Cygwin FAQs


Q: Quick installation

	A: Here are the steps to get a fully working UNIX-like
	system on your windows in 15-30 minutes. I assume that
	have some knowledge of working in a UNIX-like environment
	and have a faster-than-modem internet connection.
	1. Go to the cygwin download site (google will find
	it for you instantly), and download
	the "setup" program.  STORE the "setup" program in a permanent
	directory (e.g., /c/dload/software) because you will be
	using it many more times in the future.
	2. "Setup" will ask you to choose some options.  I suggest
	that you accept the defaults: "INSTALL FROM INTERNET" and 

	3. It will then ask ask you for a location to
	store the "setup" files.  CHOOSE the same permanent location.
	E.g., /c/dload/software/cygwin_files.
	This is because "setup" will remember all the software that
	that you have installed, and this will be use by "setup"
	in the future for automatic updates, reinstallation, etc.

	4. Now "setup" will show you all the software that you can
	choose from -- you can view this list in various ways
	(under "categories", "full", "not installed", etc).  You may
	poke around briefly, to see what is in store for your --
	which is a LOT.   You should NOT try to download all at
	once (it would take too long).  But come back anytime
	to get more software as needed. 
	REMEMBER that "setup" can also "upgrade", "re-install" 
	or "un-install".

	5. I am going to suggest a 2-stage installation:
	the first time, you simply accept all the defaults for
	downloading.  This will quickly install a "base system".
	In particular, the default option only downloads the binaries.

	Immediately after you have installed the base system,
	you run "setup" once more, but this time, you now handpick
	the essential software you need for your work.

	Personal favorites:
	gcc/g++, gmp, gvim, sftp, ssh, make, xwindows, cvs, ...

	6. THAT IS ALL!  
	Use "setup" as often as you like, to search for things
	you need, to get the latest version, etc.  Here are more 
	TIPS for second time around.

Q: OK, but I don't know the first thing about unix

	A:  Yes, cygwin is a variant of unix, so you do know how
	to do basic tasks with Cygwin.  Here is a simple 20 minute
	introduction from nyu:

	I will mention several global things here: details are found
	elsewhere (or do a "google search" on any of the terms mentioned):

	(1) Environment

	Your environment is controlled by the values of various
	variables.  For instance, the PATH variable tells the unix
	shell where to look for the commands whenever you execute a
	command.  Another variable is called HOME, which is the path
	to your home directory (whenever you invoke the shell this is
	your default directory). Another is SHELL.
	Typically, the system variables are all caps, but your
	own user-defined ones should not be.  You can freely set values of 
	these variables.  To see the current value of a variable,
	say PATH, you can type
		> printenv PATH


	The value of PATH is a sequence of paths, separated by ":"s.  I like
	to put the first path name to be "." (which means the current
	directory).  So this is the first plance where my shell looks for
	command which I want to execute.  If it fails to find it,
	it will try the next directory and so on.

	To define a variable, we use assign to it:

		> myVar=10
		> that="1234"
		> this=""

	Note there is no space before or after the "=" sign.
	To use the variable (i.e., to get it's value), just prefix the
	variable name with a dollar sign:

		> usr=yap
		> cd /home/$usr

	to cd to /home/yap.

	(2) Initialization Files

	Your environment is usually set up by various files, some
	of them are system-wide (all users of your cygwin installation)
	and some private to you (in your HOME directory).  E.g., the
	private files in your HOME directory are called .bashrc.
	You can freely edit these files to customize your environment.
	E.g., you can set up your own PATH in .bashrc.

	Another useful thing to do is to "alias" the commands you commonly
	use into something short and memorable for yourself.
	E.g., I like to alias my "list file" command which is normally
	called "ls" to the following two versions:

		> alias ls='ls -sF -color=tty'
		> alias la='ls -a'

	(3) Tools

	Unix gives you a collection of "tools", and you should get
	to know a few.   The first tool you need to know about
	is the "shell" which controls your interaction with unix.  
	There are many shell variants,
	but as noted in another FAQ, I suggest using the default
	shell which is called "bash".
	You can easily write "shell scripts" to accomplish common
	tasks -- put them in a file, and just execute them!

