// MEX wrapper for 2-D image convolution using Intel's Integrated ... // Performance Primitive (IPP) Libraries and multi-threading // Written by Rob Fergus (fergus@cs.nyu.edu) 11/14/07. // // Usage: // // out = ipp_mt_conv2( image , kernel , mode ); // // Inputs: // 1. image - The stack of images you want to convolve: n x m x c ... // matrix of single precision floating point numbers. // 2. kernel - i x j matrix of single precision floating point numbers. // 3. mode - string: either "full" or "valid". Unless string is ... // "full", code will default to "valid". Note that this code does ... // NOT support the "same" option that Matlab's conv2 does. For reasons // that aren't clear to me, it is much faster (than you'd expect) to use // the 'valid' option, rather than the 'full' one. // // Output: // 1. out - Convolved stack of images. If in valid mode, this will be (n-i+1) x (m-j+1) x c matrix of single ... // precision floating point numbers. If in full mode, this will be (n+i-1) x (m+j-1) x c matrix of single ... // precision floating point numbers. Each of the c images will have ... // been independently convolved by the kernel. // // // Requirements: // 1. A system with one or more multi-core Intel 64-bit CPU's // 2. Up to date installations of: // - Intel 64-bit C compiler (tested on version 10.0.023) // - Intel Integrated Performance Primitive (IPP) libraries (tested on version 5.3) // 3. Matlab - to actually use the MEX file (tested on (R2007b)) // // // Points to note: // // 1. These environment variables that need to be set in bash before running the mex file: // export PATH="/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin:${PATH}"; // export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"; // // 2. The IPP libraries will automatically swap to using Fourier domain ... // multiplication once the size of the kernel is above 15x15 or so. // // 3. I've no idea why the valid convolution is so much faster than the full one. // // 4. Typical speedup when running on stacks of images (using same machine as 3.) is at least 5x or so. // On a machine with two dualcore Xeons, the relative performance is (using 'valid'): // // a. Large grayscale image - 2000x2000 pixels, kernel size = 5x5 // Results --- Matlab (conv2): 0.68 secs. IPP: 0.11 secs. Speedup: 6.2 // // b. Large grayscale image - 2000x2000 pixels, kernel size = 30x30 // Results --- Matlab (fft2): 1.28 secs. IPP: 0.29 secs. Speedup: 4.5 // // c. Large color image - 2000x2000x3 pixels, kernel size = 5x5 // Results --- Matlab (conv2): 3.91 secs. IPP: 0.14 secs. Speedup: 27.0 // // d. Large color image - 2000x2000x3 pixels, kernel size = 30x30 // Results --- Matlab (fft2): 3.92 secs. IPP: 0.34 secs. Speedup: 11.6 // // e. Multiple tiny images - 32 x 32 x 10000, kernel size = 5x5 // Results --- Matlab (conv2): 1.83 secs. IPP: 0.06 secs. Speedup: 32.6 // // // // ************************* // // This is an enhanced version of Matlab's conv2 command. It can be used in the same manner as conv2 but has additional features. // Instead of convolving a single 2D image matrix with another 2D kernel matrix, ... // the image can be a 3D matrix, i.e. a stack of images. For example ... // if you have a 1024x768 color image, this is a 1028x768x3 matrix ... // which can be directly passed to the routine. The multi-threading ... // will ensure that a different processor core will run on each ... // color channel. Note that the kernel is still 2D, so it is not ... // doing a 3D convolution. // But the stack can be any size, for example a pile ... // of 1000 400x300 images can be convolved with kernel by passing ... // them in a 400x300x1000 matrix. // // // Example 1: // // a = single(rand(400,300)); // b = single(rand(5,8)); // // out = ipp_mt_conv2(a,b,'valid'); // out2 = conv2(a,b,'valid'); // % out and out2 are identical // // // Example 2: // // a = single(rand(400,300,1000)); // b = single(rand(5,8)); // // out = ipp_mt_conv2(a,b,'full'); // % Now compare to Matlab's command // for i=1:1000, // out2(:,:,i) = conv2(a(:,:,i),b,'full'); // end // % out and out2 are identical. But Matlab's command will be // % much slower // // // ************************************************************************************************************************* // How to compile: // // Type in Matlab to compile: // >> mex -f /home/fergus/matlab/mexopts.sh -I/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/include -L/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/lib -L/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/lib -lguide -lippiemergedem64t -lippimergedem64t -lippcoreem64t -lippsemergedem64t -lippsmergedem64t -lstdc++ ipp_mt_conv2.cpp // // Normal output: // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(369): (col. 7) remark: OpenMP DEFINED LOOP WAS PARALLELIZED. // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(367): (col. 5) remark: OpenMP DEFINED REGION WAS PARALLELIZED. // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(419): (col. 5) remark: OpenMP DEFINED LOOP WAS PARALLELIZED. // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(417): (col. 5) remark: OpenMP DEFINED REGION WAS PARALLELIZED. // >> // // Note that you will need to change the paths in the command to find (i) the IPP librariesl (ii) Intel compiler on your system and (iii) the customized mexopts.sh file - see below. // ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************** // More detailed output of compile command in case you are have ... // difficulties compiling/linking: // // >> mex -v -f /home/fergus/matlab/mexopts.sh -I/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/include -L/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/lib -L/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/lib -lguide -lippiemergedem64t -lippimergedem64t -lippcoreem64t -lippsemergedem64t -lippsmergedem64t -lstdc++ ipp_mt_conv2.