Home Work Assignment Number 4

  1. Read Chapter 5 in Donaldson book (we will read chapter 4 after we finish 5)
  2. Write a program:
    1. Use the turtle library to draw a picture.
    2. Look at the Manual for Python's turtle graphics to help you figure out how to use additional portions of Turtle Graphics that we did not cover in class: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/turtle.html
    3. You can also look at the 4 square programs I used in class to help you: four_squares.py and four_squares2.py
    4. Include at least a stick figure in your picture.  A google image search illustrates what a stick figure is, in case you are unfamiliar with the term (or want some inspiration).
    5. If you want the figure to have a round head use my_turtle.circle(NUMBER) where NUMBER is the radius of the circule (e.g., 50)
    6. Include functions that encapsulate code for reuse.
  3. Criteria for grading:
    1. Does your code draw at least one stick figure?
    2. Do you have functions that encapsulate ideas, e.g., draw_left_arm, draw_right_arm, etc.?
    3. Is your code easy to run?  For example, it would be good to either:
    4. Do you do anything interesting or creative?