I am a professor at NYU
in the Computer
Science department in the Courant Institute.
My interests are in computer systems, security, and networks. Here is a
Spring 2016 | CSCI-UA.0480: Advanced Computer Systems | Fall 2015 | CSCI-GA.3250: Honors Operating Systems | Spring 2015 | CSCI-UA.0202: Operating Systems | Fall 2014 | CSCI-GA.3250: Honors Operating Systems |
Spring 2013 | CS439: Principles of Computer Systems |
Spring 2012 | CS372H: Introduction to Operating Systems: Honors | Spring 2011 | CS372H: Introduction to Operating Systems: Honors |
Fall 2010 | CS395T: Operating Systems Implementation |
Spring 2010 | CS372H: Introduction to Operating Systems: Honors |
Fall 2009 | CS395T: Operating Systems Implementation |
Spring 2009 | CS395T: Topics in Secure and Distributed Storage Systems |