	Another VERY useful tool is "make" file.  It can be used
	to document tasks in each directory you work on.  More later.

Q: How do I access the C: disk from cygwin?  Or, for that
   matter, any other disks that I can see from Windows?

	A: From cygwin, you can get to the C: disk as /cygdrive/c/.
	For example, if you want to see the directories and
	files in the C: drive, do:

		> ls /cygdrive/c

	To get to the "Program Files" directory in the C: drive, do:

		> cd /cygdrive/c/"Program Files"

	If you have a Z: drive as well, then you refer to it
	as /cygdrive/z.

	I like this permanent solution: create a directory for each
	of your disks and mount them:

		> cd /
		> mkdir c
		> mount c: /c
		> mkdir d
		> mount d: /d
		> ...etc

	Now you can directly go to the c: drive, for example:

		> cd /c  

	But WE DO NOT RECOMMEND creating and mounting "/a" above
	since "ls /" will typically fail as "a:" and generate an ugly
	sound when there is no floppy in "a:".

Q: How can I run gvim under cygwin?

	A: First set your environment variable DISPLAY:

		> setenv DISPLAY localhost:0
		> gvim myfile

Q: I am missing standard unix-like utility under cygwin.  You may find
   standard programs such as "more", "make" or some editors
   ("vim" or "emacs") missing.  

	A: When you installed cygwin originally, you probably just
	accepted its default settings.  This only install certain
	basic tools, and perhaps these basic tools did not include
	what you regard as "basic".

	We suggest you re-run the setup program,
	and look for what you are missing.
	(See the FAQ for "setup").

Q: Setup program seems straightforward enough, but any other tips?

	A: More Setup Tips:

	1. When you call up "setup" after the initial setup,
	there is a "global choice" for download:
	the options are (keep, prev, curr, exp), and it determines
	the default action for each piece of software:
	(KEEP) Keep the current version
	(PREV) Install the previous (presumably more stable) version
	(CURR) Upgrade to the latest version
	(EXP) Try the experimental version

	The default is to "CURR", but my
	experience had not been good with this default in the past.
	The reason is that I customized some of the configuration files
	(e.g., /cygwin.bat) but CURR would overwrite them.  They
	seem to have avoided this now.  But if you have trouble,
	I suggest you choose the "KEEP" global option whenever you
	run "setup".

	Also, if you installed LOTS of software, then the "CURR" option
	might take a long time to update all of them.
	In addition, it may have un-intended consequences such as
	undoing some special steps you may have taken in your installation.  

	E.g., I usually use link my "latex" program to 
	"miktex", which is independently installed under windows.
	Setup may undo such actions and cause your "latex" to fail.

	For more information, see
	setup guide.

Q: Which shell should I use?

	A: You may be more familiar with other shells, but the default
	shell in Cygwin is BASH.  We recommend sticking to BASH.
	But if you want suggestions for TCSH, see next item.

	The relevant files are found under /cygwin.bat and
	/etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile.
	There are more files under /etc.  You should set up
	your personal version of .bashrc under your own directory.

Q: How do I use another shell other than BASH?

	A: Here is an example where we set up TCSH.   
	There should be similar steps for other shells.
	There are 3 steps.

	STEP 1: create a text file called /cygwin-tcsh.bat,
	containing the following lines:

	@echo off
	@echo file: cygwin-tcsh.bat
	chdir \cygwin\bin
	set HOME=\cygwin\home\yap
	tcsh -l

	Note: replace "yap" by the name of your own home directory.

	STEP 2: Create a "cygwin" icon on your desktop or your 
	start program menu.  The easiest is to make a copy of
	the default "cygwin" icon that is on your desktop and
	which calls "bash".  Under properties of this icon, set the
	target to "C:\cygwin\cygwin-tcsh.bat".

