(); i++)
02126 //     cout << " " << mydeque[i];
02127 //   cout << endl;
02129 //   return 0;
02130 // }
02132 // use the method in rational.h
02133 // it uses std::vector<Rational> instead of std::deque<int>
02134 // int TheoryBitvector::gcd(std::deque<int> coeff_list)
02135 // {
02137 //   cout<<"TheoryBitvector::gcd: begin\n";
02138 //   for(unsigned int i=0; i<coeff_list.size(); ++i)
02139 //     {
02140 //       cout<<"coeff_list["<<i<<"]: "<<coeff_list[i]<<endl;
02141 //     }
02142 //   int gcd_list;
02143 //   int min_index = min(coeff_list);
02144 //   int min_coeff_1 = coeff_list[min_index];
02145 //   cout<<"erasing element: "<<coeff_list[min_index];
02146 //   coeff_list.erase( coeff_list.begin() + min_index );
02148 //   while(coeff_list.size()>0)
02149 //     {
02150 //       min_index = min(coeff_list);
02151 //       int min_coeff_2 = coeff_list[min_index];
02152 //       cout<<"erasing element: "<<coeff_list[min_index];
02153 //       coeff_list.erase( coeff_list.begin() + min_index );
02155 //       // save one recursion
02156 //       gcd_list = gcd( min_coeff_2, min_coeff_1);
02157 //       cout<<"TheoryBitvector::gcd: erased min1\n";
02158 //       min_coeff_1 = gcd_list;
02159 //     }
02160 //   cout<<"gcd_list: "<<gcd_list<<endl;
02161 //   return gcd_list;
02162 // }
02164 // int TheoryBitvector::bv2int(const Expr& e)
02165 // {
02166 //   int sum=0;
02167 //   if(e.arity()==0 && ! e.isVar())
02168 //     {
02169 //       std::string tmp = e.toString();
02170 //       int s_length = tmp.length();
02171 //       int bit;
02172 //       int exp;
02173 //       // first 4 cells contains the bv prefix 0bin
02174 //       // just discard them
02175 //       for(int i=3; i < s_length; ++i)
02176 //  {
02177 //    if(tmp[i]=='1')
02178 //      {
02179 //        sum += (int)std::pow((float) 2, s_length - 1 - i);
02180 //      }
02181 //  }
02182 //     }
02183 //   else
02184 //     {
02185 //       cerr<<"error: non-constant to be converted\n";
02186 //     }
02187 //   return sum;
02188 // }
02190 // returning the position of the first odd coefficient found;
02191 // moreover, it multiplies a variable which does not appear in other
02192 // subterms. It assumes that the input expression has already been
02193 // canonized, so the lhs is a flat BVPLUS expression and the rhs is a
02194 // zero BVCONST
02196 Rational TheoryBitvector::Odd_coeff( const Expr& e )
02197 {
02198   int bv_size =  BVSize(e[0]);
02199   Expr bv_zero( newBVZeroString(bv_size));
02201   DebugAssert(e.getOpKind()==EQ && e[1] == bv_zero,
02202         "TheoryBitvector::Odd_coeff: the input expression has a non valid form ");
02204   Expr lhs = e[0];
02205   if( lhs.getOpKind() == BVMULT )
02206     {
02207       if( lhs[0].getOpKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst( lhs[0]) % 2 != 0)
02208   return computeBVConst( lhs[0] );
02209     }
02210   else
02211     if( isLeaf( lhs))
02212       return 1;
02213     else
02214       if( lhs.getOpKind() == BVPLUS )
02215   {
02216     int lhs_arity = lhs.arity();
02217     // scanning lhs in order to find a good odd coefficient
02218     for( int i = 0; i < lhs_arity; ++i)
02219       {
02220         // checking that the subterm is a leaf
02221         if( isLeaf( lhs[i] ) )
02222     {
02223       // checking that the current subterm does not appear in other
02224       // subterms
02225       for( int j = 0; j < lhs_arity; ++j)
02226         if( j != i && !isLeafIn( lhs[i], lhs[j] ))
02227           return 1;
02228     }
02229         else
02230     if( lhs[i].getOpKind() == BVMULT)
02231       {
02232         // the subterm is a BVMULT with a odd coefficient
02233         if( lhs[i][0].getOpKind() == BVCONST && computeBVConst( lhs[i][0]) % 2 != 0)
02234           {
02235       // checking that the current subterm does not appear in other
02236       // subterms
02237       int flag = 0;
02238       for( int j = 0; j < lhs_arity; ++j)
02239         {
02240           // as we can solve also for non-leaf terms we use
02241           // isTermIn instead of isLeafIn
02242           if( j != i && isTermIn( lhs[i][1], lhs[j] ))
02243             flag = 1;
02244         }
02245       // if the leaf is not a subterm of other terms in the
02246       // current expression then we can solve for it
02247       if( flag == 0)
02248         return computeBVConst( lhs[i][0] );
02249           }
02250       }
02251     else
02252       // the subterm is a non-linear one
02253       if ( lhs[i].getOpKind() != BVCONST )
02254         {
02255           // checking that the current subterm does not appear in other
02256           // subterms
02257           for( int j = 0; j < lhs_arity; ++j)
02258       if( j != i && !isLeafIn( lhs[i][1], lhs[j] ))
02259         return 1;
02260         }
02261       else
02262         ;
02263       }
02264   }
02265   // no leaf found to solve for
02266   return 0;
02267 }
02269 int TheoryBitvector::check_linear( const Expr &e )
02270 {
02271   TRACE("bv_check_linear", "TheoryBitvector::check_linear(", e.toString(PRESENTATION_LANG), ")");
02272   // recursively check if the expression is linear
02273   if( e.isVar() || e.getOpKind() == BVCONST )
02274     return 1;
02275   else
02276     if( e.getOpKind() == BVPLUS )
02277       {
02278   int e_arity= e.arity();
02279   int flag = 1;
02280   for( int i=0; i < e_arity && flag == 1; ++i)
02281     {
02282       flag = check_linear( e[i]);
02283     }
02284   return flag;
02285       }
02286     else
02287       if( e.getOpKind() == BVMULT)
02288   {
02289     if( e[0].getOpKind() == BVCONST && e[1].isVar() )
02290       return 1;
02291     else
02292       return 0;
02293   }
02294       else
02295   if( e.getOpKind() == BVUMINUS)
02296     return check_linear( e[0]);
02297   else
02298     if( e.getOpKind() == EQ )
02299       return ( check_linear( e[0] ) && check_linear( e[1] ));
02300     else
02301       // all other operators are non-linear
02302       return 0;
02303 }
02305 // please check it is right. It is the same as Theory::isLeafIn but it
02306 // does not require e1 to be a leaf. In this way we can check for e1
02307 // to be a subterm of other expressions even if it is not a leaf,
02308 // i.e. a non-linear term
02309 bool TheoryBitvector::isTermIn(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2)
02310 {
02311   if (e1 == e2) return true;
02312   if (theoryOf(e2) != this) return false;
02313   for(Expr::iterator i=e2.begin(), iend=e2.end(); i != iend; ++i)
02314     if (isTermIn(e1, *i)) return true;
02315   return false;
02316 }
02318 // checks whether e can be solved in term
02319 bool TheoryBitvector::canSolveFor( const Expr& term, const Expr& e )
02320 {
02321   DebugAssert( e.getOpKind() == EQ, "TheoryBitvector::canSolveFor, input 'e' must be an equation");
02323   //  cout<<"TheoryBitvector::canSolveFor, term: "<<term.toString()<<endl;
02324   // the term has not a unary coefficient, so we did not multiply the
02325   // equation by its multiplicative inverse
02326   if( term.getOpKind() == BVMULT && term[0].getOpKind() == BVCONST)
02327     return 0;
02328   else
02329     if( isLeaf( term ) || !isLinearTerm( term))
02330       {
02331   int count = countTermIn( term, e);
02332         //  cout<<"TheoryBitvector::canSolveFor, count for "<<term.toString()<<" is: "<<count<<endl;
02333   if( count == 1)
02334     return true;
02335   else
02336     return false;
02337       }
02338     else
02339       {
02340   DebugAssert( false, "TheoryBitvector::canSolveFor, input 'term' of not treated kind");
02341   return false;
02342       }
02343 }
02345 int TheoryBitvector::countTermIn( const Expr& term, const Expr& e)
02346 {
02347   //  cout<<"TheoryBitvector::countTermIn, term: "<<term.toString()<<" e: "<<e.toString()<<endl;
02348   int e_arity = e.arity();
02349   int result = 0;
02350   // base cases recursion happen when e is a constant or a leaf
02351   if( e.getOpKind() == BVCONST )
02352     return 0;
02353   if( term ==  e )
02354     return 1;
02356   for( int i = 0; i < e_arity; ++i)
02357     {
02358       result += countTermIn( term, e[i]);
02359     }
02360   return result;
02361 }
02363 bool TheoryBitvector::isLinearTerm( const Expr& e )
02364 {
02365   if( isLeaf( e ) )
02366     return true;
02367   switch( e.getOpKind())
02368     {
02369     case BVPLUS:
02370       return true;
02371     case BVMULT:
02372       if( e[0].getOpKind() == BVCONST && isLinearTerm( e[1] ))
02373   return true;
02374       else
02375   return false;
02376       break;
02377     default:
02378       return false;
02379     }
02380 }
02383 // returns thm if no change
02384 Theorem TheoryBitvector::simplifyPendingEq(const Theorem& thm, int maxEffort)
02385 {
02386   Expr e = thm.getExpr();
02387   DebugAssert(e.getKind() == EQ, "Expected EQ");
02388   Expr lhs = e[0];
02389   Expr rhs = e[1];
02391   Theorem thm2 = thm;
02392   if (!isLeaf(lhs)) {
02393     // Carefully simplify lhs:
02394     // We can't take find(lhs) because find(lhs) = find(rhs) and this would result in a trivially true equation.
02395     // So, take the find of the children instead.
02396     int ar = lhs.arity();
02397     vector<Theorem> newChildrenThm;
02398     vector<unsigned> changed;
02399     Theorem thm0;
02400     for (int k = 0; k < ar; ++k) {
02401       thm0 = find(lhs[k]);
02402       if (thm0.getLHS() != thm0.getRHS()) {
02403         newChildrenThm.push_back(thm0);
02404         changed.push_back(k);
02405       }
02406     }
02407     if(changed.size() > 0) {
02408       // lhs = updated_lhs
02409       thm0 = substitutivityRule(lhs, changed, newChildrenThm);
02410       // lhs = updated_and_rewritten_lhs
02411       thm0 = transitivityRule(thm0, rewrite(thm0.getRHS()));
02412       // updated_and_rewritten_lhs = rhs
02413       thm2 = transitivityRule(symmetryRule(thm0), thm);
02414     }
02415   }
02416   // updated_and_rewritten_lhs = find(rhs)
02417   thm2 = transitivityRule(thm2, find(rhs));
02418   // canonized EQ
02419   thm2 = iffMP(thm2, d_rules->canonBVEQ(thm2.getExpr(), maxEffort));
02420   if (thm2.isRewrite() && thm2.getRHS() == lhs && thm2.getLHS() == rhs) {
02421     thm2 = thm;
02422   }
02423   return thm2;
02424 }
02427 Theorem TheoryBitvector::generalBitBlast( const Theorem& thm )
02428 {
02429   // cout<<"TheoryBitvector::generalBitBlast, thm: "<<thm.toString()<<" to expr(): "<<thm.getExpr().toString()<<endl;
02430   Expr e = thm.getExpr();
02431   switch (e.getOpKind()) {
02432     case EQ: {
02433       Theorem thm2 = simplifyPendingEq(thm, 6);
02434       const Expr& e2 = thm2.getExpr();
02435       switch (e2.getKind()) {
02436         case TRUE_EXPR:
02437         case FALSE_EXPR:
02438           return thm2;
02439         case EQ:
02440           return iffMP(thm2, bitBlastEqn(thm2.getExpr()));
02441         case AND: {
02442           DebugAssert(e2.arity() == 2 && e2[0].getKind() == EQ && e2[1].getKind() == EQ,
02443                       "Expected two equations");
02444           Theorem t1 = bitBlastEqn(e2[0]);
02445           Theorem t2 = bitBlastEqn(e2[1]);
02446           Theorem thm3 = substitutivityRule(e2, t1, t2);
02447           return iffMP(thm2, thm3);
02448         }
02449         default:
02450           FatalAssert(false, "Unexpected Expr");
02451           break;
02452       }
02453       break;
02454     }
02455     case BVLT:
02456     case BVLE: {
02457       // Carefully simplify
02458       int ar = e.arity();
02459       DebugAssert(ar == 2, "Expected arity 2");
02460       vector<Theorem> newChildrenThm;
02461       vector<unsigned> changed;
02462       Theorem thm0;
02463       for (int k = 0; k < ar; ++k) {
02464         thm0 = find(e[k]);
02465         if (thm0.getLHS() != thm0.getRHS()) {
02466           newChildrenThm.push_back(thm0);
02467           changed.push_back(k);
02468         }
02469       }
02470       if(changed.size() > 0) {
02471         // updated_e
02472         thm0 = iffMP(thm, substitutivityRule(e, changed, newChildrenThm));
02473         // updated_and_rewritten_e
02474         thm0 = iffMP(thm0, rewrite(thm0.getExpr()));
02475         if (thm0.getExpr().getOpKind() != e.getOpKind()) return thm0;
02476         return iffMP(thm0, bitBlastIneqn(thm0.getExpr()));
02477       }
02478       return iffMP(thm, bitBlastIneqn(e));
02479     }
02480     // a NOT should mean a disequality, as negation of inequalities
02481     // can be expressed as other inequalities.
