John A. P. Sekar Department of Computational Biology University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Poster: Title: Modular Construction Of Rule-Based Models John A. P. Sekar and James R. Faeder Abstract: Reaction models of biochemistry are characterized by dense and interconnected networks of interactions. However redundancies exist in the structure, kinetics and function of the participating molecule types that can be exploited to provide a compact mathematical description of the reaction network. Rule-based models exploit the redundancy that arises from independent and modular structural elements within molecule types. A second form of redundancy that can be exploited is that which arises from very similar but subtly different molecule types that warrants grouping of molecule types into type classes. Here, we extend the rule-based framework to allow modules of reaction rules to be built independently, reused and modified for type-redundancy and aggregated automatically into a rule-based model with customized loading options. This removes significant human effort from the construction process and improves the scalability of construction and portability of rule-based models.