	STEP 3: Create a file named /etc/csh.login for csh.
	My csh.login file contains these lines:

	echo Running csh.login
	# For tcsh under cygwin.
	setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin/:/usr/bin/:/bin/:$PATH"
	setenv MAKE_MODE unix
	unset DOSDIR
	unset TMPDIR
	unset TMP
	setenv HOST `hostname`
	setenv USER `id -un`
	alias ls "ls --color -sF"
	alias pu "pushd "
	alias po "popd "
	alias rrm "rm -f"

	set prompt = "$USER@$HOST% "
	cd "$HOME"

Q: How about a sample shell script?

	A: First, a "shell script" is just any text file that
	contains a sequence of shell commands (one per line).
	The first line of a shell script is special, and it
	has the form
	where ... can be empty or the path of a shell interpreter.
	Typically, your system has a directory /bin or /usr/bin
	containing various shell interpreters
	(sh, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh, etc).  

	In general, a line that begins with a "#" (other
	the above special case), it means the rest of the line
	is to be treated as comment.

	If a command line is very long, you can break it up by
	using the continuation character "\" (see example below)

	Here is a self-documenting sample script:

       # Sample Shell Script
       #	To execute this file, put it in a file named ""
       #	Make executable (e.g., "chmod a+x")
       #	Now execute this file by invoking "".
       #	Result?  You will see three identical files named
       #		myfile, myhello, myworld.
       #	What are their contents?
       # variables
       p="hello world"
       # simple action
       echo "Hello World!" > myfile
       # simple looping:
       for x in ${list}; do \
       	cat myfile > my${x}
       # end

Q: How do I set up my environment? Variables PATH, HOME, etc 

	A: Your environment is simply the values of various
	variables (called environmental variables).  Two important
	ones are PATH and HOME.  To see the current value of a particular
	variable, use "printenv ".

	The value of HOME is typically your user directory.  E.g.,

		> printenv HOME

	The value of PATH is a list of ":"-separated paths, 
	and they determine the directories where Cygwin looks 
	for commands or programs to execute. 
	E.g., you can set PATH in BASH Shell as follows:

		> export PATH=.:/home/yap/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin

	In TCSH Shell, you would do:
		> setenv PATH=.:/home/yap/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
	This says to look first in the current directory ".", then /home/yap/bin,
	then /bin, and finally /usr/local/bin.

	Better still, since you do not know what the previous value
	of PATH is, it is best to simply append what you want to
	the front or back of the current value of PATH.  E.g.,
	I usually like the initial directories to be "." and my own
	bin, I do this in BASH:

		> export PATH=.:/home/yap/bin:`printenv PATH`

	These variables are normally set up by executing various
	shell scripts.  In cygwin, the following script files
	will be executed (in this order, if they are found):

		-- /cygwin.bat
		-- /etc/profile.
		-- $(HOME)/.profile
		-- $(HOME)/.bashrc

	See this FAQs for information about
	cygwin.bat file.
	.bashrc file.

	Cygwin also has some system defaults
	such as bash.bashrc found under /etc.  The organization of these
	files and their location seems to be somewhat in flux,
	but search around /etc.

Q: How to customize the Cygwin.bat file

	A: When you invoke "cygwin" from Windows, you will
	get a new command window.  The first file that it
	executes is stored in a bat-file
	called c:/cygwin/cygwin.bat.
	Here is what my cygwin.bat file typically looks like:

	@rem file: /cygwin.bat
	@rem ===============================
	chdir C:/cygwin/bin
	set HOME=\cygwin\home\yap
	set _YAP_CYGWIN=true
	bash --login -i
	@rem ===============================
Note that "@rem" marks a comment line. The first command "C:" just changes our disk to the C: disk. Next "chdir" changes to the directory "C:/cygwin/bin" where the executable files for cygwin are found. (E.g., bash.exe is found here, and we will execute it shortly.) Then we set the variable HOME to some directory --- whenever you start up cygwin, your current directory will be initialized to the value of HOME. If cygwin did not automatically set up the directory for you, you may have to manually create such a directory. Finally, it calls the bash (as a login shell).

Here is HOME in this case? We assume that your cygwin is installed in the default directory of "C:/cygwin". In that case, "/home/yap" is really "C:/cygwin/home/yap".

