# Assume we have input rows each of whose fields has the format package__version # So we might have P1__3 P2__5 P3__6 # Another row might be P2__3 P4__7 # Each row represents a constraint. # Each set of rows represents constraints between the same sets of packages. # Different sets of rows are separated by a blank line. # Here is a possible set of rows (in file "foobar") """ [P1__3 P1__4] [P2__3 P2__4 P2__5] P3_6 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P2__4 P4__7 P2__4 P4__8 P2__4 P4__9 P1__4 P6__1 P1__4 P6__2 """ # The brackets indicate possible versions of packages. # So the first row expands out to: """ P1__3 P2__5 P3__6 P1__3 P2__4 P3__6 P1__3 P2__3 P3__6 P1__4 P2__5 P3__6 P1__4 P2__4 P3__6 P1__4 P2__3 P3__6 """ # The first group is the union of the results of each line in # the groups (i.e. before an emptye line or the end). # The first group expands to: """ P1__3 P2__5 P3__6 P1__3 P2__4 P3__6 P1__3 P2__3 P3__6 P1__4 P2__5 P3__6 P1__4 P2__4 P3__6 P1__4 P2__3 P3__6 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 """ # The second group yields: """ P2__4 P4__7 P2__4 P4__8 P2__4 P4__9 """ # The outer join of the first group and the second group is the same as # taking a cross product of pairs and then keep only those # rows where the version numbers for the same package are the same. # This is done by crossprodsel # So if we take a cross-product between the first group and the second # group and do the selection, we get """ P1__3 P2__4 P3_6 P4__7 P1__3 P2__4 P3_6 P4__8 P1__3 P2__4 P3_6 P4__9 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__7 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__8 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__9 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__7 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__8 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__9 """ # The last group # constrains P1 and P6: # P1__4 [P6__1 P6__2] # P1__9 P6__3 # An outerjoin with that group yields """ P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__7 P6__1 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__7 P6__2 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__8 P6__1 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__8 P6__2 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__9 P6__1 P1__4 P2__4 P3_6 P4__9 P6__2 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__7 P6__1 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__7 P6__2 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__8 P6__1 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__8 P6__2 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__9 P6__1 P1__4 P2__4 P3__19 P4__9 P6__2 """ # So we're taking the union of the constraints within each group # and taking the outer join between groups import copy # This is an outerjoin: on any common packages they must # agree but on the symmetric difference of packages they are just # added in. # Each group should have the same schema (i.e. the same set of packages) # So for each row in the cross product of rows having package sets P1 and P2, # the number of unique package-version values # should be equal to the cardinality of P1 union P2 def crossprodsel(arr1, arr2): if testlevel > 0: print("arr1 is: ") [print(x) for x in arr1] print("arr2 is: ") [print(x) for x in arr2] res = [sub1 + " " + sub2 for sub1 in arr1 for sub2 in arr2] out = [] # for an element of the cross-product to survive after taking the # First find out how many unique packages in the union. if (len(res)) > 0: if testlevel > 0: print("res: ") print(res) firstline = (res[0]).split(" ") if testlevel > 0: print("firstline: ") print(firstline) p = findpackage(firstline) desiredlength = len(p) for r in res: sfields = r.split(" ") fields = [*set(sfields)] # remove duplicates if (len(fields) == desiredlength): # no mismatches fields.sort() out.append(' '.join(fields)) return out # This function takes a row which might have brackets and performs an expansion. # For example, it could take: """ [P1__3 P1__4] [P2__3 P2__4 P2__5] P3_6 """ # and expand it to: """ P1__3 P2__5 P3__6 P1__3 P2__4 P3__6 P1__3 P2__3 P3__6 P1__4 P2__5 P3__6 P1__4 P2__4 P3__6 P1__4 P2__3 P3__6 """ def expandrow(r): pair = parserow(r) simples = copy.deepcopy(pair[0]) groups = copy.deepcopy(pair[1]) if len(groups) == 0: return(r) out = groups[0] i = 1 while i < len(groups): out = [sub1 + " " + sub2 for sub1 in out for sub2 in groups[i]] i+=1 if len(simples) == 0: if (testlevel > 0): print("point C out: ") print(out) return out else: # out2 = [sub1 + " " + sub2 