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // -> options file specified on command line: // FILE = /home/fergus/matlab/mexopts.sh // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // -> MATLAB = /misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b // -> CC = /opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc // -> CC flags: // CFLAGS = -ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -fexceptions -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -openmp -pthread // CDEBUGFLAGS = -g // COPTIMFLAGS = -O -DNDEBUG // CLIBS = -Wl,-rpath-link,/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -L/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -lmx -lmex -lmat -lm // arguments = -DMX_COMPAT_32 // -> CXX = /opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc // -> CXX flags: // CXXFLAGS = -ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -openmp -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread // CXXDEBUGFLAGS = -g // CXXOPTIMFLAGS = -O3 -DNDEBUG // CXXLIBS = -Wl,-rpath-link,/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -L/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -lmx -lmex -lmat -lm // arguments = -DMX_COMPAT_32 // -> FC = g95 // -> FC flags: // FFLAGS = -fexceptions -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer // FDEBUGFLAGS = -g // FOPTIMFLAGS = -O // FLIBS = -Wl,-rpath-link,/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -L/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -lmx -lmex -lmat -lm // arguments = -DMX_COMPAT_32 // -> LD = /opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc // -> Link flags: // LDFLAGS = -pthread -shared -Wl,--version-script,/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/extern/lib/glnxa64/mexFunction.map -Wl,--no-undefined // LDDEBUGFLAGS = -g // LDOPTIMFLAGS = -O // LDEXTENSION = .mexa64 // arguments = -L/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/lib -L/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/lib -lguide -lippiemergedem64t -lippimergedem64t -lippcoreem64t -lippsemergedem64t -lippsmergedem64t -lstdc++ // -> LDCXX = // -> Link flags: // LDCXXFLAGS = // LDCXXDEBUGFLAGS = // LDCXXOPTIMFLAGS = // LDCXXEXTENSION = // arguments = -L/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/lib -L/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/lib -lguide -lippiemergedem64t -lippimergedem64t -lippcoreem64t -lippsemergedem64t -lippsmergedem64t -lstdc++ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // -> /opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc -c -I/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/include -I/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/extern/include -I/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/simulink/include -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -openmp -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread -DMX_COMPAT_32 -O3 -DNDEBUG ipp_mt_conv2.cpp // // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(130): (col. 7) remark: OpenMP DEFINED LOOP WAS PARALLELIZED. // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(128): (col. 7) remark: OpenMP DEFINED REGION WAS PARALLELIZED. // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(169): (col. 7) remark: OpenMP DEFINED LOOP WAS PARALLELIZED. // ipp_mt_conv2.cpp(167): (col. 7) remark: OpenMP DEFINED REGION WAS PARALLELIZED. // -> /opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc -c -I/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/include -I/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/extern/include -I/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/simulink/include -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -fexceptions -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -openmp -pthread -DMX_COMPAT_32 -O -DNDEBUG /misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/extern/src/mexversion.c // // -> /opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc -O -pthread -shared -Wl,--version-script,/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/extern/lib/glnxa64/mexFunction.map -Wl,--no-undefined -o ipp_mt_conv2.mexa64 ipp_mt_conv2.o mexversion.o -L/opt/intel/ipp/current/em64t/lib -L/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/lib -lguide -lippiemergedem64t -lippimergedem64t -lippcoreem64t -lippsemergedem64t -lippsmergedem64t -lstdc++ -Wl,-rpath-link,/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -L/misc/linux/64/opt/matlab/R2007b/bin/glnxa64 -lmx -lmex -lmat -lm // // >> // // You will need to alter the mexopts.sh file that Matlab uses. Make ... // a copy in your home matlab directory and edit the glnxa64 portion ... // as per the example below. The alter the -f option in the mex ... // command above to all it. // Here is a copy of the glnxa64 portion of my mexopts.sh file: // // #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ;; // glnxa64) // #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // # CC and CXX should be path to Intel's 64-bit compiler // # note that cce is the 64-bit version and cc is the 32-bit version // RPATH="-Wl,-rpath-link,$TMW_ROOT/bin/$Arch" // CC='/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc' // CFLAGS='-ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -fexceptions' // CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -openmp -pthread" // CLIBS="$RPATH $MLIBS -lm" // COPTIMFLAGS='-O -DNDEBUG' // CDEBUGFLAGS='-g' // # // CXX='/opt/intel/cce/10.0.023/bin/icc' // # Ensure we have OpenMP in