You can pick one of the following topics, modify one topic,
or propose an entirely different topic.
Send email with your proposal to yann and jhuangfu ( [ a t ] with you topic proposal.
- Oversampling photos: take of bunch of
high-resolution/hihg-quality photos. Subsample them (e.g. make them
half the original size) and compress them (aggressively) with JPEG.
Train a neural net (e.g. a convolutional net) to reconstruct 2x2
patches of the high-qual/high-res image from the corresponding pixel
and its surroundings (e.g. 11x11 pixels) in the compressed/low-res
- Photo Orientation: collect lots of image from the web,
from your personnal photo collection, or from CDROM collections.
Make a training set (1) by cropping a maximally-sized square area from
the center of each picture, (2) normalizing each square image to a
small size (e.g. 40x40 pixels), (3) rotating each image by 90, 180,
and 270 degrees. Train a machine (e.g. a convolutional net) to
predict the roation angle. After training, you can use the machine
to automatically rotate photos so they are right-side up.
- Pruned Mean-Square SVM: build an SVM-like architecture:
one layer of gaussian units (with one unit per training sample),
followed by a linear classifier (or one per class for multiclass
classification). Train the weights with means squared error
(and/or logistic regression). Prune the weights using the "Optimal Brain
Damage" technique (see ).
Retrain, Re-prune... Test this method on the MNIST dataset of handwritten
digits ( ).
- Siamese Nets: train two identical copies of a neural net
(with identical weights) to produce similar output vectors when they
are presented with images of a single person, and to produce different
outputs when they are presented with images of two different persons.
Use one the human face databases available on the Web (e.g. the
AT&T/ORL dataset
The network can subsequently be used for face recognition.
- Belief Propagation for Factor Graph: Write a general factor
graph class in Lush, and implement the belief propagation algorithm
(sum product algorithm for factor graphs in log space).
- first come, first served. More project topics to come....
Other project ideas that have been proposed (and taken): training an edge
detector from manually annotated images, training a machine to predict