; V22.0201.002, machine org I; fall 97; yap. title asc_box1.asm comment# A variation of asc_box.asm. Illustrating use of extended ascii character sets to draw simple graphics (in this case, a box with single lines). NOTE: this might be useful for a title page, or for simple online instructions for your project! end comment# .model small .stack 100h .data ; the following suffices to draw a box SPC equ 20h CR equ 0dh LF equ 0ah corner_nw equ 0dah corner_ne equ 0bfh corner_sw equ 0c0h corner_se equ 0d9h vertical equ 0b3h horizontal equ 0c4h ; box db 10 dup (SPC), corner_nw, 25 dup (horizontal), corner_ne, CR, LF db 10 dup (SPC), vertical, 25 dup (SPC), vertical, CR, LF db 10 dup (SPC), vertical, 25 dup (SPC), vertical, CR, LF db 10 dup (SPC), vertical, 25 dup (SPC), vertical, CR, LF db 10 dup (SPC), corner_sw, 25 dup (horizontal), corner_se, CR, LF db '$' .code start: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax ; ; In this simple example, I just draw the nw corner 25 times ; you can easily extend this into drawing a box... mov ah,9 lea dx, box int 21h ; mov ax,4c00h int 21h end start