[SMT-COMP] StarExec SMT community change

Clark Barrett barrett at cs.stanford.edu
Wed Jan 10 15:18:06 EST 2018

Hi All!

Happy new year!  A quick update about StarExec for those of you who use it
for SMT work.

StarExec has a new feature: we are planning to add a subspace of the SMT
community space  named Users, and then when a new user joins SMT, his/her
new space will be created as a subspace of that Users space. Furthermore,
we plan to move existing users' spaces to this Users subspace.  This will
clean up the SMT space a lot.  Users should not see any change, except that
they will see their space as a subspace of Users instead of SMT.

This was already done for the TPTP space, and it has worked out well.

Please let us know if you have any concerns about this change.  We will
plan to go ahead in one week (Jan 17) if there are no objections.


-Clark Barrett (for the SMT community leaders on StarExec)

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