02482     case NOT: {
02483       // Carefully simplify
02484       DebugAssert(e.arity() == 1, "Expected arity 1");
02485       DebugAssert(e[0].isEq(), "Expected disequality");
02486       DebugAssert(e[0].arity() == 2, "Expected arity 2");
02487       vector<Theorem> newChildrenThm;
02488       vector<unsigned> changed;
02489       Theorem thm0;
02490       for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
02491         thm0 = find(e[0][k]);
02492         if (thm0.getLHS() != thm0.getRHS()) {
02493           newChildrenThm.push_back(thm0);
02494           changed.push_back(k);
02495         }
02496       }
02497       if(changed.size() > 0) {
02498         // a = b <=> a' = b'
02499         thm0 = substitutivityRule(e[0], changed, newChildrenThm);
02500       }
02501       else thm0 = reflexivityRule(e[0]);
02502       // a = b <=> canonized EQ
02503       thm0 = transitivityRule(thm0, d_rules->canonBVEQ(thm0.getRHS(), 6));
02504       // NOT(canonized EQ)
02505       thm0 = iffMP(thm, substitutivityRule(e, thm0));
02506       if (thm0.getExpr()[0].isEq()) {
02507         return bitBlastDisEqn(thm0);
02508       }
02509       else return thm0;
02510     }
02511     default:
02512       FatalAssert(false, "TheoryBitvector::generalBitBlast: unknown expression kind");
02513       break;
02514   }
02515   return reflexivityRule( e );
02516 }
02517 /*End of Lorenzo PLatania's methods*/
02519 static Expr findAtom(const Expr& e)
02520 {
02521   if (e.isAbsAtomicFormula()) return e;
02522   for (int i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
02523     Expr e_i = findAtom(e[i]);
02524     if (!e_i.isNull()) return e_i;
02525   }
02526   return Expr();
02527 }
02530 bool TheoryBitvector::comparebv(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2)
02531 {
02532   int size = BVSize(e1);
02533   FatalAssert(size == BVSize(e2), "expected same size");
02534   Theorem c1, c2;
02535   int idx1 = -1;
02536   vector<Theorem> thms1;
02538   if (d_bb_index == 0) {
02539     Expr splitter = e1.eqExpr(e2);
02540     Theorem thm = simplify(splitter);
02541     if (!thm.getRHS().isBoolConst()) {
02542       addSplitter(e1.eqExpr(e2));
02543       return true;
02544     }
02545     // Store a dummy theorem to indicate bitblasting has begun
02546     d_bb_index = 1;
02547     d_bitblast.push_back(getCommonRules()->trueTheorem());
02548   }
02550   for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
02551     c1 = bitBlastTerm(e1, i);
02552     c1 = transitivityRule(c1, simplify(c1.getRHS()));
02553     c2 = bitBlastTerm(e2, i);
02554     c2 = transitivityRule(c2, simplify(c2.getRHS()));
02555     thms1.push_back(c1);
02556     if (!c1.getRHS().isBoolConst()) {
02557       if (idx1 == -1) idx1 = i;
02558       continue;
02559     }
02560     if (!c2.getRHS().isBoolConst()) {
02561       continue;
02562     }
02563     if (c1.getRHS() != c2.getRHS()) return false;
02564   }
02565   if (idx1 == -1) {
02566     // If e1 is known to be a constant, assert that
02567     DebugAssert(e1.getKind() != BVCONST, "Expected non-const");
02568     assertEqualities(d_rules->bitExtractAllToConstEq(thms1));
02569     addSplitter(e1.eqExpr(e2));
02570     //    enqueueFact(getCommonRules()->trueTheorem());
02571     return true;
02572   }
02574   Theorem thm = bitBlastEqn(e1.eqExpr(e2));
02575   thm = iffMP(thm, simplify(thm.getExpr()));
02576   if (!thm.getExpr().isTrue()) {
02577     enqueueFact(thm);
02578     return true;
02579   }
02581   // Nothing to assert from bitblasted equation.  Best way to resolve this
02582   // problem is to split until the term can be equated with a bitvector
02583   // constant.
02584   Expr e = findAtom(thms1[idx1].getRHS());
02585   DebugAssert(!e.isNull(), "Expected atom");
02586   addSplitter(e);
02587   return true;
02588 }
02590 static bool bvdump = false;
02592 void TheoryBitvector::checkSat(bool fullEffort)
02593 {
02594   if(fullEffort) {
02596   for (unsigned i = 0; i < additionalRewriteConstraints.size(); i ++)
02597     enqueueFact(additionalRewriteConstraints[i]);
02598   additionalRewriteConstraints.clear();
02600     if (bvdump) {
02601       CDList<Theorem>::const_iterator it_list=d_eq.begin();
02602       unsigned int i;
02603       for(i=0; i<d_eq.size(); ++i)
02604       {
02605         cout<<"d_eq [" << i << "]= "<< it_list[i].getExpr().toString() << endl;
02606       }
02608       it_list=d_eqPending.begin();
02610       for(i=0; i<d_eqPending.size(); ++i)
02611       {
02612         cout<<"d_eqPending [" << i << "]= "<< it_list[i].getExpr().toString() << endl;
02613       }
02615       it_list=d_bitblast.begin();
02617       for(i=0; i<d_bitblast.size(); ++i)
02618       {
02619         cout<<"d_bitblast [" << i << "]= "<< it_list[i].getExpr().toString() << endl;
02620       }
02622       if (d_eq.size() || d_eqPending.size() || d_bitblast.size()) cout << endl;
02623     }
02625     unsigned eq_list_size = d_eqPending.size();
02626     bool bitBlastEq = d_eq_index < eq_list_size;
02627     if (d_bb_index == 0 && bitBlastEq) {
02628       bitBlastEq = false;
02629       unsigned eqIdx = d_eq_index;
02630       for(; eqIdx < eq_list_size; ++eqIdx) {
02631         Expr eq = d_eqPending[eqIdx].getExpr();
02632         DebugAssert(eq[1] == newBVConstExpr(Rational(0), BVSize(eq[0])), "Expected 0 on rhs");
02633         Theorem thm = simplifyPendingEq(d_eqPending[eqIdx], 5);
02634         if (thm == d_eqPending[eqIdx]) {
02635           bitBlastEq = true;
02636           continue;
02637         }
02638         const Expr& e2 = thm.getExpr();
02639         switch (e2.getKind()) {
02640           case TRUE_EXPR:
02641             break;
02642           case FALSE_EXPR:
02643             enqueueFact(thm);
02644             return;
02645           case EQ:
02646           case AND:
02647             if (simplify(thm.getExpr()).getRHS() == trueExpr()) {
02648               bitBlastEq = true;
02649               break;
02650             }
02651             for (; d_eq_index < eqIdx; d_eq_index = d_eq_index + 1) {
02652               d_eqPending.push_back(d_eqPending[d_eq_index]);
02653             }
02654             d_eq_index = d_eq_index + 1;
02655             enqueueFact(thm);
02656             return;
02657           default:
02658             FatalAssert(false, "Unexpected expr");
02659             break;
02660         }
02661       }
02662     }
02664    // Bitblast any new formulas
02665     unsigned bb_list_size = d_bitblast.size();
02666     bool bbflag = d_bb_index < bb_list_size || bitBlastEq;
02667     if (bbflag) {
02668       for( ; d_bb_index < bb_list_size; d_bb_index = d_bb_index + 1) {
02669         Theorem bb_result = generalBitBlast( d_bitblast[ d_bb_index ]);
02670         enqueueFact( bb_result);
02671       }
02672       if (d_bb_index == 0) {
02673         // push dummy on the stack to indicate bitblasting has started
02674         d_bb_index = 1;
02675         d_bitblast.push_back(getCommonRules()->trueTheorem());
02676       }
02677       for( ; d_eq_index < eq_list_size; d_eq_index = d_eq_index + 1) {
02678         Theorem bb_result = generalBitBlast( d_eqPending[ d_eq_index ]);
02679         enqueueFact( bb_result);
02680       }
02681       // If newly bitblasted formulas, skip the shared term check
02682       return;
02683     }
02685     // Check that all shared terms are distinct
02686     Theorem thm;
02687     for (; d_index1 < d_sharedSubtermsList.size(); d_index1 = d_index1 + 1, d_index2 = 0) {
02688       const Expr& e1 = d_sharedSubtermsList[d_index1];
02689       if (find(e1).getRHS() != e1) continue;
02690       for (; d_index2 < d_index1; d_index2 = d_index2 + 1) {
02691         const Expr& e2 = d_sharedSubtermsList[d_index2];
02692         DebugAssert(e1 != e2, "should be distinct");
02693         if (e1.getKind() == BVCONST && e2.getKind() == BVCONST) continue;
02694         if (find(e2).getRHS() != e2) continue;
02695         if (BVSize(e1) != BVSize(e2)) continue;
02696         if (e1.getKind() == BVCONST) {
02697           if (!comparebv(e2, e1)) continue;
02698         }
02699         else {
02700           if (!comparebv(e1, e2)) continue;
02701         }
02702         // comparebv enqueued something, so we can return
02703         return;
02704       }
02705     }
02706   }
02707 }
02710 Theorem TheoryBitvector::rewrite(const Expr& e)
02711 {
02712   ExprMap<Theorem> cache;
02713   return rewriteBV(e, cache);
02714 }
02717 Theorem TheoryBitvector::rewriteAtomic(const Expr& e)
02718 {
02719   return reflexivityRule(e);
02720 }
02723 void TheoryBitvector::setup(const Expr& e)
02724 {
02725   int k(0), ar(e.arity());
02726   if( e.isTerm() ) {
02727     for ( ; k < ar; ++k) {
02728       e[k].addToNotify(this, e);
02729     }
02730   }
02731 }
02734 // Lorenzo's version
02735 void TheoryBitvector::update(const Theorem& e, const Expr& d) {
02737   if (inconsistent()) return;
02738   //  cout<<"TheoryBitvector::update, theorem e:"<<e.toString()<<" expression d: "<<d.toString()<<endl;
02739   // Updating shared terms informations, code inherited from the old
02740   // version of the bitvector theory
02742   // Constants should never change their find pointers to non-constant
02743   // expressions
02744   DebugAssert(e.getLHS().getOpKind()!=BVCONST,
02745         "TheoryBitvector::update(e="+e.getExpr().toString()
02746         +", d="+d.toString());
02747   if (d.isNull()) {
02748     Expr lhs = e.getLHS();
02749     Expr rhs = e.getRHS();
02750     DebugAssert(d_sharedSubterms.find(lhs) != d_sharedSubterms.end(),
02751                 "Expected lhs to be shared");
02752     CDMap<Expr,Expr>::iterator it = d_sharedSubterms.find(rhs);
02753     if (it == d_sharedSubterms.end()) {
02754       addSharedTerm(rhs);
02755     }
02756     return;
02757   }
02758 //  {
02759 //    // found an equality between shared subterms!
02760 //           bool changed = false;
02761 //    if ((*it).second != lhs) {
02762 //      lhs = (*it).second;
02763 //      it = d_sharedSubterms.find(lhs);
02764 //      DebugAssert(it != d_sharedSubterms.end() && (*it).second == lhs,
02765 //      "Invariant violated in TheoryBitvector::update");
02766 //             changed = true;
02767 //    }
02768 //    if ((*it2).second != rhs) {
02769 //             rhs = (*it2).second;
02770 //             it2 = d_sharedSubterms.find(rhs);
02771 //             DebugAssert(it2 != d_sharedSubterms.end() && (*it2).second == rhs,
02772 //                         "Invariant violated in TheoryBitvector::update");
02773 //             changed = true;
02774 //           }
02775 //    DebugAssert(findExpr(lhs) == e.getRHS() &&
02776 //          findExpr(rhs) == e.getRHS(), "Unexpected value for finds");
02777 //    // It may be needed to check whether the two terms are the
02778 //    // same, in that case don't do anything
02779 //           if (changed) {
02780 //             Theorem thm = transitivityRule(find(lhs),symmetryRule(find(rhs)));
02781 //             const Expr& expr = thm.getExpr();
02783 //             if (d_bb_index == 0 &&
02784 //                 isLeaf(expr[0]) && !isLeafIn(expr[0], expr[1])) {
02785 //               d_eq.push_back( thm );
02786 //             }
02787 //             else {
02788 //               d_bitblast.push_back( thm );
02789 //             }
02790 //           }
02793 //    // canonize and solve befor asserting it
02794 //    //    cout<<"TheoryBitvector::update, thm.getRHS(): "<<thm.getRHS()<<" thm.getLHS():"<<thm.getLHS()<<" thm.getExpr():"<<thm.getExpr()<<endl;
02795 //    Theorem rwt_thm = rewrite( thm.getExpr() );
02796 //    Theorem solved_thm = solve( rwt_thm);
02797 //    assertFact( solved_thm );
02798     //    assertFact( thm );
02799     //    enqueueFact(iffMP(thm, bitBlastEqn(thm.getExpr())));
02800 //  }
02801 //       else
02802 //  {
02803 //    d_sharedSubterms[rhs] = (*it).second;
02804 //  }
02805 //     }
02806   // Propagate the "find" information to all the terms in the notify
02807   // list of d
02809   // if d has no find there is nothing to be updated
02810   if (!d.hasFind()) return;
02812   if (find(d).getRHS() == d) {
02813 //     Theorem thm = updateSubterms(d);
02814 //     TRACE("bvupdate", "TheoryArithOld::update(): thm = ", thm, "");
02815 //     DebugAssert(leavesAreSimp(thm.getRHS()), "updateHelper error: "
02816 //      +thm.getExpr().toString());
02817     Theorem thm = simplify(d);
02818     DebugAssert(thm.getRHS().isAtomic(), "Expected atomic");
02819     assertEqualities(thm);
02820   }
02821 }
02824 Theorem TheoryBitvector::updateSubterms( const Expr& e )
02825 {
02826   //  DebugAssert(canonRec(e).getRHS() == e, "canonSimp expects input to be canonized");
02827   int ar = e.arity();
02828   if (isLeaf(e)) return find(e);
02829   if (ar > 0) {
02830     vector<Theorem> newChildrenThm;
02831     vector<unsigned> changed;
02832     Theorem thm;
02833     for (int k = 0; k < ar; ++k) {
02834       thm = updateSubterms(e[k]);
02835       if (thm.getLHS() != thm.getRHS()) {
02836         newChildrenThm.push_back(thm);
02837         changed.push_back(k);
02838       }
02839     }
02840     if(changed.size() > 0) {
02841       thm = substitutivityRule(e, changed, newChildrenThm);
02842       thm = transitivityRule(thm, rewrite(thm.getRHS()));
02843       return transitivityRule(thm, find(thm.getRHS()));
02844     }
02845     else return find(e);
02846   }
02847   return find(e);
02848 }
02851 Theorem TheoryBitvector::solve(const Theorem& t)
02852 {
02853   DebugAssert(t.isRewrite() && t.getLHS().isTerm(), "");
02854   Expr e = t.getExpr();
02856   if (isLeaf(e[0]) && !isLeafIn(e[0], e[1])) {
02857     // already solved
02858     return t;
02859   }
02860   else if (isLeaf(e[1]) && !isLeafIn(e[1], e[0])) {
02861     return symmetryRule(t);
02862   }
02863   else if (e[0].getOpKind() == EXTRACT && isLeaf(e[0][0])) {
02864     bool solvedForm;
02865     Theorem thm;
