Colloquium Details

Securing Wireless Communication Against Adversarial Interference

Speaker: Christina Pöpper, ETH Zürich

Location: Warren Weaver Hall 1302

Date: April 22, 2013, 11:30 a.m.

Host: Dennis Shasha


With the wide proliferation of wireless devices, securing information sent over the wireless medium becomes vital. The wireless setting, however, introduces a number of challenges and limitations that cannot be fully resolved using traditional security solutions. These challenges mainly originate from the open and broadcast nature of the wireless communication medium and from mobility aspects.

In this talk, I address this problem and propose different solutions tailored to secure wireless communication scenarios. I focus on the vulnerabilities to a range of communication interference attacks in which attackers interfere with the communication in order to prevent the reception of the correct, timely information transmitted by the sender. In particular, my talk covers the following aspects: (i) the vulnerability of wireless radio transmissions to signal-layer attacks, (ii) spoofing attacks against satellite navigation systems (like GPS), and (iii) novel techniques for enabling communication under jamming attacks without shared secrets.


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