/*************************************************** * @file HelloIcon1.java * @author Chee Yap (yap@cs.nyu.edu) * @date Jan 24, 2003 * @purpose Java Applet Example * -- an elaboration of HelloIcon.java * 1. Gif size is a parameter * 2. Shows the documentbase * 3. Diagnostic messages printed on java console * @notes For Visualization Class, Spring 2003 * $Id: HelloIcon1.java,v 1.3 2003/03/09 21:38:02 yap Exp yap $ ***************************************************/ import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class HelloIcon1 extends Applet { // Declare variables private Image myImage; int gifSize = 100; // display image in natural size if gifSize=0; // else use gifSize (try gifSize = 0, 20, 50, 100) // Init method public void init() { setBackground(Color.yellow); setFont(new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 18)); myImage = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "gifIcon.gif"); // documentbase is URL of where the // html file found add(new Label("Hello Resizable Icon! ")); // Diagnostics: the following appears in the Java console of browser: System.out.println("Document base:"); System.out.println(getDocumentBase().toExternalForm()); } // Paint method public void paint(Graphics g) { if (gifSize == 0) { g.drawImage(myImage, 10, 60, this); g.drawString("natural image size", 60, 120); } else { g.drawImage(myImage, 10, 50, gifSize, gifSize, this); g.drawString("image size = " + gifSize, 20+gifSize, 50+gifSize); g.drawString("Document base =", 10, 80+gifSize); g.drawString(getDocumentBase().toExternalForm(), 30, 100+gifSize); } } }// HelloIcon1 class