02866     if (d_rules->solveExtractOverlapApplies(e))
02867     {
02868       thm = iffMP(t, d_rules->solveExtractOverlap(e));
02869       solvedForm = true;
02870     }
02871     else
02872       thm = d_rules->processExtract(t, solvedForm);
02874     thm = getCommonRules()->skolemize(thm);
02876     if (solvedForm) return thm;
02877     else {
02878       enqueueFact(getCommonRules()->andElim(thm, 1));
02879       return getCommonRules()->andElim(thm, 0);
02880     }
02881   }
02882   else if (e[1].getOpKind() == EXTRACT && isLeaf(e[1][0])) {
02883     bool solvedForm;
02884     Theorem thm = getCommonRules()->skolemize(d_rules->processExtract(symmetryRule(t), solvedForm));
02885     if (solvedForm) return thm;
02886     else {
02887       enqueueFact(getCommonRules()->andElim(thm, 1));
02888       return getCommonRules()->andElim(thm, 0);
02889     }
02890   }
02892   IF_DEBUG(
02893     Theorem t2 = iffMP(t, d_rules->canonBVEQ(e));
02894     if (e[0] < e[1]) {
02895       DebugAssert(e[1].getOpKind() == BVCONST,
02896                   "Should be only case when lhs < rhs");
02897       t2 = symmetryRule(t2);
02898     }
02899     DebugAssert(t2.getExpr() == e, "Expected no change");
02900   )
02902   if (e[0].getOpKind() == BVCONST) {
02903     DebugAssert(e[1].getOpKind() != BVCONST, "should not have const = const");
02904     return symmetryRule(t);
02905   }
02906   return t;
02907 }
02909 //   // solving just linear equations; for everything else I just return
02910 //   // the same expression
02911 //   if( ! e.isEq())
02912 //     {
02913 //       return reflexivityRule( e );
02914 //     }
02915 //   //the search for the odd coefficient should also check that the
02916 //   //multiplied term does not appear in other terms. The coefficient can
02917 //   //also multiply a non-linear term
02920 //   // L:: look for a odd coefficient, if one, then the eq is solvable
02921 //   // and we can find the mult-inverse using Barrett-Dill-Levitt
02922 //   Expr lhs = e[0];
02923 //   Expr::iterator it = lhs.begin(), iend = lhs.end();
02924 //   for (; it != iend; ++it) {
02925 //     switch ((*it).getOpKind()) {
02926 //       case BVCONST: continue;
02927 //       case BVMULT: {
02928 //         DebugAssert((*it).arity() == 2 &&
02929 //                     (*it)[0].getOpKind() == BVCONST &&
02930 //                     computeBVConst((*it)[0]) != 1, "Unexpected format");
02931 //         continue
02932 //   }
02934 //   coefficient = Odd_coeff( e );
02935 //   //  Rational odd_coeff = anyOdd( coeff );
02936 //   if( coefficient != 0)
02937 //     {
02938 //       // the equation is solvable
02939 //       cout<<"Odd coefficient found => the equation is solvable\n";
02940 //       if (coefficient != 1) {
02941 //         Rational mult_inv = multiplicative_inverse( coefficient, BVSize(e[0]));
02942 //         // multiply all the coefficients in the expression by the inverse
02943 //         //      Expr tmp_expr = e;
02944 //         e = multiply_coeff( mult_inv, e);
02945 //         //      Expr isolated_expr = isolate_var( new_expr);
02946 //       }
02948 //       Theorem solved_th = d_rules->isolate_var( t, e);
02949 //       cout<<"solved theorem: "<<solved_th.toString()<<endl;
02950 //       cout<<"solved theorem expr: "<<solved_th.getExpr().toString()<<endl;
02952 //       return iffMP( t, solved_th);
02953 //     }
02954 //   else
02955 //     {
02956 //       cout<<"Odd coefficient not found => the equation is not solvable\n";
02957 //       Theorem thm = d_rules->MarkNonSolvableEq( e );
02958 //       cout<<"TheoryBitvector::solve, input e: "<<e.toString()<<" thm: "<<thm.toString()<<endl;
02959 //       return iffMP( t, thm);
02960 //       //return reflexivityRule(e);
02961 //     }
02962 //}
02965 void TheoryBitvector::checkType(const Expr& e)
02966 {
02967   switch (e.getOpKind()) {
02968     case BITVECTOR:
02969       //TODO: check that this is a well-formed type
02970       break;
02971     default:
02972       FatalAssert(false, "Unexpected kind in TheoryBitvector::checkType"
02973                   +getEM()->getKindName(e.getOpKind()));
02974   }
02975 }
02978 Cardinality TheoryBitvector::finiteTypeInfo(Expr& e, Unsigned& n,
02979                                             bool enumerate, bool computeSize)
02980 {
02981   FatalAssert(e.getKind() == BITVECTOR,
02982               "Unexpected kind in TheoryBitvector::finiteTypeInfo");
02983   if (enumerate || computeSize) {
02984     int bitwidth = getBitvectorTypeParam(e);
02985     Rational max_val = pow( bitwidth, (Rational) 2);
02987     if (enumerate) {
02988       if (n < max_val.getUnsigned()) {
02989         e = newBVConstExpr(n, bitwidth);
02990       }
02991       else e = Expr();
02992     }
02994     if (computeSize) {
02995       n = max_val.getUnsigned();
02996     }
02997   }
02998   return CARD_FINITE;
02999 }
03002 void TheoryBitvector::computeType(const Expr& e)
03003 {
03004   if (e.isApply()) {
03005     switch(e.getOpKind()) {
03006       case BOOLEXTRACT: {
03007         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03008              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03009           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error:"\
03010                                    "attempted extraction from non-bitvector \n"+
03011                                    e.toString());
03012         int extractLength = getBoolExtractIndex(e);
03013         if(!(0 <= extractLength))
03014           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error: \n"
03015                                    "attempted out of range extraction  \n"+
03016                                    e.toString());
03017         e.setType(boolType());
03018         break;
03019       }
03020       case BVMULT:{
03021         if(!(2 == e.arity() &&
03022              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind() &&
03023              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[1]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03024           throw TypecheckException
03025             ("Not a bit-vector expression in BVMULT:\n\n  "
03026              +e.toString());
03027         int bvLen = getBVMultParam(e);
03028         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvLen);
03029         e.setType(bvType);
03030         break;
03031       }
03032       case EXTRACT:{
03033         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03034              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03035           throw TypecheckException
03036             ("Not a bit-vector expression in bit-vector extraction:\n\n  "
03037              + e.toString());
03038         int bvLength = BVSize(e[0]);
03039         int leftExtract = getExtractHi(e);
03040         int rightExtract = getExtractLow(e);
03041         if(!(0 <= rightExtract &&
03042              rightExtract <= leftExtract && leftExtract < bvLength))
03043           throw TypecheckException
03044             ("Wrong bounds in bit-vector extract:\n\n  "+e.toString());
03045         int extractLength = leftExtract - rightExtract + 1;
03046         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(extractLength);
03047         e.setType(bvType);
03048         break;
03049       }
03050       case BVPLUS: {
03051         int bvPlusLength = getBVPlusParam(e);
03052         if(!(0 <= bvPlusLength))
03053           throw TypecheckException
03054             ("Bad bit-vector length specified in BVPLUS expression:\n\n  "
03055              + e.toString());
03056         for(Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end(); i != iend; ++i) {
03057           if(BITVECTOR != getBaseType(*i).getExpr().getOpKind())
03058             throw TypecheckException
03059               ("Not a bit-vector expression in BVPLUS:\n\n  "+e.toString());
03060         }
03061         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvPlusLength);
03062         e.setType(bvType);
03063         break;
03064       }
03065       case LEFTSHIFT: {
03066         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03067              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03068           throw TypecheckException
03069             ("Not a bit-vector expression in bit-vector shift:\n\n  "
03070              +e.toString());
03071         int bvLength = BVSize(e[0]);
03072         int shiftLength = getFixedLeftShiftParam(e);
03073         if(!(shiftLength >= 0))
03074           throw TypecheckException("Bad shift value in bit-vector shift:\n\n  "
03075                                    +e.toString());
03076         int newLength = bvLength + shiftLength;
03077         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(newLength);
03078         e.setType(bvType);
03079         break;
03080       }
03081       case CONST_WIDTH_LEFTSHIFT: {
03082         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03083              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03084           throw TypecheckException
03085             ("Not a bit-vector expression in bit-vector shift:\n\n  "
03086              +e.toString());
03087         int bvLength = BVSize(e[0]);
03088         int shiftLength = getFixedLeftShiftParam(e);
03089         if(!(shiftLength >= 0))
03090           throw TypecheckException("Bad shift value in bit-vector shift:\n\n  "
03091                                    +e.toString());
03092         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvLength);
03093         e.setType(bvType);
03094         break;
03095       }
03096       case RIGHTSHIFT: {
03097         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03098              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03099           throw TypecheckException
03100             ("Not a bit-vector expression in bit-vector shift:\n\n  "
03101              +e.toString());
03102         int bvLength = BVSize(e[0]);
03103         int shiftLength = getFixedRightShiftParam(e);
03104         if(!(shiftLength >= 0))
03105           throw TypecheckException("Bad shift value in bit-vector shift:\n\n  "
03106                                    +e.toString());
03107         //int newLength = bvLength + shiftLength;
03108         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvLength);
03109         e.setType(bvType);
03110         break;
03111       }
03112       case BVTYPEPRED:
03113         e.setType(boolType());
03114         break;
03115       case SX: {
03116         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03117              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03118           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error:"\
03119                                    "non-bitvector \n"+ e.toString());
03120         int bvLength = getSXIndex(e);
03121         if(!(1 <= bvLength))
03122           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error: \n"
03123                                    "out of range\n"+ e.toString());
03124         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvLength);
03125         e.setType(bvType);
03126         break;
03127       }
03128       case BVREPEAT: {
03129         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03130              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03131           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error:"\
03132                                    "non-bitvector \n"+ e.toString());
03133         int bvLength = getBVIndex(e) * BVSize(e[0]);
03134         if(!(1 <= bvLength))
03135           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error: \n"
03136                                    "out of range\n"+ e.toString());
03137         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvLength);
03138         e.setType(bvType);
03139         break;
03140       }
03141       case BVZEROEXTEND: {
03142         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03143              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03144           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error:"\
03145                                    "non-bitvector \n"+ e.toString());
03146         int bvLength = getBVIndex(e) + BVSize(e[0]);
03147         if(!(1 <= bvLength))
03148           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error: \n"
03149                                    "out of range\n"+ e.toString());
03150         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvLength);
03151         e.setType(bvType);
03152         break;
03153       }
03154       case BVROTL:
03155       case BVROTR: {
03156         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03157              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03158           throw TypecheckException("Type Checking error:"\
03159                                    "non-bitvector \n"+ e.toString());
03160         e.setType(getBaseType(e[0]));
03161         break;
03162       }
03163       default:
03164         FatalAssert(false,
03165                     "TheoryBitvector::computeType: unexpected kind in application" +
03166                     int2string(e.getOpKind()));
03167         break;
03168     }
03169   }
03170   else {
03171     switch(e.getKind()) {
03172       case BOOLEXTRACT:
03173       case BVMULT:
03174       case EXTRACT:
03175       case BVPLUS:
03176       case LEFTSHIFT:
03177       case CONST_WIDTH_LEFTSHIFT:
03178       case RIGHTSHIFT:
03179       case BVTYPEPRED:
03180       case SX:
03181       case BVREPEAT:
03182       case BVZEROEXTEND:
03183       case BVROTL:
03184       case BVROTR:
03185         // These operators are handled above when applied to arguments, here we
03186         // are dealing with the operators themselves which are polymorphic, so
03187         // don't assign them a specific type.
