
Based on the EXCELLENT BOOK,
"Core Java, Vol 1" by Horstmann and Cornell,
chapter 7, graphics programming.

(1) AWT and Swing:
	AWT relies on "peer-based" rendering to achieve platform
independence.  But subtle difference in platforms resulted in
inconsistent look-and-feel, and platform-dependent bugs.
Swing avoids these problems by using a non-peer-based approach,
with the result it may be slower than AWT.  
To recover the look-and-feel of each platform
(Windows, Motif, etc),
it allows programs to specify the look-and-feel.
It also has a new look-and-feel, called "Metal".

  Component: a user interface element that occupies screen space. 
	E.g., button, text field, scrollbar.
  Container: screen area or component that can hold other components.
	E.g., window, panel.
  Event Detector: (non standard terminology?)
	I guess most components detects events and generates a
	corresponding event object.  This is sent to the
	registered "listeners" for this event(component?).

Where to get Swing classes:
  Swing classes are accessed by importing "javax.swing.*".
The name "javax" indicates that this is a Java "extension", but
part of Core Java.

(2) First Step: JFrame
	This demo is found in the file EmptyFrame.java
	A top-level window is a "frame".  The AWT library has a
peer-based class called Frame.  In Swing, this is called JFrame.
Indeed, most of the AWT components (Button, Panel, etc)
has corresponding Swing counterparts named by prepending a "J"
(JButton, JPanel, etc).  JFrame is one of the few Swing components
that are not drawn on a canvas.  A JFrame is a "container" meaning
it can contain other components such as bottons and text fields.
The following code displays an empty frame:

	// file: EmptyFrame.java
	import javax.swing.*;

	class MyFrame extends JFrame {
	  public MyFrame() {
		setTitle("Keng's Empty Frame");
		setSize(300,200); // default size is 0,0
		setLocation(10,200); // default is 0,0 (top left corner)

	public class Test {
	  public static void main(String[] args) {
	    JFrame f = new MyFrame();

Question: what is the relation between f.show() and f.setVisible(true)?
Ans: equivalent.

(3) Second Step: WindowListener
	The above program does not exit properly.  You need to type "CNTL-C"
at the terminal to kill the program.  The second java
program called "EmptyFrame1.java" will fix this problem.
After you close the frame, it is only "hidden".  
This brings us to the GUI interaction
model -- the frame need to be given an object called a "Window Listener".
WindowListener is an interface with 7 methods to handle events
of various kinds ("window closing event" is the one of interest here).
When a window event occurs, the GUI model will ask the frame
to handle the event using one of these 7 methods.
Suppose you implement WindowListener with a class "Terminator" which
closes your window properly.
Now, all you do is register an instance of Terminator:

	class MyFrame extends JFrame {
	  public MyFrame() {
	    addWindowListener( new Terminator());

But it is tedious to write a class "Terminator" to implement
WindowListener when most of these 7 methods turn out to be null.
So AWT provides a default implementation called "WindowAdapter".
Now you can just extend this class:

	class Terminator extends WindowAdapter {
	  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

Remark: Should call dispose() before System.exit(0)
to return system resources.  But dispose
alone without System.exit(0) is not enough.

(4) Third Step: Adding a Panel
We can next add panels to frames.  The program called MyPanel.java
illustrates adding a panel.  There are 2 steps:

First, you need to define your own "MyPanel" class, which should
extend the JPanel class.  The main method you need to define
in MyPanel is the "paintComponent" method, overriding the default
method in JPanel.

Second, you need to add an instance of MyPanel to the JFrame.
Not just the JFrame, but to a specific layer of the JFrame.
A JFrame has several layers, but the main one for
adding components is called "content pane".
We need to get this pane:
	Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
Then add various components to it.  In the present
example, we add a JPanel:

	contentPane.add( new MyPanel()); 

(5) Fourth Step: Fonts in Panels
	This is found in "MyPanel1.java", which goes into
some details about defining and using fonts.

