Hermann et al. (2015) created two awesome datasets using news articles for Q&A research. Each dataset contains many documents (90k and 197k each), and each document companies on average 4 questions approximately. Each question is a sentence with one missing word/phrase which can be found from the accompanying document/context.

The original authors kindly released the scripts and accompanying documentation to generate the datasets (see here). Unfortunately due to instability of WaybackMachine, it is often cumbersome to generate the datasets from scratch using the provided scripts. Furthermore, in certain parts of the world, it turned out to be far from being straight-forward to access the WaybackMachine.

I am making the generated datasets available here. This will hopefully make the datasets used by a wider audience and lead to faster progress in Q&A research.

Hermann, K. M., Kocisky, T., Grefenstette, E., Espeholt, L., Kay, W., Suleyman, M., & Blunsom, P. (2015).
Teaching machines to read and comprehend.
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 1684-1692).


This dataset contains the documents and accompanying questions from the news articles of CNN. There are approximately 90k documents and 380k questions. I am making available 'questions/', which should be sufficient to reproduce the setting from the original paper, and 'stories/', which can be useful for other uses of this dataset. I am also making the raw html files available, but I cannot guarantee that these are complete.

Daily Mail

This dataset contains the documents and accompanying questions from the news articles of Daily Mail. There are approximately 197k documents and 879k questions. I am making available 'questions/', which should be sufficient to reproduce the setting from the original paper, and 'stories/', which can be useful for other uses of this dataset. I am also making the raw html files available, but I cannot guarantee that these are complete.

Kyunghyun Cho