03188         e.setType(Type::anyType(getEM()));
03189         break;
03190       case BVCONST: {
03191         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(getBVConstSize(e));
03192         e.setType(bvType);
03193         break;
03194       }
03195       case CONCAT: {
03196         if(e.arity() < 2)
03197           throw TypecheckException
03198             ("Concatenation must have at least 2 bit-vectors:\n\n  "+e.toString());
03200         // Compute the total length of concatenation
03201         int bvLength(0);
03202         for(int i=0, iend=e.arity(); i<iend; ++i) {
03203           if(BITVECTOR != getBaseType(e[i]).getExpr().getOpKind())
03204             throw TypecheckException
03205               ("Not a bit-vector expression (child #"+int2string(i+1)
03206                +") in concatenation:\n\n  "+e[i].toString()
03207                +"\n\nIn the expression:\n\n  "+e.toString());
03208           bvLength += BVSize(e[i]);
03209         }
03210         Type bvType = newBitvectorType(bvLength);
03211         e.setType(bvType);
03212         break;
03213       }
03214       case BVAND:
03215       case BVOR:
03216       case BVXOR:
03217       case BVXNOR:
03218       {
03219         string kindStr((e.getOpKind()==BVAND)? "AND" :
03220                        ((e.getOpKind()==BVOR)? "OR" :
03221                         ((e.getOpKind()==BVXOR)? "BVXOR" : "BVXNOR")));
03223         if(e.arity() < 2)
03224           throw TypecheckException
03225             ("Bit-wise "+kindStr+" must have at least 2 bit-vectors:\n\n  "
03226              +e.toString());
03228         int bvLength(0);
03229         bool first(true);
03230         for(int i=0, iend=e.arity(); i<iend; ++i) {
03231           if(BITVECTOR != getBaseType(e[i]).getExpr().getOpKind())
03232             throw TypecheckException
03233               ("Not a bit-vector expression (child #"+int2string(i+1)
03234                +") in bit-wise "+kindStr+":\n\n  "+e[i].toString()
03235                +"\n\nIn the expression:\n\n  "+e.toString());
03236           if(first) {
03237             bvLength = BVSize(e[i]);
03238             first=false;
03239           } else { // Check that the size is the same for all subsequent BVs
03240             if(BVSize(e[i]) != bvLength)
03241               throw TypecheckException
03242                 ("Mismatched bit-vector size in bit-wise "+kindStr+" (child #"
03243                  +int2string(i)+").\nExpected type: "
03244                  +newBitvectorType(bvLength).toString()
03245                  +"\nFound: "+e[i].getType().toString()
03246                  +"\nIn the following expression:\n\n  "+e.toString());
03247           }
03248         }
03249         e.setType(newBitvectorType(bvLength));
03250         break;
03251       }
03252       case BVNEG:{
03253         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03254              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03255           throw TypecheckException
03256             ("Not a bit-vector expression in bit-wise negation:\n\n  "
03257              + e.toString());
03258         e.setType(e[0].getType());
03259         break;
03260       }
03261       case BVNAND:
03262       case BVNOR:
03263       case BVCOMP:
03264       case BVSUB:
03265       case BVUDIV:
03266       case BVSDIV:
03267       case BVUREM:
03268       case BVSREM:
03269       case BVSMOD:
03270       case BVSHL:
03271       case BVASHR:
03272       case BVLSHR:
03273         if(!(2 == e.arity() &&
03274              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind() &&
03275              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[1]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03276           throw TypecheckException
03277             ("Expressions must have arity=2, and"
03278              "each subterm must be a bitvector term:\n"
03279              "e = " +e.toString());
03280         if (BVSize(e[0]) != BVSize(e[1]))
03281           throw TypecheckException
03282             ("Expected args of same size:\n"
03283              "e = " +e.toString());
03284         if (e.getKind() == BVCOMP) {
03285           e.setType(newBitvectorTypeExpr(1));
03286         }
03287         else {
03288           e.setType(getBaseType(e[0]));
03289         }
03290         break;
03291       case BVUMINUS:{
03292         Type bvType(getBaseType(e[0]));
03293         if(!(1 == e.arity() &&
03294              BITVECTOR == bvType.getExpr().getOpKind()))
03295           throw TypecheckException
03296             ("Not a bit-vector expression in BVUMINUS:\n\n  "
03297              +e.toString());
03298         e.setType(bvType);
03299         break;
03300       }
03301       case BVLT:
03302       case BVLE:
03303       case BVGT:
03304       case BVGE:
03305       case BVSLT:
03306       case BVSLE:
03307       case BVSGT:
03308       case BVSGE:
03309         if(!(2 == e.arity() &&
03310              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[0]).getExpr().getOpKind() &&
03311              BITVECTOR == getBaseType(e[1]).getExpr().getOpKind()))
03312           throw TypecheckException
03313             ("BVLT/BVLE expressions must have arity=2, and"
03314              "each subterm must be a bitvector term:\n"
03315              "e = " +e.toString());
03316         e.setType(boolType());
03317         break;
03318       default:
03319         FatalAssert(false,
03320                     "TheoryBitvector::computeType: wrong input" +
03321                     int2string(e.getOpKind()));
03322         break;
03323     }
03324   }
03325   TRACE("bitvector", "TheoryBitvector::computeType => ", e.getType(), " }");
03326 }
03329 void TheoryBitvector::computeModelTerm(const Expr& e, std::vector<Expr>& v) {
03330   switch(e.getOpKind()) {
03331   case BVPLUS:
03332   case BVSUB:
03333   case BVUMINUS:
03334   case BVMULT:
03335   case LEFTSHIFT:
03337   case RIGHTSHIFT:
03338   case BVOR:
03339   case BVAND:
03340   case BVXOR:
03341   case BVXNOR:
03342   case BVNAND:
03343   case BVNOR:
03344   case BVNEG:
03345   case CONCAT:
03346   case EXTRACT:
03347   case BVSLT:
03348   case BVSLE:
03349   case BVSGT:
03350   case BVSGE:
03351   case BVLT:
03352   case BVLE:
03353   case BVGT:
03354   case BVGE:
03355     for(Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end(); i!=iend; ++i)
03356       // getModelTerm(*i, v);
03357       v.push_back(*i);
03358     return;
03359   case BVCONST: // No model variables here
03360     return;
03361   default: break; // It's a variable; continue processing
03362   }
03364   Type tp(e.getType());
03365   switch(tp.getExpr().getOpKind()) {
03366   case BITVECTOR: {
03367     int n = getBitvectorTypeParam(tp);
03368     for(int i=0; i<n; i = i+1)
03369       v.push_back(newBoolExtractExpr(e, i));
03370     break;
03371   }
03372   default:
03373     v.push_back(e);
03374   }
03375 }
03378 void TheoryBitvector::computeModel(const Expr& e, std::vector<Expr>& v) {
03379   switch(e.getOpKind()) {
03380   case BVPLUS:
03381   case BVSUB:
03382   case BVUMINUS:
03383   case BVMULT:
03384   case LEFTSHIFT:
03386   case RIGHTSHIFT:
03387   case BVOR:
03388   case BVAND:
03389   case BVXOR:
03390   case BVXNOR:
03391   case BVNAND:
03392   case BVNOR:
03393   case BVNEG:
03394   case CONCAT:
03395   case EXTRACT:
03396   case SX:
03397   case BVSLT:
03398   case BVSLE:
03399   case BVSGT:
03400   case BVSGE:
03401   case BVLT:
03402   case BVLE:
03403   case BVGT:
03404   case BVGE: {
03405     // More primitive vars are kids, and they should have been
03406     // assigned concrete values
03407     assignValue(simplify(e));
03408     v.push_back(e);
03409     return;
03410   }
03411   case BVCONST: // No model variables here
03412     return;
03413   default: break; // It's a variable; continue processing
03414   }
03416   Type tp(e.getType());
03417   switch(tp.getExpr().getOpKind()) {
03418   case BITVECTOR: {
03419     const Rational& n = getBitvectorTypeParam(tp);
03420     vector<bool> bits;
03421     // FIXME: generate concrete assignment from bits using proof
03422     // rules. For now, just create a new assignment.
03423     for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
03424       Theorem val(getModelValue(newBoolExtractExpr(e, i)));
03425       DebugAssert(val.getRHS().isBoolConst(),
03426       "TheoryBitvector::computeModel: unassigned bit: "
03427       +val.getExpr().toString());
03428       bits.push_back(val.getRHS().isTrue());
03429     }
03430     Expr c(newBVConstExpr(bits));
03431     assignValue(e, c);
03432     v.push_back(e);
03433     break;
03434   }
03435   default:
03436     FatalAssert(false, "TheoryBitvector::computeModel[not BITVECTOR type]("
03437     +e.toString()+")");
03438   }
03439 }
03442 // TODO: get rid of this - don't need type predicates for bv's, just need to share the right terms
03443 Expr
03444 TheoryBitvector::computeTypePred(const Type& t, const Expr& e) {
03445   DebugAssert(t.getExpr().getOpKind() == BITVECTOR,
03446         "TheoryBitvector::computeTypePred: t = "+t.toString());
03447 //   switch(e.getKind()) {
03448 //   case BVCONST:
03449 //     return getEM()->trueExpr();
03450 //   default:
03451   return e.getEM()->trueExpr();
03453   //    return newBitvectorTypePred(t, e);
03454     //  }
03455 }
03457 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
03458 // Pretty-printing                                                           //
03459 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
03461 ExprStream&
03462 TheoryBitvector::print(ExprStream& os, const Expr& e) {
03463   switch(os.lang()) {
03465     switch(e.getOpKind()) {
03467     case BITVECTOR: //printing type expression
03468       os << "BITVECTOR(" << push
03469    << getBitvectorTypeParam(e) << push << ")";
03470       break;
03472     case BVCONST: {
03473       std::ostringstream ss;
03474       ss << "0bin";
03475       for(int i=(int)getBVConstSize(e)-1; i>=0; --i)
03476   ss << (getBVConstValue(e, i) ? "1" : "0");
03477       os << ss.str();
03478       break;
03479     }
03481     case CONCAT:
03482       if(e.arity() <= 1) e.printAST(os);
03483       else {
03484   os << "(" << push;
03485   bool first(true);
03486   for(Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
03487     if(first) first=false;
03488     else os << space << "@" << space;
03489     os << (*i);
03490   }
03491   os << push << ")";
03492       }
03493       break;
03494     case EXTRACT:
03495       os << "(" << push << e[0] << push << ")" << pop << pop
03496    << "[" << push << getExtractHi(e) << ":";
03497       os << getExtractLow(e) << push << "]";
03498       break;
03499     case BOOLEXTRACT:
03500       os << "BOOLEXTRACT(" << push  << e[0] << ","
03501    << getBoolExtractIndex(e) << push << ")";
03502       break;
03504     case LEFTSHIFT:
03505       os <<  "(" << push << e[0] << space << "<<" << space
03506    << getFixedLeftShiftParam(e) << push << ")";
03507       break;
03509       os <<  "(" << push << e[0] << space << "<<" << space
03510    << getFixedLeftShiftParam(e) << push << ")";
03511       os << "[" << push << BVSize(e)-1 << ":0]";
03512       break;
03513     case RIGHTSHIFT:
03514       os <<  "(" << push << e[0] << space << ">>" << space
03515    << getFixedRightShiftParam(e) << push << ")";
03516       break;
03517     case BVSHL:
03518       os << "BVSHL(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03519       break;
03520     case BVLSHR:
03521       os << "BVLSHR(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03522       break;
03523     case BVASHR:
03524       os << "BVASHR(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03525       break;
03526     case BVZEROEXTEND:
03527       os << "BVZEROEXTEND(" << push << e[0] << "," << getBVIndex(e) << push << ")";
03528       break;
03529     case BVREPEAT:
03530       os << "BVREPEAT(" << push << e[0] << "," << getBVIndex(e) << push << ")";
03531       break;
03532     case BVROTL:
03533       os << "BVROTL(" << push << e[0] << "," << getBVIndex(e) << push << ")";
03534       break;
03535     case BVROTR:
03536       os << "BVROTR(" << push << e[0] << "," << getBVIndex(e) << push << ")";
03537       break;
03538     case SX:
03539       os << "SX(" << push  << e[0] << ","
03540    << push <<  getSXIndex(e) << ")";
03541       break;
03543     case BVAND:
03544       if(e.arity() <= 1) e.printAST(os);
03545       else {
03546   os << "(" << push;
03547   bool first(true);
03548   for(Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
03549     if(first) first=false;
03550     else os << space << "&" << space;
03551     os << (*i);
03552   }
03553   os << push << ")";
03554       }
03555       break;
03556     case BVOR:
03557       if(e.arity() <= 1) e.printAST(os);
03558       else {
03559   os << "(" << push;
03560   bool first(true);
03561   for(Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
03562     if(first) first=false;
03563     else os << space << "|" << space;
03564     os << (*i);
03565   }
03566   os << push << ")";
03567       }
03568       break;
03569     case BVXOR:
03570       DebugAssert(e.arity() > 0, "TheoryBitvector::print: BVXOR arity <= 0");
03571       if (e.arity() == 1) os << e[0];
03572       else {
03573         int i;
03574   for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03575           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03576             os << e[i];
03577           }
03578           else {
03579             os << "BVXOR(" << push << e[i] << "," << push;
03580           }
03581   }
03582         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03583       }
03584       break;
03585     case BVXNOR:
03586       DebugAssert(e.arity() > 0, "TheoryBitvector::print: BVXNOR arity <= 0");
03587       if (e.arity() == 1) os << e[0];
03588       else {
03589         int i;
03590   for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03591           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03592             os << e[i];
03593           }
03594           else {
03595             os << "BVXNOR(" << push << e[i] << "," << push;
03596           }
03597   }
03598         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03599       }
03600       break;
03601     case BVNEG:
03602       os << "(~(" << push << e[0] << push << "))";
03603       break;
03604     case BVNAND:
03605       os << "BVNAND(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03606       break;
03607     case BVNOR:
03608       os << "BVNAND(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03609       break;
03610     case BVCOMP:
03611       os << "BVCOMP(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03612       break;
03614     case BVUMINUS:
03615       os << "BVUMINUS(" << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03616       break;
03617     case BVPLUS:
03618       os << "BVPLUS(" << push << getBVPlusParam(e);
03619       for(Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
03620   os << push << "," << pop << space << (*i);
03621       }
03622       os << push << ")";
03623       break;
03624     case BVSUB:
03625       os << "BVSUB(" << push << BVSize(e) << "," << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03626       break;
03627     case BVMULT:
03628       os << "BVMULT(" << push << getBVMultParam(e) << "," << e[0] << "," << e[1]<<push<<")";
03629       break;
03630     case BVUDIV:
03631         os << "BVUDIV(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1]<<push<<")";
03632         break;
03633     case BVSDIV:
03634         os << "BVSDIV(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1]<<push<<")";
03635         break;
03636     case BVUREM:
03637         os << "BVUREM(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1]<<push<<")";
03638         break;
03639     case BVSREM:
03640         os << "BVSREM(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1]<<push<<")";
03641         break;
03642     case BVSMOD:
03643         os << "BVSMOD(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1]<<push<<")";
03644         break;
03645     case BVLT:
03646       os << "BVLT(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03647       break;
03648     case BVLE:
03649       os << "BVLE(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03650       break;
03651     case BVGT:
03652       os << "BVGT(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03653       break;
03654     case BVGE:
03655       os << "BVGE(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03656       break;
03657     case BVSLT:
03658       os << "BVSLT(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03659       break;
03660     case BVSLE:
03661       os << "BVSLE(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03662       break;
03663     case BVSGT:
03664       os << "BVSGT(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03665       break;
03666     case BVSGE:
03667       os << "BVSGE(" << push << e[0] << "," << e[1] << push << ")";
03668       break;
03670     case INTTOBV:
03671       FatalAssert(false, "INTTOBV not implemented yet");
03672       break;
03673     case BVTOINT:
03674       FatalAssert(false, "BVTOINT not implemented yet");
03675       break;
03677     case BVTYPEPRED:
03678       if(e.isApply()) {
03679   os << "BVTYPEPRED[" << push << e.getOp().getExpr()
03680      << push << "," << pop << space << e[0]
03681      << push << "]";
03682       } else
03683   e.printAST(os);
03684       break;
03686     default:
03687       FatalAssert(false, "Unknown BV kind");
03688       e.printAST(os);
03689       break;
03690     }
03691     break;
03693   case SMTLIB_LANG:
03694     d_theoryUsed = true;
03695     switch(e.getOpKind()) {
03697     case BITVECTOR: //printing type expression
03698       os << push << "BitVec[" << getBitvectorTypeParam(e) << "]";
03699       break;
03701     case BVCONST: {
03702       Rational r = computeBVConst(e);
03703       DebugAssert(r.isInteger() && r >= 0, "Expected non-negative integer");
03704       os << push << "bv" << r << "[" << BVSize(e) << "]";
03705       break;
03706     }
03708     case CONCAT:
03709       if (e.arity() == 0) throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: CONCAT arity = 0");
03710       else if (e.arity() == 1) os << e[0];
03711       else {
03712         int i;
03713   for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03714           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03715             os << e[i];
03716           }
03717           else {
03718             os << "(concat" << space << push << e[i] << space << push;
03719           }
03720   }
03721         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03722       }
03723       break;
03724     case EXTRACT:
03725       os << push << "(extract[" << getExtractHi(e) << ":" << getExtractLow(e) << "]";