(6) Fifth Step: Basic Graphics
	In "DrawFrame.java", we do basic 2D-graphics.
	We use the following primitives: drawXXX where
		XXX = Polygon, Arc, Line.  
	We also use the "fillXXX" versions.
	Important point: in java.awt, you need to use a "canvas"
	to draw.  In "Swing", you draw on any kind of panel.

(7) Sixth Step: Basic Graphics II
	In "DrawFrame1.java", we further look at
	the primitives drawXXX where
		XXX = Rect, RoundRect, Oval.
	We also replace "drawXXX" by "fillXXX".

(8) 7th Step: Basic Event Handling (ButtonFrame.java demo).

	We consider the class "Event", which are all derived
from java.util.EventObject.  Examples of events
are "button pushed", "key pushed", "mouse moved".  Some
subclasses of Event are "ActionEvents" and "WindowEvents".

	Certain objects are "event detectors".  Examples are windows
or buttons.  In this first event demo, we use buttons, as they
generate the simplest kind of events.  Buttons detects only one
type of event -- called ActionEvents.  In contrast, there are
seven kinds of WindowEvents.
When a event detector detects an event, it sends the event
to be processed by objects that implements an appropriate
"Listener" interface.   For buttons, the "ActionListener" is appropriate.
But in order for the event objects to know which listener object
to send the events to, we need to do three things:

	(1) Implement the listener interface using ANY reasonable class.
	    In our example, the class will be an extension of JPanel.
	    To implement the ActionListener, you need to supply the
	    method "actionPerformed(ActionEvent)" (the only method
	    of this interface).  The class for implementing 
	    Actionlistener here is "MyPanel":

		public class MyPanel extends JPanel
			implements ActionListener {
		  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
		    // reaction to button click goes here
		  } // actionPerformed
		} // class MyPanel

	    What is the action "..." above?  This is explained below.

	(2) create a listener object:

		Listener lis = new MyPanel();

	(3) register this object with the event detector.

		button.addActionListener(lis); // button is the event detector;

	    The general form for registering listener objects is:


In our present demo, we will have two buttons (redButton and blueButton)
in a panel.  When redButton is pressed, the background of the panel
changes to Red, and similarly when the blueButton is pressed.
Thus, these buttons serve as event detectors.
To use buttons, we need to create them:

		private JButton redButton;
		redButton = new JButton("RED"); // "RED" is label on button

	In addition to (or instead of) "RED", we can supply an image file:

		redButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon("RED.gif");

Next, you add the buttons to a panel (called ButtonPanel here).
We also register the listener object with the buttons -- but
the listener object will be "this" (i.e., current object)!

	class ButtonPanel extends JPanel {
	  // members:
	  private JButton redButton;
	  private JButton blueButton;
	  // constructors:
	  public ButtonPanel() {

	    // create buttons
	    redButton = new JButton("RED");
	    blueButton = new JButton("BLUE");

	    // add buttons to current panel
	    add(redButton);  // add button to current panel
	    add(blueButton); // add button to current panel

	    // register the current panel as listener for the buttons

	  } // ButtonPanel constructor
	} // ButtonPanel class

We now return the details needed in the "actionPerformed(ActionEvent)"
method from the ActionListener interface.  First, you need to
find out which Button caused this event.  There are 2 ways
to find out.  First, the getSource()
method from EventObject can be used:

	Color color = getBackground();  // color will be set
	Object source = e.getSource();
	if (source == redButton) color = Color.red
	else if (source == blueButton) color = Color.blue
	repaint();  // when do we need this??

The second method, specific to ActionEvents, is to use
the getActionCommand() method, which returns a "command string",
which defaults to the button label.  Thus,

	String com = e.getActionCommand();
	if (com.equals("RED")) ...; // "RED" is the label of redButton
	else if (com.equals("BLUE")) ...;

But the command string need not be the label of the button.
That can be independently set:

	redButton.setActionCommand("RED ACTION");

The ActionListener interface is also used when
(a) when an item is selected from a list box with a double click,
(b) when a menu item is selected
(c) when an enter key is clicked in the text field
(d) when a specific time has elapsed for a "Timer" component.

