# NOTE: this is a sample Makefile, with some # instructions ################################################### # file: Makefile # course: V22.0480.002, Visualization, Spring 2003 # author(s): [Names of Team members] # email(s): [Your Emails Here] # homework: hw1 # date: [Today's Date] # # usage: Just type "make" to make the # default target in this directory. # In general, type "make [target_name]". # See "MORE NOTES" below. # ################################################### # Variables: ################################################### p=PanelTest2 ################################################### # Targets: ################################################### ${p}: ${p}.java javac ${p}.java panel2: PanelTest2.java PanelTest2.html javac PanelTest2.java appletviewer PanelTest2.html xlate: TranslateTest.html TranslateTest.java javac TranslateTest.java appletviewer TranslateTest.html example: Example.java echo "This is an example" javac Example.java ################################################### # Housekeeping: ################################################### tar: -@tar cvf Tjava.tar \ Makefile *.java *.j *.html save: -@ci -m"make save" -l \ Makefile *.java *.j *.html ################################################### # End ################################################### # NOTES: # # (0) If I type "make" in a directory containing # both files, Makefile and DragEllipse.java, I should # be able to comple and run your program;. # # (1) The "make" program requires the first # white-space character for each command line that # follows a target be a TAB character (not a SPACE # character). # # (2) Consider the "tar" target. The single # command line here is broken into two physical lines. # In general, a single "command line" into several # physical lines, provided the backslash character "\" is # the last character of each physical line except the last one.