03726       os << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03727       break;
03728     case BOOLEXTRACT:
03729       os << "(=" << space << push
03730          << "(extract[" << getBoolExtractIndex(e) << ":" << getBoolExtractIndex(e) << "]";
03731       os << space << push << e[0] << push << ")" << space << "bit1" << push << ")";
03732       break;
03734     case LEFTSHIFT: {
03735       int bvLength = getFixedLeftShiftParam(e);
03736       if (bvLength != 0) {
03737         os << "(concat" << space << push << e[0] << space;
03738         os << push << "bv0[" << bvLength << "]" << push << ")";
03739         break;
03740       }
03741       // else fall-through
03742     }
03744       os << "(bvshl" << space << push << e[0] << space << push
03745          << "bv" << getFixedLeftShiftParam(e) << "[" << BVSize(e[0]) << "]" << push << ")";
03746       break;
03747     case RIGHTSHIFT:
03748       os << "(bvlshr" << space << push << e[0] << space << push
03749          << "bv" << getFixedRightShiftParam(e) << "[" << BVSize(e[0]) << "]" << push << ")";
03750       break;
03751     case BVSHL:
03752       os << "(bvshl" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03753       break;
03754     case BVLSHR:
03755       os << "(bvlshr" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03756       break;
03757     case BVASHR:
03758       os << "(bvashr" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03759       break;
03760     case SX: {
03761       int extend = getSXIndex(e) - BVSize(e[0]);
03762       if (extend == 0) os << e[0];
03763       else if (extend < 0)
03764         throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: SX: extension is shorter than argument");
03765       else os << "(sign_extend[" << extend << "]" << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03766       break;
03767     }
03768     case BVREPEAT:
03769       os << "(repeat[" << getBVIndex(e) << "]" << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03770       break;
03771     case BVZEROEXTEND: {
03772       int extend = getBVIndex(e);
03773       if (extend == 0) os << e[0];
03774       else if (extend < 0)
03775         throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: ZEROEXTEND: extension is less than zero");
03776       else os << "(zero_extend[" << extend << "]" << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03777       break;
03778     }
03779     case BVROTL:
03780       os << "(rotate_left[" << getBVIndex(e) << "]" << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03781       break;
03782     case BVROTR:
03783       os << "(rotate_right[" << getBVIndex(e) << "]" << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03784       break;
03786     case BVAND:
03787       if (e.arity() == 0) throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: BVAND arity = 0");
03788       else if (e.arity() == 1) os << e[0];
03789       else {
03790         int i;
03791   for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03792           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03793             os << e[i];
03794           }
03795           else {
03796             os << "(bvand" << space << push << e[i] << space << push;
03797           }
03798   }
03799         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03800       }
03801       break;
03802     case BVOR:
03803       if (e.arity() == 0) throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: BVAND arity = 0");
03804       else if (e.arity() == 1) os << e[0];
03805       else {
03806         int i;
03807   for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03808           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03809             os << e[i];
03810           }
03811           else {
03812             os << "(bvor" << space << push << e[i] << space << push;
03813           }
03814   }
03815         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03816       }
03817       break;
03818     case BVXOR:
03819       if (e.arity() == 0) throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: BVXOR arity = 0");
03820       else if (e.arity() == 1) os << e[0];
03821       else {
03822         int i;
03823   for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03824           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03825             os << e[i];
03826           }
03827           else {
03828             os << "(bvxor" << space << push << e[i] << space << push;
03829           }
03830   }
03831         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03832       }
03833       break;
03834     case BVXNOR:
03835       if (e.arity() == 0) throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: BVXNOR arity = 0");
03836       else if (e.arity() == 1) os << e[0];
03837       else {
03838         int i;
03839   for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03840           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03841             os << e[i];
03842           }
03843           else {
03844             os << "(bvxnor" << space << push << e[i] << space << push;
03845           }
03846   }
03847         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03848       }
03849       break;
03850     case BVNEG:
03851       os << "(bvnot" << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03852       break;
03853     case BVNAND:
03854       os << "(bvnand" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03855       break;
03856     case BVNOR:
03857       os << "(bvnor" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03858       break;
03859     case BVCOMP:
03860       os << "(bvcomp" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03861       break;
03863     case BVUMINUS:
03864       os << "(bvneg" << space << push << e[0] << push << ")";
03865       break;
03866     case BVPLUS:
03867       {
03868         DebugAssert(e.arity() > 0, "expected arity > 0 in BVPLUS");
03869         int length = getBVPlusParam(e);
03870         int i;
03871         for(i = 0; i < e.arity(); ++i) {
03872           if ((i+1) == e.arity()) {
03873             os << pad(length, e[i]);
03874           }
03875           else {
03876             os << "(bvadd" << space << push << pad(length, e[i]) << space << push;
03877           }
03878         }
03879         for (--i; i != 0; --i) os << push << ")";
03880       }
03881       break;
03882     case BVSUB:
03883       os << "(bvsub" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03884       break;
03885     case BVMULT: {
03886       int length = getBVMultParam(e);
03887       os << "(bvmul"
03888          << space << push << pad(length, e[0])
03889          << space << push << pad(length, e[1])
03890          << push << ")";
03891       break;
03892     }
03893     case BVUDIV:
03894       os << "(bvudiv" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03895       break;
03896     case BVSDIV:
03897       os << "(bvsdiv" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03898       break;
03899     case BVUREM:
03900       os << "(bvurem" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03901       break;
03902     case BVSREM:
03903       os << "(bvsrem" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03904       break;
03905     case BVSMOD:
03906       os << "(bvsmod" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03907       break;
03909     case BVLT:
03910       os << "(bvult" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03911       break;
03912     case BVLE:
03913       os << "(bvule" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03914       break;
03915     case BVGT:
03916       os << "(bvugt" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03917       break;
03918     case BVGE:
03919       os << "(bvuge" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03920       break;
03921     case BVSLT:
03922       os << "(bvslt" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03923       break;
03924     case BVSLE:
03925       os << "(bvsle" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03926       break;
03927     case BVSGT:
03928       os << "(bvsgt" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03929       break;
03930     case BVSGE:
03931       os << "(bvsge" << space << push << e[0] << space << push << e[1] << push << ")";
03932       break;
03934     case INTTOBV:
03935       throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: INTTOBV, SMTLIB not supported");
03936       break;
03937     case BVTOINT:
03938       throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: BVTOINT, SMTLIB not supported");
03939       break;
03941     case BVTYPEPRED:
03942       throw SmtlibException("TheoryBitvector::print: BVTYPEPRED, SMTLIB not supported");
03943       if(e.isApply()) {
03944   os << "BVTYPEPRED[" << push << e.getOp().getExpr()
03945      << push << "," << pop << space << e[0]
03946      << push << "]";
03947       } else
03948   e.printAST(os);
03949       break;
03951     default:
03952       FatalAssert(false, "Unknown BV kind");
03953       e.printAST(os);
03954       break;
03955     }
03956     break;
03958   default:
03959     switch(e.getOpKind()) {
03960     case BVCONST: {
03961       os << "0bin";
03962       for(int i=(int)getBVConstSize(e)-1; i>=0; --i)
03963   os << (getBVConstValue(e, i) ? "1" : "0");
03964       break;
03965     }
03966     default:
03967       e.printAST(os);
03968       break;
03969     }
03970   }
03971   return os;
03972 }
03975 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
03976 //parseExprOp:
03977 //translating special Exprs to regular EXPR??
03978 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
03979 Expr TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp(const Expr& e)
03980 {
03981   d_theoryUsed = true;
03982   TRACE("parser", "TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp(", e, ")");
03984   // If the expression is not a list, it must have been already
03985   // parsed, so just return it as is.
03986   if(RAW_LIST != e.getKind()) return e;
03988   if(!(e.arity() > 0))
03989     throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: wrong input:\n\n"
03990         +e.toString());
03992   const Expr& c1 = e[0][0];
03993   int kind = getEM()->getKind(c1.getString());
03994   switch(kind) {
03996   case BITVECTOR:
03997     if(!(e.arity() == 2))
03998       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BITVECTOR"
03999           "kind should have exactly 1 arg:\n\n"
04000           + e.toString());
04001     if(!(e[1].isRational() && e[1].getRational().isInteger()))
04002       throw ParserException("BITVECTOR TYPE must have an integer constant"
04003           "as its first argument:\n\n"
04004           +e.toString());
04005     if(!(e[1].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04006       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant >= 0.\n"
04007           +e.toString());
04008     return newBitvectorTypeExpr(e[1].getRational().getInt());
04009     break;
04011   case BVCONST:
04012     if(!(e.arity() == 2 || e.arity() == 3))
04013       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVCONST "
04014           "kind should have 1 or 2 args:\n\n"
04015           + e.toString());
04016     if(!(e[1].isRational() || e[1].isString()))
04017       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVCONST "
04018           "kind should have arg of type Rational "
04019           "or String:\n\n" + e.toString());
04020     if(e[1].isRational()) { // ("BVCONST" value [bitwidth])
04021       if(e.arity()==3) {
04022   if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04023     throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVCONST "
04024         "2nd argument must be an integer:\n\n"
04025         +e.toString());
04026   return newBVConstExpr(e[1].getRational(), e[2].getRational().getInt());
04027       } else
04028   return newBVConstExpr(e[1].getRational());
04029     } else if(e[1].isString()) { // ("BVCONST" string [base])
04030       if(e.arity() == 3) {
04031   if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04032     throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVCONST "
04033         "2nd argument must be an integer:\n\n"
04034         +e.toString());
04035   return newBVConstExpr(e[1].getString(), e[2].getRational().getInt());
04036       } else
04037   return newBVConstExpr(e[1].getString());
04038     }
04039     break;
04041   case CONCAT: {
04042     if(!(e.arity() >= 3))
04043       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: CONCAT"
04044           "kind should have at least 2 args:\n\n"
04045           + e.toString());
04046     vector<Expr> kids;
04047     Expr::iterator i=e.begin(), iend=e.end();
04048     DebugAssert(i!=iend, "TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp("+e.toString()+")");
04049     ++i; // Skip the first element - the operator name
04050     for(; i!=iend; ++i)
04051       kids.push_back(parseExpr(*i));
04052     return newConcatExpr(kids);
04053     break;
04054   }
04055   case EXTRACT: {
04056     if(!(e.arity() == 4))
04057       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: EXTRACT"
04058           "kind should have exactly 3 arg:\n\n"
04059           + e.toString());
04060     if(!e[1].isRational() || !e[1].getRational().isInteger())
04061       throw ParserException("EXTRACT must have an integer constant as its "
04062           "1st argument:\n\n"
04063           +e.toString());
04064     if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04065       throw ParserException("EXTRACT must have an integer constant as its "
04066           "2nd argument:\n\n"
04067           +e.toString());
04068     int hi = e[1].getRational().getInt();
04069     int lo = e[2].getRational().getInt();
04070     if(!(hi >= lo && lo >=0))
04071       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant >= 0.\n"
04072           +e.toString());
04074     // Check for extract of left shift
04075     Expr arg = e[3];
04076     if (lo == 0 && arg.getKind() == RAW_LIST && arg[0].getKind() == ID &&
04077         getEM()->getKind(arg[0][0].getString()) == LEFTSHIFT) {
04078       if(!(arg.arity() == 3))
04079         throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: LEFTSHIFT"
04080                               "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04081                               + arg.toString());
04082       if(!arg[2].isRational() || !arg[2].getRational().isInteger())
04083         throw ParserException("LEFTSHIFT must have an integer constant as its "
04084                               "2nd argument:\n\n"
04085                               +arg.toString());
04086       if(!(arg[2].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04087         throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant >= 0.\n"
04088                               +arg.toString());
04089       Expr ls_arg = parseExpr(arg[1]);
04090       if (BVSize(ls_arg) == hi + 1) {
04091         return newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(ls_arg, arg[2].getRational().getInt());
04092       }
04093     }
04094     return newBVExtractExpr(parseExpr(arg), hi, lo);
04095     break;
04096   }
04097   case BOOLEXTRACT:
04098     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04099       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BOOLEXTRACT"
04100           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04101           + e.toString());
04102     if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04103       throw ParserException("BOOLEXTRACT must have an integer constant as its"
04104           " 2nd argument:\n\n"
04105           +e.toString());
04106     if(!(e[2].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04107       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant >= 0.\n"
04108           +e.toString());
04109     return newBoolExtractExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), e[2].getRational().getInt());
04110     break;
04112   case LEFTSHIFT:
04113     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04114       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: LEFTSHIFT"
04115           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04116           + e.toString());
04117     if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04118       throw ParserException("LEFTSHIFT must have an integer constant as its "
04119           "2nd argument:\n\n"
04120           +e.toString());
04121     if(!(e[2].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04122       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant >= 0.\n"
04123           +e.toString());
04124     return newFixedLeftShiftExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), e[2].getRational().getInt());
04125     break;
04127     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04128       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: CONST_WIDTH_LEFTSHIFT"
04129           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04130           + e.toString());
04131     if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04132       throw ParserException("CONST_WIDTH_LEFTSHIFT must have an integer constant as its "
04133           "2nd argument:\n\n"
04134           +e.toString());
04135     if(!(e[2].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04136       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant >= 0.\n"
04137           +e.toString());
04138     return newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), e[2].getRational().getInt());
04139     break;
04140   case RIGHTSHIFT:
04141     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04142       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: RIGHTSHIFT"
04143           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04144           + e.toString());
04145     if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04146       throw ParserException("RIGHTSHIFT must have an integer constant as its "
04147           "2nd argument:\n\n"
04148           +e.toString());
04149     if(!(e[2].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04150       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant >= 0.\n"
04151           +e.toString());
04152     return newFixedRightShiftExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), e[2].getRational().getInt());
04153     break;
04154   // BVSHL, BVLSHR, BVASHR handled with arith operators below
04155   case SX:
04156     // smtlib format interprets the integer argument as the number of bits to
04157     // extend, while CVC format interprets it as the new total size.
04158     // The smtlib parser inserts an extra argument "_smtlib" for this operator
04159     // so that we can distinguish the two cases here.
