The POPL conference 2024 allowed for submissions of 25 pages plus bibliography and appendix. The publication is limited to 29 pages (25 free pages plus 4 costing $400 to the author) plus free acknowledgement and bibliography (total 34 pages) with DOI An additional $400 is required to make these truncated 34 pages public. The paper and appendix can be published in a separate clickable PDF file as auxiliary material.
\bibitem{Cousot-POPL24-1} P.~Cousot. \newblock Calculational Design of [In]Correctness Transformational Program Logics by Abstract Interpretation. \newblock In \emph{Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 8, POPL, Article 7}, 33 pages, London, UK, January 2024. ACM Press, New York, NY. @inproceedings{CousotPOPL24-1, author = {Cousot, P{.}}, title = {Calculational Design of [In]Correctness Transformational Program Logics by Abstract Interpretation}, pages = {62}, booktitle = {Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 8, POPL, Article 7}, address = {London, UK}, publisher = {ACM Press, New York, NY}, month = jan, year = 2024, url = {} }
Wednesday, 18-Dec-2024 09:45:01 EST