You can do other customizations. E.g., I like to set the variable _YAP_CYGWIN to be true, and this can be used in other shell programs to distinguish between cygwin from non-cygwin environments. Q: How to customize your .bashrc or .bash_profile file A: This is the main customization file for bash shell. Of course, if you use some other shell (e.g., tcsh or csh) then your customization file would be .tcshrc or .cshrc. Actually, all shells (e.g., bash, tcsh, etc) first checks for the file .profile before looking for .bashrc or .bashrc_profile. These files must be placed in your $(HOME) directory (e.g., /home/yap/.bashrc). In these customization files, you can put commands such as: * aliases: e.g., to set default arguments I might want to alias "ls" to mean "ls -sF". * setting of environment variables e.g., export PATH=.:`printenv PATH` * platform customizations: e.g., if in unix environment, set EXEC to the empty string, but in cygwin environment, set EXEC to ".exe". HERE is a stripped down sample of my .bashrc file: ################################################## # .bashrc file ################################################## # PATH #================================================= # Add "." and "~/bin" to PATH varible: export PATH=.:/home/yap/bin:`printenv PATH` # Aliases #================================================= alias ls='ls -CF --color=auto' alias ll='ls -l' alias pu='pushd' alias po='popd' # Cygwin vs. non-cygwin #================================================= if [ $_YAP_CYGWIN ] then export myOS=cygwin export VIM="c:\Program Files\Vim\vim63" else export myOS=unix export VIM=/usr/share/vim/vim70 fi # Shell Prompt customization (cygwin or unix version) #================================================= if [ $_YAP_CYGWIN ] then export PS1='\[\033]0;cyg:\w\007\033[47;34m\]\u@\[\033[42;30m\W\033[0m\][\!] ' else export PS1='\[\033]0;unix:\w\007\033[47;34m\]\u@\[\033[43;31m\W\033[0m\][\!] ' fi ################################################## # END .bashrc ################################################## If you have errors with the above .bashrc file, read about a possible cause below. ADDITIONAL NOTES: If you want to load the settings, aliases or definitions in some file "foo", you can always type "source foo" (or put this line into .bashrc). There are some differences between .profile and .bashrc. The former is executed by "login shells" only, but the latter is executed by all shells. Q: Mysterious errors in shell scripts, .bashrc, etc A: You may get mysterious messages when bash reads your .bashrc or .bash_profile, such as "\r command not found" (or similar). When you get rid of empty lines, the complaints about "\r" disappears, but probably other errors remain. What is going on? The answer may lie in the fact that a text file (also called ASCII file) can come in two formats: in DOS format or in UNIX format. Most editors can automatically detect the formats and work properly in either format. In the DOS format, a new line is represented by two characters: CR (carriage return or ASCII code 13) and LF (line feed or ASCII code 15). In the UNIX format, a new line is represented by only one character, LF. When your .bashrc file is read, bash thinks the extra character is the name of a command, hence the error message. In Cygwin or unix, you can convert a file INFILE in DOS format to a file OUTFILE in Unix format by calling: > tr -d '\15' < INFILE > OUTFILE NOTE: If you now compare the number of characters in INFILE and OUTFILE, you will see that the latter has lost the correct number of characters (i.e., the number of lines in INFILE): > wc INFILE OUTFILE Q: How can I use the X server under cygwin? A: Note that you already have XFree86, the free version of X server, when you first installed cygwin. If not, run the cygwin Setup program again and install it. So you only have to configure it. You first make sure that the directory /usr/X11R6/bin is in your search path. Under bash, this was automatically setup, but you have to do it yourself under tcsh: e.g. > setenv PATH `printenv PATH`:/usr/X11R6/bin > rehash Next, make sure that the .xsession file (or equivalent) is set up in your home directory. Finally, from the cygwin prompt, simply call "Xwin", or to get to, do: > Xwin :0 -query You can also call: > xinit More Options: Wenguang Wang ( at U Saskatchewan ( suggests the following: put a .xinitrc file into your home directory, say, with the following lines: xhost + localhost cd xterm -display $DISPLAY -name "xterm-1" -sb \ -sl 1000 -geometry +0+0 & xterm -display $DISPLAY -name "xterm-2" -sb \ -sl 1000 -geometry +270+190 & fvwm2 Here fvwm2 is a window manager, so place a suitable .fvwm2rc file in your home directory. Go to the official fvwm website to get more information. Q: Can I execute programs installed under the Window's directory? E.g., javac. A: There is no difference between executable programs under cygwin and those "native" to Windows. For instance, if you have installed the java compiler "javac" in the standard location (say C:/"Program Files"/jdk1.4.1/bin) then you can directly invoke it. Better still, just link to it: > cd /usr/local/bin > ln -s /cygdrive/c/"Program Files"/jdk1.4.1/bin/javac.exe . > rehash > javac If you need to access CLASSPATH, you can set this in the Control Panel, under Systems. Alternatively, you can give it as an argument to javac. E.g., you have a jar file in your cygwin directory "/java/lib/pg73jdbc.jar", you can access it thus: > javac -classpath C:/cygwin/java/lib/pg73jdbc.jar Note that the path here begins from C:, and assumes your cygwin is found under C:/cygwin. REMARK: other software that I like to link to are acrobat reader (for viewing pdf files), miktex (for tex/latex processor), gsview (for viewing postscript files), gvim (editor). Q: After I installed cygwin, and I started it it gives the following messages: bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create! bash: /etc/profile: Invalid argument bash: /.bash_profile: Invalid argument A: You need to first create the directory /tmp. Assuming your cygwin root directory is called C:/cygwin, that means you should first create the directory C:/cygwin/tmp. Q: Why is C:\cygwin\usr\bin invisible from windows? A: Because it does not really exist. In cygwin, /usr/bin is just a link to /bin. E.g., if you "ls" the files in /usr/bin and in /bin, you will see identical files. Q: Cygwin with KDE? A: try this site KDE on Cygwin/XFree. Q: Is itoa() missing in Cygwin? My GCC compiler in Cygwin, could compile the "itoa()" function, but could not load because "itoa()" is not found in the library! E.g., % gcc test.c -c -- this works! % ld a.exe -lc -- this fails to find itoa()