here too // CXXFLAGS='-ansi -D_GNU_SOURCE -openmp' // CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread" // CXXLIBS="$RPATH $MLIBS -lm" // # Use -O3 (agressive) or -O (which is -O2) is more conservative // CXXOPTIMFLAGS='-O3 -DNDEBUG' // CXXDEBUGFLAGS='-g' // # // # // FC='g95' // FFLAGS='-fexceptions' // FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer" // FLIBS="$RPATH $MLIBS -lm" // FOPTIMFLAGS='-O' // FDEBUGFLAGS='-g' // # // LD="$COMPILER" // LDEXTENSION='.mexa64' // LDFLAGS="-pthread -shared -Wl,--version-script,$TMW_ROOT/extern/lib/$Arch/$MAPFILE -Wl,--no-undefined" // LDOPTIMFLAGS='-O' // LDDEBUGFLAGS='-g' // # // POSTLINK_CMDS=':' // #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Of course, you will also need to alter the path to the IPP ... // libraries and the Intel Compiler their locations on your system. // ************************************************************************************************************************************************** #include // Mex header #include #include // Intel IPP header #include #include #ifdef MULTITHREADING_OMP #include // OpenMP header #endif #define MAX_NUM_THREADS 4 // Max number of parallel threads that the ... //code will try to use (Integer). Set to 1 if you want to use a single core ... // (typical speedup over Matlab's conv2/fft2 is 3.5x). Set >1 for ... // multithreading. This number should be less than the #cpus per ... // machine x #cores/cpu. i.e. a machine which two quad-core cpu's ... // could have upto 8 threads. Note that if there are fewer images than threads // then the code will automatically turn down the number of threads (since the extra ones do nothing except waste // resources. // Input Arguments #define IMAGE prhs[0] // The stack of images you want to convolve: n x m x c matrix of single precision floating point numbers. #define KERNEL prhs[1] // The kernel: i x j matrix of single precision floating point numbers. #define MODE prhs[2] // String: either "full" or "valid". Unless string is "full", code will default to "valid". // Output Arguments #define OUTPUT plhs[0] // Convolved stack of images. If in valid mode, this will be (n-i+1) x (m-j+1) x c matrix of single ... // precision floating point numbers. If in full mode, this will be (n+i-1) x (m+j-1) x c matrix of single ... // precision floating point numbers. void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] ) { unsigned int image_x, image_y, kernel_x, kernel_y, output_x, output_y; int status,buflen,num_images,i,num_dims,number_threads; char *modep; float *kernelp, *imagep, *outputp, *kernelp_base, *imagep_base, *outputp_base; char default_mode[] = "full"; IppStatus retval; IppiSize output_size, kernel_size, image_size; const mwSize *imagedims; int outputdims[3]; // Check for proper number of arguments if (nrhs != 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Three input arguments required."); } else if (nlhs > 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments."); } // IMAGE must be a single. if (mxIsSingle(IMAGE) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Image must be a single precision (float), not double."); // IMAGE must be 3-D stack of images // Uncomment if you only want this to run on stacks of images //if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(IMAGE) != 3) // mexErrMsgTxt("Image must be a 3D array of images."); // Input must be a single. if (mxIsSingle(KERNEL) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Kernel must be a single precision (float), not double."); // Get dimensions of image and kernel num_dims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(IMAGE); imagedims = (mwSize*) mxCalloc(num_dims, sizeof(mwSize)); imagedims = mxGetDimensions(IMAGE); image_size.width = imagedims[0]; image_size.height = imagedims[1]; if (num_dims == 2) num_images = 1; else num_images = imagedims[2]; //mexPrintf("%d images at %d by %d\n",num_images,image_size.width,image_size.height); kernel_size.width = round(mxGetM(KERNEL)); kernel_size.height = round(mxGetN(KERNEL)); // Get pointers to IMAGE and KERNEL imagep_base = (float*) mxGetData(IMAGE); kernelp = (float*) mxGetData(KERNEL); // MODE must be a string. if (mxIsChar(MODE) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Mode must be a string."); // Input must be a row vector. if (mxGetM(MODE) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Mode must be a row vector."); // Get the length of the input string. buflen = (mxGetM(MODE) * mxGetN(MODE)) + 1; // Allocate memory for input and output strings. modep = (char*) mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char)); // Copy the string output from FILENAME into a C string input_buf. status = mxGetString(MODE, modep, buflen); if (status != 0) mexWarnMsgTxt("Not enough space. String is truncated."); // ***************************************************************************************************** // Main part of code //******************************************************************************** // Decide Full or valid. Default is valid if (!strcmp(modep,default_mode)){ // Full convolution // Create output matrix of appropriate size output_size.width = image_size.width + kernel_size.width - 1; output_size.height = image_size.height + kernel_size.height - 1; outputdims[1] = output_size.height; outputdims[0] = output_size.width; outputdims[2] = num_images; OUTPUT = mxCreateNumericArray(3,outputdims, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL); // Check matrix generated OK if (OUTPUT==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("Could not allocate output array"); // Get pointer to output matrix outputp_base = (float*) mxGetData(OUTPUT); if (num_images