In our present example of the red and blue buttons,
the ActionListener interface is implemented
by MyPanel for a good reason: the action of changing the background
of the panel to red or blue ought to reside with the panel!

(9) 8th Step: Window Events (NO DEMO PROGRAM HERE! FIX!)
	We now consider the JFrame as an event detector.  A JFrame
is basically synonymous with a "window" and it detect Window Events.
We need to implement the "WindowListener" interface to be registered
with the JFrame.  This interface has 7 methods:

	public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
	public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
	public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)
	public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
	public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
	public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
	public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)

Recall that we already had a brief introduction
to this interface, when we extended the "WindowAdapter" class to provide
default empty implementations for all but the windowClosing method,
which we implement by a call to "System.exit(0)".  
In Step 2 above, the extension of WindowAdapter was called Terminator.
In general, all the AWT listener interfaces with more than one
method comes with such an adapter class.  Finally, we
we create an instance of the Terminator class and register it with
the JFrame using the "addWindowListener(WindowListener wl)" method:

	class MyFrame extends JFrame {
	  // Constructor:
	  public MyFrame() {
	    addWindowListener(new Terminator());
	  } // MyFrame Constructor
	} // MyFrame Class

We can even make the "Terminator" anonymous, as an inner class,
as follows:

	class MyFrame extends JFrame {
	  // Constructor:
	  public MyFrame() {
	    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
	      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
	      } // windowClosing
	    }); // WindowAdapter
	  } // MyFrame Constructor
	} // MyFrame Class
An example where you want to program the "windowDeactivated",
"windowActivated", "windowIconified" and "windowDeiconified" is
when your window displays an animation.  You would want to stop
or start the animations when these events occur.

(10) 9th Step: Event Classes and Listener Interfaces

	Now that we have seen two types of events (ActionEvents
and WindowEvents), let us overview the general picture.  Here is
the event hierarchy:

				 | ActionEvent*	    | ContainerEv.*
				 | AdjustmentEv.*   | FocusEvent*   | KeyEvent*
    EventObject <-- AWT Event <--| ComponentEv.* <--| InputEvent <--|
				 | ItemEvent*	    | PaintEvent    | MouseEv.*
				 | TextEvent*	    | WindowEvent*

In this hierarchy, only 10 event classes,
those indicated with asterisks (*) are actually passed
to listeners. The 10 event classes are classified into
4 "semantic" events and 6 "low-level" events.  Intuitively,
semantic events correspond to what the user intends (e.g., button click),
while low-level events correspond to physical events.

Semantic Events
 1) ActionEvent: button click, menu selection, selecting item in list,
	typing ENTER in text field
 2) AdjustmentEvent: the user adjusted a scroll bar.
 3) ItemEvent: the use made a selection from a set of checkbox or list items
 4) TextEvent: the contents of a text field or area were changed.
Low-Level Events
 1) ComponentEvent: component is resized, moved, shown, hidden.  It is the
	base class for all low-level events.
 2) KeyEvent: a key was pressed or released.
 3) MouseEvent: the mouse button was depressed, released, moved, dragged.
 4) FocusEvent: a component got focus, lost focus.
 5) WindowEvent: window was (de)activated, (de)iconified, or closed.
 6) ContainerEvent: a component has been added or removed.
	Usually, you don't have to worry about this class of event, as
	these events are (usually) not generated dynamically, but in
	your program.

All low-level events is derived from ComponentEvent.  They all have
a method "getComponent" (it is similar to the "getSource" method
but the result is already cast as a component).

There are 11 listener interfaces in java.awt.event:

	ActionListener, 	AdjustmentListener,	ComponentListener*
	ContainerListener*,	KeyListener*,		MouseListener*
	MouseMotionListener*,	TextListener,		FocusListener*
	ItemListener,		WindowListener*.

