Colloquium Details

For Example

Speaker: Scott Klemmer, Stanford HCI Group

Location: Warren Weaver Hall 102

Date: October 7, 2010, 12:30 p.m.

Host: Chris Bregler


Design examples can powerfully illustrate concepts and alternatives. Online media offer an example corpus at a scale and diversity never before seen. How can we leverage these resources? My group's research tools harvest and synthesize examples to empower more users to design interactive systems, learners to acquire new skills, experts to be more creative, and programmers to engage in more design thinking. In tandem with creating new tools, we study the psychological and social ingredients of design excellence — focusing on the role of alternatives and prototyping. Demonstrating the power of examples beyond design, we create mobile interfaces for example-based expertise sharing and goal achievement. The insights from this research have shaped my design teaching, which emphasizes creating and comparing diverse alternatives.

Speaker Bio:

Scott is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, where he co-directs the Human-Computer Interaction Group. Organizations around the world use his lab’s open-source design tools, and several books and popular press articles have covered his research. He is a co-recipient of a best paper award at both of the premier human-computer interaction conferences (CHI and UIST), Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship, Sloan Fellowship, and NSF CAREER award. He received a dual BA in Art-Semiotics and Computer Science from Brown University, and an MS and PhD in Computer Science from UC Berkeley.


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