A: Function "itoa()" is normally found in , or in CGYWIN. But the libraries (libc.a, etc) do not seem to have it. Your workaround is to directly define this function yourself:

       /* missing definitions for cygwin:
          and this .def file:
       #ifdef __CYGWIN__
       char* itoa (int value, char * buffer, int radix);
       /* This is no strict ANSI definition, and not in newlib */
       char* itoa (int value, char * buffer, int radix) {
         if (sprintf(buffer, "%d", value)) return buffer;
         else return NULL;
Q: Why can't I type "a.exe"? Joe writes: In cygwin, typing "a.exe" has never worked for me, so I've always typed "run a.exe" and the program worked. Have you ever heard of this happening and if so, do you know how to fix it so that the program will run no matter which one you type? A: "." is the unix name of the current directory. So, "./a.exe" refers to the a.exe file in the CURRENT directory. The reason a.exe does not work for you, but ./a.exe works, is that your environmental variable PATH did not have "." among its list of directories (also called "paths") in the PATH environmental variable. See our FAQs about "environmental variables". When you issue a command, the shell searches these directories for the program to execute. E.g., when your type "ls", bash will search these paths looking for the program called "ls" or "ls.exe". Usually, "ls" is found in /usr/bin. Check this in your /usr/bin to see if this is there. You can see what are in your search paths by typing: % printenv PATH You should see a ":" separated list of directories. E.g., I have % printenv PATH .:/home/yap/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/:.... (omitted the long list in my PATH) Notice that I have "." at the front of my search path (some people do not recommend this, but I have not found this to be an issue). Here is how to add "." to your search path: % export PATH=".:"`printenv PATH` Now try to see your new value of PATH. In fact, you should put this export command to your .bashrc file (in your home directory).

Feel free to send me your suggestions for this page!