for sub1 in simples for sub2 in out] i = 0 while i < len(simples): out = [simples[i] + " " + sub2 for sub2 in out] i+= 1 if (testlevel > 0): print("point C simples: ") print(simples) print("point C out: ") print(out) return out # This function takes a row which might have brackets and separates groups # from simples. # For example, it could take: """ [P1__3 P1__4] [P2__3 P2__4 P2__5] P3_6 """ # and return the pair # [simples, vgroups] # where simples would be """ [P3_6] """ # and vgroups would be """ [[P1__3, P1__4], [P2__3, P2__4, P2__5]] """ def parserow(r): vgroups =[] simples = [] groupmode = 0 chunks = r.split(" ") currentgroup = [] for c in chunks: myc = c.strip() if (groupmode == 1) and (len(myc) > 0): if "]" == myc[-1]: # last character is "]" if len(myc) > 2: # there is a package currentgroup.append(myc.strip("]")) vgroups.append(currentgroup) groupmode = 0 else: # no package-version pair but still "]" vgroups.append(currentgroup) groupmode = 0 else: # no "]" but in group mode currentgroup.append(myc) elif (groupmode == 0) and (len(myc) > 0): if "[" == myc[0]: # first character is "[" groupmode = 1 currentgroup = [] if len(myc) > 2: # there is a package currentgroup.append(myc[1:]) elif len(myc) > 2: # just a simple package-version simples.append(myc) return [simples, vgroups] # finds the packages in the format [P1__xyz, P2__jkjk, P3__jkjj] # Comes up with P1, P2, P3 in this case def findpackage(mylist): j = 0 packages = [] while j < len(mylist): f = mylist[j] packages.append((f.split("__"))[0]) j+= 1 s = set(packages) if (testlevel > 0): print("set of packages: ") print(s) return s # finds newgroups that have common packages with at least one other newgroup def findconnected(newpackages): out = [] i = 0 while i < len(newpackages): if i not in out: j = i+1 while j < len(newpackages): if not newpackages[i].isdisjoint(newpackages[j]): out.append(i) out.append(j) j+=1 i+=1 return list(set(out)) # finds the best join order among newgroups based on package # intersection and size def findnewgrouporder(newpackages, newsizes): firstcands = findconnected(newpackages) # candidates for first group # must be joinable to at least one other group minindex = newsizes.index(min(newsizes)) if not minindex in firstcands: minindex = firstcands[-1] # That will probably be the smallest set ind = [minindex] # start with newgroup minindex packagessofar = newpackages[minindex] flag = True # have more work to do while(flag): flag = False i = 0 cands = [] mincandsize = 1 + max(newsizes) while(i < len(newpackages)): if (not i in ind) and (not packagessofar.isdisjoint(newpackages[i])): cands.append(i) if newsizes[i] < mincandsize: mincandsize = newsizes[i] i+= 1 if len(cands) > 0: flag = True for j in cands: if (newsizes[j] == mincandsize): ind.append(j) packagessofar=packagessofar.union(newpackages[j]) if len(ind) < len(newpackages): i = 0 while(i < len(newpackages)): if not i in ind: ind.append(i) i+= 1 print("ind is:") print(ind) return(ind) # DATA def reduce_config(text: list): #myfile=open(filename,"r") # EXECUTION # One line of constraints at a time #text=myfile.readlines() groups =[] # these will be groups of constraints pertaining to same packages g = [] for t in text: t1 = t.strip('\n') if 2 > len(t1): groups.append(g) g=[] else: g.append(t1) groups.append(g) if testlevel > 0: print("point A: ") print(groups) newgroups = [] newpackages = [] # packages in each new group newsizes = [] # sizes of each group print('# groups', len(groups)) for g in groups: newg = [] i = 1 for r in g: # each row in g expanded = expandrow(r) if isinstance(expanded,str): newg.append(expanded) else: for e in expanded: newg.append(e) print('count ',i); i+=1; if testlevel > 0: print("point B: ") print("expanded: ") print(expanded) print("newg: ") print(newg) if 0 < len(newg): newgroups.append(newg) print("newg: ") print(newg) p = findpackage((newg[0]).split(" ")) newpackages.append(p) newsizes.append(len(newg)) print("packages: ") print(p) print("newpackages: ") print(newpackages) print("sizes: ") print(newsizes) ind = findnewgrouporder(newpackages, newsizes) i = 1 out = newgroups[ind[0]] while(i < len(ind)): print("newgroups " + str(ind[i]) + ":") print(newgroups[ind[i]]) tmp = crossprodsel(out,newgroups[ind[i]]) out = copy.deepcopy(tmp) print(ind[i],) i+=1 for t in out: print(t) return out def main(filename: str="foobar"): myfile=open(filename,"r") text=myfile.readlines() return reduce_config(text) testlevel = 0 # raise the test level to print more if __name__ == "__main__": main("foobar2") # main("foobar") # main("toto_full.txt")