The listeners with asterisks (*) have a corresponding adaptor class
implementing it because they each have more than one method.
There is a 1-1 correspondence between listeners and event types,
with one exception: MouseEvents are sent to both MouseListeners
and MouseMotionListener.  The split into two types of listeners for
MouseEvents is done for efficiency -- so we can ignore an entire class of
mouse events (such as mouse motion which can generate frequent events).

(11) Focus Event  (NO DEMO PROGRAM HERE)

   (A) In Java, a component has the "focus" if it can receive key strokes.  
E.g., a text field has the focus when the cursor mark
becomes visible, ready to receive key strokes.  When a button has
"focus", you can click it by pressing the space bar.  
   (B) Only one component can have the focus at any moment.
The user can choose the component to have focus by a mouse click
in the component (in some system, just having the
mouse cursor over a component is sufficient).  
The TAB key also moves the focus to the "next"
component, and thus allows you to cycle over all "focusable" components.
Some components like labels or panels are not "focusable" by
default.  You can make any component "focusable" or not by overriding
the "isFocusTraversable" method to return TRUE or FALSE.
You can use the "requestFocus" method to move the focus to
any specific component at run time, or you can use
"transferFocus" method to move to the next component.
The notion of "next" component can be changed.
   (C) The FocusListener interface has 2 methods: focusGained and
focusLost.  Each takes the "FocusEvent" object as parameter.
Two useful methods for implementing this interface are
"getComponent" and "isTemporary".  The latter returns TRUE if
the focus lost is temporary and will automatically be restored.

(12) KeyBoard Events and Sketch Demo
	The "keyPressed" and "keyReleased" methods of the
KeyListener interface handles raw keystrokes.
However, another method "keyTyped" combines the
response to these two types of events, and returns
the characters actually typed.  Java distinguished
between "characters" and "virtual key codes".  The latter
are indicated by the prefix of "VK_" such as "VK_A" and
"VK_SHIFT".  These 3 methods are best illustrated with
an example:

	Suppose a user types an lower case "a".  There
are only 3 events:
	(a) Pressed A key (keyPressed called for VK_A)
	(b) Typed "a" (keyTyped called for character "a") 
	(c) Released A key (keyReleased called for VK_A)
Now, suppose the user types an upper case "A".  There are 5 events:
	(a) Pressed the SHIFT key (keyPressed called for VK_SHIFT)
	(b) Pressed A key (keyPressed called for VK_A)
	(c) Typed "A" (keyTyped called for character "A") 
	(d) Released A key (keyReleased called for VK_A)
	(e) Released SHIFT key (keyReleased called for VK_SHIFT)
To work with keyPressed and keyReleased methods, you need to
check the "key code". 
	public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
	  int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
The key code (defined in the KeyEvent class) is one of the
following constants:
	VK_A VK_B ... VK_Z
	VK_0 ... VK_9
Instead of tracking the key codes in the case of
combination strokes, the following methods which returns
a Boolean value are useful:
"KeyEvent.isShiftDown()", "KeyEvent.isControlDown()",
"KeyEvent.isAltDown()" and "KeyEvent.isMetaDown()".

To work with keyTyped method, you can call the "getKeyChar" method.

The following demo is a "Etch-A-Sketch" toy where
you move a pen up, down, left, right with cursor keys
or h, j, k, l.  Holding down the SHIFT key at the same time
will move the pen by larger increments.

(13) Mouse Events and the Mouse Test Demo
	Some mouse events such as clicking on buttons and menus
are handled internally by the various components and translated
automatically into the appropriate semantic event (e.g,
handled by the actionPerformed or itemStateChanged methods).
But to draw with a mouse, we need to trap mouse events.

When the user clicks a mouse button, three kinds od
MouseEvents are generated.  The corresponding three MouseListener methods
are: "mousePressed", "mouseReleased" and "mouseClicked".
The last method generates only one event for each pressed-released
combination.  To obtain the position of the mouse when the
events occur, use the methods MouseEvent.getX() and MouseEvent.getY().
To distinguish between single and double (and even triple) clicks, use the 
MouseEvent.getClickCount() method.

