Tear Jerkers
In Verse and Prose

Collected by Ernie Davis

Alcott, Death of Beth March
Beerbohm, William and Mary
Bolt, Thomas More in Prison
Dickens, Betsey Trotwood's advice about Dora
Dickens, Death of Dora
Dickens, Richard Carstone in trouble
Dickens, Death of Richard Carstone
Dickens, Death of Tom Gradgrind Jr.
Dickens, Death of Abel Magwich
Doyle, The Veiled Lodger
Eliot, The Hollow Men
Franzen, Death of Lalitha
Hilton, Mr. Chips announces the death of the German master
Lardner, Champion
Millay, Dirge without Music
Orwell, All Animals are Equal
Remarque, End of All Quiet on the Western Front
Anne Thackeray Ritchie, Anne Thackeray is taken on a visit
Rowling, Harry at his parents' grave.
Shakespeare, Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Shakespeare, Deaths of Kings
Thomas, Do not go gentle
Tolkien, No veil between me and the ring of fire.
Trollope, Death of Mr. Harding
Weiner, Ponnie Weiner
Declarations of Love