04160     if (e.arity() == 4 &&
04161         e[1].getKind() == ID &&
04162         e[1][0].getString() == "_smtlib") {
04163       if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04164         throw ParserException("sign_extend must have an integer constant as its"
04165                               " 1st argument:\n\n"
04166                               +e.toString());
04167       if(!(e[2].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04168         throw ParserException("sign_extend must have an integer constant as its"
04169                               " 1st argument >= 0:\n\n"
04170                               +e.toString());
04171       Expr e3 = parseExpr(e[3]);
04172       return newSXExpr(e3, BVSize(e3) + e[2].getRational().getInt());
04173     }
04174     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04175       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: SX"
04176           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04177           + e.toString());
04178     if(!e[2].isRational() || !e[2].getRational().isInteger())
04179       throw ParserException("SX must have an integer constant as its"
04180           " 2nd argument:\n\n"
04181           +e.toString());
04182     if(!(e[2].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04183       throw ParserException("SX must have an integer constant as its"
04184           " 2nd argument >= 0:\n\n"
04185           +e.toString());
04186     return newSXExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), e[2].getRational().getInt());
04187     break;
04188   case BVROTL:
04189   case BVROTR:
04190   case BVREPEAT:
04191   case BVZEROEXTEND:
04192     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04193       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp:"
04194           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04195           + e.toString());
04196     if(!e[1].isRational() || !e[1].getRational().isInteger())
04197       throw ParserException("BVIndexExpr must have an integer constant as its"
04198           " 1st argument:\n\n"
04199           +e.toString());
04200     if (kind == BVREPEAT && !(e[1].getRational().getInt() >0 ))
04201       throw ParserException("BVREPEAT must have an integer constant as its"
04202           " 1st argument > 0:\n\n"
04203           +e.toString());
04204     if(!(e[1].getRational().getInt() >=0 ))
04205       throw ParserException("BVIndexExpr must have an integer constant as its"
04206           " 1st argument >= 0:\n\n"
04207           +e.toString());
04208     return newBVIndexExpr(kind, parseExpr(e[2]), e[1].getRational().getInt());
04209     break;
04211   case BVAND: {
04212     if(!(e.arity() >= 3))
04213       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVAND "
04214           "kind should have at least 2 arg:\n\n"
04215           + e.toString());
04216     vector<Expr> kids;
04217     for(int i=1, iend=e.arity(); i<iend; ++i)
04218       kids.push_back(parseExpr(e[i]));
04219     return newBVAndExpr(kids);
04220     break;
04221   }
04222   case BVOR: {
04223     if(!(e.arity() >= 3))
04224       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVOR "
04225           "kind should have at least 2 arg:\n\n"
04226           + e.toString());
04227     vector<Expr> kids;
04228     for(int i=1, iend=e.arity(); i<iend; ++i)
04229       kids.push_back(parseExpr(e[i]));
04230     return newBVOrExpr(kids);
04231     break;
04232   }
04233   case BVXOR: {
04234     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04235       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVXOR "
04236           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04237           + e.toString());
04238     return newBVXorExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), parseExpr(e[2]));
04239     break;
04240   }
04241   case BVXNOR: {
04242     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04243       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVXNOR"
04244           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04245           + e.toString());
04246     return newBVXnorExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), parseExpr(e[2]));
04247     break;
04248   }
04249   case BVNEG:
04250     if(!(e.arity() == 2))
04251       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVNEG"
04252           "kind should have exactly 1 arg:\n\n"
04253           + e.toString());
04254     return newBVNegExpr(parseExpr(e[1]));
04255     break;
04256   case BVNAND:
04257     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04258       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVNAND"
04259           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04260           + e.toString());
04261     return newBVNandExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), parseExpr(e[2]));
04262     break;
04263   case BVNOR:
04264     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04265       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVNOR"
04266           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04267           + e.toString());
04268     return newBVNorExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), parseExpr(e[2]));
04269     break;
04270   case BVCOMP: {
04271     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04272       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVXNOR"
04273           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04274           + e.toString());
04275     return newBVCompExpr(parseExpr(e[1]), parseExpr(e[2]));
04276     break;
04277   }
04279   case BVUMINUS:
04280     if(!(e.arity() == 2))
04281       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVUMINUS"
04282           "kind should have exactly 1 arg:\n\n"
04283           + e.toString());
04284     return newBVUminusExpr(parseExpr(e[1]));
04285     break;
04286   case BVPLUS: {
04287     vector<Expr> k;
04288     Expr::iterator i = e.begin(), iend=e.end();
04289     if (!e[1].isRational()) {
04290       int maxsize = 0;
04291       Expr child;
04292       // Parse the kids of e and push them into the vector 'k'
04293       for(++i; i!=iend; ++i) {
04294         child = parseExpr(*i);
04295         if (getBaseType(child).getExpr().getOpKind() != BITVECTOR) {
04296           throw ParserException("BVPLUS argument is not bitvector");
04297         }
04298         if (BVSize(child) > maxsize) maxsize = BVSize(child);
04299         k.push_back(child);
04300       }
04301       if (e.arity() == 1) return k[0];
04302       return newBVPlusPadExpr(maxsize, k);
04303     }
04304     else {
04305       if(!(e.arity() >= 4))
04306         throw ParserException("Expected at least 3 args in BVPLUS:\n\n"
04307                               +e.toString());
04308       if(!e[1].isRational() || !e[1].getRational().isInteger())
04309         throw ParserException
04310           ("Expected integer constant in BVPLUS:\n\n"
04311            +e.toString());
04312       if(!(e[1].getRational().getInt() > 0))
04313         throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant > 0.\n"
04314                               +e.toString());
04315       // Skip first two elements of the vector of kids in 'e'.
04316       // The first element is the kind, and the second is the
04317       // numOfBits of the bvplus operator.
04318       ++i;++i;
04319       // Parse the kids of e and push them into the vector 'k'
04320       for(; i!=iend; ++i) k.push_back(parseExpr(*i));
04321       return newBVPlusPadExpr(e[1].getRational().getInt(), k);
04322     }
04323     break;
04324   }
04325   case BVSUB: {
04326     if (e.arity() == 3) {
04327       Expr summand1 = parseExpr(e[1]);
04328       Expr summand2 = parseExpr(e[2]);
04329       if (BVSize(summand1) != BVSize(summand2)) {
04330         throw ParserException("BVSUB: expected same sized arguments"
04331                               +e.toString());
04332       }
04333       return newBVSubExpr(summand1, summand2);
04334     }
04335     else if (e.arity() != 4)
04336       throw ParserException("BVSUB: wrong number of arguments:\n\n"
04337           +e.toString());
04338     if (!e[1].isRational() || !e[1].getRational().isInteger())
04339       throw ParserException("BVSUB: expected an integer constant as "
04340           "first argument:\n\n"
04341           +e.toString());
04342     if (!(e[1].getRational().getInt() > 0))
04343       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant > 0.\n"
04344                             +e.toString());
04345     int bvsublength = e[1].getRational().getInt();
04346     Expr summand1 = parseExpr(e[2]);
04347     summand1 = pad(bvsublength, summand1);
04348     Expr summand2 = parseExpr(e[3]);
04349     summand2 = pad(bvsublength, summand2);
04350     return newBVSubExpr(summand1, summand2);
04351     break;
04352   }
04353   case BVMULT: {
04354     vector<Expr> k;
04355     Expr::iterator i = e.begin(), iend=e.end();
04356     if (!e[1].isRational()) {
04357       if (e.arity() != 3) {
04358         throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVMULT: "
04359                               "expected exactly 2 args:\n\n"
04360                               + e.toString());
04361       }
04362       int maxsize = 0;
04363       Expr child;
04364       // Parse the kids of e and push them into the vector 'k'
04365       for(++i; i!=iend; ++i) {
04366         child = parseExpr(*i);
04367         if (getBaseType(child).getExpr().getOpKind() != BITVECTOR) {
04368           throw ParserException("BVMULT argument is not bitvector");
04369         }
04370         if (BVSize(child) > maxsize) maxsize = BVSize(child);
04371         k.push_back(child);
04372       }
04373       if (e.arity() == 1) return k[0];
04374       return newBVMultPadExpr(maxsize, k[0], k[1]);
04375     }
04376     if(!(e.arity() == 4))
04377       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVMULT: "
04378           "expected exactly 3 args:\n\n"
04379           + e.toString());
04380     if(!e[1].isRational() || !e[1].getRational().isInteger())
04381       throw ParserException("BVMULT: expected integer constant"
04382           "as first argument:\n\n"
04383           +e.toString());
04384     if(!(e[1].getRational().getInt() > 0))
04385       throw ParserException("parameter must be an integer constant > 0.\n"
04386           +e.toString());
04387     return newBVMultPadExpr(e[1].getRational().getInt(),
04388                             parseExpr(e[2]), parseExpr(e[3]));
04389     break;
04390   }
04391   case BVUDIV:
04392   case BVSDIV:
04393   case BVUREM:
04394   case BVSREM:
04395   case BVSMOD:
04396   case BVSHL:
04397   case BVASHR:
04398   case BVLSHR: {
04399     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04400       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp:"
04401           "kind should have exactly 2 args:\n\n"
04402           + e.toString());
04403     Expr e1 = parseExpr(e[1]);
04404     Expr e2 = parseExpr(e[2]);
04405     if (e1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() != BITVECTOR ||
04406         e2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() != BITVECTOR)
04407       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp:"
04408                             "Expected bitvector arguments:\n\n"
04409                             + e.toString());
04410     if (BVSize(e1) != BVSize(e2))
04411       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp:"
04412                             "Expected bitvectors of same size:\n\n"
04413                             + e.toString());
04414     if (kind == BVSHL) {
04415       if (e2.getKind() == BVCONST)
04416         return newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(e1,
04417                                                computeBVConst(e2).getInt());
04418     }
04419     else if (kind == BVLSHR) {
04420       if (e2.getKind() == BVCONST)
04421         return newFixedRightShiftExpr(e1, computeBVConst(e2).getInt());
04422     }
04423     return Expr(kind, e1, e2);
04424     break;
04425   }
04427   case BVLT:
04428     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04429       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVLT"
04430           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04431           + e.toString());
04432     return newBVLTExpr(parseExpr(e[1]),parseExpr(e[2]));
04433     break;
04434   case BVLE:
04435     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04436       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVLE"
04437           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04438           + e.toString());
04439     return newBVLEExpr(parseExpr(e[1]),parseExpr(e[2]));
04440     break;
04441   case BVGT:
04442     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04443       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVGT"
04444           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04445           + e.toString());
04446     return newBVLTExpr(parseExpr(e[2]),parseExpr(e[1]));
04447     break;
04448   case BVGE:
04449     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04450       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVGE"
04451           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04452           + e.toString());
04453     return newBVLEExpr(parseExpr(e[2]),parseExpr(e[1]));
04454     break;
04455   case BVSLT:
04456     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04457       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVLT"
04458           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04459           + e.toString());
04460     return newBVSLTExpr(parseExpr(e[1]),parseExpr(e[2]));
04461     break;
04462   case BVSLE:
04463     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04464       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVLE"
04465           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04466           + e.toString());
04467     return newBVSLEExpr(parseExpr(e[1]),parseExpr(e[2]));
04468     break;
04469   case BVSGT:
04470     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04471       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVGT"
04472           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04473           + e.toString());
04474     return newBVSLTExpr(parseExpr(e[2]),parseExpr(e[1]));
04475     break;
04476   case BVSGE:
04477     if(!(e.arity() == 3))
04478       throw ParserException("TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: BVGE"
04479           "kind should have exactly 2 arg:\n\n"
04480           + e.toString());
04481     return newBVSLEExpr(parseExpr(e[2]),parseExpr(e[1]));
04482     break;
04484   case INTTOBV:
04485     throw ParserException("INTTOBV not implemented");
04486     break;
04487   case BVTOINT:
04488     throw ParserException("BVTOINT not implemented");
04489     break;
04491   case BVTYPEPRED:
04492     throw ParserException("BVTYPEPRED is used internally");
04493     break;
04495   default:
04496     FatalAssert(false,
04497     "TheoryBitvector::parseExprOp: unrecognized input operator"
04498     +e.toString());
04499     break;
04500   }
04501   return e;
04502 }
04505 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
04506 //helper functions
04507 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
04510 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBitvectorTypeExpr(int bvLength)
04511 {
04512   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
04513         "TheoryBitvector::newBitvectorTypeExpr:\n"
04514         "len of a BV must be a positive integer:\n bvlength = "+
04515         int2string(bvLength));
04516   if (bvLength > d_maxLength)
04517     d_maxLength = bvLength;
04518   return Expr(BITVECTOR, getEM()->newRatExpr(bvLength));
04519 }
04522 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBitvectorTypePred(const Type& t, const Expr& e)
04523 {
04524   return Expr(Expr(BVTYPEPRED, t.getExpr()).mkOp(), e);
04525 }
04528 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVAndExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04529 {
04530   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04531         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04532         "TheoryBitvector::newBVAndExpr:"
04533         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04534         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04535   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
04536         "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04537         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
04538         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
04539   return Expr(CVC3::BVAND, t1, t2);
04540 }
04543 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVAndExpr(const vector<Expr>& kids)
04544 {
04545   DebugAssert(kids.size() >= 2,
04546         "TheoryBitvector::newBVAndExpr:"
04547         "# of subterms must be at least 2");
04548   for(unsigned int i=0; i<kids.size(); ++i) {
04549     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == kids[i].getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04550     "TheoryBitvector::newBVAndExpr:"
04551     "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04552     kids[i].toString());
04553     if(i < kids.size()-1) {
04554       DebugAssert(BVSize(kids[i]) == BVSize(kids[i+1]),
04555       "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04556       "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + kids[i].toString()
04557       + "\n t2 = " + kids[i+1].toString());
04558     }
04559   }
04560   return Expr(CVC3::BVAND, kids, getEM());
04561 }
04564 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVOrExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04565 {
04566   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04567         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04568         "TheoryBitvector::newBVOrExpr: "
04569         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04570         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04571   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
04572         "TheoryBitvector::bitwise OR operator: "
04573         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
04574         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
04575   return Expr(CVC3::BVOR, t1, t2);
04576 }
04579 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVOrExpr(const vector<Expr>& kids)
04580 {
04581   DebugAssert(kids.size() >= 2,
04582         "TheoryBitvector::newBVOrExpr: "
04583         "# of subterms must be at least 2");
04584   for(unsigned int i=0; i<kids.size(); ++i) {
