MACIS 2015 Session (SS0): General Session
MACIS 2015:
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Aim and Scope
We invite you to first consider choosing one of the Special Sessions
listed HERE
for your paper.
If none of the Special Sessions fit, you may choose this
General Session for your paper as long as it is within the scope of MACIS.
These topics include (but is not limited to):
- Foundation of Algorithms in Mathematics, Engineering & Scientific Computation:
quantifier elimination and decision procedures; global optimization;
differential equations; numeric, symbolic, interval and hybrid solution
techniques; satisfiability modulo theories; combinations of logics and
deductive engines; applications, especially in systems analysis and formal
verification; solving (parametric) polynomial systems
- Data Modeling and Analysis:
knowledge discovery; data mining; pattern recognition; complex
knowledge representation and management; foundations and theories for
data analysis; big data storage, transfer, and processing
- Information Security and Cryptography:
security models; formal methods for security; cryptographic protocols;
compositional security; information flow; language-based security;
access control; database security; anonymity and privacy; encryption
schemes; digital signatures; hash functions; cryptanalysis
- A short abstract will appear on the conference web page
as soon as accepted,
and a post-conference proceedings will be published by
Springer LNCS.
- Several special issues of the journal
Mathematics in Computer Science,
published by
Birkhauser/Springer, will be organized after the
conference by session organizers. REGULAR (not SHORT)
papers would be considered for these special issues.
Submission Guidelines
- If you would like to give a talk at MACIS, you need to submit
at least a SHORT paper -- see
for the details. This session is designated as SS1.
- After the meeting,
the submission guideline for a journal special issue
will be communicated to you by the session organizers.
SHORT-SS0: On the quality of some root-bounds
Prashant Batra
(TU Hamburg-Harburg,
Institut f. Zuverl\"assiges Rechnen (E-19)
Hamburg, 21071 Germany
Bounds for the maximum modulus of all positive (or all complex) roots of a
polynomial are a fundamental building block of algorithms involving algebraic
equations. We apply known results to show which are the salient features of the
Lagrange (real) root-bound as well as the related bound by Fujiwara. For a
polynomial of degree $n$, we construct a bound of relative overestimation at
most $1.72n$ and which overestimates the Cauchy root by a factor of at most
two. This can be carried over to the bounds by Kioustelidis and Hong. Giving a
very short variant of a recent proof presented by Collins, we sketch a way to
further definite, measurable improvement.