SIMPLIFY the example in the book (how about drawing a line
to the current mouse click?)  But I already have this under
the "rubber line" example.

(14) Action Interface

Java even model allows us to choose any class as
listener for its events.  So far, we have let each class
(i.e., "this") be its own listener.  For bigger examples,
we want to separate the responsibilites of detecting from
listening/responding.  We need an independent notion of "action"
(="responding to action").  This is logically sensible,
since the same action may be needed for different events.
For example, suppose the action is
to "set background color" (to red/blue, etc).  This action
may be initiated in 3 ways:
	(a) click on a color button (as in example above)
	(b) selection of a color in a set-background menu
	(c) press of a key (B=blue, R=red, etc).

Java provides the "Action" interface with these methods:
   (1) void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
	-- performs the action corresponding to event e
   (2) void setEnabled(boolean b)
	-- this turns the action on or off
   (3) boolean isEnabled()
	-- checks if the action is on
   (4) void putValue(String key, Object val)
	-- store a value under a key (String type).  There are 2
	   standard keys: Action.NAME (name of action) and
	   Action.SMALL_ICON (icons for action).  E.g.,
	 Action.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon("red.gif"));
   (5) Object getValue(String key)
	-- retrieve the value stored under key
   (6) void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
	-- Add a "Changelistener" object to our current list.
	   Menus and toolbars are examples of "ChangeListeners", as these
	   components must be notified when a property of an action that
	   they are responsible for changes.
   (7) void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
	-- Similar to method in (6), but this one is to remove a
	   "ChangeListener" from current list.
Actually, "Action" extends "ActionListener" and method (1)
above was the ONLY method in the ActionListener interface
(cf. the ButtonFrame.java demo above).  This method 
Thus, an Action object can be used whenever an ActionListener object
is expected.  

	There are three steps:
		STEP 1:  Define a class implementing the Action interface
		STEP 2:  Instance the Action class
		STEP 3:  Associate the action instance with components
		STEP 4:  Add the components to the windowing system

STEP 1: As usual, there is a default implementation of the Action
interface, called "AbstractAction".  You can adapt from this class, and
only "actionPerformed" method needs to be explicitly programed by
you.  Usually, you also want to provide a constructor to set the
values stored under various keys, and your class will want a member
variable "target" to remember the component where the action is to be
performed (recall that the Action object need not be the component
itself, after our decoupling of "event generator" from "event listener").
Here is an implementation of the action "set background color":

	class BackgroundColorAction extends AbstractAction {
	    private Component target;  // where you want the action done!

	  public BackgroundColorAction(
		String name, Icon i, Color c, Component comp) {
	    putValue(Action.NAME, name);
	    putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, i);
	    putValue("Color", c);
	    target = comp;
	  } // constructor

	  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
	    Color c = (Color)getValue("Color");
	  }// actionPerformed method
	}// BackgroundColorAction class

STEP 2: we need to instance the class:

	Action redAction = new BackgroundColorAction(
		"Red", new ImageIcon("red.gif"), Color.red, panel);

STEP 3: associate the action with components or their instances:
The following associates "redAction" with a component instance.
The component illustrated here is a JButton instance.

	JButton redButton = new JButton("Red");

Alternatively, we associate any given "Action" with
an entire class of components.  For JButtons, we create 
button class that comes with an action:

	class ActionButton extends JButton {
	  public ActionButton(Action a) {
	    Icon icon = (Icon)a.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON);
	    if (icon != null) setIcon(icon)
	  }// ActionButton constructor
	}// ActionButton class

	// instance it!
	redButton = new ActionButton(redAction);

NOTE: If we introduce "ActionButtons" then STEPS 2 and 3
should be interchanged!

STEP 4: Now add ActionButtons to a menu, then to the menu bar:
 	// create the menu of ActionButtons:
	JMenu m = new JMenu("Color");

	// add menu to menubar
	JMenuBar mbar = new JMenuBar();