Welcome to
“Intro to Web Design &
Computer Principles”

CSCI-UA.0004.003 - Summer 2014
Nathan Hull
11:30 - 1:05 MTWTh, Room 102 Warren Weaver Hall
July 7 - August 14, 2014

Assignment 7 - Dreamweaver - Due: Tuesday, August 12th
Assignment 8
- Flash (Extra Credit) - Due: Thursday, August 14th

FINAL EXAM - Thursday, August 14 - 11:30 to 1:05
*** Room 109 Warren Weaver Hall
(note room change) ***

"Intro to Web Design & Computer Principles" is an exciting course designed to introduce computers to the beginning student on two levels:

The "Design" portion of the course covers HTML, CSS, Web Site creation using DreamWeaver, and graphics and animation in Photoshop.

The "Principles" part of the class introduces basic design principles underlying a computer, e.g., the difference between hardware and software and the interface between the two.

CSCI-UA.0004 can be used as the first of four courses which make up the Computer Applications Minor.

FINAL Thursday, August 14th during the regular class hours