PlugDB: portable protection against prying eyes Imagine that you have been entrusted with sensitive data, say corporate, governmental, or medical. Periodically you want to link that data with public data. If you do this naively in an internet cafe, at a customer site, or even on your laptop, spyware could easily steal your data. PlugDB offers you an alternative. You carry your sensitive data with you on a USB key. When you plug in your key, you want to link your private data with the public data without revealing the private data. PlugDB ensures that the only information flow is towards your key (though your key has a small screen or camera for you to see output). This demo illustrates the behavior of a user in possession of PlugDB who plugs the USB key into a modern personal computer, shows the novel query plans used when mixing public and private data on highly asynchronous devices (PC and key), then compares the performance of the mixed public and private queries using PlugDB with equivalent queries on the personal computer. The user will see four screens: 1. Public -- shows the schema seen when the USB key is not plugged in Demo attendees will be able to write queries against that schema. 2. Private -- shows the schema seen when the USB key is plugged in. This is a superset of the public schema. Demo attendees will be able to write queries against that schema. 3. Query plan -- a series of animated drawings showing private-public queries in the course of execution. 4. Bar chart -- for each query, shows the time to execute a public-private query on the PC alone (if the data were there) vs. the time to execute the public-private query using our query processing methods. What the demo attendees will learn: how to specify private data as a database administrator how to query public and private data (the surprise is that we use standard sql, though currently restricted to select-project-join-aggregate queries) the unique query processing methods used the experience of having entirely private data