04585     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == kids[i].getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04586     "TheoryBitvector::newBVOrExpr: "
04587     "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04588     kids[i].toString());
04589     if(i < kids.size()-1) {
04590       DebugAssert(BVSize(kids[i]) == BVSize(kids[i+1]),
04591       "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04592       "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + kids[i].toString()
04593       + "\n t2 = " + kids[i+1].toString());
04594     }
04595   }
04596   return Expr(CVC3::BVOR, kids, getEM());
04597 }
04600 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVNandExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04601 {
04602   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04603         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04604         "TheoryBitvector::newBVNandExpr:"
04605         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04606         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04607   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
04608         "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04609         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
04610         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
04611   return Expr(CVC3::BVNAND, t1, t2);
04612 }
04615 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVNorExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04616 {
04617   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04618         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04619         "TheoryBitvector::newBVNorExpr:"
04620         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04621         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04622   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
04623         "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04624         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
04625         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
04626   return Expr(CVC3::BVNOR, t1, t2);
04627 }
04630 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVXorExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04631 {
04632   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04633         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04634         "TheoryBitvector::newBVXorExpr:"
04635         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04636         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04637   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
04638         "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04639         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
04640         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
04641   return Expr(CVC3::BVXOR, t1, t2);
04642 }
04645 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVXorExpr(const vector<Expr>& kids)
04646 {
04647   DebugAssert(kids.size() >= 2,
04648         "TheoryBitvector::newBVXorExpr:"
04649         "# of subterms must be at least 2");
04650   for(unsigned int i=0; i<kids.size(); ++i) {
04651     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == kids[i].getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04652     "TheoryBitvector::newBVXorExpr:"
04653     "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04654     kids[i].toString());
04655     if(i < kids.size()-1) {
04656       DebugAssert(BVSize(kids[i]) ==  BVSize(kids[i+1]),
04657       "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04658       "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + kids[i].toString()
04659       + "\n t2 = " + kids[i+1].toString());
04660     }
04661   }
04662   return Expr(CVC3::BVXOR, kids, getEM());
04663 }
04666 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVXnorExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04667 {
04668   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04669         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04670         "TheoryBitvector::newBVXnorExpr:"
04671         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04672         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04673   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
04674         "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04675         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
04676         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
04677   return Expr(CVC3::BVXNOR, t1, t2);
04678 }
04681 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVCompExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04682 {
04683   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04684         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04685         "TheoryBitvector::newBVCompExpr:"
04686         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04687         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04688   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
04689         "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04690         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
04691         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
04692   return Expr(CVC3::BVCOMP, t1, t2);
04693 }
04696 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVXnorExpr(const vector<Expr>& kids)
04697 {
04698   DebugAssert(kids.size() >= 2,
04699         "TheoryBitvector::newBVXnorExpr:"
04700         "# of subterms must be at least 2");
04701   for(unsigned int i=0; i<kids.size(); ++i) {
04702     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == kids[i].getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04703     "TheoryBitvector::newBVXnorExpr:"
04704     "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04705     kids[i].toString());
04706     if(i < kids.size()-1) {
04707       DebugAssert(BVSize(kids[i]) == BVSize(kids[i+1]),
04708       "TheoryBitvector::bitwise operator"
04709       "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + kids[i].toString()
04710       + "\n t2 = " + kids[i+1].toString());
04711     }
04712   }
04713   return Expr(CVC3::BVXNOR, kids, getEM());
04714 }
04717 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVLTExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04718 {
04719   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04720         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04721         "TheoryBitvector::newBVLTExpr:"
04722         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04723         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04724   return Expr(CVC3::BVLT, t1, t2);
04725 }
04728 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVLEExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04729 {
04730   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04731         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04732         "TheoryBitvector::newBVLEExpr:"
04733         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04734         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04735   return Expr(CVC3::BVLE, t1, t2);
04736 }
04739 Expr TheoryBitvector::newSXExpr(const Expr& t1, int len)
04740 {
04741   DebugAssert(len >=0,
04742         " TheoryBitvector::newSXExpr:"
04743         "SX index must be a non-negative integer"+
04744         int2string(len));
04745   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04746         "TheoryBitvector::newSXExpr:"
04747         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04748         t1.toString());
04749   if(len==0) return t1;
04750   return Expr(Expr(SX, getEM()->newRatExpr(len)).mkOp(), t1);
04751 }
04754 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVIndexExpr(int kind, const Expr& t1, int len)
04755 {
04756   DebugAssert(kind != BVREPEAT || len > 0,
04757               "repeat requires index > 0");
04758   DebugAssert(len >=0,
04759         "TheoryBitvector::newBVIndexExpr:"
04760         "index must be a non-negative integer"+
04761         int2string(len));
04762   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04763         "TheoryBitvector::newBVIndexExpr:"
04764         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04765         t1.toString());
04766   return Expr(Expr(kind, getEM()->newRatExpr(len)).mkOp(), t1);
04767 }
04770 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVSLTExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04771 {
04772   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04773         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04774         "TheoryBitvector::newBVSLTExpr:"
04775         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04776         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04777   return Expr(CVC3::BVSLT, t1, t2);
04778 }
04781 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVSLEExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04782 {
04783   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04784         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04785         "TheoryBitvector::newBVSLEExpr:"
04786         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04787         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04788   return Expr(CVC3::BVSLE, t1, t2);
04789 }
04792 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVNegExpr(const Expr& t1)
04793 {
04794   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04795         "TheoryBitvector::newBVNegExpr:"
04796         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04797         t1.toString());
04798   return Expr(CVC3::BVNEG, t1);
04799 }
04802 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVUminusExpr(const Expr& t1)
04803 {
04804   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04805         "TheoryBitvector::newBVNegExpr:"
04806         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04807         t1.toString());
04808   return Expr(CVC3::BVUMINUS, t1);
04809 }
04812 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBoolExtractExpr(const Expr& t1, int index)
04813 {
04814   DebugAssert(index >=0,
04815         " TheoryBitvector::newBoolExtractExpr:"
04816         "bool_extract index must be a non-negative integer"+
04817         int2string(index));
04818   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04819         "TheoryBitvector::newBVBoolExtractExpr:"
04820         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04821         t1.toString());
04822   return Expr(Expr(BOOLEXTRACT, getEM()->newRatExpr(index)).mkOp(), t1);
04823 }
04826 Expr TheoryBitvector::newFixedLeftShiftExpr(const Expr& t1, int shiftLength)
04827 {
04828   DebugAssert(shiftLength >=0,
04829         " TheoryBitvector::newFixedleftshift:"
04830         "fixed_shift index must be a non-negative integer"+
04831         int2string(shiftLength));
04832   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04833         "TheoryBitvector::newBVFixedleftshiftExpr:"
04834         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04835         t1.toString());
04836   return Expr(Expr(LEFTSHIFT, getEM()->newRatExpr(shiftLength)).mkOp(), t1);
04837 }
04840 Expr TheoryBitvector::newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(const Expr& t1, int shiftLength)
04841 {
04842   DebugAssert(shiftLength >=0,
04843         " TheoryBitvector::newFixedConstWidthLeftShift:"
04844         "fixed_shift index must be a non-negative integer"+
04845         int2string(shiftLength));
04846   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04847         "TheoryBitvector::newBVFixedleftshiftExpr:"
04848         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04849         t1.toString());
04850   return Expr(Expr(CONST_WIDTH_LEFTSHIFT, getEM()->newRatExpr(shiftLength)).mkOp(), t1);
04851 }
04854 Expr TheoryBitvector::newFixedRightShiftExpr(const Expr& t1, int shiftLength)
04855 {
04856   DebugAssert(shiftLength >=0,
04857         " TheoryBitvector::newFixedRightShift:"
04858         "fixed_shift index must be a non-negative integer"+
04859         int2string(shiftLength));
04860   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04861         "TheoryBitvector::newBVFixedRightShiftExpr:"
04862         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04863         t1.toString());
04864   if(shiftLength==0) return t1;
04865   return Expr(Expr(RIGHTSHIFT, getEM()->newRatExpr(shiftLength)).mkOp(), t1);
04866 }
04869 Expr TheoryBitvector::newConcatExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04870 {
04871   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04872         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04873         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConcatExpr:"
04874         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04875         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04876   return Expr(CONCAT, t1, t2);
04877 }
04880 Expr TheoryBitvector::newConcatExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2,
04881             const Expr& t3)
04882 {
04883   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04884         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04885         BITVECTOR == t3.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04886         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConcatExpr:"
04887         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04888         t1.toString() +
04889         "\n t2 = " +t2.toString() +
04890         "\n t3 =" + t3.toString());
04891   return Expr(CONCAT, t1, t2, t3);
04892 }
04895 Expr TheoryBitvector::newConcatExpr(const vector<Expr>& kids)
04896 {
04897   DebugAssert(kids.size() >= 2,
04898         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConcatExpr:"
04899         "# of subterms must be at least 2");
04900   for(unsigned int i=0; i<kids.size(); ++i) {
04901     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == kids[i].getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04902     "TheoryBitvector::newBVConcatExpr:"
04903     "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04904     kids[i].toString());
04905   }
04906   return Expr(CONCAT, kids, getEM());
04907 }
04910 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVMultExpr(int bvLength,
04911             const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04912 {
04913   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
04914         "TheoryBitvector::newBVmultExpr:"
04915         "bvLength must be an integer > 0: bvLength = " +
04916         int2string(bvLength));
04917   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04918         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04919         "TheoryBitvector::newBVmultExpr:"
04920         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04921         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04922   DebugAssert(bvLength == BVSize(t1) &&
04923               bvLength == BVSize(t2), "Expected same length");
04924   return Expr(Expr(BVMULT, getEM()->newRatExpr(bvLength)).mkOp(), t1, t2);
04925 }
04928 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVMultExpr(int bvLength, const vector<Expr>& kids)
04929 {
04930   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
04931         "TheoryBitvector::newBVmultExpr:"
04932         "bvLength must be an integer > 0: bvLength = " +
04933         int2string(bvLength));
04934   for(unsigned int i=0; i<kids.size(); ++i) {
04935     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == kids[i].getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04936     "TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
04937     "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04938     kids[i].toString());
04939     DebugAssert(BVSize(kids[i]) == bvLength, "Expected matching sizes");
04940   }
04941   return Expr(Expr(BVMULT, getEM()->newRatExpr(bvLength)).mkOp(), kids);
04942 }
04945 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVMultPadExpr(int bvLength, const vector<Expr>& kids)
04946 {
04947   vector<Expr> newKids;
04948   for (unsigned i = 0; i < kids.size(); ++i) {
04949     newKids.push_back(pad(bvLength, kids[i]));
04950   }
04951   return newBVMultExpr(bvLength, newKids);
04952 }
04955 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVMultPadExpr(int bvLength,
04956                                        const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04957 {
04958   return newBVMultExpr(bvLength, pad(bvLength, t1), pad(bvLength, t2));
04959 }
04961 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVUDivExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04962 {
04963     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04964           BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04965           "TheoryBitvector::newBVUDivExpr:"
04966           "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04967           t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04968     DebugAssert(BVSize(t2) == BVSize(t1), "Expected same length");
04969     return Expr(BVUDIV, t1, t2);
04970 }
04972 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVURemExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04973 {
04974     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04975           BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04976           "TheoryBitvector::newBVURemExpr:"
04977           "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04978           t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04979     DebugAssert(BVSize(t2) == BVSize(t1), "Expected same length");
04980     return Expr(BVUREM, t1, t2);
04981 }
04983 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVSDivExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04984 {
04985     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04986           BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04987           "TheoryBitvector::newBVSDivExpr:"
04988           "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
04989           t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
04990     DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2), "Expected same length");
04991     return Expr(BVSDIV, t1, t2);
04992 }
04994 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVSRemExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
04995 {
04996     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
04997           BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
04998           "TheoryBitvector::newBVSRemExpr:"
04999           "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
05000           t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
