- Time Period: September 2003 - June 2004.
- Participants: Yann LeCun (Courant Institute/CBLL), Eric
Cosatto, Jan Ben, Urs Muller, Beat Flepp (Net-Scale Technologies).
- Final Report: Autonomous Off-Road Vehicle Control Using
End-to-End Learning: [DjVu (1.2MB)],
[PDF (3.2MB)]; (55 pages). Read this report if
you want to build your own DAVE.
- Talk:

The purpose of the DAVE project was to be a proof-of-concept in
preparation of the LAGR project
("Learning Applied to Ground Robots") sponsored by the US
government. The success of the DAVE project contributed to the
decision to launch the LAGR project, which started in December 2004.
We built a small off-road robot that uses an end-to-end
learning system to avoid obstacles solely from visual input. The DAVE
robot has two cameras with analog video transmitter. The video is
transmitted to a remote computer that collects the data, runs the
automatic driving system, and controls the robot through radio control.
A convolutional network takes the left and right camera images
(YUV components) and is trained to directly predict the steering angle
of a human driver. Several hours of binocular video were collected
together with the steering angle of a human driver who navigated the
robot around obstacles in a wide variety of outdoor settings. The
convolutional net was trained end-to-end in supervised mode to
map raw YUV image pairs to steering angles provided by the human
driver. 1,500 short video sequences were collected. From these
sequences, roughly 95,000 frames were selected for training, and
31,800 frames (from different sequences) for independent
testing. Convergence of the learning procedure was obtained after 11
passes through the training set (which took approximately 4 days of
CPU time on a 3.0GHz Xeon machine running Linux Red Hat 8).
The input to the network consisted of a stereo pair of images from the
left and right cameras in YUV (luminance/chrominance) representation
at a resolution of 149 by 58 pixels. The convolutional network had a
total of 3.15 Million connexions, and 71,900 trainable parameters.
The entire software system was implemented in the LISP-like Lush language. Once trained, the driving
system runs at roughly 10 frames per second on a 1.4GHz AMD Athlon
The DAVE robot
note: these videos are all compatible
with mplayer,
Kaffeine, and other media players on Linux.
The convolutional net plays backseat driver to a human
operator. This video shows the internal state of the convolutional
network. |
 [WMV 4.5MB] |
A clip of the robot driving itself through a cluttered backyard
(viewed from the robot's cameras) |
 [MPEG 11.0MB] |
Same run a s above, viewed from the outside. |
 [MPEG 11.4MB] |
The robot drives itself and avoids moving obstacles (legs!) |
 [WMV 2.8MB] |
The robot drives itself through another cluttered backyard.
It avoids a car, a backhoe, and finds a narrow space between a trailer
and another obstacle. |
 [MPEG 9.4MB] |
Avoiding the legs of a picnic table. |
 [MPEG 3.4MB] |
Dealing with highly noisy images |
 [MPEG 5.0MB] |
Avoiding a shrub, and going right toward the bright sun. |
 [MPEG 4.3MB] |
A 180 is in order to avoid that tree, that fence, that bike,
and that other tree. |
 [MPEG 5.1MB] |
DAVE is startled by the sun at first, but it avoids the
obstacle once the sum disappears behind it. |
 [MPEG 5.2MB] |
DAVE turns right in time to avoid that white pole in the middle of the backyard. |
 [MPEG 9.2MB] |
Avoiding fences and trees. |
 [MPEG 8.4MB] |
Another one of those "busy backyard" sequences. |
 [MPEG 2.8MB] |
Yet another one of those "busy backyard" sequences. |
 [MPEG 8.1MB] |
Yet another clip from the same backyard, just to
show that DAVE didn't succeed by chance. |
 [MPEG 6.7MB] |
The picture below shows the left and right images, the steering angle
predicted by the system, and the states of the various layers of
the convolutional networks.

The data collection setup.

The pictures below show samples of input images, together with
the steering angles produced by the human driver and by DAVE system.