05001     DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2), "Expected same length");
05002     return Expr(BVSREM, t1, t2);
05003 }
05005 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVSModExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
05006 {
05007     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
05008           BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
05009           "TheoryBitvector::newBVSModExpr:"
05010           "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
05011           t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
05012     DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2), "Expected same length");
05013     return Expr(BVSMOD, t1, t2);
05014 }
05016 //! produces a string of 0's of length bvLength
05017 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVZeroString(int bvLength)
05018 {
05019   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
05020         "TheoryBitvector::newBVZeroString:must be >= 0: "
05021         + int2string(bvLength));
05022   std::vector<bool> bits;
05023   for(int count=0; count < bvLength; count++) {
05024     bits.push_back(false);
05025   }
05026   return newBVConstExpr(bits);
05027 }
05030 //! produces a string of 1's of length bvLength
05031 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVOneString(int bvLength)
05032 {
05033   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
05034         "TheoryBitvector::newBVOneString:must be >= 0: "
05035         + int2string(bvLength));
05036   std::vector<bool> bits;
05037   for(int count=0; count < bvLength; count++) {
05038     bits.push_back(true);
05039   }
05040   return newBVConstExpr(bits);
05041 }
05044 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr(const vector<bool>& bits)
05045 {
05046   DebugAssert(bits.size() > 0,
05047         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr:"
05048         "size of bits should be > 0");
05049   BVConstExpr bv(getEM(), bits, d_bvConstExprIndex);
05050   return getEM()->newExpr(&bv);
05051 }
05054 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr(const Rational& r, int bvLength)
05055 {
05056   DebugAssert(r.isInteger(),
05057         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr: not an integer: "
05058         + r.toString());
05059   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
05060         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr: bvLength = "
05061         + int2string(bvLength));
05062   string s(r.toString(2));
05063   size_t strsize = s.size();
05064   size_t length = bvLength;
05065   Expr res;
05066   if(length > 0 && length != strsize) {
05067     //either (length > strsize) or (length < strsize)
05068     if(length < strsize) {
05069       s = s.substr((strsize-length), length);
05070     } else {
05071       string zeros("");
05072       for(size_t i=0, pad=length-strsize; i < pad; ++i)
05073   zeros += "0";
05074       s = zeros+s;
05075     }
05077     res = newBVConstExpr(s, 2);
05078   }
05079   else
05080     res = newBVConstExpr(s, 2);
05082   return res;
05083 }
05086 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr(const std::string& s, int base)
05087 {
05088   DebugAssert(s.size() > 0,
05089         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr:"
05090         "# of subterms must be at least 2");
05091   DebugAssert(base == 2 || base == 16,
05092         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr: base = "
05093         +int2string(base));
05094   //hexadecimal
05095   std::string str = s;
05096   if(16 == base) {
05097     Rational r(str, 16);
05098     return newBVConstExpr(r, str.size()*4);
05099   }
05100   else {
05101     BVConstExpr bv(getEM(), str, d_bvConstExprIndex);
05102     return getEM()->newExpr(&bv);
05103   }
05104 }
05107 Expr
05108 TheoryBitvector::
05109 newBVExtractExpr(const Expr& e, int hi, int low)
05110 {
05111   DebugAssert(low>=0 && hi>=low,
05112         " TheoryBitvector::newBVExtractExpr: "
05113         "bad bv_extract indices: hi = "
05114         + int2string(hi)
05115         + ", low = "
05116         + int2string(low));
05117   if (e.getOpKind() == LEFTSHIFT &&
05118       hi == BVSize(e[0])-1 &&
05119       low == 0) {
05120     return newFixedConstWidthLeftShiftExpr(e[0], getFixedLeftShiftParam(e));
05121   }
05122   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == e.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
05123         "TheoryBitvector::newBVExtractExpr:"
05124         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n e = " +
05125         e.toString());
05126   return Expr(Expr(EXTRACT,
05127                    getEM()->newRatExpr(hi),
05128                    getEM()->newRatExpr(low)).mkOp(), e);
05129 }
05132 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVSubExpr(const Expr& t1, const Expr& t2)
05133 {
05134   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == t1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind() &&
05135         BITVECTOR == t2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
05136         "TheoryBitvector::newBVSubExpr:"
05137         "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
05138         t1.toString() + "\n t2 = " +t2.toString());
05139   DebugAssert(BVSize(t1) == BVSize(t2),
05140         "TheoryBitvector::newBVSubExpr"
05141         "inputs must have same length:\n t1 = " + t1.toString()
05142         + "\n t2 = " + t2.toString());
05143   return Expr(BVSUB, t1, t2);
05144 }
05147 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr(int bvLength, const Expr& k1, const Expr& k2)
05148 {
05149   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
05150         " TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
05151         "bvplus length must be a positive integer: "+
05152         int2string(bvLength));
05153   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == k1.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
05154               "TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
05155               "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
05156               k1.toString());
05157   DebugAssert(BVSize(k1) == bvLength, "Expected matching sizes");
05158   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == k2.getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
05159               "TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
05160               "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
05161               k2.toString());
05162   DebugAssert(BVSize(k2) == bvLength, "Expected matching sizes");
05164   return Expr(Expr(BVPLUS, getEM()->newRatExpr(bvLength)).mkOp(), k1, k2);
05165 }
05168 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr(int bvLength,
05169             const vector<Expr>& k)
05170 {
05171   DebugAssert(bvLength > 0,
05172         " TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
05173         "bvplus length must be a positive integer: "+
05174         int2string(bvLength));
05175   DebugAssert(k.size() > 1,
05176         " TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
05177         " size of input vector must be greater than 0: ");
05178   for(unsigned int i=0; i<k.size(); ++i) {
05179     DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == k[i].getType().getExpr().getOpKind(),
05180     "TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusExpr:"
05181     "inputs must have type BITVECTOR:\n t1 = " +
05182     k[i].toString());
05183     DebugAssert(BVSize(k[i]) == bvLength, "Expected matching sizes");
05184   }
05185   return Expr(Expr(BVPLUS, getEM()->newRatExpr(bvLength)).mkOp(), k);
05186 }
05189 Expr TheoryBitvector::newBVPlusPadExpr(int bvLength,
05190                                        const vector<Expr>& k)
05191 {
05192   vector<Expr> newKids;
05193   for (unsigned i = 0; i < k.size(); ++i) {
05194     newKids.push_back(pad(bvLength, k[i]));
05195   }
05196   return newBVPlusExpr(bvLength, newKids);
05197 }
05200 // Accessors for expression parameters
05203 int TheoryBitvector::getBitvectorTypeParam(const Expr& e)
05204 {
05205   DebugAssert(BITVECTOR == e.getKind(),
05206         "TheoryBitvector::getBitvectorTypeParam: wrong kind: " +
05207         e.toString());
05208   return e[0].getRational().getInt();
05209 }
05212 Type TheoryBitvector::getTypePredType(const Expr& tp)
05213 {
05214   DebugAssert(tp.getOpKind()==BVTYPEPRED && tp.isApply(),
05215         "TheoryBitvector::getTypePredType:\n tp = "+tp.toString());
05216   return Type(tp.getOpExpr()[0]);
05217 }
05220 const Expr& TheoryBitvector::getTypePredExpr(const Expr& tp)
05221 {
05222   DebugAssert(tp.getOpKind()==BVTYPEPRED,
05223         "TheoryBitvector::getTypePredType:\n tp = "+tp.toString());
05224   return tp[0];
05225 }
05228 int TheoryBitvector::getBoolExtractIndex(const Expr& e)
05229 {
05230   DebugAssert(BOOLEXTRACT == e.getOpKind() && e.isApply(),
05231         "TheoryBitvector::getBoolExtractIndex: wrong kind" +
05232         e.toString());
05233   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05234 }
05237 int TheoryBitvector::getSXIndex(const Expr& e)
05238 {
05239   DebugAssert(SX == e.getOpKind() && e.isApply(),
05240         "TheoryBitvector::getSXIndex: wrong kind\n"+e.toString());
05241   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05242 }
05245 int TheoryBitvector::getBVIndex(const Expr& e)
05246 {
05247   DebugAssert(e.isApply() &&
05248               (e.getOpKind() == BVREPEAT ||
05249                e.getOpKind() == BVROTL ||
05250                e.getOpKind() == BVROTR ||
05251                e.getOpKind() == BVZEROEXTEND),
05252         "TheoryBitvector::getBVIndex: wrong kind\n"+e.toString());
05253   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05254 }
05257 int TheoryBitvector::getFixedLeftShiftParam(const Expr& e)
05258 {
05259   DebugAssert(e.isApply() &&
05260               (LEFTSHIFT == e.getOpKind() ||
05261                CONST_WIDTH_LEFTSHIFT == e.getOpKind()),
05262         "TheoryBitvector::getFixedLeftShiftParam: wrong kind" +
05263         e.toString());
05264   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05265 }
05268 int TheoryBitvector::getFixedRightShiftParam(const Expr& e)
05269 {
05270   DebugAssert(RIGHTSHIFT == e.getOpKind() && e.isApply(),
05271         "TheoryBitvector::getFixedRightShiftParam: wrong kind" +
05272         e.toString());
05273   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05274 }
05277 int TheoryBitvector::getExtractLow(const Expr& e)
05278 {
05279   DebugAssert(EXTRACT == e.getOpKind() && e.isApply(),
05280         "TheoryBitvector::getExtractLow: wrong kind" +
05281         e.toString());
05282   return e.getOpExpr()[1].getRational().getInt();
05283 }
05286 int TheoryBitvector::getExtractHi(const Expr& e)
05287 {
05288   DebugAssert(EXTRACT == e.getOpKind() && e.isApply(),
05289         "TheoryBitvector::getExtractHi: wrong kind" +
05290         e.toString());
05291   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05292 }
05295 int TheoryBitvector::getBVPlusParam(const Expr& e)
05296 {
05297   DebugAssert(BVPLUS == e.getOpKind() && e.isApply(),
05298         "TheoryBitvector::getBVPlusParam: wrong kind" +
05299         e.toString(AST_LANG));
05300   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05301 }
05303 int TheoryBitvector::getBVMultParam(const Expr& e)
05304 {
05305   DebugAssert(BVMULT == e.getOpKind() && e.isApply(),
05306         "TheoryBitvector::getBVMultParam: wrong kind " +
05307         e.toString(AST_LANG));
05308   return e.getOpExpr()[0].getRational().getInt();
05309 }
05311 unsigned TheoryBitvector::getBVConstSize(const Expr& e)
05312 {
05313   DebugAssert(BVCONST == e.getKind(), "getBVConstSize called on non-bvconst");
05314   const BVConstExpr* bvc = dynamic_cast<const BVConstExpr*>(e.getExprValue());
05315   DebugAssert(bvc, "getBVConstSize: cast failed");
05316   return bvc->size();
05317 }
05320 bool TheoryBitvector::getBVConstValue(const Expr& e, int i)
05321 {
05322   DebugAssert(BVCONST == e.getKind(), "getBVConstSize called on non-bvconst");
05323   const BVConstExpr* bvc = dynamic_cast<const BVConstExpr*>(e.getExprValue());
05324   DebugAssert(bvc, "getBVConstSize: cast failed");
05325   return bvc->getValue(i);
05326 }
05329 // as newBVConstExpr can not give the BV expr of a negative rational,
05330 // I use this wrapper to do that
05331 Expr TheoryBitvector::signed_newBVConstExpr( Rational c, int bv_size)
05332 {
05333   if( c > 0)
05334     return newBVConstExpr( c, bv_size);
05335   else
05336     {
05337       c = -c;
05338       Expr tmp = newBVConstExpr( c, bv_size);
05339       Rational neg_tmp = computeNegBVConst( tmp );
05340       return newBVConstExpr( neg_tmp, bv_size );
05341     }
05342 }
05345 // Computes the integer value of a bitvector constant
05346 Rational TheoryBitvector::computeBVConst(const Expr& e)
05347 {
05348   DebugAssert(BVCONST == e.getKind(),
05349         "TheoryBitvector::computeBVConst:"
05350         "input must be a BITVECTOR CONST: " + e.toString());
05351   if(*d_bv32Flag) {
05352     int c(0);
05353     for(int j=(int)getBVConstSize(e)-1; j>=0; j--)
05354       c = 2*c + getBVConstValue(e, j) ? 1 : 0;
05355     Rational d(c);
05356     return d;
05357   } else {
05358     Rational c(0);
05359     for(int j=(int)getBVConstSize(e)-1; j>=0; j--)
05360       c = 2*c + (getBVConstValue(e, j) ? Rational(1) : Rational(0));
05361     return c;
05362   }
05363 }
05366 // Computes the integer value of ~c+1
05367 Rational TheoryBitvector::computeNegBVConst(const Expr& e)
05368 {
05369   DebugAssert(BVCONST == e.getKind(),
05370         "TheoryBitvector::computeBVConst:"
05371         "input must be a BITVECTOR CONST: " + e.toString());
05372   if(*d_bv32Flag) {
05373     int c(0);
05374     for(int j=(int)getBVConstSize(e)-1; j>=0; j--)
05375       c = 2*c + getBVConstValue(e, j) ? 0 : 1;
05376     Rational d(c+1);
05377     return d;
05378   } else {
05379     Rational c(0);
05380     for(int j=(int)getBVConstSize(e)-1; j>=0; j--)
05381       c = 2*c + (getBVConstValue(e, j) ? Rational(0) : Rational(1));
05382     return c+1;
05383   }
05384 }
05387 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
05388 // class BVConstExpr methods
05389 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
05392 //! Constructor
05393 BVConstExpr::BVConstExpr(ExprManager* em, std::string bvconst,
05394        size_t mmIndex, ExprIndex idx)
05395   : ExprValue(em, BVCONST, idx), d_MMIndex(mmIndex)
05396 {
05397   std::string::reverse_iterator i = bvconst.rbegin();
05398   std::string::reverse_iterator iend = bvconst.rend();
05399   DebugAssert(bvconst.size() > 0,
05400         "TheoryBitvector::newBVConstExpr:"
05401         "# of subterms must be at least 2");
05403   for(;i != iend; ++i) {
05404     TRACE("bitvector", "BVConstExpr: bit ", *i, "");
05405     if('0' == *i)
05406       d_bvconst.push_back(false);
05407     else {
05408       if('1' == *i)
05409   d_bvconst.push_back(true);
05410       else
05411   DebugAssert(false, "BVConstExpr: bad binary bit-vector: "
05412         + bvconst);
05413     }
05414   }
05415   TRACE("bitvector", "BVConstExpr: #bits ", d_bvconst.size(), "");
05416 }
05419 BVConstExpr::BVConstExpr(ExprManager* em, std::vector<bool> bvconst,
05420                          size_t mmIndex, ExprIndex idx)
05421   : ExprValue(em, BVCONST, idx), d_bvconst(bvconst), d_MMIndex(mmIndex)
05422 {
05423   TRACE("bitvector", "BVConstExpr(vector<bool>): arg. size = ", bvconst.size(),
05424   ", d_bvconst.size = "+int2string(d_bvconst.size()));
05425 }
05428 size_t BVConstExpr::computeHash() const
05429 {
05430   std::vector<bool>::const_iterator i = d_bvconst.begin();
05431   std::vector<bool>::const_iterator iend = d_bvconst.end();
05432   size_t hash_value = 0;
05433   hash_value = ExprValue::hash(BVCONST);
05434   for (;i != iend; i++)
05435     if(*i)
05436       hash_value = PRIME*hash_value + HASH_VALUE_ONE;
05437     else
05438       hash_value = PRIME*hash_value + HASH_VALUE_ZERO;
05439   return hash_value;
05440 }
05442 Expr TheoryBitvector::computeTCC(const Expr& e)
05443 {
05444   // inline recursive computation for deeply nested bitvector Exprs
05446   vector<Expr> operatorStack;
05447   vector<Expr> operandStack;
05448   vector<int> childStack;
05449   Expr e2, tcc;
05451   operatorStack.push_back(e);
05452   childStack.push_back(0);
05454   while (!operatorStack.empty()) {
05455     DebugAssert(operatorStack.size() == childStack.size(), "Invariant violated");
05457     if (childStack.back() < operatorStack.back().arity()) {
05459       e2 = operatorStack.back()[childStack.back()++];
05461       if (e2.isVar()) {
05462         operandStack.push_back(trueExpr());
05463       }
05464       else {
05465         ExprMap<Expr>::iterator itccCache = theoryCore()->tccCache().find(e2);
05466         if (itccCache != theoryCore()->tccCache().end()) {
05467           operandStack.push_back((*itccCache).second);
05468         }
05469         else if (theoryOf(e2) == this) {
05470           if (e2.arity() == 0) {
05471             operandStack.push_back(trueExpr());
05472           }
05473           else {
05474             operatorStack.push_back(e2);
05475             childStack.push_back(0);
05476           }
05477         }
05478         else {
05479           operandStack.push_back(getTCC(e2));
05480         }
05481       }
05482     }
05483     else {
05484       e2 = operatorStack.back();
05485       operatorStack.pop_back();
05486       childStack.pop_back();
05487       vector<Expr> children;
05488       vector<Expr>::iterator childStart = operandStack.end() - (e2.arity());
05489       children.insert(children.begin(), childStart, operandStack.end());
05490       operandStack.erase(childStart, operandStack.end());
05491       tcc = (children.size() == 0) ? trueExpr() :
05492         (children.size() == 1) ? children[0] :
05493         getCommonRules()->rewriteAnd(andExpr(children)).getRHS();
05494       switch(e2.getKind()) {
05495         case BVUDIV:
05496         case BVSDIV:
05497         case BVUREM:
05498         case BVSREM:
05499         case BVSMOD: {
05500           DebugAssert(e2.arity() == 2, "");
05501           int size = BVSize(e2);
05502           tcc = getCommonRules()->rewriteAnd(tcc.andExpr(!(e2[1].eqExpr(newBVZeroString(size))))).getRHS();
05503           break;
05504         }
05505         default:
05506           break;
05507       }
05508       operandStack.push_back(tcc);
05509       theoryCore()->tccCache()[e2] = tcc;
05510     }
05511   }
05512   DebugAssert(childStack.empty(), "Invariant violated");
05513   DebugAssert(operandStack.size() == 1, "Expected single operand left");
05514   return operandStack.back();
05515 }

Generated on Wed Nov 18 16:13:32 2009 for CVC3 by  doxygen 1.5.2